Seulgi's Ms. Bae

Sugar Mama
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A/N: Seriously, readers no one is more surprised than I am right now. That you are all so into this story. When I first posted it, I just put it up and took a chance. And never anticipated it be so well received. So my question to you all is, do you want to see a strictly fluffy story or some drama as well? Anyhow, here is chapter 3


The next morning, Joohyun drives Seulgi to school, early enough so she can meet her best friend Seungwan. Joohyun has only met Seungwan a handful of times however.


“Okay, we’re here. Did you have fun yesterday Seulgi-yah?”


“Y-Yea. I’m definitely really sore. But I had fun.”


“If you’re sore sweetie. That just means that I did my job well.” She playfully teases. Before Seulgi can turn as red as a tomato. She spots her best friend standing near the entrance waiting for her.


“Oh, there’s Wannie.”


“Wait, kisses first before you go.” The brunette gestures to her lips. So they can make out just for a little while. Joohyun found herself readily addicted to Seulgi’s lips and kisses. Somehow has to find a way to be able to kiss her. So it’s always hard during the days they can’t meet when she misses her girl terribly.


“Okay, Hyunnie..” She lets out a breath. “I need to get going.”


“Alright, baby.” She reluctantly lets her go, wiping off the lipstick stains she so casually left behind. “Have a good day.”


“I will.” She kisses her cheek once more. Then gets out, waving to Seungwan to get her attention. Who smiles when she sees Seulgi.


“Hey Seul. Hi Ms. Bae.” She says politely. Joohyun has always had this lingering feeling that Seungwan doesn’t actually like her all that much. Yes, she is always polite and respectful. She did give her eventual blessing, Joohyun just is an excellent reader of people. She definitely has the instinctual feeling that Seulgi’s best friend isn’t particularly all the way sold on them being together. However, the businesswoman also understands that this is her girlfriend’s best friend. They have been friends since they were small. So she gets that bond. That Seungwan is naturally going to be protective over the blonde.


There is something about Seulgi that makes someone want to protect her. She is very sweet, adorable and really, very innocent. Joohyun too wants to protect her from as many bad things she can. She just wants Seungwan to fully understand that she isn’t one of those bad things. Seulgi doesn’t need to be protected from her.


“Seungwan, you can call me Joohyun or unnie if you want?”


The shorter dark-haired girl seems to be contemplating that. “I’m sorry Ms. Bae. But I don’t really know you all that well. So, it’s kind of weird to be calling you unnie.”


“I understand, no harm done. Seul, I’ll call you later okay, bye sweetie.” She blows kisses then drives off. Seulgi turns to her best friend with a slight frown.


“Wannie, was that necessary?”


“What, Seul. It’s true. I don’t know her well enough to call her unnie. I only met her what 3 times, maybe.”


“I know, but you were kind of rude to her.”


“Okay. I’m sorry. Look, you know that I gave your relationship my blessing. But you’re my best friend so I’m going to still worry about you. Your best interests.”


“I know Wan. You know that I would do the same for you, always. But it’s Joohyun. She wouldn’t hurt me. Now, let’s go. Before we’re late for class alright?”


“Sure, hey.” She grabs her arm. “I’m sorry really. I know you’re happy right now, and I’m happy for you Seul. I just worry you know.”


“Yeah.” The blonde smiles, lightly tapping her on the head. “You worry wart. I promise if I’m hurt in anyway you’ll be the first to know.”


“You damn right. I’ll be keying, Ms. Bae’s very fancy mercedes.” She laughs.




“Ha, kidding Seul. Now let’s go, you know how Professor Lee is if we’re late. Oh, wait...your girlfriend.” She singsongs. “Got you out of trouble with all the teachers.”


“Wannie.” She complains. "Let’s just go to class.”


She doesn’t want to talk about how Joohyun was able to pull some strings. So now none of her professors bother her anymore. She just wants to go to class. Spend time with her friends and not worry about anything. The second Joohyun gets to her office. She has her assistants following her left and right with important documents.


“Ms. Bae we need your signature on these documents, as soon as possible.”


"Ms. Bae, Kim Taeyeon, wants to set up a meeting with you soon.”


Ms. Bae, Ms. Bae, Ms. Bae over and over again, driving her crazy. She would have worked from home if this is what she has to deal with.


“Okay, okay.” She calmly starts. “One thing at a time, please. Let me get to my office first.”


“Oh, of course, Ms. Bae.”


“At your own convenience, Ms. Bae.”


Then they leave her alone to breathe. She sits down at her office desk, and right away one of her young interns Yerin runs in. She has a hot cup of tea already in hand.


“Hi Ms. Bae. I have a cup of jasmine tea, and some lemon here all ready for you.” The blonde hurries over, and places the tea before her.


“Yennie.” She smiles warmly at the young university student. She has known Yerin for years. “You know that you can call me, Joohyun-unnie.”


“But we’re at work.”


“Yes. But I’ve known you for years. So it’s okay. Sit, I’d like to talk to you about something.”


“Oh of course, unnie.”


Joohyun knows that Yerin dates a girl younger than her named Eunbi. Although, their age difference is only slight compared to the one she shares with Seulgi.


“Yennie. Is it difficult for you dating Eunbi? Because she’s younger.”


Yerin isn’t actually too surprised by her boss’s question. Joohyun doesn’t have many close friends that are in a unique situation, quite like her own. So it makes sense she would need someone to talk with.


“Unnie. I’ve known Bi for years, ever since high school. We’re only 2 years apart. So it’s not super complicated for us. Like any couple we have issues. But we work through them. Unnie, are you having doubts about Seulgi or your relationship?”


The businesswoman looks over at Yerin. She has no doubts about Seulgi or her feelings for her. But she isn’t going to pretend that she doesn’t have worries. Just not about their relationship. She is concerned for Seulgi, how she actually deals with all of this, being a part of her world. It can’t be easy on her being Bae Joohyun’s girlfriend.


“No. I don’t have any doubts about Seulgi, or that I love her. I can’t help but to worry though, how she feels about being my girlfriend, and what that means.”


This relationshi

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parkjaeyoung801 #1
Chapter 15: this was a nice read.. thanks so much!!!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 15: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 15: rererererererereread, I really miss tropirene in your fic author nim 🤧🤍
Chapter 15: So sorry you struggled with writing this story!
But I’m glad you challenged yourself into finishing it.
It was nice to read this one!
Everything turned out for the better! ☺️
Chapter 13: Such a traumatic experience and I hope she heals fast physically and mentally! 😭
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: that moment when Joohyun bought Seulgi her birthday gift right after she mentioned it in their gc came to mind. money is definitely not an issue for Bae Joohyun, especially when it comes to her bear.
Chapter 15: 🧡🧡🧡
Jelly_jxne #8
Chapter 9: Oh gawd Seulgi gonna get in trouble 😭
Jelly_jxne #9
Chapter 8: Seulgi needs to tell her about that damn offer already cause I'm nervous af