FIVE: Oasis

The War
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For Jongdae

“Yoon Haru?”
    Haru stopped walking when two police officers blocked her way. She eyed them from head to toe, examined their badges and uniforms, then she straightened up, fixed her posture.
    “You got the wrong person,” she calmly told them.
    About to walk past the officers, she stopped when they showed her a warrant of arrest.
    “Yoon Haru, you are under arrest on suspicion of illegal assembly and scandal. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning.”
    Haru stared at the piece of paper handled by the officer.
    “Can I at least call someone first?” she asked them with a straight face.
    “You can at the police station,” one of the officers stiffly responded.
    Haru nodded her head then the officer put the handcuffs on her. On their way to the police station, Haru has been contemplating whether or not she will call Yixing, who is probably in his class already. She will definitely not call her parents and make them worry.
    When they arrived at the police station, Haru was given the permission to phone someone using the station’s telephone. They confiscated her phone, along with all her other things. She tried to call Yixing first, but after two tries of just ringing, she dialed another number.
    “Hello?” a man greeted on the other line.
    “Chanyeol, this is Haru.”
    “Yo, Gryffindor! On your way here? Whose number is this?”
    “Yeah, I am… or was… I was,” Haru stammered.
    “Huh? What happened?” Chanyeol confusedly asked.
    Haru took a deep breath. “Listen, I need you to go and get Yixing for me, he’s at the other building, room 408. Tell him I’m here at the police station—”
    “Wait, where?” Chanyeol cut her off, appalled.
    “At the police station. They arrested me. Please, Chanyeol, get Yixing for me? Please.”
    “What—? Why—? Okay… okay.” She heard Chanyeol taking deep breaths before he continued, “But, are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
    “I’m fine,” she assured him.
    “Okay, I’ll go get Zhang Yixing. Don’t worry, okay? Kick them where it hurts if they try something, alright?”
    Haru hanged up. Chanyeol sounded really worried, he almost didn’t want her to hang up so he’ll know she’s fine. But one of the officers gave her a signal that her time is up from using the telephone.
    She turned to the officer across her at the table, then she declared with a straight face, “I refuse to say anything without a presence of a lawyer.” 

“A lawyer? Gryffindor has a lawyer?” Chanyeol relievedly asked.
    “They have a family lawyer. If you really know— wait, Gryffindor?” Yixing confusedly asked the man beside him as he drives.
    They are in his car, on their way to the police station to bail Haru out. Yixing called the Yoon family’s lawyer already. He strictly asked the lawyer not to inform Haru’s parents about this. Unlike Chanyeol, who is still panicking until now, Yixing stayed calm to keep his mind clear. He’ll get his best friend out of that place, by hook or by crook.
    “That’s what I call her—Gryffindor,” Chanyeol agitatedly explained.
    Yixing just smirked, eyes on the road. “The Yoon family has a family lawyer. That’s also the same lawyer who is handling her late grandfather’s case.”
    Chanyeol turned to Yixing. “That’s still open?”
    Yixing nodded. “Until there’s someone with power alive who was part of martial law, the case will not be closed. The Yoons refused to give up looking for justice.”
    Chanyeol stayed quiet after that, just staring outside the window, fidgeting in nervous. Since he found out that Haru got arrested, he can’t calm himself down. All he was thinking is he should be there with Haru right now. He was with Haru at the strike. She shouldn’t be facing this all alone.
    Yixing tapped his shoulder. “Calm down, kid, we’ll bail her out.”

