Morning light (Wheebyul)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

The soft rays of morning sunlight filtering through the opened blinds tickled Byulyi's face softly, quietly warning her that it was time to get up. The young woman groaned in her sleep, her face scrunching up in a displeased scowl as she stirred, rolling over to try and hide from the teasing sunlight for just a few more minutes of blissful sleep. The movement however, made her acutely aware of the soft caress of the bedsheets against her bare skin and as she moved one hand along her body to confirm, she realized she was as a newborn.

Byulyi cracked an eye open reluctantly, the familiar smell she so adored suddenly making itself known to her as she scanned the room quickly, realizing with an amused chuckle that it wasn't her own. Right, she had come to her girlfriend's the night before. She extended her hand, patting the bed next to her to try and reach the person inevitably laying there and found herself frowning a little when the only thing she reached were cold sheets.

Byulyi opened her eyes fully, trying to pry into the dim lighting to see if she was missing anything but she found herself completely alone. The woman couldn't help but pout a little, feeling a little disappointed to be waking up alone in Wheein's bed of all places. The girl slept like a rock and usually only woke up whenever Byulyi started getting impatient and coaxed her out of bed with sweet kisses or incessant whining in extreme cases.

Byulyi sighed, rubbing at her eyes before she suddenly arched her back, stretching her body to try and get rid of the remnants of sleep still lurking around her, a loud groan resonating throughout the room. Time to try and locate her missing girlfriend, apparently.

Finding Wheein was never too difficult, especially with how loud she could be sometimes, and this morning was no exception. As soon as Byulyi sat in bed, stretching her limbs one last time before she had to reluctantly escape the warmth of the sheets, she heard the barest hint of a sound coming from beyond the room's walls. She strained her ears, a soft chuckle escaping her when she recognized Wheein's voice, singing energetically all over one of her favorite morning songs. Byulyi could picture it quite clearly.

After a few seconds of listening, amused, the woman finally decided it was time to go and get her morning kiss. She threw the covers away from her body, the brusque arm movement suddenly making her aware of a soft stinging pain at the junction of her neck and shoulder. She brought her hand up, gently poking at her skin and hissing a little as she did, feeling the way it was slightly swollen. She hadn't realized how hard Wheein had bit her last night. Still, she smiled fondly despite the slight pain, always feeling this stupid sort of giddiness whenever her girlfriend marked her body, which was rarely.

She liked carrying a reminder that they were each other's and no one else's. Even though they were both very much aware of that fact, she enjoyed having a physical embodiment of that promise from time to time.

After a quick glance in the mirror to see the extent of the damage, Byulyi dug through her girlfriend's drawer to try and find a comfy pair of shorts that weren't scandalously revealing. Even though Wheein's style was extremely tomboyish at times, her love for baggy garments didn't seem to extend to shorts. Byulyi was about to give up and just stride over to her girlfriend when she finally dug out a pair of old gym shorts that, shockingly, extended down to her knees, waving them around in victory for a moment.

She slipped a random shirt on, smiling slightly at the giant pug face now stretching across her front before she looked around for her old underwear, finding it thrown haphazardly on the floor across the room. She strode over to it, hoping she could recycle it this morning, but a single glance told her that she really shouldn't put those back on. Not after last night, at least. She pulled the shorts on with a sigh, deciding going commando might be the better option before she finally moved to leave the room, realizing that the music coming from the kitchen was a little louder now.

Wheein must have been trying to wake her up.

She emerged from the bedroom, quietly padding towards the kitchen, the sweet smell of pancakes mixing with that of coffee guiding her like a beacon. She peaked around the corner, catching a glimpse of the woman she had missed in bed a few minutes ago dancing in front of the stove to the beats and grooves of a song Byulyi didn't recognize, occasionally using the spatula in her hand as a microphone when she spontaneously decided to add vocals into the mix.

The elder stifled a small laugh behind a fond smile, deciding not to make her presence known, and leaned against the doorframe instead to observe. It wasn't uncommon for Wheein to turn into the better version of a pop star, but Byulyi would be damned if she ever missed a second of it.

Her hips swayed to the rhythm of the music effortlessly, one of those pair of shorts Byulyi had refused to wear earlier adorning her perfectly round and it made the elder drool, eyes roaming along the expanse of creamy skin going down her long legs, all the way to a silly pair of kitten fuzzy socks. Byulyi smiled, this was so typical of Wheein. The elder's gaze went back up as the girl started body rolling unashamedly, grinding the air like it was her mission and even though the elder knew she wasn't trying to look good or be y, the whole thing actually looking downright silly, she still exuded an aura of confidence that had Byulyi's pulse going.

The loose tank top Wheein wore clung to her in all the right places, the back of it slashed, exposing more of the girl's smooth skin, just enough for Byulyi to tell she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. She did that on purpose, the elder was sure. Long brownish tresses fell upon the younger's shoulders in soft waves, still damp from the shower she had probably taken while Byulyi was still blissfully sleeping. The latter could practically smell the sweet scent of her shampoo from where she stood, eyes riveted on her girlfriend's gorgeous form.

