Chapter 16

Cover Up

Taeyeon just stared blankly at the computer in front of her. Her mind was obviously elsewhere as she continued to ignore the vibration that was coming from her phone. She would have continued to be in that position if not for the knock on her door.

"Come in."

Her secretary, Seohyun, entered with her head bowed down as she greeted her boss before making her way towards Taeyeon's desk. 

"These are the files that you requested, Boss. Is there anything else that you need?" 

"Not at the moment, Seohyun. Thanks."

She was about to leave the room when Taeyeon stopped her. 

"Actually, there is something that I need your help with. Are you close to my Oppa's secretary?" 

"You mean Hani-unnie?" Seohyun asked to reaffirm Taeyeon's question as her boss nodded her head. "Close as in? If you are referring to work, I do talk to her at times when I have to."

"Close as in sharing stories with one another or going lunch together. Like colleagues or like... hhhmmm...." Taeyeon herself was finding it difficult to explain to what extend she was referring the closeness to. "Never mind. Forget it. You may go."

"Is there something that you need me to find out from Hani-unnie? I can ask her on your behalf or... if you don't want me to make it obvious to her, I can do it subtly."

Taeyeon's eyes widened as if she was surprised that her secretary was quick to catch on with regards to her request. "How did you know that I didn't want it to be obvious?"

"Well, your body language showed that you seem to be contemplating a lot about the matter. So I just took a guess." Seohyun answered honestly with a straight face. "What is it that you need, Boss?"

A frown appeared on Taeyeon's forehead as she strummed her fingers on the table, with an expression showing that she was in deep thoughts.

"I need some information on my Oppa's overseas travelling records. Countries that he had visited, whether on business or personal matters. Do you think you could get it from his secretary without being too obvious?" Taeyeon looked up to her secretary with eyes filled with hope.

"I will try my best. By when do you need it, Boss?" Seohyun asked earnestly, showing her determination to get the job done.

"There's no urgency actually but the faster the better." Taeyeon replied as Seohyun nodded her head before excusing herself. "By the way, Seohyun. It is okay if you can't get the information. I will fully understand."

Just after Seohyun nodded her head to her boss, the door opened suddenly as Sooyoung walked in with an angry expression.

"Yah, Kim Taeyeon. Don't you know how to answer your damn phone?... Oh hi Seohyun." Sooyoung managed to give a quick smile to the young girl who looked surprised by her sudden appearance as she left the room, before turning to face Taeyeon again while looking frustrated. "You!! Should feel damn lucky you are my friend."

"If not? What do you plan to do if I continue to ignore your calls?" Taeyeon asked with her arms crossed.

"I'll come up and looked for you in your office." Sooyoung ended up grinning when she realised that she could never stay angry with Taeyeon. "Why aren't you answering your calls anyway? Were you busy?"

"Not really. I just had a lot of things going on in my head."

"Things like what?" Sooyoung took a seat in front of Taeyeon as she scrutinized the girl's face. "You've not been sleeping well, right? I could see the dark circles around your eyes. Are you having nightmares again?"

Taeyeon stared blankly at Sooyoung. She knew she couldn't lie to her friend because Sooyoung had seen it all.


Sooyoung was trying to keep herself awake as she took a another sip of her coffee. Blinking her eyes a few times, she stared at her assignments and her messy study table. She was about to continue typing when she heard a shout from the room next door. It was Taeyeon's room as Sooyoung panicked and made a dash to check on her.

The door was locked so Sooyoung had to knock on it continuously while she twisted and turned the doorknob.

"Yah, Kim Taeyeon. What's wrong? Are you okay?" Sooyoung continued asking for almost 5mins before the door finally opened.

A dishevelled looking Taeyeon, opened the door and stared at Sooyoung. "Sorry. It was just a nightmare."

"Are you okay?" Sooyoung asked, looking really concerned and didn't seem to believe when Taeyeon nodded her head. "Are you sure you are okay? You don't look so good."

"I'm fine, Sooyoung. Don't worry, okay." Taeyeon patted Sooyoung's shoulders before closing the door as the tall girl continued staring at the closed door for a minute before walking back to her own room.

