Last Day

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Last Day.


“Where is Jinki?”

Minho asked the crowd immediately as he walked in the boardroom and didn’t find certain face that holds important role that morning. Kyuhyun and Taeyeon shrug simultaneously before continue their discussion as if Minho never appeared at all. Choi Minho’s not the type of person who gets affected easily, however petty things do annoy him. His face went sulky as he drags the chair next to Taeyeon.

“Good morning, people,” Hyungsik follows with earpods on both ears. He took the nearest seat and set up his work space.


“Dragging Suho from his desk. Old man suddenly remember some details from the early proposal, he said. They’re still digging the out of Suho unorganized folders. Messy as hell.”

“And you’re here instead of helping them?”

“Watch your tone, Sumisugu Kobayashi. I’ve offered my hand but dudes are so rude they kicked me out of scene. So don’t get me started or I’ll make sure you’re sitting on fire the whole day.”

“Can we have a peaceful morning for once? It’s not even ten.”

Jonghyun joined them with huge cup of coffee on one hand and transparent pouch in the other where people can see his sketchbook and phone inside.

“Picking up Jinki’s signature style I see.”

He looked at Kyuhyun, then looked at his pouch, then he nods, “Yeah, man is dork but surely knows his aesthetics and what to put on to make himself even more unbelievably gorgeous. Not fair, I know.”

“Why are you here?”

Jonghyun sends his what-the--it-is-too-early-for- looks right to Minho, doesn’t believe what he just heard, “First, Kyuhyun is here and he’s working for me. So, do the math. Second, this is my company as well of course I also have saying in the meeting. Third, if it’s not me who’s taking care the construction, then who?”

“Wait. Did you just ‘Choi’ a Choi?”

“Is that even a thing?!” Minho irked by the theory, obviously more annoyed than before.

“Just happened to marry the best one,” he winks to Kyuhyun then sips his coffee, ignoring Minho’s deadly stare.

The next second, followed by Suho right behind him, Jinki brings so many paper to the room and dropped it to Hyungsik and Jonghyun with a low ‘thud’.

“Take that hard gaze somewhere else, it’s not going to work here. Nobody needs that much of negativity prior to stressful meeting.”

“Amen to that!” Jonghyun shouts so loud while unbinding the paper and starts inspecting it one by one. He turns into working mode without even paying another glance to Minho.

“Before we continue to yell at each other, I’d like to say thank you to Taeyeon for extending her internship for three days. It means a lot, so now I don’t feel bad dumping all this stuffs to Hyungsik.”

“You should! I was very excited working on the Sinchon’s art gallery when you snatched my neck and shoved my head to this crazy project.”

“I really admire your ability turning everything into some gore movie prologue,” Suho whispered to Hyungsik quietly.

“You can still do it while working on this project. Guam has lots of interesting detail you can take for the gallery inspo.”

“You really are the scariest. How can you say something like that with super wide smile on your face as if it’s not a big deal that can ruin my well being?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he wriggles his eyebrows, wide smile still intact, now becoming even scarier for Suho and Taeyeon, “What can I do, though? You are my best choice, Park. I cannot hold Taeyeon even longer here, can I?”

“You would make someone over the moon if you did so,” Kyuhyun singsongs without even lifting his head from his laptop, until a rubber flew to his nose, “Yaaa!! What was that for?! Did I say something offend you? You toad monster! If you want her to say then say it louder!!”

“I wouldn’t allow that,” Jonghyun cut it out before Minho could even breathe, “Education is as important as working experience. School , but Taeyeon’s so much better than anyone I know, so it’s her turn to finish what she’d started. She did a lot already for these past months. I really can’t imagine what would happen if we hadn’t had her during those time. You all should be grateful instead asking for more.”

“Whoa. Appreciate that but I’m not going anywhere yet?”

“I know,” Jonghyun smiles at her direction, “It’s just not our style talking about people behind their back. Besides, you really deserve some appreciation, isn’t she, Choi?”

“Eh? What?”

Minho quickly detached his eyes from Taeyeon’s face—the way her hair fell from that loose bun and graced her cheek is remarkable—, he didn’t realize he was locked in the sight until the owner turned her head to him.

“Again with the starstruck moment? You five?”

“She really did a lot. Including snatching some hearts and so. What are you really, Lee Taeyeon? Hat’s off.”

High-fiving across the table, looking too jolly and giddy on their seats, Suho and Hyungsik are not aware that they just nudged a sleeping tiger.

“I thought we’re here to discuss about some ways to kill Hyungsik and Suho through Guam project? I definitely signed up for that meeting.”

“You really are the worst.”

“If I’m the worst, I didn’t ask Jinki to extend Taeyeon’s internship and let you handle the project without her insight.”

“Weird. I was pretty sure you did that for your own benefit.”



“What?” Jinki nonchalantly stole a sip from Jonghyun’s cup, “Am I right? Kyuhyun agreed with me. Good coffee by the way, Jong.”

“Why did you drag me into this ?”

“Then why did you nod like a woodpecker just now? If I’m going down, I’m taking everyone with me.”

