TWO: Off the Wall

The War
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As soon as the professor dismissed the class, Yoon Haru took her things and rapidly got out of the room. While her seatmate, Byun Baekhyun, was wearing an amused grin as he followed Haru through his gaze, running for her life. When Haru was out of his sight, he gracefully walked slowly his way out of the room, aware of the attention he’s getting from the students.
    Baekhyun managed to piss off Haru without doing anything. He doesn’t know where her anger comes from, but he knows that he can piss her off by his mere existence. She is, after all, the first person, or perhaps the only person, who has the gut to talk to him today. And that’s enough to divert his attention from what happened earlier.
    He can hear the murmurs of the students from the hallways as he walked down. I’ll get use to this, he thought, they’ll get use to this.
    “Oh, look, a celebrity!” Baekhyun heard someone shouted, maybe from behind, but he chose to ignore it.
    “A rebel one, that is,” another voice shouted.
    Baekhyun then halted from walking when he recognized those voices. He blew a raspberry as he turns around, facing the two men who’s been trailing behind him since he walked out of his class.
    “If you guys are here to piss me off, I hate to break it to you, but someone beat you to it already.” Then he resumed walking, leaving the two men behind.
    “Who, Baekbeom?” one of the men guessed, trailing behind Baekhyun. He’s skinny, almost as the same height as Baekhyun, has permed, brown hair, thin, curvy lips, and has visible cheekbones.
    “Who else?” Baekhyun idly responded.
    “Uh, your parents?” the other guy said. He’s older than both Baekhyun and the other guy, but in terms of looks, he looks a lot younger than them. Almost as the same height as Baekhyun as well, he has thick eyebrows, cat eye, and chubby cheeks.
    “Right,” Baekhyun sardonically drawled. “But they’re on different level.”
    “Yeah, right, it’s game over for you once the news reaches them,” the older one said, who is now walking beside Baekhyun.
    The skinny guy walked to the other side and placed his arms around Baekhyun. “Imagine the headline: Son of Senator Byun Ending the Political Dynasty of their Family. Wow, Baek, that’s really… scandalous.”
    Baekhyun made face at his friend. “How about a headline saying how Byun Baekhyun beat up Kim Jongdae to set him straight, no?”
    “Meh,” Jongdae reacted. “You’ll get hates for that, while I get pity from the people. Who likes an arrogant, son of a senator, anyway? Plus, you’re on a different level than me. But you can beat up Minseok hyung,” he remarked, pointing at the guy on the other side of Baekhyun.
    “My grandfather was a president, but was never a dictator, so… no, still on different level. He’ll still get hates for beating me up,” Kim Minseok asserted.
    “You’re both doing a great job on making me feel better,” Baekhyun sarcastically said. “But I have to go now, and don’t worry, I’ll miss you guys, big time.” Then he walked ahead, leaving Minseok and Jongdae dumbfounded.
    “Where the hell are you going?” Minseok shouted.
    “Class,” Baekhyun loudly retorted.
    “You don’t have vacant period?” Jongdae barked.
    “I didn’t get one!”

