023: Don’t Speak About the Crushes

Hearts Aflame
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Unedited for now: I really didn’t want to delay it more. I have a surprise after this chapter, don’t forget to press the next button :)

Two days after the gathering in which every one of the boys brought her some sort of food, Mina found herself walking towards a lavish area with sophisticated looking buildings housing equally expensive apartments, heading with a single minded determination toward Minseok’s apartment. Since she have had been to his place before, so the road there didn’t take that much of a time, and the skip in her steps plus the excitement in her heart to work on his project together made her way a lot more endearing.

“MinMin, where arrrrrreeeee youuuu?” She sang playfully, calling out to the boy once she was in his home, taking her shoes off and throwing he sling bag somewhere random across his living room. She heard something random, like cracks of cups being placed on countertops, before Minseok appeared from the opening of his kitchen; throwing an apron he appeared was wearing away.

“MinMin? Really?” He deadpanned, raising his brows, and she beamed happily at him, throwing herself dramatically on his couch while watching him with a grin.

“Do you have anything else in mind?”

“How about you just call me Oppa for a change?” Minseok retaliated casually, knowing that he wouldn’t get his desire to be called with such respect no matter what he tries. Still, he couldn’t stop trying for that reason only.

“That’s never going to happen.”

“Didn’t wish for it,” He tilt his head toward the kitchen he just came from, and made a way for it. “Come inside, I brought you cookies.”

“But I don’t really like cookies.” Even then, she stood up from her place and followed after him, the scent of delicious baked goods wafting through her nose. She took a deep inhale and soon exhaled loudly, earning a smile from Minseok.

“Yes, I do. We’ll share. Beside, you always say you don’t like sweets but eat them anyway.” He mentioned, taking the tray of cookies out of the open, cooling oven, and then storing them inside an awaiting jar.

“That’s because I eat when I’m talking unconsciously. I devour everything in my hand, and you make sure I have food in my hands twenty four seven.”

She watched him joyfully arrange the cookies correctly, not reaching out for one like how she usually does because she’s not a fan of sweets. Minseok noticed, of course, and put one in front of her forcefully, giving her a silent command to eat. She brought it to with a pout.

“Be grateful,” Minseok muttered distractingly through a hard cookie that refused to fit the jar’s opening. “You’re going to marry food, remember?”

“How does anyone marry food?” She asked, a little cynically but still dripping with playful. They were her words anyway.

“Your words, not mine.”

See? Even Minseok knew it was her favorite phrase to say.

“Let’s just get your project done, shall we?” She announced with a teetering joy, smacking her hands on the desk in front and beaming at him. Minseok paused in his cookie fixing, and shot her a disappointed look.

“Hold on, what’s this attitude?”

She blinked confusedly at him.

“What attitude?”

“This one?” He gave her a look so she could understand what he meant, but she continued to look adorably confused and he released a loud sigh of resolute. “Why did you beckon me over like that? Lets get your project done, shall we? It feels like you might destroy it once you see it. Do you not want to do it or something?”

She let out a loud and preposterous gasp at being accused of such monstrosity and placed an exaggerated hand over her chest, Minseok readied himself to her dramatic exposure with a roll of eyes.

“I wouldn’t dare, Minseok. I’m an engineering major myself, remember? I know how difficult building this is, alright? And also how expensive. I do want to help you, okay? I swear on it.”

“Okay, I believe you,” He said so just so he could be done with her, to be honest. He had no time or will to continue on with her dramatic self. Knowing this, and actually seeing him walk away to his room made her giggle. “Come on, it’s in my room. You can bring your Pepsi from the refrigerator. Bring my coffee cup with you too, it’s on the countertop.”

“O, M, G!” She pronounced the letters one by one with a loud squeal, jumping off the couch and running toward the kitchen once again. “I love you so much for this! How many bottles did you get me?” She jumped around excitedly in the kitchen floor, squealing in a voice that shouldn’t be humanly possible and then bouncing away to the refrigerator. Minseok watched her twirl around his apartment with a smile while moving around himself, one of his brows lifted in amusement.

“Lets see, Family size?” He called after her, and while entering his room, he could hear her loud, deep rooted squeal still penetrating his ears.

“Oh , I really love you.”

It made him chuckle, hearing her child-like joy because of a bottle of soda. It always fascinated him how incredibly happy she becomes when bringing her materialistic things like food and sodas. Anything aside these things feel like a burden, she once told him. Tiny things she can give back are the only things she’s willing to accept, and like to accept too. Other than that, it makes her simply sad.

“Great,” Murmured Minseok to himself, closing the door behind him and bending down to pick up a discarded shirt on the floor. “Give more love to me, please.”


