Chapter 1

Cover Up

"Doctor Choi!! Doctor Choi!!"

A lot of eyes turned towards the direction where the rowdy voices were coming from. Everyone scampered away as three men in black suit, rushed in while pushing their way through the hospital's main lobby. 

One of the men slammed his hand at the reception counter and stared hard at the nervous-looking nurse in front of him.

"Where's Doctor Choi? We need her now. It's an emergency." 

"She... she.. she's in.. in a.. in a... " The nurse stammered her words but was not able to finish her sentence when the man in front of her was smacked hard on the head.

"How many times do I have to remind you to stop being rowdy in my hospital?" 

Both the man and the nurse turned their heads to stare at a lady in a doctor's coat, who had her hands on her hips.

"Sorry, Doctor." The man bowed his head at the lady, who just stared at him.

"Where is she?"

"In the car. She's bleeding." The man quickly replied before stepping aside to allow the doctor to rush out while the three men followed her from behind.

A distance away, two other ladies in their doctor's attire were watching silently at the whole scene. One of them looked surprised while the other looked as if it was something that was not new to her.

"What was that all about?" The surprised doctor turned to her colleague for answers.

"Just something that would happen, once in a while. You don't have to worry. As long as Doctor Choi is here, everything is under control." The reply came in but it didn't satisfy the curiousity.

"Under control? Who are those people? They looked like gangsters."

"Gangsters? I think they're just bodyguards. From what I heard, their boss comes from a very, very rich family background. I guess their boss must have gotten hurt again, that's why they're here." 

"Bodyguards? Hurt again? Only gangsters get hurt since they're always in fights. Oh my gosh. Shouldn't we inform the police? Why are we even getting involved with people like them? Won't that be dangerous?" The nervous looking doctor blabbered on to her colleague who could only chuckled. 

"This case is not in our position to be concerned with. Just forget about it, Tiffany. We're already off duty anyway." 

"But Hyorin, those people looked like trouble. Will Doctor Choi be fine on her own?" The lady, by the name of Tiffany asked again, looking really concerned for the Director of the Hospital who had went out earlier.

Doctor Min Hyorin dragged Doctor Tiffany Hwang to the counter where the rowdy man had stood there before. Both of them smiled at the nurse who looked nervous earlier but was much calmer now. They asked her if she was okay and she nodded her head. Both of them needed to sign off their attendance to report off from duty when the door of the hospital opened again.

Turning their heads, they saw Doctor Choi walking in with two of the men in black behind her.

"Are both of you off duty already?" She asked the two ladies who nodded their heads. "Any of you willing to work overtime for a few hours?"

Hyorin quickly turned her head towards Tiffany and gave her a pitiful look. Tiffany knew that her colleague already had some plans for the night with her boyfriend so she knew what Hyorin meant by giving her that look.

"I can spare a few hours." Tiffany replied reluctantly.

"That's good, Doctor Hwang. Don't worry. I'll give you double pay for these OTs and also give you some extra hours to rest tomorrow." Doctor Choi said with a warm smile before turning her head to face the two men behind her. "Get your boss onto a wheelchair and push her into my room."

The two men scurried away and grabbed a wheelchair as Doctor Choi informed Tiffany to be on standby for any incoming emergency case while she's attending to this current case. The moment Doctor Choi walked away, Tiffany turned to her side and gave Hyorin a confused look.

"Did Doctor Choi just referred their boss to a 'her'? As in their boss is a lady?"

Hyorin nodded her head before quickly thanking Tiffany for volunteering her service earlier. "By the way, their boss is really very beautiful. I've managed to catch a glimpse of her a few times when she drops by the hospital."

Tiffany was about to answer back to her colleague's statement when they saw 5 men in black suit entering the hospital lobby again. This time round, two of them were walking in front while another guy was pushing a wheelchair with the last two guys walking right at the back of the group. From a distance, Tiffany caught a glimpse of a blonde hair girl seating on the wheelchair. Her size was petite and she was leaning her back against the wheelchair with one arm acrossed her body.

As the wheelchair moved past the counter, the petite girl looked up at the two doctors and gave them a cold stare before she looked away. 

'What was that all about? Such an arrogant look.' Tiffany thought to herself as she just watched the wheelchair disappeared around the corner.

"She's beautiful, right? Despite the cold aura around her, she has a mysterious kind of persona." Hyorin commented dreamily as Tiffany just scoffed her off.

"Mysterious, my foot. She looked like a typical rich, arrogant spoilt brat."

Hyorin laughed at Tiffany's outburst before tapping her colleague's shoulder to inform her that she's going off since her boyfriend would be coming to fetch her soon. Tiffany nodded her head and grabbed her doctor's coat before making her way to the doctor's pantry to standby for any emergency cases.


