Chapter 9

Bride of the Phoenix
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"Baekhyun is good for Chanyeol." Junmyeon murmured, interrupting the generals' conversation and staring at the cuddling couple on the throne. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were chest to chest on the golden seat and wrapped around in each other's arms, seeming content with one another. Chanyeol appeared to be relaxed as he leaned back against the throne while Baekhyun was half asleep on the emperor. 

Yifan and Jongin raised a brow and turned to look at the couple. Yifan was the one that replied. "Yes... Baekhyun could calm down Chanyeol whenever the situation turns unfortunate."

Junmyeon nodded. "He'll be a great addition to our group."

"You don't find this strange?" Jongin questioned with a blank look. At the look of confusion on the two elders' face, Jongin continued. 

"Look." Jongin gestured to the throne, as if that answered everything. "Chanyeol allowed Baekhyun to sit with him on the throne."

"And?" Junmyeon scrunched his face, even more confused.

Jongin sighed in mock disappointment, earning a slap from both Yifan and Junmyeon on the arm. Jongin rubbed his arm. "Lady Sandara wasn't even allowed to be near it. I'm just surprised Chanyeol let Baekhyun sit with him." 

Yifan shrugged his shoulders. "Baekhyun will be ruling with Chanyeol. I don't see anything wrong." Junmyeon nodded, agreeing with the tall general.

Jongin let out a small whine, breaking character of the cold general the people dubbed him as. "We all thought Lady Sandara was going to be the Empress... Until Chanyeol announced he would be searching for one."

"Lady Sandara is only a concubine." Junmyeon stated. "Chanyeol can take as many... Lovers as much as he wants."

"But Lady Sandara isn't a concubine." Jongin rebutted with the roll of his eyes. "She's... Something."

"Not officially a concubine, yes, but she could b-"

"Let's have this conversation another time." Yifan intereputed, slapping each of the arguing pairs' back. "We should be discussing the whereabouts of the attacker."

"Right..." Mumbled Jongin, upset that he got hit twice, thrice, under the span of a few minutes. 


"Are you falling asleep, Baekhyun?" Whispered Chanyeol, rubbing the small of Baekhyun's back. Baekhyun sleepily nodded, feeling comfortable and at peace. Chanyeol chuckled, his chest moving up and down, causing Baekhyun to half-heartedly slap at Chanyeol for disturbing where his head was resting.

"Don't laugh! I won't be able to sleep if you do that." Whined Baekhyun. All he wanted to do was sleep peacefully, now that he had Chanyeol with him.

When Baekhyun slept earlier, it was a restless sleep. He kept having flashbacks of the incident that happened in the afternoon. The arrows, the screaming, the blood. His mind wouldn't let him forget it. He couldn't get the image of him holding a bloody Jongdae in his arms out of his head. The pained grunts he heard, the pool of blood he saw and the crying of Jongdae's child was what woke him to a start. His body was covered in perspiration and when Baekhyun turned to seek comfort from Chanyeol, he cried out when he wasn't there.

At that time, Baekhyun felt betrayed. Chanyeol said he would stay with him, but he lied. Chanyeol went back on his words. His thoughts was a mess from then on. He thought, what if Chanyeol only said that to please him? What if he only wanted to stop him from crying even more? What if he was not worth it? It wouldn't be the first time someone had left him becuase he had no value, but Chanyeol was so kind to him. It didn't matter that he forgot about Baekhyun for two weeks.

"Where's Sehun? He wasn't suppose to leave you." Chanyeol started to card his fingers in Baekhyun's smooth and silky hair. It made Baekhyun relax more into Chanyeol's embrace.

Sehun had barged into Chanyeol's sleeping quarter when he had heard Baekhyun sobbing, thinking that there was an intruder in the room. When he found nothing to be amiss, he carfeully approached the hunched figure that had tears streaming down his face. Baekhyun had only said the emperor's name, but Sehun seemed to immediantly understood. He called for the servants and quickly got Baekhyun ready for Chanyeol, he knew that to get Baekhyun to calm down was to be by Chanyeol's side.

"It's okay. I told him it was fine to leave me while we were walking towards here." Baekhyun said whilst yawning cutely. He took his arms that was thrown over Chanyeol's shoulder to curl them in between his and Chanye

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03/07/18 - I'm sorry TT^TT


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Dear author, when do you like to update the story??? I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: update pleaseee, I got excited for the next chapter
Chapter 20: please update I really love this story
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 20: Hopefully you will be able to finish this - I'd love to know what happens next!!
ctskyn276 #5
Chapter 20: I just discovered this story.. And I love it so much. I hope you will update this story soon authornim.. Please dont abandon this story like how Chanyeol made Baekhyun felt..
Exo11loves #6
I will be waiting for you author-nim! I just finished rereading again T^T
Eter06 #7
Chapter 20: my heart hurts so much bc of this uncompleted story, anyways i'll wait for it, i like suffering lol
befearless_bbh #8
I miss this story so much T_T
ilisamsa #9
Chapter 20: Please continue this story :((
Chapter 20: Baby Baek :(