That was the beginning of a new revelation that Sooyoung was to find out later about Taeyeon's condition.

(End of flashbacks)

Seeing that Taeyeon was not answering her question, Sooyoung already knew the answer and a concerned look appeared on her face. 

"Stop giving me that look." Taeyeon said without even looking at Sooyoung. "You know I hate that kind of look."

"And you should know by now that it's not a pity look, Tae." Sooyoung replied as Taeyeon just pouted. "Should we inform Unnie about this? Doctor Ahn?"

Taeyeon shook her head. "It's not that bad. It's within my control."

"But you're losing sleep. That's not good, Tae."

Taeyeon was about to say something when her phone vibrated. Since Sooyoung was in front of her, Taeyeon knew that it was someone else who had messaged her.

Hey, I know you are still grounded and it's not possible for you to go anywhere for the next two weeks. But Yeri had been mentioning about you and Irene lately every time I went to check on her. Is it possible for you to make an exception and come to visit her? I think she misses both of you. - Doctor Tiffany Hwang

"Doctor Tiffany Hwang? What's with the formality?" Sooyoung's voice beside her ear shocked Taeyeon as she almost dropped her phone.

"Since when did you stood beside me? And what do you suggest I saved her number as? Tiffany? Fany?"

"Save it as 'The girl I have a crush on but I don't want to admit it'." Sooyoung laughed at her own answer while Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "I came over to stand here when I saw you grinning and staring at the message. So how?"

"I'm not going to save her number as that. That's too long."

"I'm not asking about that, stupid. I'm talking about Fany's question. About Yeri." Sooyoung chuckled when she saw Taeyeon being embarrassed about her misunderstanding. "I don't think you should take the risk since Oppa doesn't know about Yeri. Furthermore, you have only one more week before your punishment is done."

"But I miss Yeri too and I did promised to visit her once we came back from LA. I didn't expect to be grounded though. Even though, I'm left with just one week, I may not be able to visit her any sooner as I had rescheduled a lot of my appointments that is not work-related such as those school projects that I'm funding." Taeyeon sighed. "It's not as if Yeri can come and see me instead."

"Fany can bring her out with the excuse of therapy, provided my Unnie is agreeable to it." Sooyoung answered nonchalantly before grinning at Taeyeon. 

"But she's not the doctor in charge of Yeri and I don't think your Unnie will allow it. Even if we use the therapy excuse, Tiffany is not the right doctor to administer it." Taeyeon had a deep frown as she bit her lower lips. 

"Oh, didn't you know that Fany actually has a master's degree in psychology? She is more than qualified to handle patients like Yeri. Or even someone like you." 

Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung in disbelief but she didn't uttered a word as her tall friend made a call to her sister. 


"Doctor Choi, I heard you were looking for me."

Soojin, who was just about to enter her office, stopped in her tracks as she turned to her side and smiled at the person beside her.

"Yes, Doctor Hwang. That's correct. Let's talk further in my office."

The two doctors entered the room and sat opposite of each other at Soojin's table.

"My sister called me earlier and hinted to me that Taeyeon wanted to see Yeri but due to some unfortunate circumstances, she's not able to come to the hospital. She was suggesting to bring Yeri to Taeyeon instead."

"Because Taeyeon is still grounded and Yeri mentioned that she misses her." Tiffany's added words caused Soojin to look surprise as she was not aware that Tiffany actually knew more than she thought.

"I'm surprised that you knew about Taeyeon being grounded. Since when did you both became close?"

"Anni." Tiffany wriggled a finger quickly to show that Soojin's assumption was incorrect. "I'm not close to her at all. But I've became friends with your sister, Sooyoung. One thing leads to another so I came to know about some matters with regards to Taeyeon."

Soojin chuckled as she observed how firm Tiffany was in trying to explain the whole situation. Soojin then explained further that since Tiffany was the only doctor in the hospital besides herself, who has a master degree in psychology, she's the only qualified one to bring Yeri out.

"You want me to bring Yeri to meet Taeyeon?" Tiffany looked flabbergasted as she suddenly remembered the argument that both of them recently had. "Why can't you be the one to bring her? You're her doctor-in-charge anyway."

