The Assisting Females

Devil's Hour - 3 AM

“… Come again?”


Jeongyeon was alone in the coffee store, facing the girl who just drove off another girl.

She had instantly recognised the female’s face who she first met at Dahyun’s Halloween party.

For some odd reasons, she was still in her witch costume.


“I said, you got saved from a demon. By me.” Nayeon kindly repeated. “You can show you gratitude by treating me to a strawberry shortcake if you’d like. I wouldn’t mind.”

“A demon, huh.” Jeongyeon nodded, “And you’re supposed to be a witch?”

“I’m not supposed to be one, I am one.”


The barista couldn’t help but to let out a scoff.

“Sorry, I can’t treat anyone anything. I’m not trying to get fired for treating a ‘witch’ who apparently saved my life.”


The grin on Im Nayeon’s face instantly faded upon hearing the girl’s sass. “You don’t believe me yet, do you?”

“I don’t think I would ever, to be honest.”

“But why?!”

“Sorry to break it to you now, witch girl, but I don’t believe in supernatural stuff.” Jeongyeon merely shrugged, “I only celebrate Halloween because Dahyun and Chaeyoung like it so much. I wouldn’t have bothered if she didn’t invite me to the party.”

“Still, you witnessed Jihyo pop out of nowhere that day!”

“Sorry- who?”

“Gosh, how much denser can you get?” Nayeon muttered in disbelief, “My fellow witch who scared you sh*tless to the point you fainted!”

Jeongyeon tried her best to contain her irritation.

“Look, the drinks hit me hard at that party, alright? I felt like death the next morning, so don’t expect me to remember much.”


The annoyed witch let out another sigh as she ruffled her hair.

“Why did I even bother risking my for yours. I can’t believe I’m attracted to a real idiot.” she tutted, “Maybe I should drink this moment away too. Do you guys sell booze?”

“This is a café, Im Nayeon-sshi, not a bar.”

“Then goodbye.” the visibly upset witch turned herself towards the exit.

Yet, she stopped on her tracks just before she reached out for the door handle and turned her head back to look at Jeongyeon one last time.


“Stay alert, Yoo Jeongyeon. I’m not going to save your the next time this happens.”


And then the wind chime rang, with the witch disappearing out of the barista’s sight soon afterwards.

Jeongyeon was once again all alone in the shop, dumbstruck from the weird girl’s words.

In the end she still didn’t get any proper customers.





“You met her again, but still don’t believe in the supernatural?!” Chaeyoung spluttered in confusion.

The trio had finally found some time to reunite.

They all had a lot to discuss ever since their Halloween party, thus they gathered back within Dahyun’s house on a Saturday afternoon.

The girl’s house was like their unofficial headquarter by now.


“Come on, it’s the 21st century. Why would there be witches appearing out of nowhere?”

“Because they still exist. It’s just that simple!”

“Dahyun, help me out on this one man.”

“I can’t. My house is haunted.”

“Gosh, not you too. Is this what happens when I leave you alone with Chaeyoung for too long?”

“She’s dead serious. I saw them too!”

“I swear I’ll report you both to the police station without any hesitation.”

“But we talked to Dahyun’s ghosts right where you’re currently sitting, unnie!”

“D-Don’t call them ‘mine’- what if they seriously attach onto me?!”

“Look girls, I’ve tried to make it pretty clear but I’ll say it again. I don’t believe in ghosts or any other supernatural bull-crap.”

“Well think again, b*tch.”


The sudden fourth voice made Jeongyeon jump up from her spot.

Dahyun also flinched as she could never get used to the spirits within her household.

She quickly went to hide behind Chaeyoung as always, while Jeongyeon finally located the source of the sound.

There sat Tzuyu on the dining table alone, her elbowed propped on her crossed legs to support her chin.


“What the- Dahyun-ah, how insecure are you doors and windows?!” Jeongyeon exclaimed in shock. “Why do you always have people randomly appearing in your goddamn house?!”

“I-I can’t help it, unnie!” Dahyun cried while Chaeyoung snorted in laughter.

“This is why you should’ve listened to us, Jeongyeon-unnie. Look at you almost sh*tting yourself from the appearance of a ghost.”

“Okay haha. Very funny.” the oldest huffed as she sat back down to her original spot, “I don’t care how many people you’ve dragged into this, but I ain’t falling for this prank.”


“No one’s trying to prank your dumb ass.” Tzuyu suddenly chimed in, making Jeongyeon frown from her sass. “And I’m not here to watch you guys argue. Kim Dahyun, you’re in danger.”

“God, please don’t tell me it’s about a witch or a demon.” Jeongyeon groaned.

“Oh- how did you know, feisty mortal?”

“Geez, I was correct?!”

“Yeah. Sana-unnie wanted me to remind you about the demi-demon.”


“You knew about Hirai Momo too, unnie?” Chaeyoung asked curiously. “How come?”

“Who the heck is that?” Jeongyeon made a face. “The one I met was called Myoui Mina. She was super pretty, but then Im Nayeon butted in and drove her off.”

“WHAT?!” the two university students simultaneously shrieked, surprising Jeongyeon with their excitement.

“Are you serious, unnie?! You met Myoui Mina?!” Chaeyoung grabbed hold of her friend’s hands out of excitement.

“And she’s a demon too?!” Dahyun gasped, “What the hell is going on?!”

“That should be my question! Why are you guys so into this chick and all these demon sh*t?”

“I can’t deal with three crack-heads alone. I need Sana-unnie.” Tzuyu merely sighed after judging the hell out of the bickering humans, before disappearing in a blink of an eye.


“Wha- where did she go?!”

