013: Do Tell

Hearts Aflame
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I worked my to have this chapter downloaded today because i made a promise to a reader of mine, and even then i am super late :( which I’m super duper sorry about:((((( but I made it long for you guys so please appreciate it! Upvote and comment if you liked this as much as I do (or even more)

I wish I could give each and everyone of you a present aside my eternal love :(

This is also the roughest draft I have every written so please don’r judge my mistake, lol. I bave eyebags that reached my chin because of college and lack of sleep; So I only had will and power to make italic to some phrases >.< I’ll edit it tomorrow!

Teet. Teet. Teet.’

Mina’s sluggish head, full with sleep and drool, recognized the small but annoying ring of, not her alarm clock, but her phone, tinkling irritatingly right inside her head.

Teet. Teet. Teet.

She released a loud, agonizing groan, and shifted on her bed to drop on her stomach, easily burying her face into her pillow, stretching her arms over her with a mellow moan of relief, and then dropping them right on the bed. The peeping sound of the phone, thankfully, didn’t ring again, and she was blissfully smiling by now, her head getting lost into the shallow darkness that sleep greeted her with on the other side of consciousness.

Teet. Teet. Teet.

For ’s sake. Mina thought, grumbling and whining, turning on her back again, kicking her legs over her body, then whimpering at the black spots that danced for a whole ten seconds in her vision. Damn, she needed nourishment. She sat on her bed, yawning and removing the oily hair that fell on her eyes and mouth away, reaching for her phone on her night stand groggily.

XingXing Oppaya <3

Oh. It’s Yixing, she thought. Wait, why is Yixing calling me?

“Yixing?” She swiped the call on and placed it on her ear. She heard a small crackling voice from the other side, and she realized the boy was doing something God only knows what. “Why are you calling so early in the morning?”

There was a small pause, where Yixing was on motion. Mina heard the sound of many papers being flipped over and over again, and her heart warmed at the idea of Yixing revising before lectures. He was such a diligent student. “Mina, sweetheart. Are you Okay? I heard about what happened to your mother by Jongdae.”

“Oh.” She murmured unsurely, not knowing how to feel about Yixing knowing her things from someone else’s tongue. She decided she was exaggerating and breathed through her nose, closing her eyes and ignoring the sad, lonely beating of her heart at the matter. “I’m fine, Yixing, I don’t care about that woman. She could perish and I’d dance on top of her grave.”

“Even though I know you feel strongly for her,” Yixing’s accusative voice attacked her from the phone, a tone of amusement hidden beneath his scolding. She pouted. “I don’t think it’s proper to use such language.”

“Why?” She scoffed aloud, playing with the fleece of her blanket. “You wouldn’t dance with me? And I thought I’d invite you too.”

“I don’t think dancing on someone’s tomb is legal to begin with, Mina.” Yixing released a small, lovely laugh, followed by the noise of his books. She was positive he wasn’t focused at all in his reading.

“I’d do that for her.” She scoffed animatedly, snorting after that at once.

“Mina, why are you not in class?” How did he even know that? Mina widened her eyes. Was her voice throaty? Croaky even? Did it give her away? Damn it, she needs to practice more on alternating between her voice tones. “Don’t you have classes half an hour from now?”


“You set the alarm ten minutes before class, didn’t you?” His voice came deadpanned and her cheeks lightly flushed, knowing that she was caught and she didn’t have an excuse at all. So what if she set her alarms only ten minutes to university? Who even takes more than ten minutes to university? She only adds five minutes more if she wanted to apply some make up, and usually she’d rather choose sleep over beauty.


“Mina,” Yixing’s voice sounded tired but expectant, already used to her childish, irresponsible actions. She didn’t it in her to feel ashamed, really. “I can’t believe you still do that. How do you even get ready in ten minutes? Do you brush your teeth right? What about your hair? Weren’t you the one constantly fixing my alarms one hour before my classes?”

“That’s because you take ages to wake up!” She protested, dropping her blanket away with a smack and glaring at her cabin, right across her. A lock of hair fell back on her face and she puffed her cheeks, blowing it away with a loud, slobbery noise. She could distinguish Yixing’s traumatized sigh across the phone. “And I don’t stink, thank you very much!”