"I told you not to get involved in any fights, right? You have so many bodyguards with you and you still gotten yourself hurt."

Doctor Choi continued nagging at the person in front of her, who just grinned like a small kid, albeit trying to control the pain as the doctor swiped some alcohol on her open wound at her stomach area.

"How am I suppose to know that the person would go crazy suddenly and used a broken glass to swing at me? I was not ready for it so I couldn't react quickly to his actions, which was why I had the wound."

"Don't lie, Taeyeon. Your men told me that you threw the first punch at him. That was how the fight started. Nobody goes crazy suddenly without any triggering factors." Doctor Choi rolled her eyes as the girl pouted, trying to act cute. "What happened actually? I know that you're not the kind of person who would pick a fight without a valid reason."

"I was at Sunny's pub earlier. Chilling while watching Hyo doing her DJ stuffs when I noticed a guy harassing one of Sunny's waitress near the bar counter. Initially, I just ignored him but he started to become violent. Grabbing the girl by the waist and pulling her towards him harshly while she tried to free herself. The pub's bouncer came and tried to calm him down. Seems like the man was not alone as his group of friends started to interfere. Sunny came down from her office to look into the matter and I got pissed off when the man and his friends made fun of Sunny for being the owner of the pub. Calling her short and weak." Taeyeon started to narrate the story.

"Let me guess. You heard the word short, couldn't control your anger, went to confront the guy and ended up punching him in the face." Doctor Choi summarised the ending as Taeyeon just grinned and nodded her head. "As expected. You're lucky the wound is not that deep. Keep changing the dressing until it stops bleeding. Avoid water around the area."

"Unnie, you mean I can't bathe?" Taeyeon asked with an innocent expression.

"Aigoo, this girl. Use a plastic sheet to cover that area. Just make sure that water doesn't come in contact with the wound." Doctor Choi explained as Taeyeon nodded her head. "Have you contacted my sister about this? I suspect the police might get involve soon since it's a public place and the guy might want to sue you since you hit him first."

"She was having her supper when I called her while on the way to the hospital. She told me to call her again if the police come and look for me. In the meantime, just chill. That's what she said." 

"Aigoo.... that sister of mine. Always putting food as her priorities." Doctor Choi grumbled as Taeyeon could only chuckled at her. "You're good to go. Stay away from trouble. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Unnie. I will try my best to do so but trouble is the one who will come and look for me." Taeyeon laughed out loud at her own remarks before she kept a straight face and walked out of Doctor Choi's office. Facing her men who had been waiting outside the room, she instructed them with a cold expression, to return to the car by the back door of the hospital. She had heard complains from Doctor Choi about how rowdy the guys were when they first entered the hospital and she was determine to reprimand them later. "Thanks, Unnie. I'll be on my way home now."

Doctor Choi could only shake her head as she watched Taeyeon walked away and disappeared around the corner. She looked at the watch and saw that it was already 2am in the morning. She remembered that she had asked Tiffany to be on standby while she was checking on Taeyeon. 

Making her way to the doctor's pantry where she presumed Tiffany would be, she was surprised to see the doctor standing at the reception counter talking to someone who looked familiar even from her back profile.

"Inspector Kwon." Doctor Choi called out to the person who stopped talking to Tiffany and turned around. "Even from your back view, I could already recognised that it's you. What brings you over to the hospital at this late hour?"

"I was just talking to Doctor Hwang here about our little 'friend' who might have stopped over earlier." The inspector replied with a smirk when she noticed Doctor Choi frowning at her.

"Our little friend? I'm not sure if I have a common friend with you, Inspector. Who were you referring to actually?" Doctor Choi maintained her clueless expression which seemed to piss the inspector a little.

"I'm referring to Kim Taeyeon. Let me just get straight to the point, Doctor Choi. My men informed me that there was a fight that had occurred at Sunshine Pub about 2 hours ago and Kim Taeyeon is involved in it. The guy whom she had picked a fight on, was injured and had decided to sue her for the injuries inflicted on him and his friends. My sources told me that Kim Taeyon herself had gotten hurt so I guess that she would have come here for treatment, which Doctor Hwang had admitted to seeing her earlier. Is she done with her treatment? Because I need to bring her down to the station for her statement." Inspector Kwon explained her purpose of visit as Tiffany observed the interaction between the two of them.

"I'm sorry to inform you that she had already left the hospital." Doctor Choi replied with a smile, causing Inspector Kwon to clench her teeth.

"In that case, I presume you're the one who treated her earlier." Inspector Kwon asked to which Doctor Choi nodded her head. "What kind of injuries did she sustain? Was it something that is caused by fighting? Was she badly hurt?"

