The reasons she protects

Sugar Mama
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A/N: Hi, thanks again those of you who reviewed the previous chapter. I tend to focus more on updating fics that are close to being done, and this one is very close to being finished. Also, warning of a slight uncomfortable scene later but it's nothing to rate M for, but it could be unsettling to some of you, apologies in advance.


Seulgi took notice to how Joohyun was acting at the beginning of the week before Taeyeon’s party. She wasn’t truly behaving like herself. The brunette seemed quieter, distant, and a little on edge. Seulgi even offered to take her out to dinner a few nights, but Joohyun declined. She would only say that she’s very busy at work because she needed to clear her schedule as much as possible. The plan was to go to Daegu the following week.


The younger girl really wanted to be excited about their trip. Months ago she would have been more excited about their trip, and although she does genuinely want to go. Lately, Joohyun has been off. Her behavior has given Seulgi time to stay away. She’s been giving her girlfriend space. It didn’t feel like an issue to be pushed. Seulgi was worried about Joohyun, but at the same time she knew the brunette needed to come to her on her own. That didn’t mean Seulgi wasn’t feeling unwanted.


Anytime she had tried to offer them spending some time together it was nicely declined. This made the raven spend more time with her school friends, Seungwan, Yeri, and Sooyoung included She even made sure to do more with both the dance club and art clubs. It became so bad that Seulgi even worked extra shifts when she didn’t have to. It was just better to be out, even though Joohyun was barely home. Sometimes it would be a matter of her leaving and Joohyun coming home. Then there were times she would be in bed by time the businesswoman did come home.


Seulgi would still find food she left for her whenever she did get home starving. It made the younger girl feel that not all was terrible. She knows Joohyun loves her, and she still loves her too. This is probably want one would call a rough patch. One thing for sure is that Joohyun must have noticed their distance too, because one night as Seulgi was closing the cafe. The CEO came to meet her. She was dressed casually in a dark sweater, denim jeans, and sneakers. It looked like she probably hadn’t even gone to work today. Seulgi still wasn’t expecting to see her.


“Hyun, hey what are you doing here?”


“Seul, hi. I am sorry for this awkwardness between us, a lot of that was my fault. Would you mind if we go to the Han River? We can talk there.”


“Oh, sure, Hyun.”


Joohyun explains that she doesn’t have her car. Seulgi is the one who drives them. It’s such a weird silence that fills the air around them. They don’t have this silence normally. They would normally be singing random duets, laughing, talking, and sometimes holding onto each other’s hands as they could. When the couple get out the car. Joohyun does link arms with her and they make their way to a spot they usually like to go to. The older woman holds her hands in her own as they sit.


“Firstly, I am so sorry about lately.”




“It’s not okay,” Joohyun gently cuts her off. The businesswoman feels so terrible about how she’s been acting. It wasn’t intentional. The older woman just had so much in her head first. She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. Seulgi pushes her brown locks from her face.


“Take your time, Hyun.”


“It’s just difficult talking about this. I haven’t told anyone before, but you’re not just anyone, and you should hear this from me.”


Seulgi nods and waits for Joohyun to feel comfortable to discuss what the issue is. She caresses the CEO’s knuckles and hopes it does make her feel comfortable to talk.


“I’ve never told you about my sister, have I?”


“Your sister?”


“Yes, I know I told you about my parents passing away, but I’ve never told you about my sister.”


“What happened to her, Hyunnie?”


“She was…” Joohyun takes another breath. “She was killed. It was an accident, but it’s the way I lost her.”




Joohyun had just really dealt with her parents passing, when she also had to deal with certain issues her younger sister was facing. Joohyun has the oldest had to keep charging forward, and pocket her grief for later. Her sister came from Daegu to spend time with her. It was difficult keeping an eye on her troubled sister as well as her studies. That was until her sister crashed a school party even though she was underaged. Joohyun couldn’t keep eyes her at all times, so when she found her sister drunk, all she could think about was getting her out of there.


“Give me those keys.” Joohyun demands.


“No, you’re not my mom, Hyun!”


“You’re drunk and you need to let me either call you a cab, or just wait until I’m able to drive you.”


“Since when you do you care about what happens to me, all you care about since mom and daddy died is making sure you become a rich woman.”


“That’s not true. I am in school to make things better for not only myself, but you too. When I’m more financially set you know I will send for you.”


