Forever Yours (Epilogue)

How Could I Fall for You
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Irene wakes up to an open-mouthed kiss planted firmly on the nape of her neck, arms s around her waist to keep her in place. She giggles as hot breath tickles her skin, and she reaches one hand behind her head to grab that of the person she loves most.

"That's one way to wake someone up," Irene muses. Instead of a response, she finds herself pinned down by the wrists, wet kisses trailing down her torso. "Isn't it a little early for this?"

"If it's early then that means it's time for breakfast," Seulgi says against Irene's stomach, not stopping. The sudden vibration of Seulgi's voice against sensitive skin makes Irene twitch.

"Oh-kay," Irene says, pushing Seulgi's head back. "Not now, you bear."

Seulgi pouts and sits back onto her . She looks like such a kid. "But I'm hungry."

"Then we'll get you a proper breakfast," tuts Irene, tapping a finger disapprovingly against Seulgi's nose.

She swings her legs over the side of the bed and throws the covers at Seulgi's head in the process. The blankets flop onto Seulgi's head, falling down on her sides, making her look like a ghost. The sight makes Irene laugh out loud as she goes to protect her decency. Seulgi hears the quiet scuffling of Irene wiggling into clothes and doesn't even know why Irene bothers when Seulgi's seen her plenty of times looking a lot more indecent then she does now. Hell, Seulgi just kissed down her body and tried to eat her out! Cruel rejection. But Irene is damn hungry and pretty damn sure she doesn't want any boiling oil scalding her skin in the kitchen.

Not today, Satan.

While cutting onions, Irene is greeted by strong hands sliding from her hips to her waist. A tight back hug makes Irene's breath hitch the same way it has for the past few years every time the bear so much as grazes her elbow. One touch is all it takes to make her feel like a shy D.E.B all over again, running into a suave criminal (now ex-criminal) whose smile still makes her legs feel like jelly. The thought makes Irene reminisce more about the first time they ever met. Her breath had certainly hitched then. She just hadn't paid it any mind, too busy focusing on handcuffing the girl in an entirely different sense then how she cuffs her now. Oh, what a time.

"I'm cooking," Irene states, trying to pry the hands of her wife (yes, wife) from her body without chopping said hands off.

"I know you are, babe," Seulgi says. Irene just loves the way the pet name rolls of Seulgi's tongue so smoothly. So naturally. "You're cooking because you love me and always take care of me like the angel you are."

"Your angel," Irene reminds her. She finds herself slowly leaning back into the hug and upon realizing, tears herself away. "Hey! These onions won't cut themselves."

"Then let me," says Seulgi, gently taking the knife from Irene's iron grip. "You already work too hard."

Irene melts as Seulgi carefully picks her up and places her on a stool at the breakfast bar. Seulgi is so strong. Irene props her chin upon her palm and watches as Seulgi drops the onions in the pan, stirring carefully. The sizzling butter pops off the skillet and browns the onions nicely. Usually, Irene's the one to cook, but when Seulgi does it, it's a nice change. No matter how many times Seulgi insists Irene is the better cook, Irene will taste her bear's food and find no fault.

After Seulgi finishes cooking breakfast and serves Irene at the bar, she tentatively watches Irene take a bite.

"Taste good?" Seulgi tentatively asks.

"Like always," says Irene. She stabs her fork through a piece of potato and gets a couple of diced onions on her fork prongs in the process. The scrambled eggs, the eggs mixed with milk before cooking like Irene taught Seulgi, are fluffy on Irene's tongue. Seulgi learns well. Irene remembers the first time Seulgi attempted to create scrambled eggs. The egg abomination had been mixed with water and had way too much salt in it. Irene had carefully chewed, trying not to hurt Seulgi's feelings, before unintentionally spitting the food out. It had just been too gross. In Irene's opinion, mixing the raw egg with a bit of milk, salt, and pepper before cooking was just the way to do it.

After they eat, the couple sprawls out on the sofa for some television time. They flip through several channels and once they find the perfect show, cuddle in each other's embrace before hearing Irene's phone go off.

"Who's calling us this weekend?" Seulgi complains, trying to keep Irene on the couch as the girl moves to grab her phone from the counter.

"Oh, hush. Hello?"

"Unnie!" Irene smiles and shoots a death glare at the still complaining Seulgi, making her shut up instantly. Irene could be scary when she wanted to.

"Yeri-ah, how are you?"

"I'm good, but I'll be even better when you pick up my video call."

"Video call?"

"Yes, so move your big and get on your laptop!"

"My is not that b-" Irene tries to protest but is cut off by the sound of Yeri hanging up. "Ugh, get the laptop, Seul."

"Hey, Seul!" Joy's bright face looks back at Seulgi from the laptop screen.

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I just added a poster! This was my first time making a graphic, and I realize it is kind of awful. Please bear with me lol


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Chapter 5: shout out to joyri. they're so uwu
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 9: aww this was so fluffy UWU
re-reading once more!
Chapter 9: I like ittt >,<
1060 streak #5
Chapter 9: ahhhh seulrene!! really loved this fic!! <3
Chapter 9: read this right after i just finished watched D.E.B.S i understand now why gays kept recommending this one bc it's so good! we need more content like that. and this story nailed the plot, loved the epilogue as well bc who doesn't want happy closure between gays? aha. and clever ending line fr <3
Chapter 1: Flirty Kang
Chapter 9: I really love the line, "Instead of asking myself how I could fall for you, I find myself could I not?"
It fits their situation perfectly, with them being contrast and all. Others may think, how did a spy fall in love with a criminal, but they only thought about how and why they fell in love with each other. How they truly felt for each other. Spy and criminal or not.
Chapter 9: Happy endings for all couples~
Chapter 8: Omg I’m so happy they got back together :’)