010: Muah!

Hearts Aflame
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Author note:Guys, I owe you an explanation, and if you guys think that I don’t, and that it is alright; let me say it for myself.

I was late, I know. I can’t promise you it won’t happen again, because even I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. The thing is: I live in a third world country, Yemen. It is hard for us to have clean water, electricity, and you guessed it; Internet. We have had an Internet blackout for over Eight days. The chapter was already ready by then, but there was no internet in the whole city :(

I’m saying this because I feel like this may happen again; so know that if I suddenly disappear, that I either encountered this problem, or something similar. 

Anyway, let me present you with Jongdae and Mina’s consolation chapter you’ve all been waiting for! And yes, the chapter contains  exactly what the title says!!!


Mina stared out the window as Suho slowly parked his black, straight from hell, Mercedes Benz across the front door of her apartment building with a smooth swerve of the car’s tires. The second he stopped his car, she turned around to give him a smooth smile, her eyes crinkling to the side wherein her lips were pursed into a small, thin smile.

“Thanks for the ride, Suho,” her hand glided over the handle of the door blindly, her eyes set on him. “Although I would have gone fine by bus.”

“I did promise you I’d drive you home, yes?” Suho turned to give her a soft look, although he wasn’t exactly smiling, but when it came to Suho, a soft twinkle in his eyes was considered a smile. “I’m on my way to work. Plus, I don’t think it is appropriate for you to thank me. C’mon, we are friends. Do you thank all of the boys like this?”

Suho was bringing the boys up and their relationships with her a lot lately, how she’d react to them and how they’d react to her. What was he hinting at? Did he truly wish for her to act around him in the same way she’d react around the other boys? But, what he was asking was a little hard to deliver, considering he was Suho and not the boys. He was different, to her and to her warming heart. It was impossible of her to act of such vigor towards him like how she acted around the boys.

But, at this point, she truly was acting around him with little to no guards around her. She was wearing the same silk shirt he had lended her when she went to sleep, with his white sweatpants, wherein he was dressed up in his perfectly tailored baby blue suit. He hadn’t wanted her to leave dressing up in her uncomfortable dress so early in the morning when he could give her clothes – smelling of him, mind you – to wear. She didn’t mind either. The fact she was enwrapped in his warm clothes, soothing scent of vanilla perfume and detergent; made her heart pace. She was wearing his clothes, sitting in his car, that was a way she always was regarding the boys, was it not enough?

“Nah, to tell you the truth.” She shook his head regarding his previous question. “I rather drag them up by their T-shirt scruffs and demand to be taken to my destination.”

“See? I’d rather have that.” Suho’s eyes softened even more and he started to unconsciously drum his fingers on the steering wheel. “Not the scruff grabbing part, but the ease in doing such action with friends.”

“Alright,” Her eyes softened this time, along with her smile, and she wondered if he could just see. “I’ll try.”

She unlocked the door and easily slipped away, closing it quickly behind her and then turning around to give him a small wave. Before saying anything though, he beat her to it.

“Bye, Mina.” He waved back. “Take care of yourself. I know you tend to cause troubles in school and, well, everywhere you go, but will you tone it down a bit? For me?”

For me?
For me?
For me?

‘Wodkkslslswlkwlw.’ She thought. Mina was this close to bounce and hop in her place in excitement. Did Suho just say this to her? For real? She pursed her lips to suppress her giant smile, so that he wouldn’t see because then she becomes super ugly.


She heard him call her confusedly, and she realized she had been spazzing internally without knowing and became silent. She blinked, and looked back up at him with wide eyes. What was happening again?

“Uh, sure.” She shook her head only so the meaningless thoughts would fly out of her head. “I’ll do it for you, but don’t think of this as a special treatment. I’m just in the mood for obedience.”

“Whatever you say, Kitten.” Came his highly amused response, and this time, there was an obvious tick to his lips. Apparently, he was fighting for a smile, and she didn’t know what to think of it, so she ended up spazzing again.

‘Wokekqlwpqlqlqkdkdkd! He called me Kitten! I’m hyperventilating! What should I do? What should I say? O.M.G, I bet my face looks like a baboon’s ! Jesus Christ! That’s surely an ugly face to pull!’

“Mina?” He was once again calling for her, and she blinked out of her eyes to focus her attention on him. He had a small, tiny smile, nothing more than a curl to the corners of his lips. He looked like he knew exactly what sort of effect he elicited from her. “See you later.”

“Uh, eh,” She stammered like an absolute idiot and her cheeks flushed red. “Sure, sure. See you later!” She gulped again and then tried to take hold of her emotions. “Also, don’t work too hard. I know you tend to overwork yourself and forget your surroundings. If I can promise you to stay out of trouble for today, you can promise me to take care of your health, okay?”

