Enchanted Queen.

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Note: This is the edited version of chapter one and so will be with the rest of the chapters and story in whole. Part one. The sun was particularly unforgiving today. Taeyeon was not created for such scorching weather, the heat having her daydream about lush forests and ruthless winters. She didn’t even look like any of the maids here, her skin refusing to take on the sunkissed hue that the rest of the maids had. Her eyes were an unusual colour of honey and gold instead of the common brown. What probably set her apart the most out of everyone was her head of long natural brunette hair. She looks almost like a maiden from a noble family because of her appearance, attracting many curious glances daily. And it probably didn’t help that she liked painting her lips deep pink. "Taeyeon, hurry." Sunkyu's melodious voice pulled her out of her reverie. Taeyeon huffed and started walking faster. They'd been walking to the royal kitchen where she and her best friend Sunkyu are assigned. Taeyeon, has been in the palace since birth, it was unfortunate or fortunate in some way that she never came across the king or the queen, her work was restricted within the kitchen just like her mother before her, on her death bed Taeyeon's mother has told her everything she needed to know about her job, and even though she hasn't started cooking yet, the young maid is sure she can do better as her mother left no stone unturned to make sure her daughter got a home when she's no more. Now that her mother is dead, the royal best cook, it is only right if Taeyeon takes her place, since she's the only person who has the knowledge of her mother's recipes and knew exactly what the royalties loves and appreciate. ~~~ A woman known as the queen's most trusted lady-in-waiting, walked along the hallway to the kitchen furiously, she had four guards accompanying her and their only purpose was to arrest the chief cook, she's resolute to punish everyone responsible in the kitchen for feeding her queen with grotesque meal, these past few weeks. ”How dear you cook something so hideous for the queen? Taeyeon nearly jumped out of her skin when the lady's voice sounded behind her so suddenly. “Guards!” She yelled, when no one bothered to answer her question, ”You're to take this ajumma to prison and lock her up, she can't even cook, I wonder how she was placed as the chief cook, the kitchen staffs should also be in the dungeon with her.” The woman commanded, her eyes trained on the chief cook. Taeyeon barely caught herself from frowning in front of the higher ranking servant. She moved and stood in front of her even though her aura was enough to force a shiver down Taeyeon's spine. "It isn't her fault, the chief cook that cooks for the queen is dead, you can't just punish her for this, I'm the only one with my mother's recipe and I wasn't allowed to cook." She sighed in exasperation. It was bad enough that the day was so unforgiving, but now she would have to deal with this woman also. ”And who do you think you are young lady?” Miyoung spat, as she looked down at her maliciously. ”I'm the deceased chief cook's daughter, Kim Taeyeon.” Taeyeon stood tall and answered straight foreword with pride, she has always been dauntless, she's not defiant but she doesn't let herself get bullied and she is not afraid of anyone, definitely not timid as her mum. ”Miyoung!” Her name being called, the lady in waiting recognized the voice of the person calling so she and the rest of the people immediately went down on their knees as the queen made her way to the crowd. ”Mama,” they all said simultaneously, bowing in respect to her majesty, except for the young maid, who is seeing the queen for the first time in her life. Her eyes travelled from the elegant animal skinned shoes worn by the queen and went up, her heart began beating wildly as she came face to face with the phoenix symbol on the finest of silk materialised hanbok, the eyes went a little higher now to her long neck, then to the queen's luscious lips, she gulped loudly this time, before her eyes finally went up to the queens eyes, and her breath hitched just as her heart skipped a beat, she was too stunned to react at the blinding beauty of the queen, the beauty that rivaled that of the most beautiful goddesses Taeyeon ever heard of, beholds her entire existence. The queen was quite shock to see a servant girl staring at her right thru the eyes, she smiled at the girl's slightly shock parted lips and blushing face, but ignored her and instead turned her attention to her head lady in waiting. ”What's with the chaos here?” The queen referred to Miyoung. ”Mama, you have been complaining about your meals lately and I just found out that your chief cook's passed away and this useless woman was assigned to make your meals, as the result of that, I'm punishing the whole kitchen staffs for not choosing wisely the next chief cook, and this fearless servant was in my way.” Miyoung explained pointing at Taeyeon. ”I didn't know that ajumma has passed away she was a great cook, and for that I'm truly sorry to her family, does she have one?” The queen didn't particularly ask anyone. ”Y-yes, mama, this young maid is her daughter, her husband has been long dead at war, he was a solder.” The current and arrested chief cook answered in fear, her eyes still looking at the ground. ”He was a brave man, with
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Fire_trek 349 streak #1
Chapter 29: This was a wild ride! Thank you author nim for this great piece of literature. I loved the ending and with some unexpected moments it all came together beautifully. Thank you again
Fire_trek 349 streak #2
Chapter 28: Wow Taeyeon was pregnant and she had two beautiful babies.. too bad the worst part happened. It makes me sad that this had to happen. They were so much in love and had so many plans to live out their lives together.. it’s heartbreaking
Fire_trek 349 streak #3
Chapter 27: Still I don’t hate Yuri, idk why.. but Sooyeon is smarter and stronger than him. This could only end up in a bad way for Yuri though. I’d move along if I were him.
Fire_trek 349 streak #4
Chapter 26: The love for Taeyeon will possibly be Sooyeon’s downfall. Will the king really call for an assassin? It’s true that they love each other(Taeyeon and Sooyeon) but could Yuri’s love be that strong that he would actually do in the Queen? Wow, this is tough because I don’t hate Yuri but I see the love between Taeyeon and Sooyeon…
Fire_trek 349 streak #5
Chapter 25: Haha today’s my birthday and what a great gift this was! The hysterics, the drama! I loved it all. I know for sure Sooyeon isn’t going to let the king take her to the cold palace. This is just the beginning of a bitter and heated rivalry
Fire_trek 349 streak #6
Chapter 24: Aw man, Sooyeon is too bold! If I were Taeyeon I would high tail it out of there!! The king not only isn’t upset but he’s smiling creepily? Nope, I’d rather die than to see what Yuri has in store.
Fire_trek 349 streak #7
Chapter 23: Nah, Sooyeon is going crazy, she threatens her own life because of Taeyeon and then proposes to run away together? Leaving everything behind? Love is one hell of a drug
Fire_trek 349 streak #8
Chapter 22: No, I’m not disappointed this is a damn good story! I can tell Yuri is in love and so is Sooyeon. They’d go to the ends of the earth to be together with Taeyeon at this point, I gather. Too bad I see this ending horribly for one of them :(
Fire_trek 349 streak #9
Chapter 21: Damn both Yuri and Sooyeon aren’t playing fair, poor Taeyeon. But what a way to go out if she has to lol
Fire_trek 349 streak #10
Chapter 20: This story is the bees knees! I love Sooyeon’s jealousy and Yuri’s determination to keep Taeyeon, however I feel like this is just the beginning. The Queen will not be able to stay away from her and neither will the king. So many possibilities..