Chapter 11

Cover Up

Taeyeon's eyes was wandering around the hospital cafetaria before she locked eyes with Yoona. Her personal bodyguard was looking at her with a cheeky grin as if she could read Taeyeon's mind.

"I don't think she's working at the moment." Yoona commented while Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

"Who's not working?" Irene asked when she heard Yoona's comment.

Taeyeon reacted too slow to stop Yoona's quick reply as the girl mentioned Doctor Hwang to Irene. 

"Doctor Hwang? Who is that? I've never heard that name before." Irene replied back with an expression which showed that she was trying to remember about something.

"Doctor Hwang is already off duty. She came to see me at the ward this morning before she reported off from work. Fany-unnie is the best. I love to see her eye-smile and her bubbly personality. And she's very kind." Yeri started telling everyone about what happened in the morning when Tiffany dropped by to check on her. "Even though I'm not under her care, she will sometimes come to keep me company, especially when she's on night duty. But it's her rest day today. She said that she was going to a musical tonight with her friend and she seemed excited about it. As if she was going on a date."

"A date? How do you know it's a date? You said that she was bringing a friend, right? How can going out with a friend be counted as a date?" Taeyeon started to grumble on her own while the other four girls, including Seulgi, looked at her with confusion. A small smile appeared on Yoona's expression when she saw how flustered her boss had became.

"Wait.. Who is Doctor Hwang? Who is Fany-unnie?" Seulgi looked very confused at the moment as Yoona and Yeri chuckled at her questions.

"They're both the same person. It's Doctor Tiffany Hwang. She's quite new at the hospital. She's from LA." Yoona explained to both Seulgi and Irene.

"So why is my sister acting as if she's jealous about this Doctor going on a date?" Irene turned to look at Taeyeon who pretended like she didn't know anything by shrugging her shoulders. "You like her?"

Taeyeon suddenly started coughing with Irene's direct question as she seemed to have choke on her own saliva. Her reactions caused Yeri and Yoona to laugh out loud but their laughter ended when Soojin joined them at the table. 

"What's with the harmonius laughter?" Soojin asked as Yeri took the chance to explain everything to Soojin, including the question from Irene. "I see. So is it true? Do you like have a crush on her or something?"

Soojin shot that question to Taeyeon who had just managed to calm down. The girl put on her poker face and gave everyone a stern glare.

"Anni. No such thing. Don't believe these kids. Especially this one."

Yoona's grin widened when Taeyeon pointed a finger at her before she stuck out her tongue at Taeyeon. A hand suddenly rose up as everyone turned to face Seulgi who had looked a little nervous.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I have a question. Yoona-unnie is Ms Kim's personal bodyguard, right?" Seulgi asked as she looked at Taeyeon, gesturing that she was referring to her and not Irene. Taeyeon nodded her head at Seulgi's question. "But why doesn't Yoona-unnie treat her like a boss? I mean sticking out your tongue at your own boss is considered rude, right?"

Yoona smiled warmly at Seulgi before turning to look at Taeyeon. "That is because I have a great boss."

Seulgi still looked confused with Yoona's remarks as Taeyeon decided to explain. "Seulgi, I treat most of my workers like friends. Some even like family. When it's time to be serious, I'll be serious but when it's time to relax, I rather relax. Yoona has been my personal bodyguard for more than two years but I think during her first six months working with me, it was not as smooth sailing as now. I came to realise that most of the time, she'll be the one who will be spending a lot of time with me. If I was to maintain a strict working relation with her, everything is going to get very rigid and boring. As long as you don't cross the line, I think a little teasing and mischief here and there is fine. But... I'm not your boss. My sister is. So you need to check with her on what kind of rules and regulations will she be setting for you."

"I'm not as boring as my sister, that's for sure." Irene quickly replied as Taeyeon rolled her eyes again. "Relax, Seulgi. Like Unnie had said. Adjust to the surroundings. When it's just us, you could relax. But if Oppa is around, you need to act professional. Our Oppa is the kind that really draws the line between bosses and workers."

