Their Long-lasting Friendship

Devil's Hour - 3 AM

For the next few months, Jihyo truly moved the two temporarily into her shared-house with her ‘fellow’ witch.

Thanks to her Godly powers and also her magic-casting knowledge- which she truly had to study and learn herself in order to blend in- Jihyo made the girls invisible to Nayeon’s eyes just so that her big- mouth wouldn’t ruin her surprise.


She also wanted to surprise her housemate, too.

She knew her friend cared just as much about the girls as anyone else.

So she ended up keeping the secret to herself.


In order to help the duo, the powerful woman had taken a break from her witch duties and instead focused on assisting the girls with, well, literally everything.

Jihyo helped Tzuyu with getting into a university- coincidentally but of course not really, the exact same one DahMo and MiChaeng were studying in.

The youngest female will be transferring as a university freshman when the new semester begins, giving her enough time to prepare herself.

Jihyo also went around the town and accompanied Sana with applying for jobs.

Luckily for them, Sana soon became a waitress in a family restaurant again.


Apart from those, the almighty Park Jihyo had also taught them about the operation and function of all the new technologies they’ve never gotten their hands on.

Jihyo felt like she was taking care of two elderly grandmas who struggled with constructing a single text message, but after a while they got the hang of everything.

Sana became addicted to social media and the art of selfie-taking while Tzuyu enjoyed spending her free time watching Pingu.

The youngest was extremely happy that she was now capable of turning on the TV and switching channels by herself.



With two extra females within her household, Jihyo’s bedroom got pretty crowded.

She even gave up her bed for the duo and settled with sleeping on the carpeted floor at nights.

It was exhausting to run around to alter documents and create all that ‘new identity’ jazz for the girls, but she knew she was fully responsible and made sure she settled everything for them.

Thanks to her, Tzuyu and Sana’s age were now back to 18 and 21 instead of 99 and 102.

They were officially normal citizens once again, and despite all the effort spent and sweat dripped, Jihyo couldn’t be prouder of herself.


It was the look on their peaceful faces that made her realise how her bat-sh*t crazy move was the correct decision.

Although what she had done made zero sense and went against all logic and laws, she didn’t give a single .

She has accepted the fact that she had taken a great liking in the six girls whom she never had planned on befriending.


She knew shouldn’t have.

She wasn’t supposed to have favourites.

But the six females’ charms were just too irresistible, even for herself.


She’d laugh at herself whenever she caught her lips arching into a smile whenever she looked at them.

She treats them as if they were her precious children, but mostly importantly, her dear friends.

“I sure did a great job making these girlies…”





After spending the whole day decorating her house with spooky stuff, Kim Dahyun found herself sighing as she waited for her guests to arrive.

It was the night before Halloween, and the seven girls had decided to hold a party at the Kim’s residency during the devil’s hour-

Because Dahyun had discovered the existence of the two ghosts then, exactly a year ago.


The girls had decided to gather together and honour their ghost friends by putting their sorrow at the side for once and to simply enjoy their time.

They knew how the duo would like them to have fun together, just like the good old days.


“JESUS -” Jeongyeon felt her whole body jerking violently, her hands almost dropping the bagful of liquor when she saw the owner of the house on the other side of the entrance.

Chaeyoung was already standing behind Dahyun, wanting to witness that exact moment.

She didn’t expect for herself to be cackling up for another reason though.


“I think you dressed up for the wrong occasion, Jeongyeon-unnie.” Chaeyoung tried her best to remain calm, but she felt like her body was going to explode from holding back so much laughter. “It’s Halloween, not Meme Day.”

“Bug off, Joker.” the oldest rolled her eyes as she made herself inside. “Why did you try to look good for Halloween? We’re supposed to look terrifying- and Dahyun has absolutely crushed it.”

“Aw, thank you!” the home-owner who dressed up as a cursed doll curtsied with a big grin on her face, making herself look even creepier without even trying.


“Oh gosh, please don’t.” Jeongyeon shuddered as she covered her own eyes with her hand, “I’m not look forward to sh*tting myself today. Nayeon would never let that die.”

“That’s just more of a reason for you to crap your pants.” Chaeyoung snickered, “Heck- I’d be sh*tting myself from laughing at your face too hard if I don’t watch out.”