"Inspector Kwon, I believe you should be familiar with the protocol in my hospital. It's either you have an official warrant to check on my patient's records or you will have to seek answers to your questions from the person herself." Once again, Doctor Choi smiled as the inspector let out an irritated sigh before turning to face Tiffany.

"Doctor Hwang. Thank you so much for your assistance earlier. At least, there are still some doctors who are not blinded by greed and are willing to help out in the name of justice. This is my namecard. If ever you need any assistance from the police, give me a call. I'm always willing to help out the good and helpful citizens."

Inspector Kwon bowed her head to Tiffany, wishing her good night and bidding her farewell. Before making her way out of the hospital, she still bowed her head to Doctor Choi and raised her hand a little, without saying anything as she disappeared behind the glass doors.

Tiffany heard a soft chuckle as she turned her head to see Doctor Choi shaking her head with the same smile on her face.

"Doctor Hwang, you may report off from duty now. Take a few hours off from your shift tomorrow so that you can rest longer. Good night and rest well then."

Before Tiffany could say or ask anything, Doctor Choi turned around and made her way back to the office, leaving the confused doctor to sign off her attendance for the night.


She had just finished showering after a long night and should have felt sleepy by now but her mind was too preoccupied at the moment. All thanks to someone who had given her the coldest stare that she had ever seen before.

"Kim Taeyeon."

That name escaped from Tiffany's mouth as she recalled the incident earlier when the nurse at the reception counter had walked into the doctor's pantry to look for her.

(Flashback a few hours ago)

Tiffany was busy looking through some fashion magazine when someone walked into the pantry and stood in front of her.

"Doctor Hwang, I need your help."

Thinking that it was an emergency, Tiffany quickly stood up and was about to grab her coat when the nurse continued telling her that there's a police inspector outside who was actually looking for Doctor Choi.

"I know that Doctor Choi is busy with something at the moment so I didn't know who to look for since the other doctors on duty are attending to their own patients." She said as Tiffany could only nod her head. 

Both of them walked out to the reception counter and Tiffany was surprised to see a tall, slim lady leaning against the counter. It was obvious from the badge that was clipped on her leather jacket that she's from the police. She had tanned skin with long black hair and a toned S-line figure. The officer smiled at Tiffany when she saw them approaching her.

"Good evening, Doctor. My name is Inspector Kwon Yuri and I'm from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Division. I don't think we've met before since I've been coming to this hospital quite frequently." She held out her hand for a handshake, which Tiffany accepted.

"My name is Tiffany Hwang. I've just been accepted as a training doctor at this hospital last week. How may I assist you, Inspector?" Tiffany smiled sincerely as Yuri just nodded her head.

"A new doctor. A beautiful one too." Yuri commented, causing Tiffany to blush a little. "I'll get straight to the point, Doctor Hwang. Did Kim Taeyeon come here for treatment?"

Tiffany blinked rapidly since it was the first time that she had heard that name. She repeated the name in front of Yuri, who then realised that Tiffany might have not known who Kim Taeyeon was.

"My apology, Doctor Hwang. It slipped my mind that you are new here in the hospital. Maybe I can show you a photo of the person that I'm looking for." Yuri took out her phone and showed Tiffany a photo.

It was the photo of the same petite girl which Tiffany had seen being pushed on the wheelchair about an hour ago. She had the same cold stare as the one she had given Tiffany as the doctor nodded her head to the inspector.

"She was here a while ago. Along with 5 men in black suit. Who is she anyway and why are you looking for her?" Tiffany asked.

"Inspector Kwon."

Before she could reply to Tiffany's questions, both of them heard a familiar voice as they turned to see Doctor Choi walking up to them.

(End of flashback)

"Did she really beat up that man and his friends or she started the fight and asked her bodyguards to settle the problem for her? I don't think that petite girl is strong enough to fight anyone though."

Tiffany continued to talk to herself as she remembered the information that she had heard during the conversation between Inspector Kwon Yuri and Doctor Choi. 

"Seems like Doctor Choi and Inspector Kwon are not really on good terms with one another. But why is Doctor Choi being protective of that girl? Who is she and what is their relationship?"

Tiffany let out a sigh when she realised that she had been thinking too much about someone whom she didn't even know at all. Leaning against the headrest of her bed, Tiffany thought back about her journey to Seoul since last week.

She had just graduated from a Medical School in LA about six months ago. Thinking that she would be able to start work soon with her excellent results and would be getting a very good pay, Tiffany started to splurge on herself by getting her own house and her own car. But a few months passed by without any replies from the job applications that she had sent out. Most of the replies that came back were that there was no vacancy available since there was actually a surplus of doctors in LA.