For a minute while she managed to finish her words; she realized she was being stared down at by Suho, whose expression was dauntless and filled with other tiny emotions meshed together. He wasn’t as soft as he was before when he stared at her seconds ago, he was much more. His eyes were intense, ablaze, and intimidating in a sense, but they were weak too, somehow. How can two beams of force hold a tender touch to them like his eyes? She couldn’t really understand what was going through his mind at the moment. Was what she said offensive? Had it really bothered him? But he didn’t look as annoyed, he looked just..brisk, like he had been electrocuted by something.

“Suho?” She called gently, worriedly, and the boy’s sharp stare softened.


She smiled at his tender agreement, and it seemed that her smile snatched one from him as well, as he allowed his lips to curl. He reminded her of a blooming rose, as cheesy as it was. He shouldn’t resemble a rose for he is sharp and deadly, nothing close to the kind rose, but he just was. Maybe she was too whipped for him that she couldn’t help but connect him to the tenderest of things in this earth, that was how much of love she has for him within her, to the point it softened all of his edges for her.

She remained smiling like an idiot even when he swerved out of the way and drove away, and she would have remained smiling more, if it wasn’t by the sarcastic, familiar voice coming right from behind her. 

“Wow, that was the most pathetic thing I’ve seen this entire week. Mina, you excelled yourself.”

She wasn’t a werewolf, so she jumped in surprise, and turned around to face the culprit.

“Jong-Jongdae.” She muttered in shock.

Jongdae - surely - was leaning against the door of her apartment. He wasn’t hiding himself, so he was clear and pretty much obvious. It means Suho had known of his presence, he just didn’t think that much of him. She thought. Mina’s heart instantly reacted to the sight of the boy. Unlike how she thought she’d see him after their awful conformation at the food court, he was looking pretty impassive. His angular face was sharp as usual, but with the expressionless emotions he was pulling, it appeared to be sharper, fiercer, and it was more handsome in a sense. If she wasn’t so overwhelmed with his presence, she’d have had time for a skip of beat from her heart.

“Do you know how red and ugly your face looks like at the moment?” Jongdae continued to drawl, and although he was aiming to , his words came out insensitive and intrusive. She begun to frown. “It reminds me of that ty apple pie you once tried to bake. It was red and smelled good, like you do, but it tasted like utter bulldog, like how you look at the moment.”

“What the ?” First, her words were nothing more than a murmur, a murmur he indeed heard; as he begun to frown as well. Then, her voice started to raise. “Why are you so ing angry at me? You know I can’t control my feelings around Suho. Did I ask to turn this red around him? No!”

“You surely can’t, I get it.” Came his obnoxious roll of eyes, and she didn’t know why, but that hurt her. He had always been teasing and an when it came to her feelings for Suho, but at least he was harmless about it, joyful, and merely playful. However, his posture of now, his emotionless mask, and his pursed lips told her he wasn’t being friendly; he was attacking her.

“You’re an .” She glared at him, hard and fierce, and it seemed that he understood he was slightly out of line, for he came forward to intercept her way when she moved away, aiming to enter her apartment and leave him alone. He clutched her arm with his warm fingers, and pulled her backwards so that she’d face him. Once she did, he lowered his eyes in shame, and then raised them to focus on her face again, the corner of his lips were curled downward sadly. The sight of his dejection brought a bang to her heart. But she swallowed it, she wasn’t going to apologize for his sadness when he didn’t give her any reason to do so.

“Look, I’m sorry.” His apology was sincere and his voice was low, like it was dipped in dark, warm chocolate. She shivered. He was taking a few steps closer and he was way too close. She could smell his perfume and a texture of thick vanilla, a scent he always doned somehow. Her heart raced, and her eyes fluttered downwards; unable to hold his eyes while being this close to him. “I was out of line. I’m sorry, I didn’t intent for my tone to become this aggressive. I was just.. trying to tease you, you know, like old times.”

“Old times..” She scoffed bitterly at the underlay in his tone, even though his face was extremely fragile. She wanted to look up so that he could see the affections she didn’t know how to show; but she was also a little angry and looking at him would drizzle all of that anger away.

“I’m here to talk to you—“

“I don’t want—“ She tried to protest instinctively, for her heart started to pace and she was instantly drowned in worry and anxiety. She broke his grip away from her arm and opted to leave, but he interrupted her trek with his body again.

“But I know that you’re not exactly in the mood for that, not when you were just coming out of Suho Hyung’s car.” He gulped, and she managed to look at his eyes this time; feeling herself being into his pools of dark honey. “I’ll wait for you to get ready for Uni, I’ll drive you there and we will talk after you’re done.”

