
Gangster meets his Lover



Ok guys this is just really short story and maybe next chapter i'll make YulSic part. And I will add a character you will know that person on the other chapter or next chapter. Sorry for not updating sooner. Some times I lost my inpiration on writing here but I think of you guys my Dear Readers. Thanks for supporting you guys are my inspiration to write.






"What another day!" Yuri said when he enter there school and he saw Taeyeon. He went to Taeyeon to greet him. "Yow Taeng, What's up?" Yuri run when he see Taeyeon "Yow your on time today?" Taeyeon ask shook because Yuri is not always on time "I know right" Yuri answer "So what did you guys do yesterday?" Taeyeon ask "Oww we just went to the bar" Yuri answer as always why do I need to ask? "And why your early? I know if you guys went to the bar you wake up late?!"  Taeyeon ask curiously "Ammm, I dont even know, I think I just miss you!" Yuri said doing his irritating aegyo. "Hey stop your gross" Taeyeons face look gross because of what yuri did. "HAHAHAH if you just can look at your face, Ok i'll stop" Yuri stop laughting hard and Taeyeon just sighed. They continue walking to there class. 


They went in on there room ang yuri went straight to his desk and lay his head to sleep while waiting for sunny and  yoona. To taeyeon he went to his seat and open his book for there first subject, advance reading while waiting for there teacher.






Jessica and Tiffany's car are fixed so Nickhkun drive them to there school. When tgey arrived Tiffany went out first then Jessica followed they start walking to their room when they arrived to their room Tiffany sited first before greet Taeyeon. "Hi" She greeted with her eyesmile. "Hi" He look at Tiffany and to smiled her. She ask Taeyeon with her worried face, "Are you ok now?" "Yeah thanks to you" He answer Tiffany smiling with his chin dimple. "Thank you again for saving as, We owe you! So I'll treat you? Lunch?" She said. "Actually its Ooo...Ok lunch if good." He going to answer its ok but he think again, second thought he will accept it. "Ok?!" She answer with a question on it. Is he planing something? I shoudnt ask, stupid of me.


On Jessica side, She went to her seat and shooked because her seatmate is early today. Whats with this guy first time early in class, Weird. She take a short nap same as her seatmate. But Yuri awake when he feel his seat mate already arrive same as Yoona and Sunny so he go to his gang and talk to them. "Sup guys?!" Yuri greeted and the two were shooked because Yuri is early. "Yow first time you early" Sunny ask because Yuri is really early hu "Hehehe I know right" Yuri just smile and  scratch his none itchy head" You really did the dare" Yoona said while clapping his hand Ofcaurse Yuri wont do that with no reason. "But bro when will you start doing our deal?" Sunny ask breaking them and   is curious if he really going to do it. "Dont worry guys, I will do it maybe tomorrow?. But to make it easy lets talk to Taeyeon, I think I need his help" Yuri said like professional but ofcaurse he still need help "Ok thats more good,  I think?" Yooa said not really sure about it. But their chit chat cutted because of there teacher. Mr. Lee went in and all the student go back to there seat and Tiffany wake Jessica up. They start there boring lesson.




After a while they are done for three subject and its lunch time. The Gang went out but Yuri ask Taeyeon first then Taeyeon said to Yuri that Her seatmate will treat him so Yuri just smile with a teasing face and went out to catch up with Yoona and Sunny. As Jessica she pulled Tiffany because shes really  hungry. "Hey Jess wait, I forgot Taeyeon will eat with us" Tiffany said ti Jessica  "What why?!" Jessica shouted Tiffany because of what she heared. "Jess we owe him because he save our live ok?" Tiffany explained ti Jessica  " Ok Ok, please dont remind me of it" Jessica pissed off when she remember what happened. "Ok sorry, Oww Taeyeon is here" Tiffany appologize and Taeyeon walk in after going to confort room " Oww sorry did you guys wait for me" Taeyeon asked "Yes" Jessica said because of her hungryness shes not in a mood." Oww not really" Tiffany said to Taeyeon after that she glare at Jessica and whisper to her  "Hey jess, Stop" but Jessuca just look at Tiffany with WHAT face. "Ok lets go?" Taeyeon said when he thing theres no problems. 




They go to the cafeteria and eat their lunch. But the gang went where Taeyeon is and sited. "Hey guys where your manners?" Taeyeon glare and said to the Gang so Yuri talk " Oww were sorry can we sit?" "What could we do you already sited" "Geez so cold" " Sorry for her manner" "Its Ok, Sorry also" Yuri sited next to Jessica and Sunny, Yoona sited beside to Taeyeon. "So Ice princess want Cucumber?" Yuri being good for his plan but "IIIYYYYKKKKK! Get that away from me" Jessica pinchinv her nose and she made her dolpin shout and The Gang shooked and just look at them"What this is my food, So you dont like cucumber" Yuri smirked and  take a bite and exhaled and talk to Jessica. So Jessica went to the other side so Tiffany is in the middle. " Sorry but Jessica dont like Cucumbers" Tiffany appologize because of her Bestfriend action "Hey, Yuri stop it" Taeyeon look at Yuri laugting "Ok Ok I'll stop" Yuri said and look at Jessica and appologized but Jessica just rolled her eyes, she is not in the mood because of Yuri... Not too far some one looking at them "So you took the Gang from me, I'll get whats mine. You will pay b*tchest"


After that they go back to there classes and start there boring lessons until the bell rang and it means end of classed. Taeyeon and JeTi cancel there study today because Taeyeons parenf called him to go home early they will discused something. 






The Next Chapter, I will try to make YulSic moment cause many of my Dear Readers want YulSic part.


Thanks for the old and new subscribers and Thanks for the Upvote. Pls. Comment so I can be more inspired and continue to write this story. You guys giving me energy. 


Sorry for the one  who really want YulSic part because of the Title. But I promise there will be Yulsic moment.


I have a question wish you guys answer it. If ever who do you want first to be in a relationship Yulsic or Taeny? Just asking. But dont hope to much ok? 


LOVE YOU GUYS, Dear Readers.

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Sorry My dear readers I can only update short, because of busy day and need to sleep, cause I update at night. Sorry pls support me more.


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Stphsbam #1
Chapter 13: Wow Taeny couple is getting better together. So cute
mayataufik1 #2
Do you write yulsic story????
taeny01989 #3
Chapter 11: Happy birthday authornim :)
Beetlebee #4
Chapter 11: Happy Birthday author! Take ur time updating :)
Beetlebee #5
Chapter 9: But it is a bit short.. hope u have time to update a longer chappie
Beetlebee #6
Chapter 9: Apology accepted xD
82 streak #7
Chapter 5: Yyy so shortyy huhuhuh
Chapter 2: This is the weirdest pairing ever..
taeny01989 #9
Chapter 2: Is this a Taeny story?