The Cruelty Of Fate.

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~~~13~~~ "Taeyeon!" Sooyeon called as soon she opened the door to the consort's room, it was a little dark but she could still see the silhouette of her lover, she was on her bed, hugging her knees as she sniffed, indicating she's been crying the whole day. "S-sooyeon, is that you?" She questioned, opening wide her eyes that were hurting like chilli powder had been sprinted in them. "Yes my love, I'm here." Sooyeon said rushing towards her lover, they met halfway as Taeyeon also abruptly stood on her feet charging towards her. Holding Taeyeon's face in her palms, Sooyeon wasted no time in claiming her lover's lips with hers, kissing her longingly, her lover returned the kiss almost immediately with the same intense longing, they continued to kiss until the need for air to down to their burning lungs became necessary. They rested their foreheads together tenderly, as they struggled to catch their breath. "I thought he had killed you, I thought I've lost you." Taeyeon whispered, her hold on Sooyeon's waist tightened. "No, Taeyeon even death can't separate me from you, I love you." Sooyeon confessed. "How did he let you live? How come you're not in the cold palace?" Taeyeon asked confused. "Let's just say the king won't be bothering us ever again, I took care of him." Sooyeon smiled victoriously. Taeyeon stepped back and stared into her eyes. "W-what? Did you perhaps kill him?" She asked in fear. "No, I won't do such a thing, of course unless he'd hurt you, then I won't guarantee his safety, I just took care of him in my own kind of way, now listen to me." Sooyeon paused to get her lover's attention fully. "I want you to pack your things, we'll be leaving this goddamn place soon." She said. "Why? To where?" "Somewhere far away from here, once I was in Japan, I encountered a woman, she was white but very different from us, she had a golden hair, a pair of blue eyes and spoke a foreign language, I befriended her, she was from somewhere far from here, a continent of the European empire." Sooyeon said. "So...?" Taeyeon asked confusingly. "So, we are traveling there, but first we need to begin with Japan where she would couch us on how to get there, she was a business woman, she makes and sell perfumes, and she said it took her some few months to arrive at Japan through a ship." Sooyeon explained. "Do we really have to go there? We can just stay here." Taeyeon said, she was scared of this woman, and scared of the unknown nation they were supposedly heading to. "The people there are open minded I heard, they would not care who we love, people like us needs that kind of place. It is the kind of place where I want you to be, where we will not be judged." Sooyeon said cradling Taeyeon's cheeks with both of her hands and stared at her lovingly. "Would you go with me?" Taeyeon leaned in to Sooyeon's hands, closing her eyes, savoring the touch. "I will go anywhere with you, Sooyeon. I love you." She whispered and Sooyeon closed the gap between their lips, kissing Taeyeon once again. ~~ (Flashback of thoughts when the two first met)   The queen. Some people are blessed with those moments in life when they see heaven before it is their time to present themselves before God. I think I have been blessed and seen heaven. It came to me in a dirty servants hanbuk, floating across the smooth floors of our beautiful palace. It came in the form of a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and brown honey eyes, fresh as a rose, lithe and soft. Her voice is like silk and her skin is velvet and satin, like the petals of a rose. She is a beauty and a danger and she is love. Yes, love. Oh, I wish I had more eloquent words to describe Taeyeon to you 'dear reader'. She is like an angel and a demon all wrapped into one pair. I know you will say that I speak blasphemy but I see no other way to identify her. She is certainly not human. She is perfect in manner but scandalous in the way she holds herself, in the way she speaks of such intimate sensual things. I had only known her for a day long but I am wildly in love with her. If anyone can make an impression, she certainly can. To everyone I was the queen of the great goryeo kingdom, but even then Taeyeon has always been the queen of my heart, she rules my heart like my father, the emperor rules the lands he had conquered and henceforth; I knew she will be the one I will be growing old with, she is certainly my always and forever. The author. "She is absolutely ravishing," was the first thought that struck queen Sooyeon when she first laid her eyes on the standing Taeyeon, as time goes by queen Sooyeon soon found that not only was she enchanted by Taeyeon but she was quite literally captivated by her. The queen felt like if she spent a single day away from the other woman, she could not sleep properly at night, it was the most irksome infatuation she feels towards the servant girl, at some point she couldn't always be sure if Taeyeon was more of a flower than a panther, she was bewitching in polite company, immaculate in manner, and fresh as a rose. Taeyeon was a woman that is scandalously sensual, she possess a power that every woman does but she wield hers more creatively in capturing the hearts of the two gorgeous royals. Taeyeon. I have finally met the queen that everyone was talk
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Fire_trek 349 streak #1
Chapter 29: This was a wild ride! Thank you author nim for this great piece of literature. I loved the ending and with some unexpected moments it all came together beautifully. Thank you again
Fire_trek 349 streak #2
Chapter 28: Wow Taeyeon was pregnant and she had two beautiful babies.. too bad the worst part happened. It makes me sad that this had to happen. They were so much in love and had so many plans to live out their lives together.. it’s heartbreaking
Fire_trek 349 streak #3
Chapter 27: Still I don’t hate Yuri, idk why.. but Sooyeon is smarter and stronger than him. This could only end up in a bad way for Yuri though. I’d move along if I were him.
Fire_trek 349 streak #4
Chapter 26: The love for Taeyeon will possibly be Sooyeon’s downfall. Will the king really call for an assassin? It’s true that they love each other(Taeyeon and Sooyeon) but could Yuri’s love be that strong that he would actually do in the Queen? Wow, this is tough because I don’t hate Yuri but I see the love between Taeyeon and Sooyeon…
Fire_trek 349 streak #5
Chapter 25: Haha today’s my birthday and what a great gift this was! The hysterics, the drama! I loved it all. I know for sure Sooyeon isn’t going to let the king take her to the cold palace. This is just the beginning of a bitter and heated rivalry
Fire_trek 349 streak #6
Chapter 24: Aw man, Sooyeon is too bold! If I were Taeyeon I would high tail it out of there!! The king not only isn’t upset but he’s smiling creepily? Nope, I’d rather die than to see what Yuri has in store.
Fire_trek 349 streak #7
Chapter 23: Nah, Sooyeon is going crazy, she threatens her own life because of Taeyeon and then proposes to run away together? Leaving everything behind? Love is one hell of a drug
Fire_trek 349 streak #8
Chapter 22: No, I’m not disappointed this is a damn good story! I can tell Yuri is in love and so is Sooyeon. They’d go to the ends of the earth to be together with Taeyeon at this point, I gather. Too bad I see this ending horribly for one of them :(
Fire_trek 349 streak #9
Chapter 21: Damn both Yuri and Sooyeon aren’t playing fair, poor Taeyeon. But what a way to go out if she has to lol
Fire_trek 349 streak #10
Chapter 20: This story is the bees knees! I love Sooyeon’s jealousy and Yuri’s determination to keep Taeyeon, however I feel like this is just the beginning. The Queen will not be able to stay away from her and neither will the king. So many possibilities..