Chapter 19

Rose Golden (Vkook)

Yuna searched Taehyung’s eyes. “I-Is it true?”

Taehyung blinked, still trying to recover from what she’d just told him. There was a sickening feeling in his stomach. “Is what true?”

“Jungkook told me,” She kept her focus on him. “That he was in love with you.”

It felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs.

“He told me after, that he couldn’t keep dating me because it’d only hurt you. And he didn’t want to hurt you anymore.” Yuna whispered.

Taehyung stood up slowly, his body was numb, but he could feel his heart. It was pounding so hard in his chest.

Yuna looked up at him. “Is it true Taehyung?”

He couldn’t speak. “I-I-”

“Did you even know about this?”

Taehyung stared blankly at her. What was he supposed to say? He really didn’t know Jungkook felt that way about him, but at the same time he couldn’t tell her the real truth. She was hurt enough right? He just had to lie to protect her. “No, I didn’t know about this-”

“Taehyung,” Yuna said quietly, but there was something tense behind her voice. “Why do you keep lying to me?”

“I’m not-” He couldn’t even finish his sentence.

“You lied to me about getting beaten up, you keep lying to me about your emotions; and you’re lying to me about Jungkook.”

Taehyung watched her.

“You know,” Yuna took in a long breath and closed her eyes. “I saw the way he was comforting you that day and the look on his face. I knew there was something there, but I just chose not to believe it because it didn’t make any sense to me.”

He couldn’t breathe.

“When I asked about his hat being in your room, you were so nervous Taehyung; why was that?” She locked eyes with him again. “Why would you be so nervous about something that small?”

Taehyung clenched his teeth. He couldn’t stop his hands from shaking.

“Please, for once, just stop lying to me and tell me the truth-”

“I-I lie to you to protect you!” He snapped.

Yuna shook her head. “Who are you protecting Taehyung? When you lie, you’re only hurting me and yourself.”

“You don’t understand.”

“Just, tell me the truth,” Yuna pressed. “Was there something going on between you two?”

An overwhelming feeling of nausea and fear washed over his body. Was this really happening? This was it. There was no running away anymore, there was no avoiding this; it was right in his face. If Jungkook could face her, if he could tell her the truth; Taehyung could too. He had to.

“Y-Yes,” He whispered.

Yuna stared silently at him.

The tension was suffocating; why wasn’t she saying anything-

“Y-You’re such a hypocrite.”

Taehyung’s heart stopped.

She started crying harder, but they looked more like tears of anger. “You call me an idiot, say I’m delusional for wanting to go out with him because he’s an for what he’s done to people. But then you just turn around and date him yourself without issue right behind my back. W-What kind of person does that to someone!”

“I-I’m sorry-”

“But at the same time,” Yuna breathed. “You warned me, told me that I’d just get my heart broken by him and I should have listened to you, but I just didn’t care. Namjoon even said the same thing, and he was right. I knew what I was getting myself into, so I’d have to face the consequences.”

A lump rose in Taehyung’s throat.

“I-I just never thought I’d have my heart broken because of you of all people.” She said softly, a pained look in her eyes. 


“Is this why you’ve been suffering so much Taehyung, because I was the one in between your happiness?” She asked. “From the very start, when you were indebted to me; you’ve never been truly happy have you? It’s always been about me, me, me. When you were with Jungkook even, you were probably just thinking about me and how I’d feel right?”

He couldn’t lie to that.

Yuna put a hand on her face. “All this time I just wanted you to be happy, but I couldn’t even see how badly you were suffering. And I didn’t even realize that I’m the one who made you feel that way.”

Taehyung crouched back down slowly and pulled her hand carefully away. “I may have been in pain Yuna, but it was over you and that’s all that matters. I promised dad before he died that I’d protect you no matter what-”

“But what about you Taehyung? What did he want for you?” She pressed.

“For me?” He whispered.

To be the happiest person on Earth.

His grip around her wrist tightened and he hung his head. “H-He wanted me to be happy.”

“OK,” Her voice was slow. “So if it’s always about me Taehyung; how can you be happy?”

Tears dripped from his eyes onto the floor.

