I Hate You But Then I Don't
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“Oppa…when are you going to visit me?” Irene half whined while talking to someone on the other line. She was just leaning on her Aston Martin parked at the side in front of a jewelry store, waiting for someone.

“I don’t know…how about a no?” The male teased. Irene rolled her eyes at him even though he can’t see her.

“Oppa…the office is calling me about this ing spy thing. They’ve been bugging a woman who is in Korea about this when you’re still th~”

“Got it baby girl. Just chill, okay? I already handled that situation. I’ll visit you probably before your wedding?” Irene groaned when she was reminded about her upcoming wedding. Up to now she doesn’t know how to even act to that.

“Ugh…why am I still talking to you?”

“Because…you missed me?”

“’Kay I’m hanging up, oppa.” Irene grumbled on herself as she ended the call but she was smiling. Having a good talk with a person she’s closed with made her feel light and all. She just excited to see her cousin over.



Seulgi rushed as soon as she received a call from Irene. She doesn’t know why but she just felt like she needed to be there or her parents would flip when they found out that she’s making her fiancé wait.

Or was that really the sole reason?

She saw the silhouette of a familiar lady leaning on her car and as soon as she spotted a vacant parking she maneuvered her car expertly. Later on she was walking towards the female who had her phone pressed against her ear.

Then she heard her sputtering English while calling the person on the other end oppa. Her heart contracted strangely while hearing the other female call someone oppa.

Is it her boyfriend? But she didn’t say she has one.

Oh it Kang Seulgi…it’s none of your business if she’s dating someone.

“’Kay I’m hanging up, oppa.” Irene grumbled on herself as she ended the call but she was smiling.

Seulgi approached her the moment she was done talking to someone. “Hyun, sorry I’m late.”

Irene turned to face her with a small smile plastered on her face.

“It’s okay. I’m supposed to be the one apologizing for calling you at a random time.”

“No, I don’t have much work to do lately.” In reality, she has tons of papers to sign back at the office plus her little innuendo at hiding from her girlfriend.

“Alright, if you say so…Seulgi bear.” She laughed while Seulgi paused at the familiar nickname. Oh how she missed it coming from her.

She called me Seulgi bear! Her heart pounded erratically all of a sudden. And this was somehow alarming.

She shouldn’t let her heart react like this in front of Joohyun but she has no control over it.

She was so intently staring at Irene but she didn’t notice it.

“Why are you staring at me like that? Did I say something wrong?” Irene frowned, afraid that she might have offended the other girl.

It’s because you called me Seulgi bear! “No you didn’t. I just remembered something. Shall we go hunting for our wedding rings wife?”

Irene hissed. “Ya! We’re just going to buy rings for our one year union and yet make it sound so cheesy.”

Seulgi chuckled and just pulled her along inside the shop.

“Come on, stop whining wife.”



Seulgi and Joohyun just picked simple gold wedding bands. So they decided to part ways after that with Seulgi insisting to drive Irene to her office but the shorter girl refused, saying that she has to meet new Japanese clie

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Hi! How are you my fluff balls? I am currently working on my updates. The remaining chapters to be published before this story bids good bye. Thank you for staying with me on this journey! xoxo


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
please come back author nim 😭
: (
Chapter 11: oh yeah Solar!

I'm so mad at Seulgi I'd rather them not end up together.
gosh! years and she didn't even mature.
Chapter 9: how bold of you to propose an arrangement without consulting your girlfriend.
that's what Irene did right? accepting an opportunity without telling you?
Chapter 6: that's disappointing Seul...
26 streak #6
Chapter 5: Wendy knows. I can only imagine how hurt she is.

Meanwhile Joohyun is as confused as ever.
Curious to see how things will turn out!
Chapter 1: oh... she has doubts...
26 streak #8
Chapter 4: Seulgi is furious, which makes sense. She loves Seungwan. Does Seungwan love her? Guess we will find out.

Joohyun is determined to find out things about Seulgi. Wishing her succsess so I can also find out what happened between the girls. This story has a grasp on me. I love it!
26 streak #9
Chapter 3: So Joohyun doesn't remember meeting Seulgi? That is an interesting turn of the events.
26 streak #10
Chapter 2: Just when things couldn't get more wrong, they did. Seulgi just spilled the beans to her parents at a worst timing possible.

Joohyun and Seulgi paired together means trouble.

But I am excited to see how it will go!