The Ghost's Happiness

Devil's Hour - 3 AM

And thus, Dahyun cleaned her whole house until it was spick and span.


Chaeyoung had volunteered to bring drinks and snacks for their school’s goddesses.

Jeongyeon was invited despite having zero connections to those two-

Except for her random encounter with one of them.


It was another Saturday when they had decided to meet up right before the devil’s hour.

They wanted to increase their chances of meeting the two ghosts of Dahyun’s residency since that was the main reason for the demons’ special visit.


“What if your ghosts don’t show up, Dahyun-unnie?” Chaeyoung worried as she took out the snacks she had bought from the plastic bags, “They don’t seem to be very fond of demons.”

“That’s why we’re awake right now. They should be wandering around since they’re the most energetic during this time of the day.” Dahyun replied with a loud yawn, trying her very best to stay awake. “But honestly, I’m just hoping for the best. It’s not like I can summon them or anything.”

“Was our dear Dahyunnie thinking about me?”


“HOLY SH-” Chaeyoung managed to slap her own mouth shut before she could wake up Dahyun’s neighbours with her loud shriek.

The girls could never get used to supernatural beings popping out of nowhere.


“S-Sana!” Dahyun gasped in shock, “You heard me?!”

“Mhm! I had nothing else better to do anyways. I’ve been checking you girls out since it seems like you’ll be having another party.” Sana giggled.

“Oh yeah, about that-” Chaeyoung’s voice got cut off by the sudden chime of the doorbell.

It turned out to be Yoo Jeongyeon.


“You guys are seriously on some weird sh*t to hold a gathering at three in the morning.” Jeongyeon yawned lazily as she immediately plopped her exhausted body down onto the sofa.

She had been working for a few hours prior to attending her friends’ random get-together.

Despite their craziness, the oldest simply had a special soft spot for the two.


“Speak for yourself- you still showed up.” Chaeyoung sneered before jumping on top of the barista’s body, causing her to shriek out loud from her sudden tackle.

“ off, you giant baby!”

“Yah- stop trying to make my neighbours file a noise complaint, dumb and dumber!” Dahyun snapped at the two brawling idiots.

The brief fight ended with Chaeyoung landing on the ground with a painful thud.

Their rowdiness triggered another being to show up to the scene.


“What the heck is going on with these idiots…” Tzuyu grunted in annoyance, “I can’t even relax in peace without hearing random screaming every now and then in this goddamn house.”

“Oh my God, they’re both here!” Chaeyoung grinned excitedly, “Welcome to the party, ghouls!”

“Are we actually invited?” Sana beamed, to which Chaeyoung nodded frantically. “Yay! This is my first party in 81 years!”

Chaeyoung’s jaw dropped open.

Dahyun smiled awkwardly.

Jeongyeon raised her eyebrow.


“You guys really became friends with the ghosts, huh.”

“You’re very welcome to become friends with us too, you know.” Sana blinked at Jeongyeon with her sparkling puppy-like eyes.

Jeongyeon couldn’t help but to gulp from the ghost’s aegyo.

It was too strong.


Soon after they had settled themselves down, the doorbell rang once more.

Chaeyoung’s heart thumped excitedly as Dahyun rushed to answer the door for their final guests.

Jeongyeon had no clue to who else her friends had invited.

Neither do the ghosts.


“W-Welcome.” the home-owner smiled bashfully at the two stunning females who both gave her a smile in return.

Dahyun still couldn’t believe what she had done.

She actually invited two of the most popular girls from her university to her house.

And they seriously came.


… Well, one of them did ask for them to be invited.

Dahyun would never have the guts to do so herself.


“Thank you for having us, Dahyun-sshi.” Mina bowed politely while Momo hide behind her back timidly.

Dahyun was not used to seeing this side of Momo, since the girl was known to be the out-going one out of the duo.

Yet there she was, hiding behind the one who was known to be quiet and reserved.

It seemed like their personality had switched around.


It was that moment when Sana caught sight of the last guests, making her squeal in shock just like before.

Tzuyu’s mouth also dropped open upon watching the two enter into the living room.

Her long body tensed up once again.


The four supernatural beings exchanged eye-contact with one another, none of them making a single sound-

That is, until Sana screamed again when Momo took a single step towards their direction.