“I don’t have one for you to laugh at, . I’m No Face.” Jeongyeon sneered right back. “But honestly, Dahyun-ah, you can’t go answering the door looking like… that. You’ll traumatise the kids for life.”

“Or someone would call the cops on a sighting of a runaway demon doll.” the youngest girl added in before high-fiving the barista.

Despite being known as the No-Jam brothers, they become Yes-Jam when it came to bullying their other friend together.


Although she was currently getting ganged up upon by the duo, Dahyun simply shook her head with a grin.

“Wow, I can’t believe my diversion worked. You two idiots didn’t even notice the true horror I’ve prepared.”

“Huh?” Jeongyeon followed the girl’s pointing finger, tilting her head upwards.


It was at that moment the barista wanted to go home.

Chaeyoung started clapping slowly while Jeongyeon could only let out a deep sigh.


“… Same old trick, huh.”

“Merry Christmas.” Annabelle puckered out her lips as she waited for a kiss under the mistletoe that hung loosely above the door frame, only to get her face pushed away mercilessly just like last year. “I’ll get you and your lips someday.”


“Uh, no you won’t.”


Being the only one who was used to her girlfriend’s teleportation entrances, Jeongyeon merely blinked when Nayeon suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Unfortunately, Dahyun and Chaeyoung still had a mini heart attack.


“Can’t you enter my house like a normal person for once?” Dahyun whined as she patted her chest, “I have a door with locks on it for a reason.”

“But I’m not a normal person. I’m a wi-”

Nayeon had been facing Chaeyoung the Joker when she abruptly appeared within the living room, thus it was at that moment when she finally took notice of the other girls’ appearances.

To her surprise, it was the witch’s turn to scream.


“Christ- I was about to sock you right in the face.” Nayeon huffed as she also patted her chest, trying to calm her heart down from the shock. “If they’re planning on making a fourth Annabelle movie they should just cast you as the ing doll.”

“Aw, thank you!”

“And you-” Nayeon turned herself around to face her lover, just to find herself bursting out into laughter uncontrollably.

Jeongyeon could only sigh as she was slowly getting used to the reaction by now.


“Honey, I tried so hard to look appealing for you, yet you dare to show up looking like a goth McDonalds?!” Nayeon shook her head in her Catwoman outfit. “Maybe I should just hook up with Joker for the night. She looks hella fine.”

“I don’t think I should be cheating on a demon, Im Nayeon-sshi.” Chaeyoung chuckled before wriggling her arm out of Nayeon’s grasp. “You wouldn’t want to get on her bad side, trust me. I witnessed her getting mad once, and I felt like her glare pierced a hole straight through my eyeballs.”


“By the way, where’s Jihyo?” Jeongyeon suddenly pointed out and switched the topic, “You guys didn’t plan on coming together?”

“I did, but she said she had something to deal with before coming to the party.” the younger witch shrugged. “Honestly, I think it was just an excuse to get away from my to have some peaceful alone-time.”

“Oof, you’re actually roasting yourself?” Dahyun laughed. “That’s highly unusual for the self-loving queen to say.”

“I’ve given up on life. No big deal.”



Not long after they had settled themselves the living room, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house again.

Forcing Dahyun to stay seated, Jeongyeon was the one to answer the door despite Chaeyoung going against the idea.

As soon as she swung the door open, the barista saw two pairs of eyeballs staring straight back at her blankly.

It took them five seconds before anyone reacted properly.


“Holy cow- you sure went all out, Jeongyeon-ah.” Momo laughed while Mina also giggled at the side.

“Pfft- wait ‘til you see your girlfriend.” No Face sneered, “Try not to doubt your love for her when you do.”

“I’m sure my tofu is still adorable as usual.”

“Um- just go see for yourself.”


As they took off their shoes, Jeongyeon’s attention then turned to the other demon whose face was still pink from laughter.

“Damn Mina- did you and Chaeng discuss beforehand about becoming the best looking couple of the day?”

“Eh? I actually tried to look scary though.” Mina blinked as she looked down at her own attire.

