Chapter 16

Bride of the Phoenix
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Baekhyun was having his much needed sleep when he felt it. The feeling of hands grabbing and touching his body. They were lightly smoothing over his robe covered body, groping in areas with the most fat, namely his thighs and hips. He curled into his body, not daring to open his eyes. He heard snickers and felt chills run down his back the moment someone caressed his calves. Underneath his robes.


He scrambled away from the touches the instant another pair of hands squeezed his bottom. He gasped for air as soon as he got away, shakily taking deep breaths as laughter rang out in the silent night. Baekhyun gripped his robes as he turned to face his captors. He could feel the burn of tears as he saw the predatory glint in the eyes of the lustful men. He tried searching for Luhan, but could not find him anywhere.


“Looking for Luhan?” a man with crooked teeth asked, though he was not expecting an answer from the trembling short male. “We sent him away to be killed.”


He barked out a laugh when a whimper escaped from Baekhyun. “Oh sweetheart, don’t be afraid. We’ll make you feel good.” He stalked closer to Baekhyun and grabbed his arm when he tried to get away.


Baekhyun struggled against the strength of the grip, pleading to be let go as tears fell down his cheeks. “Please. I- I’m not worth anything! I-”


He was shoved to the ground unceremoniously when he was struck by a hand to the face. Baekhyun sobbed as his wrist was twisted by the force, his lips dripping blood at a tear in the skin. He heaved in a lungful of air as he was suddenly turned around to face the dark sky, the crooked teeth man hovering above him.


“So, so beautiful.” The man disgusting panted. Baekhyun tried to push him away with his uninjured arm, only to have both wrists pinned above him. He let out a scream of pain as the man squeezed his injured wrist.


The man above him laughed menacingly, showing not even an ounce of sympathy to the crying Baekhyun. “The name’s Donghyeok. Scream that out instead, yeah?”


“Yah.” A voice boomed. One of the remaining captors, Baekhyun vaguely noticed. “Why do you get to go first?”


Donghyeok clicked his tongue, a displeased expression taking over his features. “This is my plan all of you agreed to. It’s only logical I get to go first. Don’t you think so, Emperor’s ?”


Baekhyun shook his head immediately as he wept pathetically. He legs were suddenly ripped open as Donghyeok settled in between them, smiling maniacally as Baekhyun’s cries got louder.


A groan was suddenly heard and a thump of something dropping rang throughout the area. Donghyeok instantly froze and thinking quickly, Baekhyun took this chance to slip underneath Donghyeok with a headbutt to the man’s chin. The man groaned in pain as Baekhyun stood up and quickly put distance between them, cradling his injured wrist and looking for the source of the disturbance.


His body was filled with relief when he spotted Luhan engaging in a sword fight with the other captors. Though it was short lived when an angry shout came from Donghyeok, staring at Baekhyun with pure rage in his eyes. Baekhyun didn’t know if he should run or not, he didn’t even know where to run. However, at that moment, he made eye contact with Luhan.


“Run Your Highness!” Luhan shouted as he stabbed a man in the chest. His eyes expressed pure panic as he analysed the state Baekhyun was in. Chanyeol was sure to kill him. “Turn around and run straight! Chanyeol is not too far from here! Run!”.


Not needing to be told a second time, Baekhyun swiftly turned around and sprinted as fast as he could. The tears came back as a sob ripped through his throat. He wasn’t sure if Luhan would make it out alive or not, this is the first time someone ever risked their life for him and that scared Baekhyun. Another death because of him.


He ran and ran, not stopping to breath, even if his lungs were protesting. He heard the angry shouts from Donghyeok, cursing him to hell and back and at one point, he lost his shoes and was now running bare feet, the rocks and twigs cutting up his soles.


Baekhyun fell into a heap on the ground when his body couldn’t take it anymore, still carefully holding onto his twisted wrist. He wheezed for air as he clawed the ground, desperate for water. His heart was pounding rapidly, almost painfully, as he laid his head onto the dirt and closed his eyes. He didn’t notice it while he was running, but now that he was unable to move, his bloodied feet hurt.


A whine forced its way out of his mouth as he curled onto his sides. He vaguely noted that the sky was getting brighter and brighter, this meant that he ran for hours. He was somewhat satisfied with himself, for running as far as he could, he couldn’t even hear Donghyeok anymore. With that in mind, Baekhyun lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.