Taeyeon looked surprised with Irene's opinion of their brother. She thought that Irene would not know what kind of person their Oppa was with regards to work matters. Irene noticed the disbelief look on her sister's expression and smiled.

"Wae, Unnie? You think I didn't know how Oppa is at work? You thought that I would always be on Oppa's side?" Irene asked Taeyeon who just grinned at her little sister. "Unnie, you're way better than Oppa. Although you look cold on the outside, I know that you're a warm person. That's why I chose to follow you after our parents passed away."

Taeyeon stared blankly at her younger sister, trying her best to put on her poker face even though she felt touched with whatever that was said.

"Wow, that was so touching." 

Everyone turned to face Sooyoung who had just arrived at their table as the tall girl had her hands over her heart.

"Shouldn't you be teary right now, Tae? Your sister had just praised you for being a warm person. Not many people know that." Sooyoung teased as Taeyeon stuck her tongue at her. "So what's the hot topic being discussed right now?"

"Taeyeon is jealous about Tiffany going on a date." Soojin replied with a giggle as Yoona and Yeri nodded their heads in agreement.

"That's not true. I was not jealous. I was just stating facts and it's not even a topic to be discussed on anyway." Taeyeon rebutted with a pout as the girls laughed at her except for Sooyoung.

"Tiffany is going on a date?" Sooyoung threw the question to no one in particular as Yeri explained to her about the musical. "Ouhhh.. that musical. Sica told me about it. She was suppose to accompany Tiffany today but she couldn't make it. If I remember correctly, Sica said that Tiffany asked Inspector Kwon to accompany her instead."


Both Taeyon and Yoona shouted at the same time before they turned to face each other.


"Woah.... Seriously... I can't believe that you would really go to this extend. And you still say that it's got nothing to do with Tiffany?" Sooyoung shook her head as she took a seat beside her friend.

"It's really got nothing to do with her. I've already explained to you. I'm one of the sponsor for this musical and they have been asking me to come and watch it since it started showing two weeks ago. But I've been busy. Coincidentally, today is the last day of the musical so I thought, maybe I should at least come to watch it once." Taeyeon maintained her poker face throughout her explanation.

"Yeah right... Coincidentally huh? I didn't know that you were a very busy person. Do you think I'm stupid?" Sooyoung rolled her eyes before turning to her other side. "Yoona, has Taeyeon been very busy lately, especially in the late evenings?"

"Anni.. she's been going home as usual for the past two weeks. Spending her time playing games at home with me and the boys." Yoona replied before chuckling when she saw Taeyeon giving her signals not to tell the truth to Sooyoung.

At the moment, the 3 of them were already seated at the 2nd level of the VIP section of a theatre hall where a musical was about to start playing. To be exact, the same musical that Tiffany was supposed to be attending.

"If you like her, just say so. What's so difficult about showing how you feel?" Sooyoung grumbled as Taeyeon pretended that she didn't hear.

"I think that's Fany-unnie." Yoona pointed to somewhere at the ground floor as Taeyeon immediately leaned forward to look at the same direction. "Oh, it's not her. Sorry."

Yoona immediately laughed as Taeyeon realised that her bodyguard was teasing her. She gritted her teeth and showed her fist at the young girl.

"Actions speaks louder than words, Tae. You can try to cover up but it'll still show." Sooyoung teased and chuckled at her good friend.

"I think that is them. I can recognise my sister even from a distance. Wow... Fany-unnie looks beautiful in that dress. And my sister is as boring as usual with her leather jacket." Yoona shook her head as Taeyeon stole some quick glances at the direction that Yoona had pointed out.

"Aren't you jealous of Inspector Kwon? Seems like they have become good friends." Sooyoung purposely continued to disturb Taeyeon before turning to face Yoona. "I really pity you. Soon, you'll be stuck again in trying to decide whom you should support. Your sister or your grumpy boss?"

"Whatever." Taeyeon pouted and folded her arms before leaning back into her chair.