“I didn’t get one,” Haru told her childhood best friend on the phone.
    “Elective classes will help you adjust to your majors, you should get one, Haru. And you should get a schedule that starts after your first class, so we’ll have a matching schedule. Who gets a schedule with five hours vacant, anyway? You’ll get bored,” he implied.
    “Yes, mom, I’ll check the schedules later,” she retorted mockingly.
    As soon as she left the room earlier, Haru went on a tour alone around the Journalism building. She’s in the middle of walking along the hallway when her childhood best friend, Zhang Yixing, gave her a call.
    “Don’t give me more headaches, Haru. One is enough,” Yixing pleaded from the other line.
    Haru scoffed in a sad manner, staring down while walking in the hallway. “By one you mean me being an activist, right?”
    Growing up together, being that both of their fathers are friends since college, Yixing knew the history of Yoon family so well. Haru joined a group of activists in middle school that fights for the rights of the people of South Korea. Yixing had nothing against it at first, because her parents were not saying anything about it, they were totally not against it. But when one time he joined Haru in a protest to accompany her because he’s worried, he saw a lot of people got hurt by the officials when everything went wrong, and Haru almost got hurt as well. He never let her go to any protests alone after that.
    “I’m not against it, you know that,” Yixing sighed. “But I’m not pro to it, neither. I’m just worried for you, Haru. It’s not safe.”
    Haru stopped walking, still staring down. “I know,” she mumbled. She knows Yixing is just worried. And she knows… she knows it’s not safe.
    “How’s your first day?” Yixing asked, changing the topic. He must’ve sensed that Haru is not liking where their argument was going.
    “Like hell,” she miffed.
    “What’s the matter?” Yixing worriedly asked.
    Haru chuckled. Yixing won’t like hearing what she did to Byun Baekhyun earlier. “Oh, nothing big, just a Byun problem.”
    “Oh, yeah, I heard Byun Baekhyun enrolled in K.U,” Yixing said. “I know you hate their family, but please don’t punch him when you see him,” he added.
    “About that,” Haru hesitated, biting her lips, “Should I say fortunately or unfortunately? Because I didn’t,” she continued.
    “What do you mean? You came across him already?”
    “Yeah, just a glimpse… you know, since he’s sitting, literally, beside me for two hours.”
    “You’re in the same class? But I thought you have Journalism this morning?”
    “That’s right,” Haru said, matter-of-factly.
    Yixing gasped. “Wait… does that mean…?”
    “Yeah, exactly,” she snorted.
    “No way,” Yixing cackled. “But that’s a taboo to their family. I’m surprise they let him, considering that his father is known for being strict,” he added.
    Haru scoffed. “I don’t know, because I don’t care. Wish he just took up Law like his brother, since he has the attitude of a future politician. I mean, it won’t make a difference anyway, his father can just make him a politician in a snap.”
    “It can make a difference, Haru. You never know.” Haru was about to disagree to that, but Yixing cut her off promptly. “Haru, the professor is here, I’m hanging up. Find a class that will fit into your boring schedule, will you?” he reminded her.
    Haru blew a raspberry. “Fine, you go learn how to be a healer or something,” she kidded.
    She heard Yixing uttered a tsk. “Doctors are not healers, but yes, I’ll be a doctor and something. Don’t leave the campus without me. I’m hanging up, bye.” Then the line was cut off before Haru could more.
    Giggling as she pocketed her phone, she wondered where the Dean’s office is located.
    Yixing is a year older than her. He may be her best friend, but sometimes, it scares her not to follow what he says. No one likes an angry Zhang Yixing in sight. He acts more like an older brother to Haru than a best friend. But he knows when she needs a best friend or an older brother.
    Haru resumed walking to look for the Dean’s office of their department. A lot of students are in the hallway, some are rushing, probably heading to their classes, while some are just walking around like her.
    “Gryffindor!” Haru heard a deep, low voice roared. She ignored it and continued walking to the Dean’s office.
    About to swerve into the stairs to the second floor, someone poked her in the shoulder that made her swiftly turn around. She was greeted by a smiling tall guy (a foot taller than her) with black hair, hid

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Chapter 10: Love love this story.i hope you return soon.
Chapter 2: thank you thank you for updating this fic after 5 yearssss!!! I really liked this when I first started reading it and was a bit sad when i thought you abandoned it already. I have to start from chapter 1 again just to refresh my memory 🤭 looking forward for new updates!!
Found this story,now my wishlist.
Chapter 10: Something's fishy about Haru being followed. Wishing luck for Baekhyun.
Nlnz2016 #5
Chapter 9: I feel so sorry for them. It’s good the Haru doesn’t hold Baek against his family’s wrong doing.
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 8: Just discovered this story and love it so much. Thanks. Hope you will continue it.
Chapter 8: This story is so amazing! I had to read this in one sitting. Chanyeol is such a sunshine here🌻 and Sehun doesn't seem to like guys wondering around Haru. Their friendship is so sweet ✨
So glad that you decided to continue this story. Welcome back! Can't wait to explore this story 😁
Chapter 7: I just found this story in the main page and I read all the chapters in one sitting and I am really liking it so far even though I am not really in to these kind of stories (politicsau) so I hope you keep updating it ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: i was waiting for author to update to continue reading but looks like she's busy :( its been two years
did baekhyun asked help from his father?
Chapter 6: Im guessing it has smtg to do with byun's family and omg are they gonna catch her ? Dude im scared for haru