Although the ancient bandages and the eerie-looking makeup were incredibly similar to the Mummy, her beauty simply prevented her from looking as terrifying as the real deal.


Chaeyoung’s lips couldn’t help but arch into a shy grin as Mina approached, pulling her into a loving embrace before giving her light kisses on her hair as she didn’t want to ruin both of their detailed makeup.

Jeongyeon made a face and turned to face the other couple, who unfortunately were acting just as lovey-dovey.

Momo had pulled the giant doll onto her lap and was back-hugging her tightly.

Dahyun seemed to be enjoying the affection greatly.


Nayeon, who sat right beside them, had the exact same expression on her face as her girlfriend.

“Wow, I can’t believe you can still act like this when she looks like that.” she cackled. “That’s true love right there.”

“But seriously, ya’ll need to stop before I throw up.” Jeongyeon grimaced, “I’d rather vomit from drinking too much than from witnessing excessive PDA.”

“Aren’t you just being jealous because I’m not acting like that to you?” Catwoman wriggled her eyebrows as she turned around to face her girlfriend. “I’m not trying to turn my lips black nor white by kissing you though, so go ahead and scold them.”


“Jeongyeon-unnie, you kind of look like a mixture between a metal head and a nun.” Mina commented all of a sudden, and that was enough for the others to erupt into another round of laughter again.

“If Mina-unnie can tease you, you know you look ed up.” Chaeyoung wheezed as she slapped her thigh.

“Gosh, I think I’ll be able to have abs like Momo-unnie by the end of this party.” Dahyun wiped a teardrop away, “My muscles are already sore from laughing too hard…”


“Oh? You’ve seen Momorin’s abs already?” Mina grinned playfully, “When?”

“Wow Mina’s on a roll.” Nayeon snickered, “But damn, Momo has abs?”

“I see Chaeyoung has unfortunately tainted your pure mind huh, Mina-unnie.” Dahyun shook her head, though her cheeks were burning up from shyness. “Rest in peace, innocent Myoui Mina.”


“Sharing is caring Dahyun-sshi. Show that sweet thang to me.” Nayeon her lips while looking Momo up and down, resulting Jeongyeon to smack her on the back of her head.

“Stop acting like a total creep. I won’t hesitate to call the cops on you.”

“Rude. I’m simply trying to admire the human body.”

“That’s illegal.”

You’re illegal.” Nayeon smirked as she Jeongyeon’s chin. “For looking so damn hot- when you’re not dressed up as a weird spirit.”


“Oh gross- don’t start another sappy flirt-battle again. I witnessed it once and that was all I can take within this lifetime.” Joker pretended to barf while her girlfriend giggled softly beside her, “Momo-unnie, just show your abs so they can shut up, please.”

“I mean- I would, but I’m too lazy to take off this corset.” Momo smiled sheepishly, “It took me a while to get it on properly.”

“Then take it off for her, Dahyun-unnie.” Chaeyoung smoothly followed, resulting the home-owner to hiss in embarrassment.

“Please control your erted girlfriend, Mina-unnie!”

“Sorry Dahyunnie, but I find this entertaining to watch myself.”

“Oh no, we’ve truly lost her. We lost Mina.”


Jeongyeon sighed as she leaned back onto the sofa. “Ugh, this is what happens when the most reasonable person is absent.”

Dahyun glanced at the clock on her wall and nodded. 

“Yeah, Jihyo’s pretty late.”



As if she had summoned her by mentioning her name, the final guest showed up.

The two younger humans found themselves screaming once again while the others greeted her happily.

Of course, two specific faces caught her attention first.


“Wow.” was the first thing Jihyo said as she stared at the most crack-head-looking duo. “I’m not going to witness any breakups today, am I?”

“Don’t worry, I love her even if she’s going to haunt me in my nightmare.” Momo grinned as she snuggled her face onto Dahyun’s back.

Her girlfriend pouted from the comment, but she eventually let it pass as she melted within her embrace.


“Well now that we’re all here, shall we finally start the movie marathon?” Chaeyoung asked the home-owner. “Or should we just stare at your face for the rest of the night since you’re quite a horror movie yourself?”

“Shut up and put something on.” Dahyun grunted as she threw the remote at her cheeky friend’s face before she went to pour some drinks for her guests.

