Chapter 2

Rose Golden (Vkook)

“Taehyung, if anything ever happens to your mom and I; you promise to take care of your little sister right?” He remembered his dad asking him one day. They were sitting on the wooden pier by the beach together, looking out over the crystal blue water as Taehyung fiddled with some rocks he’d collected along the shore from their walk.

“Yes daddy, I promise.” He smiled at him. Taehyung was only six then while Yuna was four, he loved his family so much and he looked up to his dad a lot; he didn’t want to let any of them down. But at the same time, he didn’t really fully understand what he had promised to; what he’d inevitably signed up for.

His dad nodded, giving him the fondest look his fuzzy memory could remember. “You’re a really good boy you know that? Make sure that when you’re older, you do something that will make you the happiest person on this Earth OK?”

“OK daddy.”

The happiest person on Earth.

He’d repeated those words over and over again in his head just a year later when he stood over his parent’s grave, clutching onto Yuna’s hand who was still too young to understand what was going on. They’d been killed in a senseless murder while they were out one night on their wedding anniversary, shot by a psychopath with a gun.

Taehyung had been waiting all night for them to come home. He wanted his mom to tuck him in and his dad to read him a story. But Yuna was already fast asleep and he’d just sat there, for hours alone in his room, waiting for the door to open.

But it never did.

When he found out the news he didn’t know what to feel, say, or even do. He just accepted it like any little kid would and stood by what his dad had told him the year before on the crystal blue beach. The only words by him he could bring himself to remember without wanting to cry or scream.

“Taehyung, if anything ever happens to your mom and I; you promise to take care of your little sister right?”

He promised him and he would stick by that promise forever. He’d done it for twelve years, he wasn’t about to give up just because his sister wanted to make a reckless decision. She didn’t know the true Jungkook, she was just as blinded by his beauty as everyone else was. But he’d heard his words.

“I don’t give a about you, I don’t give a about anyone.”

All he could imagine was Jungkook inevitably saying those exact words to her, two days later when he crushed her heart. Taehyung knew Jungkook wasn’t a good person, and he wasn’t going to let him anywhere near his sister no matter what. Yuna deserved someone who would treat her right and love her unconditionally.

“Jungkook, I-I’ll go out with you.”

He wasn’t going to let his dad down, he wasn’t going to give his sister away to some .

“No.” His voice was hard, he grabbed Yuna’s hand. “What the hell are you doing?”

Hoseok touched his arm. “Taehyung-”

“Yuna, stop being an idiot OK?” He interfered. “You’re not going out with him-”

“Hey.” Jungkook snapped and he glared at him. “She made her decision didn’t she? What are you her dad? Just let her do what she wants to do and stop being so possessive.”

That set Taehyung off. “You little piece of -” He tried to grab at him but Hoseok stopped him.

“Taehyung chill out.” He hissed.

“Hey! What are you all doing out here, get to class!” A teacher boomed then and the students quickly started to disperse, but some still lingered around to watch the drama.

Jungkook took her hand carefully then and planted a light kiss on her knuckles. “How about I take you somewhere after school today yeah? I’ll pick you up later, just wait for me by your locker.” He gave Taehyung one last smirk before walking off with Jimin and Jin.

He took off his shoe to throw it, but Hoseok quickly stopped him again.

Taehyung was seething.

He wanted to kill him.


“You’re not going out with that alright? That’s it, conversation over!” Taehyung snapped at Yuna.

“Look, I know you’re just scared because you think I’m not ready for a relationship, but why do you even hate Jungkook so much anyways? He’s not even a bad guy!” She argued back.

“He’s not a bad guy? What? Have you been asleep for the past few years you’ve been at this school or something?” He pressed. “Neither Jungkook or any of his trash friends care about the girls they go out with! They just date them for the ing sake of it, and it’s gross!”

“Yeah, well maybe he really likes me, have you ever thought about that?”

“That’s what every girl in this school thought when they got that stupid rose! But in the end they just got their heart broken like everyone else!” Taehyung shouted back.

Yuna pouted. “Well maybe it’ll be different this time, you never know!”

“Yuna, you sound like an idiot, are you seriously this delusional!”

“Well what about what I want then? This decision shouldn’t just be up to you! I already told him I’d go out with him so I can’t just back out now, that’d make me seem so rude!” She exclaimed. “And what if I had a crush on him before huh? What if this is what I’ve wanted to happen to me for a long time now!”

Hoseok sipped loudly on his juice box, perching himself onto a desk. “She makes a good point.”