“Bail who out?” Minseok asked, puzzled.
    Baekhyun excused Minseok in the middle of his class, catching his breath from running. Chanyeol told him about Haru’s situation and asked him to help Haru, because he came from a family of lawyers. But Baekhyun remained silent, bewildered. He can’t offer help to Haru from his family, because they will not help her.
    He told Chanyeol he can’t help Haru. Panicking and a bit mad at Baekhyun, Chanyeol left to run to the other building to inform Yixing.
    “Haru. Remember? The girl I ate with at the cafeteria? Please, Minseok hyung, I’ll explain everything later, but help her first. Can you bail her out? She’s done nothing wrong, I swear. I can even testify to that,” Baekhyun begged Minseok.
    Minseok furrowed his eyebrows. “Testify? Baekhyun, you can only testify to a case if you had witnessed what happened.” His eyes narrowed at Baekhyun with suspicion. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
    Baekhyun sighed in defeat. “Can you help her?”
    Minseok shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. You should ask a licensed lawyer for that.”
    Baekhyun let out another tired sigh, nodding his head.
    “Please, tell me you’re not doing something dangerous,” Minseok implored.
    Baekhyun smiled sadly at Minseok. “I’ll tell you later. Thanks, Minseok hyung.”
    Minseok nodded and tapped Baekhyun in his shoulder. Baekhyun took a step back before turning around and walk away, dejected.
    Back in his class, phone in hand, he keeps on scrolling through his phone contacts, looking for someone who can help Haru out. But for someone who only got two friends all his life, it’s a hopeless case for Baekhyun. If only he can use his family name and go there.
    For the first time in class, Baekhyun felt lonely sitting alone in the fifth row for three hours.

Three hours later, Haru was put behind bars while waiting for her lawyer to process and fix everything. Yixing came one hour ago with a panicking Chanyeol beside him. If not for Haru telling him to calm down, the tall guy would probably be arguing with every police officer at the police station, asking them what Haru has done wrong to be put inside the jail.
    The two men are outside waiting for the arrival of her lawyer.
    After few minutes, an officer opened the bars and called Haru out.
    “I can go? I’m free of charges?” Haru confusedly asked the officer.
    Thinking that her lawyer probably fixed everything already, Haru stood up and went out. Yixing and Chanyeol are standing outside, both looking so confused and clueless of what’s happening.
    “Gryffindor!” Chanyeol ran to her when he snapped out of confusion.
    “Where’s Attorney Lee?” Haru asked Yixing.
    Yixing looked around for the lawyer with furrowed eyebrows. “Not here,” he responded. “They let you out already? How?”
    “Attorney Lee is not here? Then, who bailed me out?”
    Chanyeol and Yixing looked at each other, confused. No one, who looked like they will bail someone out or somewhat looked familiar to them, entered the police station while they were standing at the entrance, waiting for Attorney Lee to arrive.
    “Don’t ask us, we’re just as clueless as you,” Yixing stated.
    “Nevermind that. What’s more important is you’re free of charges,” Chanyeol chirped in. “So, let’s go before they put you back in jail, shall we?” he continued, looking around to see if any officer is watching them.
    “He’s right,” Yixing agreed. “You’re probably tired, Haru. Let your lawyer handle the rest. He’s almost here, but we’ll get you home first then I’ll come back here to know what happened,” he added.
    Haru sighed. She is tired. Not physically, but mentally. The jail took so much energy out of her. But if she goes home in the middle of the day, her parents will know what happened.
    “I’m attending my classes today,” she announced, making Yixing frown at her. “

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Chapter 10: Love love this story.i hope you return soon.
Chapter 2: thank you thank you for updating this fic after 5 yearssss!!! I really liked this when I first started reading it and was a bit sad when i thought you abandoned it already. I have to start from chapter 1 again just to refresh my memory 🤭 looking forward for new updates!!
Found this story,now my wishlist.
Chapter 10: Something's fishy about Haru being followed. Wishing luck for Baekhyun.
Nlnz2016 #5
Chapter 9: I feel so sorry for them. It’s good the Haru doesn’t hold Baek against his family’s wrong doing.
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 8: Just discovered this story and love it so much. Thanks. Hope you will continue it.
Chapter 8: This story is so amazing! I had to read this in one sitting. Chanyeol is such a sunshine here🌻 and Sehun doesn't seem to like guys wondering around Haru. Their friendship is so sweet ✨
So glad that you decided to continue this story. Welcome back! Can't wait to explore this story 😁
Chapter 7: I just found this story in the main page and I read all the chapters in one sitting and I am really liking it so far even though I am not really in to these kind of stories (politicsau) so I hope you keep updating it ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: i was waiting for author to update to continue reading but looks like she's busy :( its been two years
did baekhyun asked help from his father?
Chapter 6: Im guessing it has smtg to do with byun's family and omg are they gonna catch her ? Dude im scared for haru