As always, Jeongyeon stood up and went to help while the others focused on the TV.


“Let’s watch something with Dahyun in it.” Nayeon commented as they scrolled through the list of horror movies.

“I don’t think I’d be able to look at her afterwards though.” Mina squeaked timidly, clinging onto her Joker.

“Don’t you think it’s weird though? Annabelle’s just a doll. Can’t you just send her flying with a rugby-styled kick-off?” Jeongyeon muttered. “I can’t see how a freaking doll’s supposed to murder people.”

“Haven’t you seen the movie? They threw her away and she magically returned to their house!” Chaeyoung answered with a scoff. “Get your head in the game, man.”

“Yeah, but the woman was like ‘Oh damn, she made her way back somehow. I guess I’ll just take her back in haha there’s nothing weird about this at all!’” Nayeon sneered. “This is why I like to watch horror movies- to roast the out of them.”

“Well I really hope you can keep your mouth shut throughout our movie marathon, or else I’ll mute you again.” Jihyo sighed. “Let the other girls enjoy it properly without your bull-crap, please.”



As they were still trying to decide on what to watch, the doorbell suddenly chimed once more, gaining all of their attention.

But this time they knew it was unexpected-

Because all seven of them were already present.


“Kids?” Momo asked with curious eyes.

“Sh*t- we didn’t really prepare any candy for them, what do we do?” Chaeyoung panicked. “Do you think they’d accept a single potato chip as a treat?”

“Nah, I know what to do.” Dahyun grinned as she rubbed her hands together, already approaching the door. “I’m gonna scare them away.”

“Wow, brutal.” Jeongyeon snickered. “I guess you are possessed by your costume. You’re never mean to children.”

“Well, it is Halloween. Maybe they’ll appreciate the spooks.” the youngest girl chuckled as she watched their friend leave.


Without another reply, Dahyun swung the door open for the sudden visitors.

To the other girls’ surprise, they heard nothing after the unlocking clicks of the front door.

Even Dahyun wasn’t making a single noise for some reasons.



“Trick or treat!”



The sudden voice resulted everyone’s heart to skip a beat.

It sounded terrifyingly familiar.

And it definitely didn’t belong to a child.


Five girls quickly shuffled towards the main entrance to take a peak for themselves, but they ended up reacting in the exact same manner as the home-owner.

Their whole bodies froze as their brains failed to function properly anymore.

What they saw in front of their very own eyes made no sense.


It should be impossible.

There were no logical explanations for it.

But yet there they were, smiling back at them.


“Do you like our costumes? Chewy and I are dressed up as ghosts.” Sana giggled as they were simply dressed in their usual clothing, trying to make a joke.

Unfortunately the others were too dumbfounded to react.


“I thought this would be a touching moment, but I honestly can’t take anything seriously when you look like that, Kim Dahyun.” Tzuyu snickered quietly as she shook her head.

“W-What is…” Dahyun finally choked out, her eyes blinking rapidly. “A-Am I hallucinating?”

“Yoo Jeongyeon, did you spike our drinks with weird sh*t?” Nayeon exclaimed in shock as her gaze stuck on the familiar-looking girls, unable to believe her eyes.

“We haven’t even started drinking yet, .”

“Then how is this possible…” Chaeyoung whispered as her large eyes trembled in confusion.


Sana observed everyone’s expressions before giggling out loud.

“Why don’t you go ask Jihyo at the back?”


The six girls immediately turned their heads around to look for the ‘witch’, who was the only one who didn’t leave her seat to check on the situation.

She knew from the start, that’s why.

It was her plan afterall.


“Park Jihyo, explanations. Now.” Nayeon stomped towards her housemate with her arms placed on her waist. “What the is this?”

“Trick or treaters, duh.”

“Stop acting stupid! It’s not a joking matter!”


Jihyo sighed with a soft smile as she saw her friend tearing up from her emotions.

The sight of the bold female breaking down make her pull Nayeon into a warm hug.

She also glanced at everyone else who were still waiting patiently for her to speak up about the matter.


“Alright alright, calm yourselves down and relax. All these staring is making me nervous.” Jihyo chuckled as she made Nayeon sit back down onto the sofa with her.