Taehyung shot him a dirty look and he put his hands up in defense.

Namjoon cleared his throat from his desk then and shuffled some of his papers. “Um, as much as I love you guys and would love to hear about your um, relationship issues, I really need to concentrate on marking these tests. So ah, is there anyway you could maybe take this problem somewhere else or-”

“The only way we're leaving is if you tell her she’s making a mistake by wanting to go out with Jungkook.” Taehyung interrupted. “She won’t listen to me so I figured she’d listen to you.”

He sighed. “If she wouldn’t listen to you, why the hell would she listen to her Chemistry teacher?”

“Because, you’ve been close to us for a long time; and you’re more helpful than Hobi.”

“Hey!” Hoseok snapped.

Yuna groaned. “Can you just tell Taehyung to let me make my own decisions for once?”

Namjoon took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly. “Unfortunately Tae, I have to agree with Yuna on this one. Like you said, I’ve known you two for a while now, and you’ve been very controlling of everything she does.”

He frowned. “It’s not like I don’t have a good reason to be!”

“I know, I know. But she’s sixteen now, you need to let her branch out and experience some things on her own. If she wants to date and have a boyfriend, you should support her not restrict her.” Namjoon replied calmly.

“I’m fine with her having a boyfriend, I just don’t want her to date that Jungkook of all people.” He muttered.

“And I completely understand that, but this isn’t your relationship Taehyung. If Yuna wants to date him, she knows what she’s getting herself into, so she’ll have to face the consequences.” He spoke. “It’ll almost be like a life lesson for her.”

Yuna crossed her arms now. “Why do we keep talking about him like he’s some kind of enemy or something? The Jungkook we see at school is probably not even the real Jungkook, I bet if you really got to know him he’s probably a really good person.”

They all looked at her simultaneously and burst out laughing.

“OK even I have to cop you on that one.” Hoseok wiped away a tear.

“I mean, if you think being a spoiled brat is being a good person, then I guess so.” Taehyung chuckled.

Namjoon tried to stifle his laughter but it wasn’t working.

Yuna stood up. “You know what, I’m going to prove all of you wrong. And I don’t care what you think anyways, I’m going out with him whether you like it or not!” She stalked out of the classroom in a huff.

Taehyung sighed after she left, feeling defeated. “God, why is she being like this? Doesn’t she understand that I’m just trying to protect her? If I let her date him, it’s just like intentionally setting her up to get hurt and I don’t want that to happen; ever.”

“Hey, I know it’s hard, and you feel like you’re doing the wrong thing, but maybe this can be practice for you in the future.” Namjoon reclined back in his chair. “Whatever happens with Jungkook you’ll be prepared to deal with again when she gets her next boyfriend. This won’t be her first relationship Taehyung, you’re just going to have to accept that she isn’t going to be by your side forever.”

Taehyung looked down at his hands in contemplation. “I know, you’re right, I just ugh, I just don’t like him or his stupid friends. They piss me off.”

“Hey, just look on the bright side man,” Hoseok slung an arm around his shoulder. “If their relationship does go anywhere, you’d get to be the brother to the wife of two of the most rich and successful people in Korea; wouldn’t that be awesome?” He grinned.

Namjoon smiled. “He makes a good point.”


Taehyung went to go look for Jungkook after class before he got to his sister. Hoseok and Namjoon may have convinced him that Yuna going out with Jungkook was somehow a good idea, but Jungkook still needed to know that Taehyung wasn’t going to be so easy going about their relationship.

He was going to make Jungkook regret ever giving her that rose.

Taehyung spotted him through the crowd of students in the hall then, walking with Jin. He approached them and crossed his arms. “Can I talk to Jungkook for a minute?”

Jin laughed, and Taehyung could immediately tell why so many girls swooned over him, he had one of the prettiest smiles he’d ever seen on a guy. “Of course. Hey, I’ll catch up with you later OK? You know, if you make it out of this alive.” He snickered.

Jungkook gave him a hard look and he ran off before he could get hurt, laughing hard to himself. His laugh kind of sounded like a windshield wiper and it made Taehyung smile.

Jungkook sighed and looked back boredly at him. “What do you want?”

Taehyung’s smile quickly disappeared and he put a finger on his chest, Jungkook looked down at it weirdly. “If you date my sister, I don’t give a if you like it or not, you’re going to have to stay with her and you’re going to have to stay with her for a long time do you hear me?”

He raised his brow.