"I wished I could but my schedules are packed at the moment for the next two weeks. I have a seminar to attend in Japan this weekend so I really hope you could help me out. Yeri really seems like she misses Taeyeon a lot. That poor kid." Soojin emphasized her last few words as she noticed Tiffany in deeps thoughts.

"Okay. I will help. Just this once. But on one condition."

"Sooyoung will be there." Soojin intercepted before Tiffany could finish her sentence as she grinned widely at Tiffany who seemed to be suspicious of her.

"Are you sure there's a seminar that you need to attend?" Tiffany asked as Soojin quickly nodded her head before telling Tiffany that she needed to make an urgent call and requested for Tiffany to leave the room.

The moment Tiffany closed the door behind her, Soojin took her phone and messaged her sister.

All done. You owe me dinner. My choice. - Big Choi

Meanwhile. Tiffany who had initially wanted to walk back to her office, decided to change her mind and visited Yeri instead. The younger girl was lazing around on her bed, watching the tv when Tiffany entered the room.

"Fany-unnie..." Yeri spreaded her arms out, welcoming Tiffany and gesturing for a hug as the older girl smiled.

Tiffany made her way to the side of Yeri's bed and bend down slighly so that the girl could hugged her. 

"Why do you look so energised today? Anything special?" Tiffany asked as she grabbed the chair near the bed and sat down.

"Anni.. I'm just happy to see you. I want to be as energetic as you." Yeri replied with a chuckle.

"What if I have good news for you right now and it made you so energetic that you start running around the room in happiness?" Tiffany gave Yeri a teasing look as the younger girl pouted before both of them broke out into a laughter. Tiffany pretended to discontinue her statement even after the laughter subside, causing Yeri to start whining. "Arraseo, arraseo... The good news is, I will be taking you to meet your guardian and her sister."

"My guardian?" Yeri looked a little lost and it took her a few minutes before she realised who it was that Tiffany was referring to. Her eyes widened as covered just in time before her muffled scream could be heard. "Really? Is it true? I can go and meet Taeyeon-unnie and Irene-unnie?"

Tiffany nodded her head and she couldn't help but smiled when she saw how genuinely happy Yeri was.

'She must have missed them a lot. How close are these girls for her to react like that? I don't even act like that when I see my siblings after a long time.' Tiffany was lost in her thoughts before she was hugged tightly by Yeri.

"Aigoo... Are you that excited to see them? You've only not seen them for a while but you act like it's been years." Tiffany chuckled at her own remarks but she was taken aback when she say Yeri's teary eyes. "Oh my god, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry, Fany-unnie. These are happy tears. It's true that I had not seen them for only 3 weeks but Taeyeon-unnie and Irene-unnie will usually come over to visit me at least once a week, no matter how busy they are. I know that something bad must have happened when Doctor Choi informed me that Taeyeon-unnie and Irene-unnie will not be visiting me for a while but she assured me that they are okay. They are, right Fany-unnie?"

"They are.. They are just caught up with some family matters which is making them a little occupied at the moment." Tiffany tried to choose her words carefully as she's not sure if Yeri was aware of Taeyeon's family background. "Don't worry. You'll get to see them this weekend which is in two days time."

"Family matters?" Yeri repeated the words as Tiffany suddenly realised that she might had struck a cord in Yeri's heart and was about to apologise when Yeri continued talking. "Taeyeon-unnie and Irene-unnie always tell me to treat them as family that sometimes, it made me forget that they are not my real family."

Tiffany choked on her words as she tried to think of a way to comfort Yeri but she was surprised when the girl looked at her and smiled

"Even so, I'm still thankful for them and right now, I'm thankful to you too."


Taeyeon stared at the documents that she had arranged on her table with folded arms. The ones on her right side were the project proposals that were submitted by the university students while on the left were the list of companies that had borrowed money from their company but were placed under the instalment payment plans. She lifted up the cover page of the document and frowned as she counted the number of companies that were circled in red. Those are the companies that had been attacked by unknown group of people with the pretext of collecting payment.