While the others girls also returned back to their spot, Sana and Tzuyu invited themselves inside and closed the door for Dahyun.

They then kept themselves busy by admiring all of their friends’ individual faces and costumes.


They’ve missed them just as much.

They felt good to be back.


And to see them in weird outfits was just a bonus.


“So you’re the one who brought them back?” Chaeyoung was the first to speak up, her curiosity got the better of her. “How the heck is that even possible?”

“Yes I did, and witch powers, mate.”

“I’m still sceptical about that, Park Jihyo-sshi.” Tzuyu did the international ‘I’m watching you’ hand gesture to her. “No one can fool me.”

“Yah, I’ve helped you for so long! Don’t gang up on me with them.”


“How long have you two been back?” it was Jeongyeon’s turn to question.

“A couple of months, I think?” Sana turned her head to confirm with her girlfriend, who merely shrugged. “We were so busy with getting accustomed to the modern world that time flew past really quickly for us!”

“Wait, then where did you guys live?” Momo asked, “And why has none of us stumbled across you two on the streets or something?”


“Jihyo.” the two answered simultaneously. “… unnie.” Tzuyu then added, making both herself and Sana laugh.


“Yeah, they’ve been living with me.” Jihyo replied, making Nayeon’s jaw drop to the floor.

“B*tch- we live under the same roof!”

“I casted a spell for you to be unable to see them.” the powerful woman grinned. “But seriously, you guys don’t know how hard it was to keep them as a secret to myself. I’ve been waiting for this moment for quite a while now.”


“You’re so mean.” Momo pouted as she leaned her head onto Jihyo’s shoulder, “How could you keep them from us for so long?”

“We’ve really, really missed you guys.” Mina spoke softly as she made eye-contact with Tzuyu, whose eyes immediately sparkled in joy.

After all this time, she was still a soft baby for the kind demon.


The two ex-ghosts suddenly took notice of the only female who had not spoken a word ever since they had gathered back into her living room.

Dahyun was merely staring at the two as if she was still taking in the sight of their faces again.

As if they’d disappear again if she didn’t keep on looking.

As if she was scared that this was all a dream.

She really didn’t want to lose them again.


Sana smiled as she scooched herself closer to her side. “Did you miss us, Dahyunnie?” she cooed softly.

Tzuyu also leaned forward to look at their ex-housemate, her lips had arched into a wide grin.

“Because we sure missed you, Dahyun-unnie.”



The warmness of their voices triggered the girl’s waterworks as tears abruptly fell down onto her cheeks, surprising the witnesses.

Sana took some tissue paper and dabbed her face dry, her movement slow and gentle.

The other girls were looking at them with soft smiles on their own faces, all knowing how Dahyun had suffered the most from their departure.

They all knew the pain which they’d gladly never experience ever again.


Dahyun seemed to have snapped out of the trance after feeling Sana’s touch.

The female’s hand was now her cheek softly as a gesture of comfort.


“W-Wait, how come you can touch me…?” she blinked rapidly, resulting more tears to get squeezed out.

“Jihyo, duh.” Chaeyoung attempted to answer, but she found her eyes widening when Jihyo shook her head.


“They’re not ghosts anymore. Just like you three, they’re human now.”


WHAT?!” all of the girls apart from Dahyun and her ex-ghosts shrieked in both shock and delight.

The pale female was still too dazed and emotional to scream along.

The mass amount of emotions with her petite body made her struggle to take them all in at once.

Her two friends’ loud voices were noisy enough anyways.


“Didn’t you guys hear when Chaeyoungie asked if I brought them back?” Jihyo laughed at their reaction, “I said yes. I brought them back. To life.”

“Daebak- witches can do that?” Chaeyoung gasped in awe, “I thought you guys could only contact the dead or something.”

I’m a witch myself and I am so ing lost.” Nayeon spluttered in confusion. “Park Jihyo, how the heck did you manage to stuff their wandering souls back into their bodies?!”


“That’s exactly what I had asked!” Tzuyu exclaimed in excitement, “See? You’re being suspicious as hell, Jihyo-unnie.”

Everyone’s gaze landed on the powerful woman again, making her sigh out loud.