"It's not up to me to decide. Fany-unnie has the rights to go out with whoever she wants to, but don't you think someone as pretty as her, would already have a boyfriend?" Yoona shot a question to which both Sooyoung and Taeyeon had no answer to it.

Meanwhile, somewhere at the ground floor, Tiffany and Yuri had just found their seats and sat down. Both of them chatted for a while, giggling and smiling at each other. But their conversation ended when the host of the musical entered the stage for the opening speech. The host talked about how thankful the organiser and performers were for the great support that had been shown for the musical for the past one month.

"It's sad to say that today will be our last performance but don't worry. Our performers will do their best, as they had always done so, and I promise that all of you would enjoy the show and leave the theatre with a big smile tonight. On a side note, the organiser would like to say their thanks to one of our major sponsors for the musical who had made time from their busy schedules to attend the performance tonight.  Please give a round of applause to our sponsor from KIMs Group, Ms Kim Taeyeon."

The moment Tiffany heard that name, her eyes immediately followed the direction to where the host had pointed out. Sitting at the 2nd level, 90 degrees to her right, was Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Yoona in that order. The thunderous sound of applause diverted Tiffany's attention away as she glanced at Yuri who was rolling her eyes with her arms folded. 

"Are you okay, Yuri?" Tiffany asked in a worried tone, knowing the hostile relationship between Yuri and Taeyeon.

"I'm fine. I'm just disgusted with how the public are praising people like them, just because they are rich." Yuri replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe she's not that bad as you think she is. If she's not a good person, your sister will not be working for her. Right?" Tiffany asked.

"How did you know that my sister is working for her? Have you met Yoona before?" Yuri's expression showed that she was really surprised.

Tiffany nodded her head before explaining that she had seen Yoona at the hospital a few times.

"You said your friend recommended you for the job. Who's your friend?" 

"Jessica. Jessica Jung. Do you know her?" Tiffany asked but she didn't managed to get an answer as the curtains on stage started to open to signal the start of the musical.

The only voices that could be heard in the theatre hall was from the performers as the audience gave them their full attention. Tiffany was also doing the same for at least 30mins before she caved in to her curiousity by stealing glances at Taeyeon's direction.

'Woah... she's really focused on the musical.' 

Tiffany thought to herself as she didn't expect to see this side of Taeyeon. She was expecting Taeyeon to be sleeping or not even watching the musical at all. She was even more surprised when Taeyeon actually turned towards her direction. It was during one of those moments when Tiffany was glancing over at Taeyeon.

Their eyes made contact and Tiffany was sure that Taeyeon had a smirk on her face even though she couldn't see it clearly due to the distance between them. It was only when Yuri nudged her elbow, did Tiffany looked away.

"Why aren't you watching the musical? What are you looking at?" Yuri asked as she tried to look at where Tiffany was looking earlier.

"I was looking for the toilet. Just in case I needed it." Tiffany replied with a smile as Yuri arched her eyebrow but didn't question her further. 

"How did you know Jessica?" Yuri asked randomly just when Tiffany was about to watch the musical again, catching the girl offguard. "Are you friends with her? Or do you know her through Choi Sooyoung?"

"Jessica was my childhood friend, back when we were in LA before she moved to Seoul. We've kept in contact with each other all this while. She was the one who had suggested me to get a job at the hospital." Tiffany explained to Yuri, who seemed to listen with interest. "Have you met her before?"

Yuri nodded her head and said that she've met Jessica a few times, usually when Jessica was hanging out with Sooyoung and Taeyeon.

"So, what do you think of her?" Tiffany asked, trying to find out more, on behalf of her friend.

"I don't know her that well so I don't think I could give any opinion on her. Furthermore, I don't think it matters." Yuri replied before turning to face the stage again, gesturing to Tiffany to do the same.


Taeyeon rubbed her wet hair with her towel as she made her way towards her bed before resting herself against the headrest. It seemed like Taeyeon was thinking about something before she broke into a smile when she remembered what happened earlier.