“Like we’ve said, she’s a goddamn ghost.” the youngest shook her head, “Stop trying to deny the facts, unnie.”

“And like I’ve said, I’m not going to fall for this mumbo-jumbo trick!”

“We’re being dead serious, unnie! That was a ghost!”

“Dahyun, there’s no such thing as gho-”

“Hi girlies!”


“AHHH!!!” Jeongyeon and Dahyun’s screams turned into an unexpected duet.

The two of them were now clinging onto Chaeyoung’s arms for dear life thanks to Sana’s sudden appearance, which just happened to occur right in front of their faces.


“Wait a minute, how come we’re able to see you two when it’s not the devil’s hour?” Chaeyoung suddenly pointed out.

“Devil’s hour? What sort of Satanic sh*t have you gotten yourself into, Son Chaeyoung?! I didn’t sign myself up to be friends with Satanists or anything like that!”

“You’re so lost and dumb that it’s sad to watch.” the taller ghost sneered, gaining herself a light slap on the arm.

“That wasn’t very nice of you to say, Chewy. Apologise this instant!”

“You’re not my mum.”



“Good girl.” Sana gave her friend a pat on the head. “Anyways, back to your question, dear Chaeyoungie, the devil’s hour is when we’re the most active. That doesn’t mean we’re not active throughout other times of the day.”

“Oooh I see!” Chaeyoung’s eyes glistened from the interesting information.

Dahyun internally cried from the fact that she could actually see ghosts at anytime.

Jeongyeon didn’t know how to react.


“Apparently there’s another demon, Sana-unnie.”


“No way, I can’t believe that even Myoui Mina-sshi is a demon. She’s super quiet and reserved- she wouldn’t hurt a soul!” Dahyun tried to fight back against the idea.

She simply couldn’t accept the fact that both of their school’s goddesses were evil supernatural beings.

There was just no way.


“Unfortunately we won’t be able to tell unless we meet them in person.” Sana shook her head, “If you can invite her over we can confirm for you!”

“Oh my gosh yes- invite her over, Dahyun-unnie!” Chaeyoung cheered, “You’ve got Momo-sshi’s number now, right? I’m sure she’s capable of dragging Mina-sshi with her.”

“Why are you so happy? If those two are really demons, shouldn’t you be drenching yourself in holy water or something?” Jeongyeon raised her brows.

“Oh yeah- should I go get some holy water before inviting them over?” Dahyun asked the ghosts seriously.

“Wait- you’re actually planning on inviting them? For real?” Chaeyoung squealed. “I’m so pumped!”


“You guys do realise the potential danger you’ll be facing, right?” Tzuyu blinked, “One of them is already a demi-demon. If that Mina person is a demon too, then you’ll really need to get yourself some crosses.”

“I don’t have any crosses in my house though.” Dahyun gasped, “Will a Bible work?”

“What are you going to do, scream out the scriptures before socking them in the face with the book?” Chaeyoung deadpanned, making the home-owner face-palm herself physically.

“Why on Earth am I friends with you again- you can’t throw a Bible, Son Chaeyoung!”

“Yeah Chaeng, if throwing things at them work then I’d be more than willing to tackle them American football-style. Especially if it’s Myoui Mina.” Jeongyeon also replied, making all four girls look at her weirdly.

“Yah- you can’t fall for Mina, she’s mine!” Chaeyoung growled, making the tall ghost face-palm herself also.

The older ghost simply giggled at them.


“They’ve totally forgotten the fact that they’re talking about actual demons, huh.” Tzuyu sighed.

“Well, demons do tend to have very nice appearances. That’s how they lure their unexpected prey into their arms- and eventually their stomach.” Sana commented. “They’re so cute when they bicker with each other though.”

“Well, these cuties of yours are going to be dead-meat soon if they don’t take things seriously.”

“Chewy, don’t curse them.”

“It’s Tzuyu.”

“Same thing.”

“No it’s not.”

“Close enough.”

“Ugh, what great sin did I commit to end up getting stuck with you in my afterlife?”

“That’s really mean, Chewy. It actually hurt.”

“… Sorry.”



Dahyun’s gaze went from one duo to another, unable to figure out why her life had become this way.


First she discovered her house was haunted by two ghosts.

Then her friends had apparently met two witches in her own living room.

And now there were potentially two demons to whom she was planning on inviting over.


“Lord Almighty, I apologise for not going to church in a while now, but please bless and protect me…”

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Chapter 11: HOLY ING SHT!!!
This has got to be THE best confession letter I’ve read (in a while or ever?) for SaTzu.
Chapter 20: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!
Thank you so much for writing this, author-nim!
Sanatozakiii #3
Chapter 20: To heck kn this story. Weird but so wholesome i love it! It was emotional when satzu moved on but damn godjihyo. ♥️ I love this story.... Seriously
KimMinatozaki #4
Chapter 13: Wow.. you got me there
KimMinatozaki #5
Chapter 10: SaTzu??
KimMinatozaki #6
Chapter 8: Sana is the only one who found dying being so funny.. please I can hear her laughing
KimMinatozaki #7
Chapter 2: Pinocchio the fainted. Hahahaha what in a world Jeongyeon-ah
KimMinatozaki #8
Chapter 1: Please, this is so funny. Poor Dahyunie
Chapter 20: I love this story so freaking much, I ate it all up in one sitting, it was too addictive I had fun reading each chapter. I cried and wheezed at 2am reading this, it was beautiful, I have so many screenshots of hilarious parts of the story. Thanks for your hard work Author-nim 💜💜
Buddygooo #10
Chapter 20: From the moment Jihyo brought them back to live, I knew she's God haha. I wonder why she associate with crackhead Nayeon lmao. This story is beautiful