She didn’t say anything in reply, merely because she didn’t want to go and talk and she didn’t want to see him, not when he looked this vulnerable. She wanted his vulnerability to leave, she truly did, but she knew that feeling of his would disappear only if she went with him to fix this confusion between them. However, she was vulnerable herself. She was weak against him. She hadn’t always been this weak, but she seemed to constantly grow weak now when she comes to close contact with him, and she doesn’t know why. The feeling scared her, and what scared her more was Jongdae might not know the answer to that fear.

“Mina, we are much more than this stupid strain in our relationship,” Jongdae’s voice came out riddled with anguish and when she aligned her attention with his sweltering eyes; she could clearly see it; his pain. “Are you really going to ignore everything we have gone through because you fear of what I might say? The first time we talked; I was a jerk and realized I said things that didn’t reflect my feelings at all. This time, let me make it right. We owe each other that.”

He was right and she admitted it. They were much more than the stupid avoidance she was giving him, but she was still scared, too many scenarios and what ifs circled her mind, but she decided that she had been their slave for a long time now, and Jongdae needed clarity just as much as she needed it, so she nodded, agreeing, in spite of the gnawing fear eating at her insides.

“.. Okay.”

“Okay?” Jongdae’s bright, tender smile erased her worries away, and she made promise with herself that she wouldn’t let him suffer any more, not alone at least. “Great. I’ll wait for you here.”


“Well, well, well,” Greeted her the second she put weight on her feet on the squeaking wood of her apartment floor. She looked up, her eyes instantly zeroing towards the wide living room where Sehun and Kai sat on the mini dinning table, eating cereal. It was Sehun who was mused, and looking at him now, he had a smirk on his face (with cereal milk dripping down the side of his lips. Yuck.) “Look at the sneaking her way through the front door. This is the walk of shame alright.”

“Sehun, you er,” She hissed, closing the door of her apartment and then barreling forward, hovering over his chair with a nasty glare. Sehun merely squinted his eyes up at her, lifting his head up to lock their eyes together. There was clear amusement in there, mixed with youthful playfulness. Someone was in a darn good mood. “What walk of shame? Do I look like I had with someone?”

“Do you want the truth?” He quickly retaliated, blinking his eyes innocently, fake innocence no doubt.

She zipped her lips, giving Kai a look of silent inquiry. Should she answer that question? Kai, aware of the question in her eyes, just shrugged, his attention focused more on his food than her petty play with Sehun. Kai was pretty useless sometimes.

“Yes, yes you do,” Sehun continued with a snicker. “You look like you’ve been thoroughly ed, way, and that you’ve enjoyed every second of it.”

Mina gasped, outraged at his words, yet at the same time; she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to actually be ed in a really way – preferably a since she thinks Suho’s character suits that sort of thing – their bodies, rolling on the sheets together. Her cheeks flamed and she instantly looked away, hoping Sehun hadn’t caught on to the tint of color exploding in her face.

“Damn it, Sehun,” Kai said through a spoonful of cereal. There was a small tick to his lips. “Don’t speak like that on the breakfast table.”

“Oh, Jongin, you pure child.” Sehun released another tinkering snicker and Mina hated how smug he looked. Seriously, why was he in a good mood? “I pity you and your choices in life.”

“What does my choices in life have to do with any—“ Kai begun mumbling, but his sentence was cut off by Sehun ignoring him and focusing on Mina instead, eyes twinkling in poorly concealed mirth.

“Listen here, answer me attentively. What did you do with my bro Suho?” He continued to taunt and she wanted to hit him. “Have you traumatized him with your curve-less body? Have you clawed your way to his pants? Oh my, oh my. My poor Hyung, he must be shaking around in his blankets on his bed, for how could he witness the monstrosity! This is abuse, Mina! Crush-abuse!”

“Had anyone ever told you how much of a you are?” Mina nearly snarled, her arms and legs urging for her to spring forward and attack the damn . The crap. The biggest in history!

“Oh, oh!” He was having so much fun, she could tell. His lips were wide and smiling, his eyes squinted due to his deep smile, and his silver hair wind spread, clearly unbrushed. He was dressed in his pajamas so it meant he only just woke up. How could anyone have such energy in the morning? “Now you’re aiming on my ! Wow, Mina, didn’t aim you to be such a -salivating-.”

“Why is he in a good mood?” She whipped her head around and about; firstly aiming for Kai but when she saw his carelessness and lack of response, she whipped her head back at Sehun. By now, he was laughing loudly. “I thought he doesn’t like talking about my crush for Suho?”

“His crush texted him yesterday night—“ Kai, like the first time, was interrupted by Sehun, and instead of sulking about the many interruptions; Kai simply sighed, backing away.


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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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41 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!