“And if you hurt her, if you make her cry, if you make even the slightest mistake,” He pushed his finger harder against him. “I won’t hesitate to beat the crap out of you alright?”

Jungkook grabbed his wrist abruptly and pulled him closer, their faces way too close for comfort. “Challenge accepted.” He smiled.

Taehyung clenched his teeth.

“But you know, if I’m going to be dating your sister for a long, long time, like you insist; maybe we should try getting along yeah? What do you think?” Jungkook let go of him and then extended his hand. “We kind of got off on the wrong foot this morning, how about we start over?”

He could feel people’s eyes on them, so he suppressed the urge to strangle him and just took in a deep breath instead. He squeezed his hand hard. “You may be dating my sister now, but I still don’t care about you. I’ll only tolerate you for her sake, but once this stupid relationship is over; you’re dead to me.”

His gaze turned cold then and it made Taehyung uncomfortable. “Whatever you want.”

“Good, glad we’re on the same page now.”

Jungkook his lips and then let go of his hand, shoving them casually into his pockets. Taehyung hated how just effortlessly calm and cool he could be, like he didn’t give two s about anything that was going on. He begun moving passed Taehyung then but stopped momentarily and glanced back with another annoying smirk. “And don’t worry, I’ll take really good care of your sister tonight.”

Taehyung’s stomach churned. “Y-You better not ing touch her-”

Jungkook just ignored him and kept going. It took everything in his power not to go after him and just rip his stupid perfect hair out of his head.

Taehyung took in a shaky breath and closed his eyes.

Just like before, he had to accept the inevitable whether he liked it or not. Yuna wanted this, he couldn’t hold her back from everything that she wanted in her life; even if he knew it wasn’t good for her.

But, he still couldn’t help but be transferred back to that day on the beach, when he promised his dad that no matter what he would protect Yuna.

Doing this, having to force himself to let her go into the unknown; it wasn’t protecting her.

Taehyung opened his eyes.

“You’re a really good boy you know that? Make sure that when you’re older, you do something that will make you the happiest person on this Earth OK?”

The happiest person huh?

He hung his head and pushed down the rising lump in his throat, pushed back the growing tears in his eyes just like he always did.

Somehow, he felt like the worst person on the Earth that day.

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This is the last chapter of the story, thanks so much for reading and commenting throughout :D


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kimgraxia08 #1
Chapter 25: this made me cry, i really love it, thank you very much for writing such a wonderful story
Stefany9795 #2
Hello, do you have permission to translate your robots into Russian?
Chinnuz-Minnuz123 #3
Chapter 24: This was my first vkook story.This is really beautiful.Thank you for writing such a wonderful vkook story❤❤❤
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 24: like how in the world did i missed this fic?! ヾ(´A`)ノ゚
as drama goes on it it unexpectedly heartwarming think i'm lacking a bit of pieces here and there for me to comprehend everything that just happened but hey, love happens when it happens so, thank for sharing this work!(´,,•ω•,,)♡

and btw what yoongi and kookie said just makes me laugh~ tho it makes me feel crazy but thank you for making me cry and laugh at the same legit xD
Bubbaboo #5
Chapter 20: 。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。 mi hearteu
Bubbaboo #6
Chapter 19: my baby girl is an angel இдஇ
Thatta #7
Chapter 24: This is so Good.
Thanks for the story :)
Chapter 24: This was so beautiful ❤️ it just made my heart so soft... Ahhhh just so so freaking beautiful
Chapter 24: I finally got around to reading the last chapter, and I have so many feelings. Mostly fluffy feelings in my chest, but some achy ones too. I'm not sure how I feel about the pace of this chapter compared to the rest of the fic...but I think I like it. It's kinda fast and skips in ways that are maybe a little weird, but as a whole, I think it strangely works with the fic. It ends it with a certain mood that I think is really appropriate. All that as a roundabout way of saying I like the way you ended it. I think you made some artistic choices (whether you meant them artistically or not) and they work. idek what I'm saying I haven't been up this late in ages my brain is dying-
Aaaah I wanted to give you a helpful feedback comment but I just, I'm mashed potatoes ;;
Anyway I'm happy the characters are happy at the end, there's a wedding, their kid melted my heart, and I'm all butterflies over Jimin and Yoongi, I don't know what to say ;;
Thanks for sharing this story, I really enjoyed it the whole way through! <3
Ari2918 #10
Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story <3 The boys had such a tragic love story, but they waited and found their way back to each other. Truly meant to be ^^