“I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. But if it’s also because you’re hiding and afraid about what people will think of you; how can you be happy like that too?” Yuna wiped his tears carefully. “I-I don’t know how Jungkook truly feels or what his motive is. But if he’s in love with you right now, that means he’s going through exactly what you are too. He’s afraid. You’re both hiding and scared, and it’s destroying you.”

Taehyung cried harder, her words cut through him like a knife.

“I-If you keep caring about what others think of you Taehyung, if you keep putting me over yourself; then when will you be happy?”

“I-I don’t know-”

“Were you happy with Jungkook?” She whispered. 

He froze.

Was he happy with him?

It wasn’t even a question.


Yuna gave a broken smile. “So why are you throwing that away then? He broke up with me to protect you Taehyung, he cares a lot about you. But I also think he’s running away. He thinks that if he’s not in our lives anymore, things will get better; but they won’t. He’s just going to keep suffering like you.”

“I know.” Taehyung whispered. “I-I tried to get that across to him, but he didn’t listen. I want to be with him, but above all this; I don’t even know if I can. It wouldn’t be fair of me to be with him right after he did this to you-”

“It’s not about me right now Taehyung, it’s about you.” She spoke firmly. “Jungkook is in love with you and you clearly have feelings for him too. W-What he did to me hurts and I’m still so mad at him for it, but if it means that the both of you can be truly happy for once; then I’ll accept it. I don’t care.”

Her words gave him hope, but it wasn’t just about how he was feeling anymore. Taehyung knew what he wanted, but Jungkook was still running. He didn’t want to face any of this because he was still too scared; so how could Taehyung catch up to him-

“Just give him some time.” Yuna said then. “When he’s stronger; eventually he’ll come back to you.”

Fresh tears welled in his eyes again and he clenched his teeth, embracing her tightly. “Thank you Yuna, thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me. This is the least I could do for you after all you’ve done for me.” She whispered, putting her head on his shoulder. “I just really, really want you two to be happy.”

“Yeah,” Taehyung closed his eyes. “I really, really want that for us too.”

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This is the last chapter of the story, thanks so much for reading and commenting throughout :D


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kimgraxia08 #1
Chapter 25: this made me cry, i really love it, thank you very much for writing such a wonderful story
Stefany9795 #2
Hello, do you have permission to translate your robots into Russian?
Chinnuz-Minnuz123 #3
Chapter 24: This was my first vkook story.This is really beautiful.Thank you for writing such a wonderful vkook story❤❤❤
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 24: like how in the world did i missed this fic?! ヾ(´A`)ノ゚
as drama goes on it it unexpectedly heartwarming think i'm lacking a bit of pieces here and there for me to comprehend everything that just happened but hey, love happens when it happens so, thank for sharing this work!(´,,•ω•,,)♡

and btw what yoongi and kookie said just makes me laugh~ tho it makes me feel crazy but thank you for making me cry and laugh at the same legit xD
Bubbaboo #5
Chapter 20: 。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。 mi hearteu
Bubbaboo #6
Chapter 19: my baby girl is an angel இдஇ
Thatta #7
Chapter 24: This is so Good.
Thanks for the story :)
Chapter 24: This was so beautiful ❤️ it just made my heart so soft... Ahhhh just so so freaking beautiful
Chapter 24: I finally got around to reading the last chapter, and I have so many feelings. Mostly fluffy feelings in my chest, but some achy ones too. I'm not sure how I feel about the pace of this chapter compared to the rest of the fic...but I think I like it. It's kinda fast and skips in ways that are maybe a little weird, but as a whole, I think it strangely works with the fic. It ends it with a certain mood that I think is really appropriate. All that as a roundabout way of saying I like the way you ended it. I think you made some artistic choices (whether you meant them artistically or not) and they work. idek what I'm saying I haven't been up this late in ages my brain is dying-
Aaaah I wanted to give you a helpful feedback comment but I just, I'm mashed potatoes ;;
Anyway I'm happy the characters are happy at the end, there's a wedding, their kid melted my heart, and I'm all butterflies over Jimin and Yoongi, I don't know what to say ;;
Thanks for sharing this story, I really enjoyed it the whole way through! <3
Ari2918 #10
Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story <3 The boys had such a tragic love story, but they waited and found their way back to each other. Truly meant to be ^^