Day 10.

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Day 10.

Is it heaven? Am I dead already? How?

When she saw him for the first time, Taeyeon couldn’t believe her very own eyes. His face is flawless, literally, its skin looks as smooth as her mother china’s collection back at home and the cat-like eyes he has are soft and fierce at the same time.

His cheekbones jutted out, gracefully occupied almost half of his face, carved beautifully as if Michelangelo himself did the work. The man is stunning with it, not to mention the subtle dimple formed next to the corner of his lips whenever he decided to brighten up the whole room.

She has no idea who he is, definitely not someone who works here because he just came and gone like that without unloading his stuff on particular desk. However, everyone seems knowing this man very well. Maybe he’s a client? Loyal client?

Sometimes he hangout at Amber’s desk and gushed about random stuffs, engaged in what looks like super exciting conversation. Or like the other day, Sunny and Bora squealed like bunch of teenagers around him when he flashed his designer bag to them.

What kills Taeyeon more with envy is the fact that this man might have the best fashion taste in history of her existence. Every single clothing article he put on, she’s pretty much sure it came straight from a wardrobe in Vogue headquarters.

And today is no exception.  His long legs are wrapped with silk brown wide pants, black shirt with white polka dot tucked in it. An oversize black blazer hung perfectly on his broad shoulder. The collarbones peeked from the ed shirt completed his looks when he paced to the office, making the hallway looks like a runway.

The time he slipped out Jinki and Jonghyun’s room, Taeyeon accidentally struck in an eye contact with the said man which led the panicked girl ducked her head down, plugged back her earphone, turned up the volume and drown her nose to the sketchbook opened on her desk. A bit too late though for the man already noticed someone’s gapping at him.

Her heart’s thumping rapidly when by the corner of her eyes, she can catch him walks closer to her direction. It’s her lucky day somehow, the man decided to just walk pass her to approach Minho. Inevitable silent curse hanging on her lips once she realized he smells oh so wonderful.

“Knock knock, Mr. Choi.”

“What do you want, Kim Kibum?”

“Whoa. Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“I’m very busy.”

“Seriously. You need to watch more movies to develop some more creative excuse you can throw me.”

“I told you I’m very busy, I have no time watching movie.”

“Are you pretending to be dumb or actually have no brain inside your toad head?”

“Go disturb Jinki or Jonghyun. I have no time to entertain you.”

“I’m not here asking for some circus attraction. I just want to remind you about our Saturday brunch. Don’t you dare to not coming again or I will personally burn down your apartment.”

“Well, I would definitely come if only you don’t have ridiculous rule such as bring-your-date-or-I-won’t-open-the-door.”

“That’s not a rule. That’s an encouragement. So you’re not drowning yourself to work and get a girl instead.”

“You sound like my mom sometimes.”

“If it means a person who is very beautiful and rich and has major connections to half of local designer in this country then thank you very much for your sincere prayer.“


“I will wake you up since 6 AM, better yet, I will wait in front of your gym so you don’t have nowhere to run. And don’t forget to bring someone to be introduced to us.”

“What’s wrong to come by myself? I’m not going to pay random girl just to eat your silly crepes.”

“My silly crepes that you love whole heartedly you mean? You’re handsome. And successful. And if I’m being honest, a very nice and the most caring friend I’ve ever met. How on earth those qualities keep you on solitude?”

“Finding someone you like is not like picking apple in the supermarket.”

“Of course it’s the same. You look at them, assessed them, and pick what you like. The only different is in this case you need consent from them to allow you bringing them home,” Minho didn’t say anything because his hazy mind started to think that Kibum’s right and that’s the least thing he wanted to happen right now, “Who is that?”

“That who?”

Kibum pointed his chin to Taeyeon who’s now completely losing in her world, head bobbing to the beat blasted on her ears.

“The new intern. She started about a week ago or so.”

“Ah! The intern Jonghyun talked about!”

When Minho’s eyes left the screen to meet Kibum’s he hates his life instantly, “No.”

“Why not?!”

“Leave her alone.”

“She seems nice from what I heard.”