It came to a point where Tiffany was no longer able to afford the instalments for her purchases and was already on the verge of applying for any available jobs, when her friend recommended her to apply for a vacancy in a hospital in Seoul. Initially, her dad was against the idea of her travelling and staying in Seoul alone but when Tiffany asked him to help her with the instalments, he quickly changed his mind. It's not that Tiffany came from a poor family. In fact, her family owned a few hotels in LA but her dad had never spoilt her with wealth and always taught Tiffany to be independant. So since Tiffany was the one who took up the loan, she should be the one settling it by herself, without her dad's help.

She was glad that her friend had assisted in getting everything ready for her to start living in Seoul. The place that she was staying in at the moment, was a spare guesthouse belonging to her friend, which coincidentally was quite near to the hospital. Since Tiffany had a friendly and bubbly personality by nature, it was not difficult for her to settle down quickly at work as she made a lot of new friends which includes Doctor Min Hyorin, who had been working at the hospital for the past two years.

Everything was going on smoothly for her since she started work until tonight where she had witnessed something that had really perked her curiosity. To be exact, someone who had been lingering in her mind longer than she was suppose to.


Meanwhile, somewhere at a pub in Hongdae area, a small busty lady was seen standing against her bar counter while showing a disinterested look at Inspector Kwon Yuri and her partner, Assistant Inspector Jang Wooyoung.

"I've already informed your partner here earlier that the man was the one who triggered the fight. He was harassing my worker and even tried to hustle with my bouncer, with the help of his friends. I could sue him for ual harassment and causing disturbance in my pub."

"Ms Lee, we're here to find out the truth about what actually happened in your pub earlier, so we hope you could be understanding and cooperative with us. There are people who are injured during the fighting and we need to ensure that such rowdiness would not happen again here or anywhere else." Inspector Kwon tried to explain in a calm manner before her partner whispered something into her ears. "From what I found out, it seemed like your friend, Ms Kim Taeyeon, was the one who threw the first punch at Mr Ra. Am I right?"

"So what if she did? She was just trying to protect my worker, who had been ually harassed from that ert old man. I repeat, ually harassed. As a lady yourself, you should try putting yourself in her shoes and I believe you would react the same way too." The lady boss stared at Yuri, who then let out a sigh.

"I don't behave as brazen as your friend, Ms Lee. By any chance, do you have any CCTV recording of the whole incident?" Yuri asked as the lady boss shook her head before informing Yuri that the camera was spoilt since a few weeks ago. "Maybe you should get it repaired so that it'll be useful for the police when this kind of incident happens again."

"Hey Sunny, is everything okay?" A blonde lady came up to them and stand beside the lady boss while placing an arm on her shoulders. "Oh hi, Inspector. Seems like it's been a busy night for you."

The tone of voice sounded sarcastic but Yuri was used to it. The girl who had just came up to them, was Kim Hyoyeon. The cousin of Kim Taeyeon and also the DJ who was working at Sunshine Pub, under Sunny Lee, who was the lady boss.

"Your cousin can't seem to stay away from trouble, does she?" Yuri threw back a sarcastic reply as Hyoyeon just chuckled.

"Sometimes, it's just a small matter but when authorities poked their heads into it, it became such a big issue." Hyoyeon replied with a smirk. 

Assistant Inspector Jang was clenching his fist and Yuri was aware of it. Knowing that things could get out of hand soon, she asked for the details of the worker that was harassed earlier before dragging her partner out of the pub.

"I seriously don't understand her. Why does she dislike Taeyeon so much? It's not like Taeyeon is the only one creating trouble around this area. They are more notorious people out there but she's only interested in getting Taeyeon behind bars." Hyoyeon grumbled at Sunny who just shook her head.

"From what I heard, she hated Taeyeon because of what happened to her own family. Something to do with the money-lending business that Taeyeon's family owns." Sunny replied as Hyoyeon's eyes widened.

"How did you know about this?"

"I have my resources. Anyway, Taeyeon's lucky that her Oppa is not in Seoul at the moment. He will throw a fit if he finds out that Taeyeon was hurt." Sunny let out a sigh before she saw Hyoyeon sneered.

"As if he cares that much. He's not interested to know about this type of small issues. He doesn't even care about Joohyun, leaving Taeyeon alone to look after their little sister." Hyoyeon grumbled.

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Update please.... Have finished reading it again :))
1128 streak #2
Chapter 17: Fany you should go and see him but don't tell him, I got a feeling that he isn't being honest with you and maybe he is hiding something from you...
1128 streak #3
Chapter 16: Lol Sooyoung's suggested name for Fany hahaha
snsdgg #4
Chapter 16: Re-read this again and I laughed at fany's contact name 😂
Update soon auth pls
Skye1234 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #7
Chapter 16: Yeaaa, welcome bckkk!!!🍂🍂
Chapter 16: uh oh, are back! welcome 🤩
please continue this good story, authorshii