“You really save yourself well, Lee Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon turned her head to her left and almost had a heart attack when she found out the proximity between her and Minho who leaned closer when murmured.

“What do you mean?”

“Look at this mess, Bieber. Even I want to run away from this chaotic dudes sometimes.”

Both burst into subdued chuckles—both trying to be professional and being under the radar—, secretly enjoying the adrenaline hiding their excitement to not draw anymore attention towards them.

“Can we start?”

Hyungsik’s suddenly trying to be the voice of reason after he flipped a page and found out Jinki’s original sketches for the Guam’s project masterplan. It’s completely different from what he understands so far and if Jinki decided to develop this as well as alternative, he knew he wouldn’t even think about the gallery anymore because with this, he wouldn’t be able to barely take a shower.

“I like that, a very initiative person. We need more people like you.”

“Drop the compliment, I just checked your sketches. Nightmare.”

“I’m very offended by that because I knew I draw better than at least three people inside this room. But yeah, I get it because I do feel the same,” Jinki clicking something on the laptop and the scanned page Hyungsik has been ogling was spread on the big screen at the corner, “As you can see, this masterplan is about 70% different than the one we have at the moment.”

“Try 90.”

“I know I’m crazy, Park, but for this past week, I just couldn’t sleep on it. The solution of sustainable living in this part of the township is more visible than the other. So, I was working with Taeyeon and Minho since four days ago.”

“The idea is to take the township concept from Jinki’s and combine it with whatever we have on the running masterplan. It’s impossible to make everything from scratch.”

“Yet throw me to the pit of despair. Don’t you think this is probably too greedy? With the limited manpower and time?”

“That’s why I asked Taeyeon to stay longer. She got your back.”

“She got our back.”

Taeyeon didn’t believe what she just heard. Not only because Minho got his eyes busy making superimposes sketch on his iPad, but also because how nonchalant he’s saying those words. If she came clean to herself and for once be honest to her feeling, being appreciated is one thing she’s been chasing her whole life.

And things like that are not supposed to be taken lightly, not to be taken for granted.

“So, Lee Taeyeon. Are you ready to explain the design progress or still need more time to admire Minho’s side profile?”

Her face went between crimson and beet color. Jinki smirks knowing his commentary just hit home. Jonghyun’s smiling, waiting for Taeyeon to take action, also because if he’s laughing like a maniac, he knew Minho wouldn’t hesitate to throw a chair on his face. Hyungsik and Suho shrug their shoulders, as if they’re saying ‘what’s wrong’. Kyuhyun’s not even lift an eyebrows, either he’s completely immersed with his Revit or trying to not add gasoline to the open fire.

The only thing calmed her nerves is the way Minho smiles at her when she braces herself and takes a look at the source of her misery. Minho doesn’t seem bothered, his eyes breathe the same strength and affection Taeyeon got to know this past month. That soothing smile of him, telling her not to be shaken by the situation.

And there she is, complied and took the lead to teach some people manners.

“Enough for the childish jokes you all think it worth of standing ovation. Guess this time for me, an adult, to take the wheel?”

That’s the Taeyeon I knew, Minho cannot help but being proud.

“I’ve sent you all compact presentation two days ago. A brief on what kind of sustainable idea we’re developing in this limited time. And on that email, I put a link to my dropbox where you all can check updated files and sketches whenever I made one which if I’m not mistaken, I updated it around four or five times already. You guys check it?”

Hyungsik and Suho quickly grabbed Suho’s laptop while Jinki secretly froze the wide screen but then clicking madly on his laptop. Jonghyun needs more second to understand the situation before he ducked down his own iPad to check his inbox. On her right, Kyuhyun gulping the invisible lump on his throat.

“Five times you said? I thought you only did it once. Did you even sleep?”

Her patience rendered thin, she’s clearly in the verge of snapped out.

“Seriously? I have no idea what would you kids do when I left the building.”


“From Kibum.”

Jinki pushes a pink box with silver bow wrapped around it next to her laptop. Her fingers stopped on the keyboard by the time the box invaded her sight. She looks back and forth between the box and Jinki until the man hopped on the desk, laughing at how clueless she is.

“A farewell gift. Also an apology. That makes this from us.”

“You made it looks like we’re not gonna see each other anymore when I’ll definitely stop by next week for your sign on my internship report.”

“I see no difference between giving it now and next week. I know you’re going to come again. You’re going to be around for a long time, aren’t you?”

“Excuse me?”

He points his chin to Minho’s empty desk, easily making her rocking a bashful face.

“Anyway. Kibum likes you quite a lot and I think you deserve this. The company couldn’t give you that much compensation for your hours here. But thank you comes in lots of shape, so this is ours.”

“This is very unnecessary.”

“I insist. Or more like Kibum insisted. And I always enjoying his crying face over cute things. Irresistible.”

Taeyeon’s eyebrows knitted together in instant.

“Oh, yeah. He was practically sobbing last night while wrapping the present. Mumbling some incoherent words like ‘i-didn’t-get-to-hang-out-that-much-with-her’ or ‘she-would-look-so-good-in-this’, you know, typical Kibum.”