She was busy watching the musical when she kept having this feeling that someone was looking at her. At one point, she decided to turn to her left and smirked when her eyes met those of Tiffany's. It felt as if time had stopped momentarily before she noticed Yuri seeking Tiffany's attention.

When Tiffany looked away, Taeyeon pouted a little but she couldn't stopped the tingling feelings that she felt inside of her. 

'Why did Tiffany kept looking at my direction? This is not the first time that she had tried to steal glances at me. Is she really interested in me? Or is it just me thinking too deep into it?'

Those thoughts went through Taeyeon's mind as she remembered Yoona's question before the musical started.

Fany-unnie has the rights to go out with whoever she wants to, but don't you think that someone as pretty as her, would already have a boyfriend?

That thought alone caused Taeyeon to let out a heavy sigh. "Why do I feel so disappointed with that thought?" Taeyeon mumbled to herself as she started to shake her head as if she was in denial.

The ringing of her phone distracted her as she looked at the caller. Swiping it aside, she answered the call.

"Wae? What do you want?" 

"Can't you answer a call in a nicer manner? Anyway, I'm hungry. Want to go out for supper?"

"Mwo??!! I just reached home an hour ago and just finished my bath. No way. Go and find someone else.You should have told me to bring you to a restaurant after we left the theatre earlier. Now it's too late. I'm already in my pyjamas."

"Woah... Such a naggy friend. I wasn't hungry then but I am now. Actually, I already have someone to accompany me. I'm asking you out because Sica said that she's bringing a friend along so I thought 4 is better than 3." Sooyoung explained. "But if you're really not interested than I guess I just have to entertain Sica and Fany by myself."

"Sica and Fany? Where are you guys going for supper? Will you be fetching me?" Taeyeon sat up straight as she heard a small chuckle on the other line. "Wae? Are you laughing at me?"

"Anni. I'm just taken aback with your sudden change of mind." Sooyoung continued to chuckle.

"Well, you did say 4 is better than 3. Since you are a good friend of mine and have been helping me a lot these few days, I don't see anything wrong in accompanying you for supper." Taeyeon tried to maintain a nonchalant tone of voice as she stood up from her bed to make her way towards her walk-in wardrobe.

"Why do I feel like your explanation is full of lies?" Sooyoung burst out laughing before telling Taeyeon that she would pick her up in 30mins time. "See you later, Tae."

An hour later, Sooyoung and Taeyeon walked in to a small noodle restaurant and was greeted fondly by the ahjumma at the counter. She was the restaurant owner and had instantly recognised Sooyoung who was a regular customer there.

"The noodles in this restaurant is the best in town." Sooyoung exclaimed once they were seated at their table. "I've been a regular customer at this place since high school. Me and Sica."

"Talking about that, until when are you going to suppress your feelings for Sica?" Taeyeon asked as Sooyoung just chuckled. "I'm serious, Soo."

"She's not interested in me, Tae. She likes Inspector Kwon." Sooyoung tried to defend herself as Taeyeon shook her head.

"That's because that tanned Inspector looks like someone who can be committed to a relationship. Unlike you, who keeps wandering around. Your lifestyle doesn't prove to her that you're ready for a commitment. Until now, I don't agree to your arrangement with Sunny to pretend that you have a huge crush on her, in front of Sica. I'm actually surprised that Sunny agreed to it. What if Sunny actually likes you?" Taeyeon continued to nag at Sooyoung.

"I don't think so. Sunny is just being nice. Anyway, what if I confess and Sica doesn't even want to be friends with me anymore? I don't want to lose her Tae." 

"If you really want Sica to accept you, change your lifestyle or at least show her that you can be committed. You've been sticking with her since high school. I think that's long enough." Taeyeon tried to suggest but Sooyoung just shook her head. "You should stop taking advantage of Sunny also."

"I'm not taking advantage." Sooyoung replied even though she didn't sound as convincing as she wanted to be. "It's not that simple."

"What is not simple?"