“Mina, get up now.” He sounded authoritative, exactly the same way she always scolded him for not taking care of himself. She jutted her lips forward, knowing that Yixing wasn’t someone she could ignore, because he was mature and as equally responsible as Suho, someone she absolutely admire. “I will personally kill you if you went back to sleep when I hang up. Also, everyone heard about what happened with you and I’m pretty sure Suho would tell us to gather around in his house.”

Mina’s heart, despite telling it not to (because she was with Jongdae now) skipped a beat, her body instantly turning into pure mush at the thought of the boy and his adorable, affectionate gatherings. Whenever one of them, the boys and her, went through something bad; he’d throw these small gatherings in his huge house and let them stay for dinner, dinner in which he ordered for them using his money, and damn did he pay so much for the boys. They had a big appetite anyway. She was sure they’d eat a damn horse each if they could.

Suho’s gatherings, matter of fact, were him being the responsible adult that he truly was. He didn’t want anyone to suppress their feelings or push their problems away, so these get-together was for everyone to open up and share their hardships. It brought them together as a family and as a pack, and most of them didn’t feel embarrassed to say whatever it is on their minds.

“Will there be pizza?” Mina asked eagerly, referring to the food Suho will choose for them. It was no secret it was Mina’s favorite food, alongside fries, chicken nuggets, pasta, fried rice, hash browns, and the endless list of hers.

“Um, why should I know about this?” Yixing’s pompous scoff made her glower. “Suho will bring the food, you ask him.”

“How come you’re informing me of this? I didn’t receive any texts from him.” Mina actually pulled her phone away from her ear and pushed it to her face, as if to check for the text message Suho should have sent her. Seeing only Yixing’s contact and the time they’ve been talking, she cleared and returned the phone back to her ear.

“He’s probably at work right now,” said Yixing, “He’ll inform you of this get together at noontime.”


“Get up, Mina, I mean it.”

“Oh God, Yixing, I’m up.”

She did a whole act of dragging her legs out of the bed, huffing loudly so he could hear her. She dangled her feet from the bed and ruffled her hair, pushing the warm, toasty blanket away from her bare legs (she usually slept in baggy shorts), groaning softly under her breath. Yixing didn’t say anything as she did what she did, and she thought he’d hang up now that he finished telling her what he called her for; but he didn’t. She could hear the soft pattern of his breathing echoing through the phone, mixed with the tinkling, soothing sound of the ruffling papers.

“Are you not going to hang up?” She mumbled curiously, really standing up and moving towards the shared bathroom with Jongin and Sehun. The house was deadly quiet; so she concluded they’ve already left. They were surprisingly always punctual, which she could understand from Kai’s case but not Sehun. Who would have thought an entirely self-absorbed boy could care about punctuality.

“I’ll wait to hear you getting up.” Came Yixing’s too cheerful yet suspicious voice, and she knew she was being stalked.

“Are you for real?” She allowed a scowl to grace her face. “Yixing! Are you attending your classes? Why are you calling me so early in the morning?”

“Nice try,” Yixing let out another laugh, the sound warming her prickling body. “My professor is a bit late. He’ll be here any time now. You get up girl, you hear?”

“I want to hit you right now for disturbing an entire half an hour of my sleep!”

“Awe you adorable child,” Yixing cooed, as if he truly was speaking to a child. She might as well be, with how she is always taken care of by the others. It was annoying sometimes but very endearing at others. For now, it was just annoying. “You can’t hit me, I’m your favorite.”

“Nah,” Mina instantly declined, a hop in her stop as she closed the door of the bathroom behind her. She was eager to flatten that ego of his, whether her words were true or not. “Jongin and Kyungsoo are. Jongdae and Baekhyun follow them closely, whereas Suho tops this lis—“

“Fine, I get it.” Yixing growled, deep annoyance lacing his voice. Mina bit to suppress her laughter of glee. She liked annoying the boys a lot. “You’re an when you’re pulled apart from your sheets.”

“No, sweetcheeks, I’m always an .”

