Caught Red-Handed

How Could I Fall for You
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*Warning: implied *


One glorious week has passed by.

Irene stretches out on Seulgi's bed, her eyes following the taller girl's stunning figure as she pours a glass of mysterious liquid. Some sort of fancy drink, Irene assumes. Seulgi turns back to Irene and casually props her elbow on the table, sipping slowly as she looks at Irene.

"You know, Hyun," Seulgi starts to ask, "why do you let some test determine your future?"

Irene sits up and says defensively, "It doesn't determine my future."

"Doesn't it?" Seulgi looks doubtful. "You're where the test told you to be, becoming a spy. Sounds a lot like determining your future."

Irene lets out a frustrated sigh. "I make my own future, okay? Some test isn't telling me who to be. I chose this, Seulgi. I'm here because I want to be."

"Well, you certainly are here because you want to be," Seulgi says, trying to lighten the mood by gesturing to the bedroom. She hadn't meant to offend her Joohyun.

Irene huffs and looks away, clutching a pillow tight. Her cheeks puff out in a pout. Seulgi sighs and sets her glass down with a quiet clink!

"Hey," Seulgi says softly, her pointer finger pulling Irene by the chin. Soon they're face-to-face. "Baby, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant... I want you to follow your dreams, and, I guess, you don't seem so sure about this whole spy thing. Isn't there something you'd rather be doing? Something else? If I'm wrong, I'll drop it, and never bother you again."

Irene looks up, the genuine care and worry clearly etched out on the lines of Seulgi's face. 

"You're right," Irene confesses. "I... I've always had this dream..."

"What?" prompts Seulgi. She nudges her girlfriend's shoulder, coaxing an answer.

"I once wanted to model." Irene suddenly shies away and intertwines her fingers, the pad of her thumb tapping nervously on her palm.

"Do you still?" Seulgi reaches out to Irene's face before tracing her jawline. "You're definitely beautiful enough," Seulgi says, making Irene blush, "and who wouldn't be drawn to you? Your pure charisma certainly had me."

"It's just not so, I guess, reasonable, you know? I don't think it's necessarily right for me."

"A dream is a dream." Seulgi's hands cup Irene's face. "If it's what you truly want, then what's there to stop you besides yourself?"

Irene smiles. "Would you follow me?"

"Anywhere, Hyun. I'd follow you anywhere."

Irene's heart melts at the love that laces every word that leaves Seulgi's mouth. Irene leans in to press a chaste kiss against a pair of eager lips before pulling back and resting her forehead against Seulgi's.

"And I'd follow you."


Wendy is half-asleep when she hears the home phone go off. Groggily, she trudges downstairs to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Wendy asks slowly. She's still processing.

"Yes, is this D.E.B.S?" A mysterious voice rings in Wendy's ears. She doesn't recognize it.

"Who is this?" Wendy furrows her brow.

"I know where your little friend is," continues the voice. 

"Keep going," Wendy says, all business. 

After the brief conversation, Krystal hangs up on her end, and Wendy slams the receiver down and bursts into Yeri's room.

"Hey! Wake up! I just got a tip about Irene's location."

Yeri waits until the door closes to shoot her eyes open and panic internally.

"No, no, no, no," Yeri mutters to herself. "Irene, pick up!"

"You've reached the voice messaging system of-"

"Ugh!" Yeri throws her phone on the bed in frustration and gets dressed. Wendy calls Park Bo Gum to let him know the news so he can stop searching incessantly.

"So get your over here," Yeri hears Wendy say to Bo Gum on before hanging up.

Yeri kicks at nothing and groans. She contacts Joy. There's nothing left for Yeri to do. There's no more stalling, no more anything. Irene's made her own bed, and now she'll lie in it.


Irene gazes into the eyes of her lover. Those beautiful, soul-searching eyes. Irene could stare into them forever, lost in a sea of chocolate, deep in thought. Seulgi gazes back at Irene equally mesmerized. They lay together, shrouded in silence, doing nothing but looking. They stare at each other, and there is no sound except the pounding of their beating hearts.

Seulgi makes the first move, closing the gap to kiss Irene, who instantly reciprocates.

"Ow!" Seulgi suddenly cries, flinching back and propping herself on an elbow. She looks scandalized. "Did you just snap my bra?"

"Uh, no," Irene says quickly.

"Uh, yeah you did," Seulgi says, hovering over her.

Irene doesn't register what Seulgi's trying to do until she feels a light sting against her back and yells, "Ouch!"

"Serves you right," Seulgi smirks and says.

Irene rol

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I just added a poster! This was my first time making a graphic, and I realize it is kind of awful. Please bear with me lol


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Chapter 5: shout out to joyri. they're so uwu
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 9: aww this was so fluffy UWU
re-reading once more!
Chapter 9: I like ittt >,<
1060 streak #5
Chapter 9: ahhhh seulrene!! really loved this fic!! <3
Chapter 9: read this right after i just finished watched D.E.B.S i understand now why gays kept recommending this one bc it's so good! we need more content like that. and this story nailed the plot, loved the epilogue as well bc who doesn't want happy closure between gays? aha. and clever ending line fr <3
Chapter 1: Flirty Kang
Chapter 9: I really love the line, "Instead of asking myself how I could fall for you, I find myself could I not?"
It fits their situation perfectly, with them being contrast and all. Others may think, how did a spy fall in love with a criminal, but they only thought about how and why they fell in love with each other. How they truly felt for each other. Spy and criminal or not.
Chapter 9: Happy endings for all couples~
Chapter 8: Omg I’m so happy they got back together :’)