“Tell him he can call me whenever he wanted to hang around. Thank you, Jinki. I really appreciate it.”

“Kibum can hang around with you? What abo—“

“Are you guys insane?!”

Jinki almost fell off the desk when Taeyeon attacked him out of nowhere with her shriek. He keeps forgetting there’s a lion inside that small figure.

“Something’s wrong?”

“Yes! You and your beautiful fiance! What’s with this?!”

She grabbed handful of the thick hoodie from the box and almost shoved it to Jinki’s face. The latter automatically back down, he shifted further so his face is not going to be the target of somebody’s fist anymore.

“I have no idea at all why are you so freaking out like that. One thing I know, that’s a beautiful piece that we both like.”

“It is beautiful! It’s Daily Paper!”

“Ah, so you know the brand?”

“Of course I know! I was probably the first in line when they had pop up store back in London!”

“Glad you like it. Take some picture when you put it on, Kibum would be very pleased. Damn, I’m literally marrying the best person on earth.”

“He’d totally cry a river like a proud hen when you tell him later. Ah, better yet,” she flipped her phone on the desk, “Can y—“

Her word is interrupted by the text appeared on her notification bubble.


from Bora:

EMERGENCY! Can u help me? Pantry! NOW!


She had to read it twice before dropping the box on Jinki laps and flee away.

“Don’t want this anymore?”

“No! I mean I want it, I like it a lot and thank you so much. Just—emergency! Later, Sir!!”

Taeyeon basically fled from the scene and disappeared the next second Jinki blinks. Bora rarely asks for help, only one time she recalled, and that was when her laptop suddenly heated up and ruined the presentation she’s about to execute in 30 minutes.

Or in other words, when she needs help, she really needs it. So when the emergency code appeared on her phone, Taeyeon doesn’t think twice.


What greets her however, is not anything she envisioned a minute ago. Sunny and Shindong hold what looks like handmade pompoms. Henry and Jackson emerge from the back with donuts that stacked into a cake looking presentation. Donghae walks to her side and puts a birthday paper hat that seems like re-doodled and saying ‘happy graduation’ instead. Bora and Amber are hyping themselves by the corner with cookies, coffees, cakes, and other dessert assortment.

“I knew it was weirdly empty over there! Why nobody told me about this?!”

“What kind of surprise that took notification in advance, you silly?” Jonghyun steps closer and pats her on the back, “Not everyone can go to your farewell party tonight. So we decided to throw you a little celebration for surviving this living hell and Jinki’s antics for these past months.”

“Hey! Why me?!” Jinki who just emerged to the pantry feels so offended with Jonghyun’s words.

“I have farewell party tonight?”

“Yeah,” Kyuhyun casually takes a donut from the arrangement which earned him a light slap from Hyoyeon, “Your boss making you one. How thoughtful.”

“My boss?”

“This man over here,” Suho launches his arm over Minho’s shoulder, “Nobody believes it but I guess he’s that sappy.”

“And that sentimental,” Changmin as usual, fuels the conversation without being asked.

“Both of you are banned from this evening.”

Minho’s face turn pink, much more anybody’s amuse. Cold sweat dripped his temple even more when Taeyeon stares in disbelief and admiration toward him.

“Gotta do what a man gotta do,” Minho just shrugs and flashes a simple smile. He then walks to Amber’s side, throwing Taeyeon’s feeling a little bit without she even realized.

“Point is, we celebrate you, Lee Taeyeon!” Bora lifts her cup of coffee, “We’re happy that we got to know you these past three months! Been a while we got an intern that is not a stuck up and actually fight their right.”

“Unlike the one before,” Wendy rolls her eyes right away.

Hyoyeon grimaced to the thought, “Ugh, don’t get me started with that selfish bastard.”

“Point is, I will hunt you down if you purposely avoiding our hang out invitation, Lee Taeyeon!”

“I literally don’t know what to say.”

“No need to

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968 streak #1
Chapter 12: What did Taeyeon do that Minho is eibg an to her?
968 streak #2
Chapter 2: I think Minho also has a crush on Tae! But at least he apologized for beibg a jerk.
968 streak #3
Chapter 1: I finally started reading this. After all, LWFWE is done.
Looking forward to this "love at first sight" thing of Taeyon.
januarysunshine13 #4
Chapter 22: Welcome back!!! This story has a special place in my heart.... would like to see more epilogues.... and want to meet the baby!!!! I would really like to read about Jong and Minjung's life..... they seems so lovely..
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 22: Yeah! So happy you add this epilogue. Love this first epilogue! But since it is the first one , waiting for the next one too. ;)
Chapter 22: Huaaaa... I can't wait for Kibum!! Must be really fun xD
Chapter 22: Thank you for the epilogue but it's too short ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: Amen!
Chapter 21: Amen! this is one of my fav 2min story ♡♡ you really did a great work author-nim! and yes..!! would like more for epilogueㅋㅋ thank you for finishing this story!!
januarysunshine13 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww,, its over.... thank u for this lovely very few works the writer can make all the characters likeable.... but u did it with this.... I wont mind if you make more fics from this universe so we know whats the crazy gang doing in their lives!!!!!