"5, 6, 7..... 7 companies in four months. That's like almost two companies per month. And all are in different cities" Taeyeon threw the paper down before she slumped back into her seat. "How did they know which company to target?"

A knock distracted Taeyeon's train of thoughts as Yoona entered her office.

"Is it time already?" Taeyeon stood up just as Yoona was about to say something. Noticing a grin appearing on the younger girl face, Taeyeon rolled her eyes before grabbing her coat from the back of her seat. "Seeing that grin on your face, I know that you are thinking about something weird. And whatever that you were thinking, that is not it."

"Wae? What did you think I was thinking? I could be thinking about food or movie or what time I'll be knocking off work today." Yoona cheekily answered as she followed Taeyeon out of the room. "Bye Seohyun. Take care. I'll see you around."

Seohyun just waved her hand at Yoona before shaking her head as she watched Yoona skipping to Taeyeon's side and taking the laptop bag from her petite boss hands. Taeyeon stood in front of the lift as Yoona pressed the button. Inching closer to her boss, Yoona spoke quietly.

"Taeyeon-unnie, you seemed eager to be going home and it's only lunch time."

Yoona chuckled when Taeyeon clicked her tongue.They were about to continue their conversation when the sound of the lift arriving diverted their attention. The moment the lift door opened, Yoona immediately shifted herself away from Taeyeon, standing slightly behind before bowing her head to the person in the lift. Taeyeon put on a blank expression and entered the lift while Yoona quietly followed and stood near the lift entrance as the door closed.

"Going out for lunch?" Heechul asked.


"At this hour? Are you not feeling well?" Heechul looked a little concerned as Taeyeon shook her head. He was about to ask further when the door opened.

Yoona walked out and turned to bow her head again while Taeyeon just walked out without saying anything else. Lucky for them, Heechul's car was not parked at the same level as theirs so he did not follow them out of the lift. The moment both of the were seated in the car, they let out a sigh of relief.

"Wah, Heechul-oppa really has a scary aura around him. My body reflexes are in tune with his presence. They automatically stiffened." Yoona blabbered on as she started the engine. "Are you okay, Taeyeon-unnie?"

"I'm fine." Taeyeon replied before resting her head against the headrest and was just about to close her eyes when her phone rang. "Yes, Soo. We are on our way... What? How many people are there? Why do I need to order 4 boxes of whole chicken when there are only 7 of us?.... What do you mean you and Yoona needs a box each? I'm going to deduct this from your pay."

Taeyeon ended the call but Yoona still manage to hear Sooyoung's voice saying 'yah' over the line. Yoona giggled as she drove the car out from the carpark. Along the way, they stopped by a restaurant to order fried chicken and drinks as Taeyeon handed her credit card to Yoona.

"Just get 5 boxes of chicken. They don't serve this type of fried chicken at the hospital. It must have been a while since Yeri had eaten it." Taeyeon saw the grin once again appearing on Yoona's face as she immediately pretended as if she's tired and closed her eyes.

"Okay, boss. I'll be back soon." Yoona teasingly saluted at Taeyeon before she opened the car door. "Do you think Fany-unnie prefers the normal or spicy?"

"Get the normal." Taeyeon unknowingly blurted out a reply as she heard Yoona's loud chuckling before left the car. "Aishhhh, that annoying cute brat."


"Do you need help?"

Taeyeon turn towards the kitchen entrance and saw Tiffany standing there while carrying a bottle of soft drink.

"Anni. I'm good. You can just put the bottle on the table there. I'll keep it in the fridge later." Taeyeon pouted towards the direction of the table before she continued washing the plates.

"I can just help you to put the bottle straight into the fridge, right?" Tiffany walked towards the big fridge and opened it, against Taeyeon's instruction.

"Wait!!!" Taeyeon didn't managed to stop her in time as Tiffany stared into the opened fridge. "I can explain."

"Why are there only beers in your big fridge?"

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany with guilt as she quickly washed her hands and walked towards Tiffany. "I have my reasons."

Slidding in between Tiffany and the fridge, Taeyeon closed the door. When she turned around, she was surprised that Tiffany did not move an inch from earlier. Their distance were quite close to one another at the moment as they stared at each other's lips.