“Just leave me alone. Do whatever you want.”




Joohyun tried to hurry after her. Her sister got away and into the car she went. It happened so suddenly when she drove off only to crash. Joohyun doesn’t remember when she started screaming, or how she ran to the car to see her sister. Her bloodied hand reaching out for her.


“Hyun, help me….”




She is crying now, so Seulgi wraps her arms around her waist and hugs her. Joohyun wraps her arms around the taller girl’s shoulders. She had to tell Seulgi this part of her past. The brunette doesn’t know how Taeyeon found out about her sister. She probably dug into her past to bring it up. Then she threw it in her face in regards to Seulgi. Joohyun could not protect her sister, and Taeyeon insisted that because of that she can’t protect Seulgi too.


“Is this why you’re worried about me? You’re scared something terrible like that will happen to me?”


“I’m just scared about not being able to protect you, Seul. My entire family is gone, and it’s been difficult for me to connect with people. I don’t want to lose you.”


Seulgi understands so much more now. There are things that make sense as to why Joohyun is a bit protective over her. Seulgi thinks for sure she would be similar if she had lost her own family. She rubs her back gently and kisses the side of her face.


“Hey, I think I understand a lot better now. I’m sorry you felt so alone for this long, and for what happened to your family.”


Joohyun nods and thanks her. It feels better to have gotten that off her chest. Seulgi needed to hear that from her. The last thing she wants is for Taeyeon somehow getting to her and turning her tragedy into something else entirely.


“I love you, Joohyun.”


Joohyun feels so much relief when Seulgi says those words to her. She can’t bare to lose her, and knowing Seulgi loves her is always enough to help her through most anything.


“I love you too, Seul.”


That night was the first in a few days they’re laying closer together. Joohyun is leaning into her embrace with Seulgi holding her tight. It hasn’t felt right to be apart, and this does. Seulgi can’t imagine her life without Joohyun. She keeps telling the brunette she loves her until they fall asleep. They’re better together, are they not? They both know this is true, and if so why does everything still feel like it might not be fine?


The evening of the party comes faster than either of them are ready for. It doesn’t mean they don’t plan to go into this party together as a strong unit. Joohyun doesn’t intend to let Seulgi out of her sight. The party itself is very elaborate and highly decorated. Everyone is here dressed to the nines, and from what Joohyun can tell this is without a doubt for some sort of fundraiser. She looks over to Seulgi who looks amazing in her black suit jacket, white collared shirt, and dark pants. She does pull the monolid woman aside by some stairs to give her a kiss.


“You look so y, babe.”


“You look really pretty, Hyun.” Seulgi nods to her dark purple dress, and the way her hair is just straight down her back.


“Thank you, let’s just hurry and get through this, so we can go home.”


That’s the plan of course. Joohyun does actually know a good amount of people who are there, and that means she must make polite business small talk. Seulgi feels like she’s completely out of her element. Most people are talking about stocks, acquiring companies, and firing or hiring staff. Seulgi thinks she’ll be happier at the food table.


“Hyun, I’ll be back. I’m just going to get something to drink, do you want anything?”


“Water, okay. Thank you,” she nods and kisses her lips. Seulgi looks at all the different food too. There’s a lot of delicious looking shrimp skewers, steamed crab, rice dishes, noodle dishes, and there are tastes for any and all people. She grabs Joohyun a bottle of water, and herself an iced tea. She is on her way back to Jo

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parkjaeyoung801 #1
Chapter 15: this was a nice read.. thanks so much!!!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 15: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 15: rererererererereread, I really miss tropirene in your fic author nim 🤧🤍
Chapter 15: So sorry you struggled with writing this story!
But I’m glad you challenged yourself into finishing it.
It was nice to read this one!
Everything turned out for the better! ☺️
Chapter 13: Such a traumatic experience and I hope she heals fast physically and mentally! 😭
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: that moment when Joohyun bought Seulgi her birthday gift right after she mentioned it in their gc came to mind. money is definitely not an issue for Bae Joohyun, especially when it comes to her bear.
Chapter 15: 🧡🧡🧡
Jelly_jxne #8
Chapter 9: Oh gawd Seulgi gonna get in trouble 😭
Jelly_jxne #9
Chapter 8: Seulgi needs to tell her about that damn offer already cause I'm nervous af