NINE: Let Me In

The War
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The next week, Chanyeol and Baekhyun started moving to their newly-shared apartment. It was the weekend when Haru and Sehun came to help. It is still a puzzle to her how these two will survive together seeing how they fight and argue on every decision they have to make for the apartment.
    Like now… Baekhyun prefers a soundbar over the surround sound speaker that Chanyeol intended to install in their TV. They have been arguing about specifications for about an hour now, while she and Sehun are cleaning the cabinets in the kitchen.
    “You are not in a concert, why would you need a surround sound?” Baekhyun argued.
    “Because it has much better quality than soundbars!” Chanyeol refuted.
    Haru was about to climb the ladder to put the kitchen utensils and equipment in the upper cabinet, but she felt someone grabbed her wrist.
     “Let me, noona,” Sehun said, and took the utensils from her.
    She let him climbed the ladder instead, while she handed over the glasses to him.
    “They are fighting like my parents,” Sehun muttered, talking about Baekhyun and Chanyeol.
    Haru chuckled and looked over the other two in the living area. “Well, they do fight like a couple, don’t they?”
    “Couple of idiots, yeah.” Sehun grinned.
    Haru looked at Sehun as he arranged the glasses and plates in the cabinet. “Were your parents always fighting?”
    Sehun stopped and protruded his lips as if recalling how his parents were like. “I remember them fighting most of the time when I was a kid.”
    Haru titled her head when she hinted sadness in his tone. “And now?”
    Sehun shrugged, “I wouldn’t know.”
    “They died in a car crash, probably still fighting,” he chuckled a bit to lighten her mood.
    “I’m sorry,” she solemnly said.
    Sehun gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, I got my grandma, anyway.”
    “Are you two done there?! We need help here!” Chanyeol shouted from the living area.
    “Yeah,” Sehun shouted back, then climbed down the ladder. "So, demanding," he muttered to himself. Haru shook her head and walked to the living area to help the other two.

After five hours of straight cleaning up and moving stuff around the apartment, the four of them stopped to take break and eat something that Baekhyun had cooked in the kitchen.
    “Thank you for setting up the utensils so nicely in the kitchen, by the way,” Baekhyun said to Haru as he passed him a plate of corndogs.
    “Sehun and I had a bet on how long you two can keep this place clean,” Haru said, grinning widely at him. “He said, one week. I said, two days.”
    “How rude,” Baekhyun kidded. He took the seat next to Haru and looked at Chanyeol in front who is trying to make their TV work.
    “One week,” Sehun defended, “Because they will not move around much in this house and just play dead until one of them actually give up on cleaning.”
    “Wah! Let’s see…” Chanyeol, in his own world, was fiddling something in their newly-setup TV. When he hit the remote control's power button, the surround speaker blasted through the entire house like a boom sound. It appeared to be at maximum volume. The three people seated on the couch startled out of their seats.
    “You wanted a surround sound, huh?” Baekhyun sarcastically voiced, shaking his head.
    Chanyeol grinned at them then lower the volume by 80%.
    “Let’s watch a movie!” Chnayeol was about to switch it to Netflix, but Haru stopped him. “Huh, why?” He looked at the television and saw the news.
    “News flash! The late dictator's son, Byun Beomseok, declared he intends to carry on his father's legacy by running for president in the upcoming election.”
    It was Baekhyun’s father on the news.
    While Sehun and Chanyeol were staring at the other two seated next to each other, Baekhyun and Haru were simply fixated on the television. Chanyeol turned to look at Haru. Since he was the only one who was aware of their family's past, he was at a loss for what to do.
    Baekhyun sighed when the news ended. “You said we’re watching a movie?” he asked Chanyeol to shift the mood. However, Chanyeol was still staring at Haru, so Baekhyun turned to face her. Even after the news had already ended, she continued to stare at the screen, as if waiting for the reporter to come back at take the news back.
    “Haru?” Baekhyun tapped her shoulder. “You okay?”
    “I…” she gulped, then stood up. “I have to go.”
    Baekhyun was about to run after her, but Chanyeol beat him to it this time.

Time is a great healer, they said. If so, why does a simple news can still affect Haru’s family this much? She went home to find her parents crying in front of the memorial for her grandfather. It’s been three decades since her grandfather was assumed dead as his body was never found after being abducted by a group of military men. And yet, a simple news about the Byun family can still break their family like this.
    Her growing conviction that justice belongs to the powerful instead of the underprivileged comes mainly from this. After Chanyeol went after her when she walked out, she told Chanyeol not to tell Baekhyun about their family's past    .
    Instead of sitting next to Baekhyun in Journalism 1 on Monday, she opted to take a seat in the back of the room. Baekhyun kept on looking back at her, but then after a few minutes, he got up, about to approached Haru. He was stopped by Chanyeol, who asked him to give her some space for the time being. However, Baekhyun can’t understand why she would need space from him.
    “What happened yesterday? I don’t understand, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said.
    “It’s not my story to tell, Baekhyun.”
    “Let her be for a moment,” Sehun interjected.
    Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the two quizzically. “Is it something I’ve done yesterday? But we were okay,” he grumbled yet again.
    The professor arrived before he could get an answer from the two. Baekhyun had no choice but to fidget in his seat for three hours, a few rows away from Haru.


Upon their professor's dismissal, Baekhyun immediately stood up a

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Chapter 10: Love love this story.i hope you return soon.
Chapter 2: thank you thank you for updating this fic after 5 yearssss!!! I really liked this when I first started reading it and was a bit sad when i thought you abandoned it already. I have to start from chapter 1 again just to refresh my memory 🤭 looking forward for new updates!!
Found this story,now my wishlist.
Chapter 10: Something's fishy about Haru being followed. Wishing luck for Baekhyun.
Nlnz2016 #5
Chapter 9: I feel so sorry for them. It’s good the Haru doesn’t hold Baek against his family’s wrong doing.
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 8: Just discovered this story and love it so much. Thanks. Hope you will continue it.
Chapter 8: This story is so amazing! I had to read this in one sitting. Chanyeol is such a sunshine here🌻 and Sehun doesn't seem to like guys wondering around Haru. Their friendship is so sweet ✨
So glad that you decided to continue this story. Welcome back! Can't wait to explore this story 😁
Chapter 7: I just found this story in the main page and I read all the chapters in one sitting and I am really liking it so far even though I am not really in to these kind of stories (politicsau) so I hope you keep updating it ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: i was waiting for author to update to continue reading but looks like she's busy :( its been two years
did baekhyun asked help from his father?
Chapter 6: Im guessing it has smtg to do with byun's family and omg are they gonna catch her ? Dude im scared for haru