“Everyone has a thing to do with London would always nice for you,” Minho couldn’t help but curse on Kibum’s .

“What a shallow mind. She sounds smart. And fun. And yeah, she went to London for school, but so what? Nothing’s wrong with that and shame on you Choi Minho for not recognizing such talent.”

“I don’t see the damn relation among these stuffs, do you?”

“I should just accept Jonghyun’s invitation for those stupid bet about you.”

“The heck. You guys throw bet on me? For what?”

“Watch and learn.”

“Kibum, don’t.”

But he doesn’t even try to listen to Minho and moved to Taeyeon’s side. The smirk on Kibum’s face brought Minho to slap his forehead in frustration.


Taeyeon flinched with such a greeting from what she believed a living angel. He looks more perfect now with a limited distance and Taeyeon fights herself so hard not to reach out and caress the inviting pale skin of his face.

“I never see you before. You’re new?”

She gulped to stretch the time until she found the right words to say, “Ugh, yeah, kinda. I’m a new intern here. For three months.”

Kibum maintains a very intense gaze to her, making her shifting uncomfortable as if he can see through her wool sweater.

“You are so pretty!”

“Err.. what?”

Behind them, Minho knocked his fist on his temple, unable to control the obvious awkwardness fuming around Taeyeon.

“Your eyes! So beautiful!”

“Uh, thank you?”

“No, thank you. Finally someone’s worth enough to take the spot next to Minho.”


“What? Ah, I must be too tired to talk some gibberish. See you around then. Bye, Minho!” Kibum waved to Minho who gritted his teeth in rage and left the crime scene after flashing his million dollar smile.

Taeyeon still doesn’t know what exactly just happened before her. The only thing stay in her mind is this man who looks like a son of Aphrodite if he’s not the goddess herself saying that she’s beautiful. She recalled something he said about Minho but everything’s just overwhelming for her at the moment.

On his desk, Suho secretly retracted his phone from its dock and type to the group chatroom.

Suho : Kim Kibum approves #yesss #itshappening

Minho snatched his phone quickly after the beep and seeing what’s on his screen he shot dagger with his eyes to Suho while the latter pretending to talk with someone over the phone.

Some people need to be beaten up.


“No, Eunsook. I would like to come home but I have a job I gotta keep here.”

“But you promised me you come home this weekend! You haven’t been home for three weeks. For ing three weeks, Lee Taeyeon!”

She detached her phone from her ears when her sister started shrieking, “I haven’t been home for three years before when I was in London! You never cried like this! Not even calling me before I had to pick the phone I hadn’t heard you for months!”

“It’s different! You’re here! In the same country! In the same damned city, for Pete’s sake!”

Gosh, pregnancy brain strikes again. She cannot handle this why she gotta be pregnant?!

“Honey, baby, listen to me. I need to move my teaching schedule to the weekend. This internship is very draining, once I settled a bit, then I will come and v

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968 streak #1
Chapter 12: What did Taeyeon do that Minho is eibg an to her?
968 streak #2
Chapter 2: I think Minho also has a crush on Tae! But at least he apologized for beibg a jerk.
968 streak #3
Chapter 1: I finally started reading this. After all, LWFWE is done.
Looking forward to this "love at first sight" thing of Taeyon.
januarysunshine13 #4
Chapter 22: Welcome back!!! This story has a special place in my heart.... would like to see more epilogues.... and want to meet the baby!!!! I would really like to read about Jong and Minjung's life..... they seems so lovely..
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 22: Yeah! So happy you add this epilogue. Love this first epilogue! But since it is the first one , waiting for the next one too. ;)
Chapter 22: Huaaaa... I can't wait for Kibum!! Must be really fun xD
Chapter 22: Thank you for the epilogue but it's too short ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: Amen!
Chapter 21: Amen! this is one of my fav 2min story ♡♡ you really did a great work author-nim! and yes..!! would like more for epilogueㅋㅋ thank you for finishing this story!!
januarysunshine13 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww,, its over.... thank u for this lovely very few works the writer can make all the characters likeable.... but u did it with this.... I wont mind if you make more fics from this universe so we know whats the crazy gang doing in their lives!!!!!