She found herself struggling against her own creations.


“Look, they’re back alive and that’s that. Can’t we just accept the fact and move on?” Jihyo tried her best to avoid being interrogated.

She knew that her friends would become skeptical about things, but she couldn’t afford to confess the truth.

Of course she couldn’t just say “Because I’m God Almighty and I said ‘ you’ to the rules of life because I missed them too much myself”, no matter how much she wanted to.

She didn’t want to think about the aftermath if that had occurred.

Too much of a hassle.



Defeated, the eight girls were forced to move on from the topic and simply welcomed the girls back with open arms- literally.

With Sana engulfing Dahyun within her arms first, she triggered the rest of the girls to follow suit and soon after they were all group-hugging in the middle of the girl’s living room.


“Dahyunnie, I’m sorry but your face is really terrifying up close. I can’t believe I managed to hug you voluntarily.”

“Aw, thank you!”

“… Why are you thanking her, Dahyun-unnie? And Momo-unnie, your fluffy- coat’s fur is sticking up my nostrils. I can’t breathe.”

“Oops, sorry Chaeyoungie.”

“Yah honey! You smudged your white face-paint onto my black outfit!”

You’re the one who chose to lean onto me, idiot.”

“… Nothing has ever changed, huh.”

“Yeah, you honestly didn’t miss out much, Chewy. Apart from bucket-full of tears and snot.”

“Ew Momorin, that’s really gross.”

“And you still can’t pronounce my name, huh.”

“Woah Myoui Mina, your bandages actually feels really nice and soft even though they look pretty rough.”

“… Thank you…?”

“Jihyo-unnie, are you ually harassing my girlfriend?!”

“Excuse you, she was ually harassing me. I felt that hand on my .”

“Oh oops, that was actually me.”

“… What the , Im Nayeon?”

“So you’re just going to cheat on me like this?”

“Honey, I can’t pinch your -cheeks even if I wanted to. I can’t tell where they’re at.”

“Rude, I have a decent booty.”

“I know you do, I meant I can’t locate them because of your costume. Your booty vanished under all that cloth.”

“Can we like, stop talking about butts in the middle of my goddamn living room?”



And after they had finally let go of one another, Dahyun filled two more cups for her final two guests.

They all held onto their drinks, smiling lovingly at one another.

They knew their solemn days were now in the past, and that their wonderful journey has officially resumed itself.


All of them couldn’t be happier about it-

No matter how much weird sh*t they’ll have to go through together because of one another’s craziness.

They knew there were more crack-head moments in the future waiting for them, but instead of dreading it they found themselves anticipating for what’s to come instead.


The group of girls huddled closer together, finally starting their party right before the devil’s hour was about to end.

They didn’t care about the time anymore, and they knew they didn’t have to.


Raising their cups in a circular formation, all nine girls cheered happily.




“Cheers, to a long-lasting friendship!”

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Chapter 11: HOLY ING SHT!!!
This has got to be THE best confession letter I’ve read (in a while or ever?) for SaTzu.
Chapter 20: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!
Thank you so much for writing this, author-nim!
Sanatozakiii #3
Chapter 20: To heck kn this story. Weird but so wholesome i love it! It was emotional when satzu moved on but damn godjihyo. ♥️ I love this story.... Seriously
KimMinatozaki #4
Chapter 13: Wow.. you got me there
KimMinatozaki #5
Chapter 10: SaTzu??
KimMinatozaki #6
Chapter 8: Sana is the only one who found dying being so funny.. please I can hear her laughing
KimMinatozaki #7
Chapter 2: Pinocchio the fainted. Hahahaha what in a world Jeongyeon-ah
KimMinatozaki #8
Chapter 1: Please, this is so funny. Poor Dahyunie
Chapter 20: I love this story so freaking much, I ate it all up in one sitting, it was too addictive I had fun reading each chapter. I cried and wheezed at 2am reading this, it was beautiful, I have so many screenshots of hilarious parts of the story. Thanks for your hard work Author-nim 💜💜
Buddygooo #10
Chapter 20: From the moment Jihyo brought them back to live, I knew she's God haha. I wonder why she associate with crackhead Nayeon lmao. This story is beautiful