He was awakened hours later when he was shaken by the shoulders. Baekhyun instantly perked up and became alert, already halfway into bolting away from whoever it was.


“Your Highness! It’s just me!” Seeing Luhan’s face, Baekhyun dropped onto the ground once again. Taking in the sight of his saviour of sorts, tears welled up in his eyes. Besides Luhan’s blood-smeared face and a few shallow cuts on his bare arms and neck, he looked fine. He looked alive.


Baekhyun wailed as he dragged Luhan by the neck into a bone-crushing hug, startling the spy as he toppled over him. “Your Highness?!”


“Just- just let me have this moment.” Baekhyun forced out on a sob. “I’m- I’m g- glad that you’re okay.”


Smiling softly, Luhan hugged back. He was internally shocked by the actions of Baekhyun, but also really happy he was treated this way. Chanyeol’s past “lovers” would always turn their faces away in disgust.


“I’m glad that you’re okay. Better than anyone in this situation.” Luhan replied. He helped Baekhyun sit up and assessed his body for injuries. “At the state, Your Highness is in, Chanyeol is sure to really kill me now.” Luhan joked.




Luhan’s eyes soften when he saw the hopeful, but sorrowful look that fleeted across Baekhyun’s face. “Yes, we’re almost there Your Highness. You can be with him soon.”


But would he really? Baekhyun thought. He’s pretty sure someone already took his place. After all, he is replaceable, it was shown when Sandara was present.


“Let’s get you up. The eastern base is only a day’s ride. We’ll be taking the horse I took from the wagon.”


Baekhyun nodded silently. Now is not the time to be thinking of nonsense, Baekhyun-ah. He promptly winced and held onto Luhan as soon as he stood, the pain from his feet making a comeback.


“Oh, heaven’s Lord!” Luhan exclaimed in shock, looking down at Baekhyun’s feet. “In the name of the Phoenix, I pray that my body is in one piece when Chanyeol is done killing me!”


“I don’t think it’s that bad…” Baekhyun mumbled, hanging onto Luhan by this point.


“You can barely stand! Look how bad it is Your Highness!”


Baekhyun scrunched his nose, not liking the title at all. “Please call me ‘Baekhyun’, I don’t really like the ‘Your Highness’ thing.”


“That’s what you’re worried about?! I cannot believe you.” Luhan huffed as Baekhyun was abruptly lifted onto the horse, blushing profusely at the strength displayed by the pretty man.


“There’s a river up ahead, we’ll stop there to treat your wounds.”


Baekhyun silently agreed as he moved a bit forward to make room for Luhan. Once they got comfortable on the horse, they set off towards the eastern base, a comfortable silence overcoming them.


As he looked up at the blazing sun, partially covered by the tall trees, he realised he’d been out for a few hours a least. He closed his eyes as he basked in the sunlight, always grateful for the rays as it embraced him in their warmth. He listened to the surroundings, calming his muddled mind as the horse slow trotted to their destination.


Baekhyun could smell the earth as the horse’s hooves crunched on dry leaves and grass. The pleasant scent of wildflowers filtered through his nose as he deeply inhaled. The leaves of the trees rustled together in the light breeze of the wind, creating a lullaby of sorts as he drifted in and out of consciousness. In the distant, he could faintly hear the flowing water of a nearby stream. They will be at their first stop soon.


He opened his eyes, only to squint at the harsh light of the sun. There, a few feet away, was the aforeme

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03/07/18 - I'm sorry TT^TT


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Dear author, when do you like to update the story??? I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: update pleaseee, I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: please update I really love this story
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 20: Hopefully you will be able to finish this - I'd love to know what happens next!!
ctskyn276 #5
Chapter 20: I just discovered this story.. And I love it so much. I hope you will update this story soon authornim.. Please dont abandon this story like how Chanyeol made Baekhyun felt..
Exo11loves #6
I will be waiting for you author-nim! I just finished rereading again T^T
Eter06 #7
Chapter 20: my heart hurts so much bc of this uncompleted story, anyways i'll wait for it, i like suffering lol
befearless_bbh #8
I miss this story so much T_T
ilisamsa #9
Chapter 20: Please continue this story :((
Chapter 20: Baby Baek :(