"You know, if you're just gonna stand here and watch me like a creep, you could at least offer to entertain me with some conversation." The younger's voice was amused, lips stretched into a cute grin, a mischievous glint flashing through her hazel eyes when she finally turned to face Byulyi, the latter answering with a smirk of her own.

"You seemed quite content entertaining yourself," she said calmly, tone turning playful as she added, "And me."

"You ." Wheein laughed, turning back to face the stove and flipping a few pancakes. "I'm almost done if you want to set the table." she added as she finished stacking the current batch of pancakes on the precarious pile she had sitting in a plate next to her before starting on the last one, the whole thing already standing taller than what Byulyi was comfortable with.

"Are we having guests over?" the elder asked, taking out a new plate and transferring half of the humongous pancake tower onto it, if only to ease her mind a little.

"Hey, you ruined the comedic effect!" Wheein complained childishly, "And no, nobody's coming over. I just messed up the measurements and had to add a bit of everything to try and balance it all out again."

"Well, now I think we're going to have to invite someone because we can't eat all of this!" Byulyi remarked through a stupid grin, trying not to laugh at Wheein's face of embarrassment.

"Correction, we're going to have to invite Hyejin because we can't eat all of this. A normal human wouldn't help much." Wheein added behind a playful smile, flipping the pancakes quickly for their last minute of cooking.

Byulyi laughed as she finished setting the table, joining her girlfriend at the stove when she was done and trapping her into a back hug, resting her chin on the younger's shoulder and watching the golden disks sizzling in the pans. A few moments later, Wheein was turning the heat off, sliding the newest pancakes on the tallest of the two towers and Byulyi chuckled, knowing she did that to irk her. The younger turned around in their embrace sticking her tongue out before bringing the other closer to herself again, the both of them staying still for a few seconds, secure in each other's arms.

"You smell nice." Byulyi absentmindedly mumbled into the younger's neck, burying her nose into the dampness of the latter's mane and tightening her hold on her girlfriend's waist.

"You too." Wheein whispered, her breath tickling the shell of the elder's ear. Byulyi shivered when she suddenly felt the younger's hands push past the hem of her shirt, fingertips drawing patterns on the bare skin of her back. "You still smell like ."

Byulyi felt those words go straight down into her pants, the innocent atmosphere surrounding them suddenly morphing into an entrancing warmth, by now so familiar, but still as mind blowing as ever. The woman's breath caught in as she suddenly felt the younger's mouth on her neck, kissing and biting softly until her lips reached last night's bruise, it soothingly and sending a tingle down her spine.


"Hush, don't move." the younger cut her off, mouth still working on her neck, hands on her back now moving a little more boldly, the softness of their caress turning into intent and possessiveness as they now roamed Byulyi's curves unashamedly, insisting on areas Wheein knew to be sensitive.

The elder closer her eyes, hands gripping at the younger's shirt as she tried to stay as still as possible, the glowing ambers in her stomach steadily coming to life. Wheein's hands came around her torso, nails softly racking against her ribs before the younger's palms moved to cup the other's s, kneading at them firmly enough to tease a moan out of Byulyi's throat which she promptly silenced by locking their lips in a passionate kiss.

Wheein could feel her own arousal start to pulse at her core as she felt the elder's tongue suddenly breaching past her parted lips, catching her off guard. She stifled a moan, feeling the way Byulyi reached deep inside , exploring, craving control. The younger would not relinquish so easily.

Wheein broke the kiss brusquely, pulling away slightly to be able to look Byulyi in eyes, a dark whirlwind of lust, passion, love and eagerness staring right back at her and she grinned, very much pleased by the other's response. Very few people knew this of her, but the elder was a lot more submissive than you'd expect. Even though it was true she tended to be the one in control most of the time, she never fought it when the younger suddenly decided to take charge.

Like right now.

Wheein slowly leaned forward, a dangerous look in her eyes, before her lips brushed against the elder's ear, barely even grazing the heated skin.

"Let's eat." she whispered teasingly, chuckling as a small whimper escaped Byulyi's throat. "I meant the food, unnie." Wheein added with mischief as she pulled away, slowly withdrawing her hands from the other's skin. She laughed again at the dumbstruck look on the Byulyi's face, the deep crimson adorning her cheeks worthy of a king's garment as she ducked her head in embarrassment, bracing it against the younger's shoulder. "Come now, food's going to get cold." Wheein teased with a soft kiss on the other's temple, hands now pulling at her sleeves to try and get her to move.

"Right." Byulyi's voice was strained, shaking off her earlier embarrassment pretty quickly as she took advantage of Wheein's turned back to pull her close again, mimicking her earlier position by whispering dangerously next to her ear, "I'll get you back for this."

The elder smirked as she felt the other shiver beneath her hold, a soft chuckle escaping the smaller woman's lips before she glanced back at her, competitiveness flashing through her pupils. Wheein freed herself from Byulyi's hold, casually walking to the dinner table and taking her usual seat, teasing smile on her features.

"We'll see about that."





I was going to leave the in here originally, but decided this chapter should be fluffy rather than y so I'll post the continuation in a few days ;)

Thank you for reading, don't hesitate to tell me what you thought in the comments and have a wonderful day~


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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1233 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe