Day 87.

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“Did you tell Ravi about that moron at your office?”

Taeyeon didn’t get to finish saying hello when Krystal’s voice belted out on her ear, “We actually have a lot at the office. Which one?”

“Ha! You know who we are talking about.”

Taeyeon reached her towel and leaned to the wooden wall with her legs stretched out, “Well, he asked things, so I answered. That’s how normal people having conversation.”

“Yeah, yeah, normal,” Krystal sounds more than annoyed and Taeyeon can’t help but trying to suppress her laughter before her best friend let out another explosion, “But Ravi is not normal at all. He called me in such godly hour just to discuss pro-cons if you ended up with this guy. How I Met Your Mother style! Jesus Christ!”

“Are you ting me?”

“Yaaaa! Words! I kept him in the dark for a reason but you just let my effort went futile.”

Taeyeon cracked on the spot knowing that Ravi can be very intense and persuasive—one time, he sent the group chat whole length voice message about his take out on Kawhi Leonard and Paul George transfer to LA Clippers, which Jimin swore to every deity exist that he would skin Ravi if they were at the same place for disturbing his so much needed nap. He has no mercy to any ears. He saw a pair, he went on diesel mode and started rambling.

“Bear with him. He’s lonely as hell these days.”

“These days? Try centuries. He’s been lonely at least since six years ago! And Jimin was such a he knows when to turn off his phone leaving me being the one available to disturb.”

“Chill woman, chill! You free tomorrow? Let’s grab some lunch or dinner together. Your call.”

“What about Wonshik?”

“You said yourself that idiot was born lonely. Any invitation knocking his door he would already dressed before we even finished asking him.”

“Oh. That is actually plausible. But I would really kick him in the if he couldn’t stop ranting .”


“Not tomorrow, please? I have a d—an appointment already. Let’s go the day after.”

“Okay, then. Pick the place. I’ll call Ravi.”

“Do not bother,” Krystal paused to check her phone and instantly rolls her eyes, “As expected, he already called me. He really is lonely af. I’ll text you later. This man better have proper excuse calling me at this hour.”

Taeyeon’s heart swell after the call—the good kind of swell. Right there at the second, she realized that life might not always rainbow and sprinkle, but surrounded by amazing people like Krystal and Ravi is more than enough to get through the day.

“Oh, you’re smiling. Mr. Froggy?”

Yeri walked in the semi-basement studio—it used to be spare room for unused equipment but Jonghyun turned it into mini dancing studio when Yeri got the first place during the first semester of high school—and passed the juice she brought to Taeyeon.

“Absolutely not,” she raised the juice before brings it to her lips, “Thank you.”

“I should be the one who thanked you. If it’s not because the damn history presentation, I wouldn’t move a finger and desperately call you to reschedule the class.”

Yeri’s private lesson supposed to be every Wednesday evening. She called Taeyeon on Sunday that from Wednesday she would have to stay longer at the school to prepare her final presentation on Friday.

“I don’t mind to cancel one class and move it to another week.”

“Not a chance!” Yeri shrieked from where she’s laying, “I’m not gonna skip the only chance I can have fun and enjoy my time. I swear to God, mom is inch away from being this mother from Sky Castle. She might be one actually if I have younger sibling.”

“Well, looking at how prestigious your school and how rich your family is, it’s not that impossible to be honest. Just be grateful you have two over protective brothers.”

“Not sure whether I’m supposed to be happy about that or not. Anyway, I really glad that you agreed to move the session today.”

“No worries. It’s not like I have another thing to do tonight anyway.”

“Well, you can have some works to do or dinner date. Who knows?”

“Dinner date? Are we inside this Tuesday drama your mother enjoy watching it?”

Yeri raised her eyebrows, “I thought you’re in a good term with Choi Minho?”

“Since when good term means going out? At this level I’m not sure you’re gonna able to graduate.”

“How could you, Miss T? Don’t you jinx on me!” Yeri rolled to the side so she’s now laying on her stomach, “But on the serious thought, though, you’re really not going out with him?”

“On the serious thought, though, who put that shallow idea in your head?”

“No one. But last week I went to my brother place to drop some stuffs from my mom. And Minjung eonnie was so ecstatic about the fact that she finally met you in person.”


“So?!” Yeri got up immediately, “So?! Really?! Yaaa., Miss T! In their family, if Choi Minjung said okay, it means okay. It would be highways of magic carpet ride.”

“Are you high?” Taeyeon downed the remaining juice in her bottle, “What does that has something to do here? Besides, Choi Minho seems to be his true self lately. Something must happened to him over the weekend and he decided that he has almost forgotten sand bag slash Lee Taeyeon.”

“And then?”

“Friday he was okay and friendly, you know, we even had breakfast together! But yesterday everything I did was never satisfy the man? Like there was always something slightly not right in his eyes so I had to redo some unnecessary . And this morning? I think I went invisible. It appeared to him that I was com—wait. Why did I tell you this?!”


Day 87.


“That’s what he said,” Minho’s trying to juggle between driving and holding a conversation with Jinki, “They prefer we checked together with their head designer as soon as possible. The condition of the site might change after the flood. I can take Kyuhyun with me if neither of you nor Jonghyun available next week. He knows what’s going on.”

Kyuhyun mouthed ‘why me?’ on his right hearing his name’s being dragged into the discussion.

“This driving me crazy. Why they’re asking for prototype asap if they’re pretty sure the flood affected the site?”

“And that’s what I said, Lee.”

“I feel bad about this, but I guess I have to ask Taeyeon to stay for another two or three days to help us at least figuring out the initial design.”

“Do we have any other option?”

Minho doesn’t like where this is going. He hates himself for clouding work stuffs with personal matter but who can’t help it if everything is kinda overlapping since the first place?

“I’m trying to think right now but I can tell you I’m short of idea at the moment. We need to talk soon. Are you with her now?”

He glances at the rear mirror and Taeyeon’s reflection showing the young woman is currently minding herself looking at the busy road outside the car—still looks majestic without even trying. I really really hate myself.

“Yeah, we finished the meeting just fifteen minutes ago and about to grab some bites.”

“Okay, then. See you at the office in the afternoon. I’ll tell Jonghyun and Suho.”

He pressed the end call button and back to the road before him. Some unfortunate flood washed out the surrounding of the Guam’s site over the weekend and the owner is riled up with the news. They called for sudden meeting this morning and since Jinki had an appointment with Donghae and Kyungsoo already. With that, he sent Minho, Kyuhyun, and Taeyeon to attend the meeting.

“Jinki want to see us after lunch.”

Taeyeon’s turned to the rear mirror but the man on it doesn’t meet her gaze and keeps looking to the front. Maybe it’s the hunger but that really upsets her to the bone. Was that for me? Or for Kyuhyun? Why the heck he’s acting up again?

As if he knows what she’s thinking, Kyuhyun shifts on his seat and facing Minho right away, “And by us means? You and Taeyeon or you and me?”

“Do you really need to ask that?”

Of course, idiot.

“Of course, idiot,” Taeyeon’s irked at the backseat—is Kyuhyun a psychic or what?—, “There are three of us here and everyone in this car is quite sensitive because of starvation and stupid meeting that shouldn’t have been take a place at the at the beginning. Hence, you gotta be specific because misunderstanding, especially unsettled one, leads into disaster.”

He cannot believe what he just heard, more over when he looked to the side and found Kyuhyun pulled out his devilish smirk while playing with his eyebrows. Minho then chose to keep his mouth zipped before he embarrassed himself once again in front of Taeyeon.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon gave up waiting for the confirmation when Minho just turned up the volume on the music without saying anything.


TaeTae    : Dude really got my nerves

THE_Ravi  : Who? That handsome boss of yours?

mojiminie : You still working there? I thought it’s over

THE_Ravi  : Wrong question my friend @mojiminie

THE_Ravi  : What now? @TaeTae

TaeTae    : It’s like this circle of hell where I can’t escape at all

TaeTae    : I don’t care what the heck happened with him

TaeTae    : But it doesn’t make sense if he just easily back like the very first time we met

mojiminie : Oh I’m here for the drama

mojiminie : Spill

mojiminie : I love stupid romance like this where two idiots seem unable to understand each other

mojiminie : And keep bickering and quarreling

mojiminie : While it’s clear for everyone besides those two that they’re pretty much in love

mojiminie : And only need to yield on their feeling

THE_Ravi  : Dude

THE_Ravi  : Are you day drinking again?

THE_Ravi  : What time is it now there?

TaeTae    : I’m still here

mojiminie : @THE_Ravi do you have to ruin the mood every single time?

TaeTae    : I’m with Ravi tho

TaeTae    : What the hell is wrong with you? @mojiminie

THE_Ravi  : Appreciate the sentiment

THE_Ravi  : But please get back to YOUR damn drama @TaeTae


TaeTae    : Told you

TaeTae    : I don’t think I did something wrong

TaeTae    : I mean, I’m pretty much part of the team already?

TaeTae    : But he has some PMS or I don’t know what is that dragging his down

TaeTae    : He keeps treating me like I’m insufficient creature or something

mojiminie : Maybe he has some superior disease

mojiminie : He found you amazing and full of charm

mojiminie : And smart and fun and everything he wanted in a woman

mojiminie : Then he got scared suddenly

mojiminie : With the fact that you’re almost perfect, with his feeling

mojiminie : So he had to take precaution and turn the table once again

THE_Ravi  : Do you even listen to yourself?

THE_Ravi  : Do you even read what you typed?


THE_Ravi  : Knocked your head on something or what?

TaeTae    : You’re so bored with your job over there and decided to write novel?

TaeTae    : I thought working at games company is the best job among us

TaeTae    : You didn’t have to move to LA if you want to make weekend drama

TaeTae    : Soojung would kick your head to bring back your sanity if you’re here

TaeTae    : Speaking of WITCH

TaeTae    : Where the heck is she in time like this?


“Yo, Lee Taeyeon,” Kyuhyun called out after a while, “Can I ask you something?”

“Ask away.”

“Not work related, though.”

“Did we know eac

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961 streak #1
Chapter 12: What did Taeyeon do that Minho is eibg an to her?
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I think Minho also has a crush on Tae! But at least he apologized for beibg a jerk.
961 streak #3
Chapter 1: I finally started reading this. After all, LWFWE is done.
Looking forward to this "love at first sight" thing of Taeyon.
januarysunshine13 #4
Chapter 22: Welcome back!!! This story has a special place in my heart.... would like to see more epilogues.... and want to meet the baby!!!! I would really like to read about Jong and Minjung's life..... they seems so lovely..
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 22: Yeah! So happy you add this epilogue. Love this first epilogue! But since it is the first one , waiting for the next one too. ;)
Chapter 22: Huaaaa... I can't wait for Kibum!! Must be really fun xD
Chapter 22: Thank you for the epilogue but it's too short ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: Amen!
Chapter 21: Amen! this is one of my fav 2min story ♡♡ you really did a great work author-nim! and yes..!! would like more for epilogueㅋㅋ thank you for finishing this story!!
januarysunshine13 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww,, its over.... thank u for this lovely very few works the writer can make all the characters likeable.... but u did it with this.... I wont mind if you make more fics from this universe so we know whats the crazy gang doing in their lives!!!!!