“S-Sana! Please calm down- they won’t hurt you!” Chaeyoung quickly tried to comfort the trembling ghost, not wanting her to escape just like before.

Instead of vanishing, Sana hid herself behind her tall friend who was trying her best to remain strong before the two demons.


“Why did you invite them over? Do you guys want to join us in the spirit world?” Tzuyu scowled, her arms extending out to protect Sana just like how she shielded Chaeyoung.

“I-I’m sorry for not telling you beforehand, but they’re really not as vicious as you may think they are.” Dahyun explained timidly, “They’re not like the demons of the past. They won’t hurt any of us.”


“Wait, so you’re seriously a demon, Myoui Mina?” Jeongyeon exclaimed after hearing her friends words, gaining a shy nod as a response. “Holy…”

“So you purposely made us all meet. Uh, why?” Tzuyu interrogated with suspicion.

“Apparently Momo-sshi really wanted to meet ghosts.” Dahyun replied truthfully, making everyone’s gaze turn towards the said-girl.


Hirai Momo’s mouth had dropped agape ever since she caught sight of the two ghosts.

She somehow didn’t notice Tzuyu the first time she had dropped by at Dahyun’s house, thus it was technically her first time seeing her.

Her eyes were sparkling just like Chaeyoung’s when the petite girl had first met the ghosts.

She really did seem to be fascinated about ghosts despite being a supernatural being herself.


“Momorin?” Mina giggled as she gave her friend a poke on the cheek, snapping her out of her trance.

“Oh. My. Gosh.” the demi-demon managed to gasp out loud afterwards, slowly approaching the two ghosts. “This is the best day of my life.”

“Who’d knew we could ever get this chance, huh?”


Tzuyu stood her ground while Sana cowered behind her friend’s long figure.

Momo reached out her hand and poked Tzuyu’s left , making the tall ghost blush in both shock and embarrassment.


“W-What the heck are you doing?!” she stammered while quickly covering her womanly mounds, taking a step back.

“Sorry, I didn’t know I could actually touch you.” Momo blinked, surprising herself and the witnesses.


“Wait what.” Chaeyoung gasped as she made herself to the ghosts’ side also, poking her hand straight through Tzuyu’s torso. “What the hell?”

Tzuyu’s blush intensified from all the attention she was getting. “Can you guys like, not?”

“I guess only supernatural beings could touch other supernatural beings.” Jeongyeon commented, actually interested in them for once.


The barista had slowly learnt to accept their existence now that they’ve proved her wrong by literally existing in front of her face.

She was actually finding the four pretty amusing-

Apart from their sudden entrances, that is.

She would be glad not to get a heart attack every single time they teleport out of nowhere.



Unfortunately for Jeongyeon and the other easily startled girls, that was exactly what happened next.


It occurred when they were simply chatting together within the living room.

All three humans- and an additional Myoui Mina, screamed in chorus as they abruptly gained another guest who seemed to enjoy inviting herself to events.

“Honey! What on Earth do you think you’re doing?!”


“What the f- Im Nayeon?!” Jeongyeon gasped as she patted her own chest, trying to calm her racing heart down. “What are you doing here again?!”

“Because you won’t stop getting yourself involved with that goddamn demon!” Nayeon pointed right at Mina’s face, causing her to wince in terror and hide behind Momo who bravely shielded her.

“I thought you said you wouldn’t save my the next time this happens.” Jeongyeon sneered, making Nayeon’s cheeks blush ever so slightly.

“I can’t help it. I’m assigned to your area so I must interfere!”


“Who is this weird lady in that weird dress?” Sana asked Dahyun discreetly, yet Nayeon’s hearing turned out to be incredible.

“Who the heck are you describing weird, huh?” Nayeon turned her face around to glare at the ghost, making her squeal in fright.

Sana then vanished-


Yet Nayeon reached out her hand and magically brought her back.

The witch was now clinging onto the back of Sana’s collar as if she was grabbing onto a stray puppy.


“Daebak- how did you do that?!” Chaeyoung marvelled in surprise while Tzuyu stormed herself towards the witch, grabbing hold of the female’s wrist boldly.

The two were now staring intensely into each other’s eyes.


“Let her go, witch.” the younger ghost demanded with a low voice, making the witnesses’ shiver from the tone.

Tzuyu was frequently annoyed, but she was rarely seen pissed-off for real.


