Lost Battle

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~~~12~~~ The morning had come to the king's satisfaction and pleasure. Today would mark the day he would get rid of his evil queen, as he now preferred to acknowledge her. The king walked with enthusiastic aura surrounding him, to the queen's chambers, he didn't see the need for a knock to inform his arrival, therefore he went fully into the room with two of his guards trailing right behind him. ”It's time Sooyeon.” The king informed, he portrayed this look of victory in his eyes as he stared down at her. ”I was hoping we could have a drink one last time.” Sooyeon introduced, she remained calm and seated where she was, she didn’t twitch so much as an inch. She simply fixed him with a look that bristled with silent, venomous accusation. Her nostrils flared, but remain unwavering what so ever. ”Leave us.” The king ordered the guards that were by his side, waiting for orders, it's going to be his last drink with her anyways, she deserve the honour for jungmin's sake, he loves and owe it to his son that much. ”So do you think this is over?” She asked with a sinister smile while pouring them the drink. ”Of course it is and you surely have failed, you lost and I win like predicted, Taeyeon's going to be my queen soon, so sad though you would not be able to see it.” He said cockily. Sooyeon smiled at that and watched as his hand went for the drink she'd offered him but suddenly he changed his mind and took her goblet instead, making her to scoff mockingly at him, what was he expecting, that she'll kill him? ”I suppose I should be congratulating you for it then, but just a little information...” She paused and leaned into his ear to whisper. ”I know that you're not the previous king's biological son.” She said, leaning back, Sooyeon smiled at him, seeing his eyes grew big and round, lost expression and fear written all over his face. ”The emperor is also on his way here for visitation purpose," she continued. "But I called his attention just right on time, don't you think?” She added nonchalantly. ”You're bluffing, this information is invalid.” He said wearing the expression of grim dissatisfaction, yet! trying to remain unaffected by her words, but somehow, cold sweats started forming on his forehead. ”Am I?" She asked laughing heartily. "Well, we will see when my father arrives, I will hand him the proof, then we'll see if I am bluffing or not.” She said, with a smile that says, 'I'm sorry but I am smarter than you and stronger than you. I’m always going to win, but I’ll try not to hurt you when I do.' It was the smile of a person who knew they possessed considerable strength and the king found it faintly embarrassing, how strong his queen stood above him, but despite how hardly perceptible his embarrassment was, the queen knew she had him under her fingers, now. ”B-But, how did you know?” He wondered in bewilderedness. The memory of who he truly is, felt like a hot coal covered in cold ashes. It smoldered on long after the fire had been doused. ”It doesn't matter how I found the trail, considering I have my own ways, and believe me; what I found out was worth every penny I spent to get the information out of those people.” She said with a voice so manipulative, like a devil on your shoulder urging you to do something wrong. Flashback. Sooyeon's POV. ”Your majesty, please help me just this once, I promise I'll never come back to you anymore.” A woman begged, I was just there to greet my mother in-law after her arrival from the temple when i accidentally encountered such a scene. ”Ari, this is the seventh time you asked me for wealth, do you perhaps think, because I kept you alive, you could come in here and blackmail me anytime you feel like?” The queen mother asked, I could see that the dowager was very angry at this rate. "If you don't give me this money, I swear I will reveal to the nation and your people, your darkest secret.” The woman threatened. ”I'm afraid, I'm done with you and your little blackmail, I assure you that you're not going to get a single silver from me today, and you should keep your mouth shut, or else...” The dowager warned, and the servant elderly lady had no choice than to leave for now. Perhaps, the queen dowager is still weary from her trip, maybe she should return some other day with her proposal. I thought. But what is it that the dowager is hiding? I was dead curious and I wanted follow the servant lady, but then I heard the dowager giving instructions to one of her trusted guards to kill the servant on her way home. I waited till the assassin was on her track before following them behind with Miyoung, Miyoung is my knightress, she w
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Fire_trek 349 streak #1
Chapter 29: This was a wild ride! Thank you author nim for this great piece of literature. I loved the ending and with some unexpected moments it all came together beautifully. Thank you again
Fire_trek 349 streak #2
Chapter 28: Wow Taeyeon was pregnant and she had two beautiful babies.. too bad the worst part happened. It makes me sad that this had to happen. They were so much in love and had so many plans to live out their lives together.. it’s heartbreaking
Fire_trek 349 streak #3
Chapter 27: Still I don’t hate Yuri, idk why.. but Sooyeon is smarter and stronger than him. This could only end up in a bad way for Yuri though. I’d move along if I were him.
Fire_trek 349 streak #4
Chapter 26: The love for Taeyeon will possibly be Sooyeon’s downfall. Will the king really call for an assassin? It’s true that they love each other(Taeyeon and Sooyeon) but could Yuri’s love be that strong that he would actually do in the Queen? Wow, this is tough because I don’t hate Yuri but I see the love between Taeyeon and Sooyeon…
Fire_trek 349 streak #5
Chapter 25: Haha today’s my birthday and what a great gift this was! The hysterics, the drama! I loved it all. I know for sure Sooyeon isn’t going to let the king take her to the cold palace. This is just the beginning of a bitter and heated rivalry
Fire_trek 349 streak #6
Chapter 24: Aw man, Sooyeon is too bold! If I were Taeyeon I would high tail it out of there!! The king not only isn’t upset but he’s smiling creepily? Nope, I’d rather die than to see what Yuri has in store.
Fire_trek 349 streak #7
Chapter 23: Nah, Sooyeon is going crazy, she threatens her own life because of Taeyeon and then proposes to run away together? Leaving everything behind? Love is one hell of a drug
Fire_trek 349 streak #8
Chapter 22: No, I’m not disappointed this is a damn good story! I can tell Yuri is in love and so is Sooyeon. They’d go to the ends of the earth to be together with Taeyeon at this point, I gather. Too bad I see this ending horribly for one of them :(
Fire_trek 349 streak #9
Chapter 21: Damn both Yuri and Sooyeon aren’t playing fair, poor Taeyeon. But what a way to go out if she has to lol
Fire_trek 349 streak #10
Chapter 20: This story is the bees knees! I love Sooyeon’s jealousy and Yuri’s determination to keep Taeyeon, however I feel like this is just the beginning. The Queen will not be able to stay away from her and neither will the king. So many possibilities..