Chapter 3

Bride of the Phoenix
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It was empty and dark. So, so, dark. The feeling suffocating Baekhyun and he found it hard to breath, his breathe in short, hard puffs. He feared it, the blackness of nothing, it brought unpleasant memories he so wished to forget. He could feel the darkness wrapping around him tightly, like a second skin, scaring him into a panic attack. He desperately tried to use his element of light, trying to summon a ball of light, anything, but it wasn't working. He could feel the hands of shadows wrapping around his neck, cutting off his breathing and choking him. He clawed at his neck, so detetermined to get the hands off of him. He could hear distant cries of a little boy, becoming louder and closer with every passing second, it was deafening.

A grey silhouette of a man started to form, edging closer to his struggling body, and when he recognised the body shape, he became hysterical. He twisted and turn, tears were running down his face and he couldn't breath. His worst nightmare was here and he couldn't do anything about it. 

The grey form was getting closer and closer, until it was right in front of his face. It had a the most gruesome smile and when it brought its arm up, he screamed. It was all to familiar and everything was spiralling out of control. The thing plunged its arm into Baekhyun, pain erupting in his chest.

"NO!" Baekhyun screamed, sitting up right on a bed. Hands pushed against his shoulders, but he scurried away, back hitting the headboard. "Please, please don't kill me."

"Hey, it's okay. No one is going to hurt you." A gentle soothing voice said, hands touching his left arm softly.

Baekhyun shook his head, curling into himself, refusing to look at anyone.

"Jongdae, get Chanyeol."

At the mention of the emperor's name, Baekhyun lifted his head up slowly, just in time to see a man in light blue robes leave the room. He turned his head to his left, meeting the eyes of a smiling man in the same coloured robe. The smile broaden when he saw that Baekhyun was looking at him, dimples appearing on his cheek.

"I'm Yixing, Chanyeol's personal doctor." He introduced himself. 

Baekhyun nodded and in a small voice, told him his name in return. "I'm Baekhyun..."

Yixing smiled, teeth showing and all. "I know. Everyone knows. It's hard not to when you're the bride of the Emperor."

Despite feeling nauseous, Baekhyun blushed. Turning away from the happy doctor, he inspected where he was.

He was in a bedroom of sorts, a grand bedroom. It was spacious, in one corner there was a desk with shelves filled with scrolls and books and in the other corner was a dining area. Near the main door to his right, a small lounge with cushions and tables sat to the side and further down, a closed door was in the corner, probably the bathing area. The bedroom was themed red, black and gold, the colours of the new Royal family. Vases of gold, black paintings and the red crest of the emperor on the wall, a phoenix. Even he was wearing the colour, a thin black sleeping robe with red embroidery of the phoenix on the hem of his sleeves.

Baekhyun's eyes widen in shock. "Wh- How- Phoenix!" He exclaimed to Yixing, ing his arms out to let the medical expert see the problem, causing the robe to fall off his right shoulder as it was way too large on him. Sadly, the doctor only smiled in confusion.

"I'm wearing a phoenix!" He shouted, as if that explained everything, shaking his outstretched arm in the meanwhile. A look of realisation dawned upon Yixing's face.

"I understand now. It's because you're the bride." It was Baekhyun's turn to be confused.

"I just thought... I thought only the Emperor could wear it...?"

Yixing chuckled. "Chanyeol ordered to have you wear it. Said that you should be put into something that's most comfortable, but fitting for you, which happened to be Chanyeol's robes."

Baekhyun blushed, not entirely believing Yixing. He doesn't miss the implication that he's worth more than what he thinks, but he doesn't understand why the emperor would go such lengths for him. Afterall, he was a nobody.

"Anyways," Yixing continued. "now that you're awake, Your Highness, I should ask how you are feeling."

"Please drop the honorifics and I'm feeling fine."

Yixing shook his head, kneeling on the side of the bed. "It's not good to lie, Your Highness. I can feel your nausea."

Hovering a hand above the upper part of Baekhyun's stomach, a green glow of light emitted from the doctor's hand, travelling from the hand, through the robes and onto his skin. A warm, but stinging sensation soon quashed the need to vomit.

A few minutes later, Yixing softly patted his flat stomach. "There, all done." Yixing stood back up and watched as he tapped his stomach, fascinated how he f

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03/07/18 - I'm sorry TT^TT


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Dear author, when do you like to update the story??? I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: update pleaseee, I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: please update I really love this story
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 20: Hopefully you will be able to finish this - I'd love to know what happens next!!
ctskyn276 #5
Chapter 20: I just discovered this story.. And I love it so much. I hope you will update this story soon authornim.. Please dont abandon this story like how Chanyeol made Baekhyun felt..
Exo11loves #6
I will be waiting for you author-nim! I just finished rereading again T^T
Eter06 #7
Chapter 20: my heart hurts so much bc of this uncompleted story, anyways i'll wait for it, i like suffering lol
befearless_bbh #8
I miss this story so much T_T
ilisamsa #9
Chapter 20: Please continue this story :((
Chapter 20: Baby Baek :(