Nayeon glared straight back, not faltering even the slightest. “Don’t make me force you to pass on from the spirit world, ghost.”

“A-Alright, that’s enough!” Dahyun somehow found the courage to step in between the two. “I’m the owner of the house, so as long as you’re under this roof, you’re listening to me.”

“Woot- go tofu!” Chaeyoung cheered from the side, making her friend blush in embarrassment.

She sometimes wished her friend could shut up for once and not ruin her heroic moment.


“Im Nayeon-sshi, please release my ghost.” the pale girl semi-demanded with a straight face, her hand reaching out towards Sana.

Nayeon glanced at the whimpering ghost within her grasp before looking back at the small human, eventually letting out a sigh.

“Screw you and your adorableness.” the witch huffed before pushing the ghost towards Dahyun.


For a split second, Dahyun felt like she had touched Sana.

But it happened so quick that she wasn’t capable of saying so with confidence.

Sana eventually went straight through Dahyun’s petite body and fell into Tzuyu’s arms instead.


“Dang Im Nayeon, you’re such a party-pooper.” Jeongyeon suddenly felt like throwing a jab at the witch, snickering at her blushing cheeks.

“I-I’m simply acting out my duty!” Nayeon argued back, “I’m supposed to make sure those evil creatures won’t cause any harm on you losers.”


“Evil creatures?” Momo frowned, the tone of her voice startling her human classmates. “Who the hell are you to call us that, you witch?”

“M-Momorin, don’t.” Mina pled quietly, clinging onto her friend’s arm shakily.


Nayeon turned her attention to the demi-demon, smirking.

Especially you, you demi-demon. You have the messiest blood here, you know? How on Earth did a human fall for a demon and eventually agreed on ing them?”


In a blink of an eye, Momo had somehow made her way to Nayeon with a hand gripping tightly onto the witch’s collar. 

She pulled the girl’s face closer towards her own, her gaze screaming for murder.

Everyone except Nayeon and Mina gasped upon seeing Momo’s eyes turn crimson.


“I don’t know who you are, but you better stop talking sh*t about me right in front of my face before I yours up.” Momo growled.

The others were completely stunned at this point.


Dahyun was panicking visibly.

Chaeyoung’s jaw had dropped wide open, her whole body frozen in place.

Jeongyeon was trying her best not to sh*t herself on the spot.

Sana was still clinging tightly onto Tzuyu, who’s face had expressed the emotions of fright for the first time in a long time.


Surprisingly yet not really, it was Mina who took action to ease the tension.


She somehow squeezed herself in between the girls physically, her hands cupping Momo’s cheeks.

She leaned in towards her friend’s face until their foreheads touched.

“Momorin.” she managed to speak ever so softly despite the suffocating tension in the air, surprising the witnesses incredibly. “Stop.”


And just like that, ever so slowly, Momo’s eyes returned back to its natural dark brown shade.

There was a brief silence within the living room after Mina had successfully removed her fellow demon-friend’s hand away from Nayeon’s body, but the silence was soon disrupted by a loud-



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Chapter 11: HOLY ING SHT!!!
This has got to be THE best confession letter I’ve read (in a while or ever?) for SaTzu.
Chapter 20: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!
Thank you so much for writing this, author-nim!
Sanatozakiii #3
Chapter 20: To heck kn this story. Weird but so wholesome i love it! It was emotional when satzu moved on but damn godjihyo. ♥️ I love this story.... Seriously
KimMinatozaki #4
Chapter 13: Wow.. you got me there
KimMinatozaki #5
Chapter 10: SaTzu??
KimMinatozaki #6
Chapter 8: Sana is the only one who found dying being so funny.. please I can hear her laughing
KimMinatozaki #7
Chapter 2: Pinocchio the fainted. Hahahaha what in a world Jeongyeon-ah
KimMinatozaki #8
Chapter 1: Please, this is so funny. Poor Dahyunie
Chapter 20: I love this story so freaking much, I ate it all up in one sitting, it was too addictive I had fun reading each chapter. I cried and wheezed at 2am reading this, it was beautiful, I have so many screenshots of hilarious parts of the story. Thanks for your hard work Author-nim 💜💜
Buddygooo #10
Chapter 20: From the moment Jihyo brought them back to live, I knew she's God haha. I wonder why she associate with crackhead Nayeon lmao. This story is beautiful