Both Taeyeon and Sooyoung were surprised with the sudden appearance of Jessica, along with Tiffany. They took their seats at the table as Sooyoung and Taeyeon remained quiet.

"What were the both of you talking about? From a distance, both of you looked so serious. I was expecting the two of you to be laughing at each other, making stupid jokes and talking about nonsense stuff." Jessica commented as she took the menu from Sooyoung's hands. "By the way, have you guys ordered? I miss the noodles here."

"We were waiting for both of you before making the order." Sooyoung replied with a nervous chuckle as she noticed Taeyeon rolling her eyes at her. "Fany, this is your first time here, right? Why don't you ask Sica for recommendations?"

"It's my first time here also. Why didn't you recommend anything to me?" Taeyeon sounded sulky as Sooyoung just stuck her tongue out. 

Taeyeon was about to continue talking when her phone rang. Seeing the caller, Taeyeon let out a sigh before answering the call.

"Yeoboseyo?.... Yes, I'm outside. With Sooyoung... Anni, I didn't bring any of them along.... It's just for a short while, Oppa. I can take care of myself.... I know, I know.. Fine. I'm sorry."

Taeyeon ended the call, sounding a little pissed off as she finished off the cup of cold water in front of her.

"Heechul-Oppa?" Sooyoung asked as Taeyeon nodded her head. "He nagged at you for going out without a bodyguard?"

"As usual. Keeping tabs on me as if I'm still a small kid. I had forgotten that he's still in Seoul. " Taeyeon grumbled and pouted, momentarily forgetting that Tiffany was with them.

"Your Oppa must be worried about you."

Taeyeon looked up to the owner of the voice as Tiffany just smile nervously before she continued to look through the menu that Jessica had passed to her. 

"I know. But it's not like I can't protect myself. I'm not going to trouble my bodyguards by waking them up at 1am just to accompany me for a mere two or three hours. They need their rest too." Taeyeon explained as Tiffany nodded her head. 

The girls placed their orders with the ahjumma before they started to talk about random topics. 

"Oh yes. Before I forgot, how was the musical?" Jessica suddenly turned to look at Tiffany who looked a little surprised. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Of course she did. But I was wondering as to why she kept looking to her side, instead of looking forward to where the stage was." Sooyoung grinned cheekily as Tiffany's expression showed that she was slightly blushing.

"What do you mean? You were at the musical too?" Jessica asked as Sooyoung nodded her head and explained that Taeyeon had forced her and Yoona to accompany her. "So the 3 of you were seated at the VIP section?"

"That's right. Can you believe it? Someone suddenly said that she needed to attend a musical invitation when the organiser had actually invited her since two weeks ago. Coincidentally, today was the only day that she was free from her not-so-busy schedule." Sooyoung explained further as she continued to tease Taeyeon. "By the way, are you on good terms with Inspector Kwon, Fany?"

"She's a new friend that I got to know at the hospital. Jessi backed out on me for the musical so I needed to get a replacement." Tiffany replied while Jessica showed an apologetic smile. "When I told her that Inspector Kwon was her replacement, she even wanted to take my place so that she could go on a date with Yuri."

The smile on Sooyoung's face disappeared momentarily before she hid it well behind a chuckle. But it didn't go unnoticed from Taeyeon, who was about to pat Sooyoung's back to console her friend, when her hand stopped moving halfway after hearing Jessica's next words.

"I'm going to tell your boyfriend that you went on a date with someone to a musical." 

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Update please.... Have finished reading it again :))
1128 streak #2
Chapter 17: Fany you should go and see him but don't tell him, I got a feeling that he isn't being honest with you and maybe he is hiding something from you...
1128 streak #3
Chapter 16: Lol Sooyoung's suggested name for Fany hahaha
snsdgg #4
Chapter 16: Re-read this again and I laughed at fany's contact name 😂
Update soon auth pls
Skye1234 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #7
Chapter 16: Yeaaa, welcome bckkk!!!🍂🍂
Chapter 16: uh oh, are back! welcome 🤩
please continue this good story, authorshii