“Why are you dressed so formally anyway?” Minseok asked once she came through the room holding her large, family size soda bottle, typing on his laptop which he had settled earlier on his stomach so he could type his assignment without having to sit down to do that. Mina blinked her eyes at him, momentarily pausing in front of the door to look down at what she was wearing, a mini skirt and white shirt clipped through the wrists. It was her formal wardrobe for the café she had to work in, and since she came from work straight to his house, she didn’t have a chance to change. She looked back up at Minseok while narrowing her face, he didn’t even look at her when he asked that, so how did he notice? Oh, right, she spent at least ten minutes with him outside of this room, of course he’d notice.

“I cam straight from work. Speaking of, since I’ll stay until it’s late, can I stay over?” She asked, finally closing the door behind her and sauntering inside his room like it was hers. It might as well be, considering how close she was to the boys. She sat beside him on the bed, reaching his cup of coffee for him, and then pouring herself a glass of soda to the top.

“You mean sleep here?” Minseok blew the fogginess of the coffee’s steam obscuring his vision away so that he could see her, and she gave him an agreeing nod. “You’ve never did something like this.” He continued. She usually sleeps with Chen and Baekhyun, sometimes Suho, even Kyungsoo when he wasn’t being an , but she never really slept in his own apartment. For no reason in particular aside the fact they never got the time to do so.

“So? I can start now.” Mina took a large sip from her cup of Pepsi, letting out a croaky burp after that, an expression of absolute bliss painting her face. Minseok watched her flatly. “Plus, I don’t really feel like going back home.”

The reason why she didn’t want to go home was because she was lazy, easy and simple. Minseok’s apartment was largely far away from her place of work, and it was getting late anyway. Since he was the one asking her to help him in his project, he should be the one taking responsibility of her, right? That was how Kina thought of anyway, and he didn’t exactly mind that as well (maybe he didn’t mind that at all) still, he continued to look pleasantly disinterested and even remotely preoccupied, typing away in his laptop.

“I don’t mind.” He told her, soon blinking up and pausing with typing in his laptop at the realization dawning on him. “Do you want.. do you want me to give you something to change into?”

“Urgh, that would be so freaking amazing, thank you,” Mina moaned in relief instantly, the thought of getting out of her tight skirt and roam freely in one of his trousers – which she was sure would end up oversized — seemed like an absolutely great idea. She could already feel the strain in her thighs loosening. “The skirt is squeezing on my , I literally can’t breathe.”

“Okay,” Minseok quickly said, going back to his typing and pretending he didn’t really think about her at the mention of it at all. Mina didn’t seem to notice the small tint of redness on his cheeks too. “My shirts will be super big on you, and my trousers won’t fit you even if you tried.”

“That’s fine, I’ll wear your shirt as a dress.” She blinked her eyes exaggeratedly and he shot her a flat look. “Oh! Oh! Or as a robe!” She giggled at that and flatly threw herself backward on his bed, sighing in relief soon after. Minseok didn’t hesitate to poke her through her stomach by his toes since she got super close to him by that gesture of hers.

“You’ll wear my shirt as a dress?”

“Yeah,” she whined and tried to smack his nudging toes away, he swiftly evaded with a smirk. “It won’t be that short and I don’t have anything to wear under it,” she stopped trying to catch his toes to show him her unamused face. “I’m not staying in my skirt, Minseok.”

Well, Minseok already thought that that was exactly what she was thinking of by her words, and didn’t even get the chance to think of a proper reboot. He imagined her wandering around in his apartment with only a shirt of his, and the thought lit up something burning in his body; specifically when she wasn’t going to wear anything under it. Minseok felt the blush once again light up his cheeks, and he shook his head in hopes it’d drive the growing emotions of his away.

“Whatever. You can do whatever you want.” He told her, trying to sound dismissive, and she sat up hurriedly from the bed with a beam.

“Thank you!”

She didn’t wait to hear a respond and quickly went over to his large wardrobe cabin across the room, near the balcony’s door. She sat on her knees once she successfully opened the cabin door and began to rummage through his shirts, which were all neatly folded into squares into four columns. Most of the shirts, in Mina’s opinion, looked the same, the only difference was the color. Some shirts even had the same color. She didn’t understand how boys put on the same exact shirts and pretended they were different, even her dad had a habit of doing exactly the same. Her eyes sparkled once they fell on a red-orange shirt Minseok always liked to put on but never really gave it to her when she requested for. She went for it and swept it from the pile it was stacked under. If she was presented with an opportunity to take the shirt she always adored, she’d definitely take it.

Without waiting to see if he was looking or even giving him a holler to look away, she reached for the hems of her shirt and pulled it out of her head. She instantly heard a muffled gasp from Minseok, followed by a pillow noise smacking on, probably, his face so he wouldn’t look. She bit her lips not to laugh out loud at his antics, and quickly pulled his comfortable, cotton shirt on. Then, she stood up and discarded of her mini skirt too. She wasn’

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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40 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!