She bid him goodbye after that and he did too, cheerfully, the irritation she caused him instantly leaving him. She knew it wasn’t genuine anyway. They always tease each other like this and none of the two parties take it to heart. She liked this about their relationship, it made things free and less restricted; something she absolutely abhors.

She pulled her phone away from her and it lit up right away. She frowned, peering down at it; only to find two calls from Baekhyun, one of them only ten minutes ago, the exact call that had woken her up.

Instantly, her pulse quickened; and she found her fingers shake. She tried to call him back but his phone seemed to be locked, which meant he had classes to take. She didn’t try again, worried she’d disturb him, and hugged the phone close to her chest; right over the quivering heartbeats of her heart.


“Sehun!” Mina shrieked, hopping in her place in nervousness. Kai, who was standing beside her lazily, his back slouched; didn’t seem to share the same anxiety she was producing. She always reacted overly to Sehun’s lazy . “Hurry up! What the hell are you even doing taking so much time?”

Of course, there was no response; and Mina huffed loudly, leaning against Kai with a quiet whine. Why was he always so punctual when it came to university but acted like an actual douche (which he was) when it came to their gatherings? Do they not share the same value to him like his university? Mina groaned and lifted herself from Kai’s extremely warm body, cupping and yelling with her loudest voice. She knew their werewolf hearing could hear her without yelling, but she was aiming to rupture his eardrums anyway. It was the very least of what he deserved. Why did he have to be their driver anyway? Kai was perfectly capable of driving a damn car!

“Sehun! I will kill you!” She screamed again, and Kai winced; but didn’t interfere or say anything. “It is already seven, God damm it! Minseok will slaughter us. You know how he is whenever any one of us is late. He will eat all of the good food!”

No response, again. Mina didn’t allow that to discourage her.

“Don’t make me get up there!”

She might have heard an amused snort from his room but she couldn’t say. She didn’t have their super hearing and she hated herself every day because of it. She let out a tired sigh and shifted her weight on her right leg, tilting her head toward Kai’s relaxed body at the same time.

“What the hell do you think he’s doing?”

Kai gave her an uninterested shrug. “He is probably admiring himself in the mirror. You know how much time that takes.”

“But we have been getting ready for a whole hour already? Is he that much of a vain ?”

“That’s a stupid question.” Came Kai’s response, a tone of amusement mixed with it. Mina huffed again, blowing her bangs. That was indeed a stupid question. She was asking it as if she had absolutely no idea how high Sehun’s self love stretched.


“Alright, alright!” Finally, there was a reply, followed by Sehun’s thunderous footsteps falling down the steps. “I’m coming, God damn it! Do you ever stop yelling?”

“Come here you little popsicle!” She attacked the minute he was at the mouth of the spiral staircase, but Kai had quick reflexes (to Sehun’s luck) and easily caught her by the waist, hiding her behind his long – and muscled back. She growled lowly, but didn’t protest. It was probably a good idea to hold her close when she was in her monstrous mode.

“Little? Me? Hah!” Sehun yapped as if he heard the most ridiculous of things. He walked close to her, a grin of mischief lighting his face. “It’s like you haven’t been living with me for over two years! Do you remember that time you barged into the bathroom while I was showe—“

“Please don’t mention your .” Kai interrupted with a meek squeal of horror, his eyes wide and his plump lips stretched into a disgusted line. Sehun, having no shame whatsoever, flipped his hair, his grin widening.

“Since you said please, you precious child.”

Mina, noticing Kai’s grossed out expression, leaned forward by the tips of her toes right over Kai’s back, her eyes set on Sehun’s body wherein was searching for Kai’s ear to whisper. “Why is he so patronizing?”

“That’s a stupid question.” He repeated, turning backward to Mina. She merely grimaced, thinking that she really should stop asking such idiotic questions that have obvious answers.

Mina and Kai turned back to face Sehun, waiting for him to announce their leave; but Sehun had a frown on his face, searching around with squinted eyes.

“Do you know where I put my car keys?” Inquired Sehun, his face returning. Mina and Kai found their eyebrows simultaneously raise in ridicule.