"Yah, Taeyeon." Sooyoung suddenly burst into the kitchen as Taeyeon grabbed a kitchen towel nearby and started wiping the floor while Tiffany started touching around the surface of the fridge. "What are the both of you doing?:

"Something spilled."

"The fridge looks nice."

Both Tiffany and Taeyeon gave quick responses at the same time while Sooyoung raised her eyebrow. 

 "You could just use your robot cleaner for that, Tae and Fany, there's nothing much inside even if it looks nice." Sooyoung laughed at her own remarks befor asking the girls to join them for a card game outside. Tiffany quickly agreed as she hurriedly left the kitchen while Taeyeon went back to the sink to finish up washing the plates. "The atmosphere seems a little different in here."

"I don't think so. Nothing happened." Taeyeon replied without looking at Sooyoung.

"I didn't say something happen though." 

Taeyeon turned to look at Sooyoung who had a smirk on her face as she briefly explained to her tall friend that Tiffany opened her fridge.

"So she saw your 'beautiful' collection of beers and nothing else happened?" Sooyoung continued to pry.

"Nothing happened." Taeyeon firmly answered as she took the last plate and placed it to dry. "Let's get out of here. The rest are waiting for us."

The girls were having a lot of time playing card games together. Yoona and Seulgi had team up together to beat the rest of the girls and they were about to start another round when Tiffany's phone rang. It was actually the alarm that she had set to remind her of the time that she need to send Yeri back to the hospital. Yeri pouted when Tiffany told her that they need to make their way back before Irene gave the young girl a tight hug.

"We will come and see you  next week. Taeyeon-unnie should be available by then. Right, Unnie?" Irene looked at Taeyeon, waiting for an answer.

"Wait, I need to check my schedule. But I can't find my phone." Taeyeon looked around as if searching for her phone.

"Let me give you a call. It's the same number, right?" Tiffany said as Taeyeon suddenly noticed her phone tuck in the corner of the seat that was beside Tiffany. 

"Wait!!" Before she could manage to stop Tiffany from dialing her number, the sound of her phone was heard as Tiffany immediately located it.

"Here you....." Tiffany's words was stuck when she saw the screen of the phone as she handed the phone to Taeyeon.

Both girls faces immediately turned red which did not go unnoticed by Sooyoung, who immediately grabbed the phone from Taeyeon's hand. A cheeky smirk appeared on Sooyoung's face as she saw the words 'My Girl Crush' appearing on the screen of the phone.

"Thanks Fany. You may end the call. We are getting bored of Taeyeon's ringtone." Sooyoung said teasingly as Tiffany looked away while ending the call.

"I guess it's time for you to head back, Yeri." Taeyeon tried to sound non-chalant. "We'll see you next week. I'll make time for you, no worries."

Taeyeon chuckled nervously but luckily no one else noticed except for the two person in the room. They bid each other farewell as Yoona and Seulgi were also given the time off. Sooyoung was the last one to leave as Taeyeon walked her to her car.

"You have some explanation to do, my dear friend."

"This is all your fault." Taeyeon grumbled as Sooyoung looked at her with amusement. "You were the one who told me to change her name in my phone."

"I don't remember forcing you to do so." Sooyoung smiled as she entered her car. "And now, your Girl Crush has found out about it herself. This is going to be so much fun."

Taeyeon could only stood there in silence, thinking of what to do as her best friend drove off while laughing at her predicament.

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Update please.... Have finished reading it again :))
1128 streak #2
Chapter 17: Fany you should go and see him but don't tell him, I got a feeling that he isn't being honest with you and maybe he is hiding something from you...
1128 streak #3
Chapter 16: Lol Sooyoung's suggested name for Fany hahaha
snsdgg #4
Chapter 16: Re-read this again and I laughed at fany's contact name 😂
Update soon auth pls
Skye1234 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #7
Chapter 16: Yeaaa, welcome bckkk!!!🍂🍂
Chapter 16: uh oh, are back! welcome 🤩
please continue this good story, authorshii