True to Me, True to You

How Could I Fall for You
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Irene carefully lays her dress out on her bed. It's a black dress that hugs her figure. The thick straps wrap around her shoulders, giving a strapless appearance a passing onlooker. Her gun rests next to the dress, shining in all its glory. Irene presses a finger to the barrel of the gun, wondering what Seulgi's up to. Something good, she hopes.

Suddenly, Taeyeon appears, but Irene remains unfazed.

"Hello, Irene," greets the older of the two. "Getting ready for tonight?"

Irene pulls her jacket closer to her body. "Hi, Taeyeon sunbae." She doesn't meet Taeyeon's eyes.

"What's wrong, Irene?"

"It's nothing."

"It doesn't seem like nothing."

"Taeyeon unnie," Irene drops the formal "sunbae" title, opting to use a more casual name. After all, the difference in age is only a few years. "You know that test in the SAT? The one that tests for D.E.B aptitude?"

Taeyeon nods slowly, not understanding where Irene's going with this.

"What exactly does it measure?"

"The ability to lie," Taeyeon finally answers. "A spy needs to be able to lie. Everything else can be taught, but lying is innate. You received a perfect score, Irene. That's an incredible feat, never before accomplished. You're the perfect spy. A perfect liar." Taeyeon smiles as she says so. In her mind, it's no bad thing for Irene to be a perfect liar.

In Irene's head swirls an entirely different message.

"See you tonight, Irene." Taeyeon bids Irene farewell before exiting. Irene doesn't know what to believe anymore.

Who am I lying to? What am I lying about? Is anything true? What's my truth?

She's not very sure.


Endgame is full of people. The auditorium is cleared of chairs, a wide space cleared for dancing. There's a punch bar, snacks, and music. Lights flash across the room. Girls in beautiful dresses and boys in dashing tuxes are everywhere from the entrance to the stage. A band stands on the stage, blaring music through speakers. The beat vibrates through the chests of every partygoer from the tips of their toes to the crown of their heads. It's very loud and very energetic. High round tables are scattered throughout, vases of white flowers placed on top. The white tablecloths are sure to be stained by the end of the night. Irene wouldn't be surprised if a vase lay smashed on the ground in the next ten minutes. The entire event is theatrical and astounding, but Irene is unable to enjoy it. The entire thing just doesn't seem right.

Wendy is reading Yeri a few lines from the speech she's prepared for Irene.

"How's this sound? 'Those several days behind enemy lines have taught me to stay vigilant-'"

"Seungwan," Yeri cuts in. "What if Seulgi makes her happy?"


"Think about it, Wannie unnie. What if Seulgi really does make her happy? If you were really her best friend, you'd let her go." Yeri sounds so matter-of-fact that Wendy can't help but wonder if it's really Yeri talking.

"It's time," says Wendy with a straight face.


"This? This is your 'Plan B?'" Seulgi can't believe they're standing on top of the very building where the D.E.B.S are.

"Well, yeah." Joy begins fastening her harness before reaching over to help adjust Seulgi's.

"Holy ," mutters Seulgi as she takes a crowbar and pries open the window. She lowers herself down. This better work.


"Hey, Irene. I wrote you this speech," says Wendy. She hands Irene a sheet of paper with handwriting scrawled all over. "You can change it if you want. I just made sure to put down our version of the story, blah, blah."

Irene just nods.

"Look," Wendy says, taking one of Irene's hands. "I'm sorry we've been fighting. It's just I really want what's best for you."

Irene nods again. "I know."

"Um, okay, then." Wendy doesn't need to be an expert to see the chasm between them. Irene feels so far away. "Good luck out there."


Seulgi runs down the hallway and quickly unscrews the grate. She climbs into it and begins crawling through, trying to find her way. 

I'm coming, Hyun.


"And now, please welcome D.E.B of the Year, Irene Bae!"


"Seulgi's been spotted in the building," The second he's told, Bo Gum spits out whatever he's been drinking.

"Get the men together," Bo Gum says immediately. He rushes out into the hallways, followed by several other guys from Homeland Security. As he walks, he says, "Make sure all exits are secured. No one gets in, or out, without my say-so, got it?" He his gun. "Game over, Kang."

Bo Gum splits his men up and ends up in another hallway. "Any sight of her?" Bo Gum asks into his walkie-talkie.

"Negative," comes the response. Seulgi hasn't shown up on any security footage. "Not yet."

"Look again," Bo Gum commands, walking down the hallway. Suddenly, he hears a noise. It sounds like its coming from the vents.

Seulgi freezes and hears a gun being cocked. She tosses a few diamonds from her pocket: her signature gem. As soon as the diamonds clatter, gunshots fire into the vent, puncturing holes. Seulgi hastens down the vent and turns, gunshots following behind her. 

"Ahh!" Seulgi lands on the ground with a thump, drywall crumbling into her hair. She coughs and hustles past a vending machine. As soon as she turns the corner, Bo Gum bursts through the door and runs after Seulgi.

"You won't get aw

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I just added a poster! This was my first time making a graphic, and I realize it is kind of awful. Please bear with me lol


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Chapter 5: shout out to joyri. they're so uwu
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 9: aww this was so fluffy UWU
re-reading once more!
Chapter 9: I like ittt >,<
1060 streak #5
Chapter 9: ahhhh seulrene!! really loved this fic!! <3
Chapter 9: read this right after i just finished watched D.E.B.S i understand now why gays kept recommending this one bc it's so good! we need more content like that. and this story nailed the plot, loved the epilogue as well bc who doesn't want happy closure between gays? aha. and clever ending line fr <3
Chapter 1: Flirty Kang
Chapter 9: I really love the line, "Instead of asking myself how I could fall for you, I find myself could I not?"
It fits their situation perfectly, with them being contrast and all. Others may think, how did a spy fall in love with a criminal, but they only thought about how and why they fell in love with each other. How they truly felt for each other. Spy and criminal or not.
Chapter 9: Happy endings for all couples~
Chapter 8: Omg I’m so happy they got back together :’)