“You mean our car keys?” Kai mumbled, frowning in displeasure at how claiming Sehun sounded with the keys. It was true that they shared the car, only because Suho didn’t think it was smart to give Sehun a car of his own; and he didn’t want to deprive him of one entirely. So he had to give the two a single car to share. However, Kai rarely used it since he liked taking the bus to have as enough alone time as possible before he had to return home that Sehun simply claimed it as his. Secretly, of course, until times like these exposed his claim.

“If you haven’t been so busy admiring your d-“ Mina was about to say, but she was interrupted by another disgusted grimace by Kai.

“Please stop.”

She settled with a devilish grin she couldn’t exactly suppress, because Sehun didn’t care wherein Kai seemed ready to throw up. It was always amusing to see such.. alive expression on Kai’s normally aloof face, and if she had to annoy him to exert one from him, so be it. A faded horn right outside their apartment brought Mina out of her thoughts, and she looked at the window right beside the front door with puzzlement.

“Someone is horning.” Sehun noted dumbly, and she would have laid out a sarcastic comment if she wasn’t so rudely cut off by another horn, longer and more impatient than the other one.

“Why is there someone horning outside our apartment?” Sehun once again spoke, turning to Mina with genuine confusion. “Mina, did any of the boys tell you they’d come pick us up? Because maybe I fell in love with you.”

“, now I wish I did so,” Mina clutched her chest theatrically with both of her hands, “I can’t live without having your Godly love for me.”

There came a knock before Sehun could throw a nasty comeback, and all three heads shifted toward the door.

“Then who is that?” Mina heard Kai mumble to Sehun behind her back when she went to open the door, and she was met immediately with a feline smile that blinded her for a millisecond, and tender eye-smile. The pacing her heart did didn’t help either.

“Oh, Jongdae.” She called casually, leaning over the door frame as if she wasn’t affected at all with his sudden presence. Jongdae, fully aware of that, tilted his lips upwards in a half-smirk, a half-smirk that actually made her beats go haywire. “Why are you here? I thought we are all going with our own cars?”

“Well,” Jongdae didn’t seem like he was going to comment about her or her erratic heartbeats, thankfully. He looked behind him, and Mina tried to look behind him as well; feeling the presence of the rest behind her back. “Someone here wanted to see you in person.”

Mina knew who was there even though she couldn’t see him, she already guessed he’d be here since she couldn’t reach him via the phone, and he wouldn’t simply not try to see her; but it didn’t help her heart at all. The minute she was met with his brown eyes, resembling the eyes of a beauteous puppy that was hungry of love and attention. Right away, her heart gave a lurch, and it wasn’t a painful one, it was extremely excited.

Baekhyun was walking toward her with slow, uncooperative legs, his eyes wandering everywhere instead of her face, and his cheeks tinted with a reddish hue that she didn’t accustom with Baekhyun at all, since he was usually confident. His black, midnight hair fell over his eyes like curtains and hid his beautiful forehead. He approached her like a kitten approaching her owner, with shyness of a small offspring and anxiety of one. Mina didn’t know why so nervous he appeared to be.

“Hey,” he mumbled, giving Jongdae a look (who was grinning) and the boys, before turning to Mina, at last, his eyes smiling but his mouth frozen. “Mina.”

“Baekhyun.” Mina released the door she was leaning against and went to the boy, a gentle smile appearing on her face. “I saw your calls.”

“Yeah, about that.” Baekhyun let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing on his cheeks, his eyes flitting to everyone and back at Mina. “Well, um, how do I say this, um, I’m sorry? You know, for.. uh, for yelling?”

Mina was hyperventilating. She had never seen Baekhyun so nervous in her entire life, and it was cute, deadly so. She was so used to badass Baekhyun, flirty Baekhyun, and playboy Baekhyun who wrapped everyone around his pretty little fingers. But seeing this Baekhyun? It was too good to pass out.

“That was the most awkward I’ve ever seen in my life.” Sehun rudely commented, snickering, and Baekhyun’s head snapped to him instantly, scowling so hard that the previous flush vapored away.

“You shut the up.

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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40 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!