
End Of The Wars
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****Kim Ji Soo****

His heart almost stop beating when he saw how chaos was the village when West Army attack them. Hanna also fall and he don’t know either she is alive or dead. The video camera just show the Army go into the village and finally it get destroyed. 
“What actually happen?” Ji Soo asked Mr. Kimura. 
“I don’t know.....” Just like how they reacted that also how the East citizen reacted. They just learn about the villager today and now this happen. 
“You talked.....” Mr. Kimura said to Ji Soo.
“Explain to them.” Mr. Kimura said. Ji Soo nods and calm himself. He stand at the white background while Mr. Kimura recorded him.
“What we just saw is what happen to them for 50 years now. For us the wars is end but for them it never stop. They also human like us but why they treat them like a animal. Hunt them and kills them. If we don’t help them who will? Before we don’t know anything about them but now we know. Do we will turn blind once again? Will we just ignore them again? My friend going there to show us this is what happen near our border. Will we do nothing for her when she sacrifice herself to show this to us? Are we coward......???” It hard for Ji Soo to continue when he feel like a big lump on his throat. He take a deep breath and his tears fall. He don’t know what happen to Hanna. Is she alive? Will she come back to him again? Mr. Kimura off the record and just stop everything. 
“How to know if they are alive?” Ji Soo asked. Mr. Kimura also lost like Ji Soo. He don’t know what to do. Most of worker and journalist at the building also lost. Some were asking what is actually happen. 
While Ji Soo and the others seem lost and don’t know what to do. The Human Right Organization (HRO) make their moves. In 3 hours everything spark like a wild fire. Overnight so many citizen and HRO gather at the Government Building demand to save the villager. One of their represent meet Mr. Kimura and Ji Soo.
“Hello, I’m Park Kwang Hee. Represent HRO. Could you explain to me who is this people?” He asked. Ji Soo and Mr. Kimura gladly explain to him.
After he know the truth, he sit down quietly, thinking. This is very serious matter but he want to help them. While they were thinking Mr. Kimura got a phone called from President Harold. 
“ The President want to meet us.” Mr. Kimura said. 
All of them go to the Government Building and meet with President. Ji Soo saw General Kim Hajoon also present. 
“Now all of you are here...... I want someone explain to me what is happening?” President Harold said. Mr. Kimura explain from A to Z. 
“That Journalist is my daughter.....” General Kim said make the President seem a bit surprise.
“She’s very brave......” He said but then he just stay quiet. Like he was thinking what to do next. 
“What are you all thinking? Should we just ignore them or save them?” President Harold asked his men. All of them don’t know what to say.
“Ignore them.... or West will attack us. Which is more important them or our own people?” Air Chief Marshal said. General Kim know very well his position therefor he can’t saying anything about sending troop to save Hanna and the others.
“But this people is innocent..... you should do something.” Mr. Kimura said.
“I’m sorry to tell you..... but this is something beyond our power. This agreement had been done since the wars end. Do you want to end this peace for them? Do you think it worth it?” This time Admiral talking. 
“Who the hell care?!” Mr. Kimura said in anger. Ji Soo look at General Kim but General Kim just look down. He also in torn. He want to do something but the citizen is also in danger. 
“I care.....” Mr. President said make all of them quiet. 
“I know it hard to make decision now but if we do nothing, who will? For Kim Hanna I volunteer to go to save them. I know our government will not acknowledge this and they not even offer to save them.” Ji Soo said and walk out from the meeting room. He won’t turn his back on Hanna now. 
“Kim Ji Soo.....” General Kim called. 
“Are you sure you will go now?” 
“Actually Kang Haneul already go to Hanna but I still don’t hear anything from him. I’m afraid it a bad news.”
“No, I won’t give up on Hanna. I know she won’t give up and she will fight until the end.” Ji Soo said.
“Thank you but I’m sorry. There is nothing I could do to help you or Hanna.”
“I understand your position ,sir.” Ji Soo said and leave.  
General Kim go back to the Army Base. He really don’t know what to do and he know he won’t sit down quietly waiting. He must do something. General Kim take his ‘dog tag’ off and put it on his table along with Kang Haneul’s. When he want to go out from his office, he surprise to see a few of Kang Haneul subordinate stand there.
“Sir, we understand your position and we know Captain Kang Haneul already gone there alone but he can’t fight them alone.”
“Don’t worry Captain Kang Haneul won’t be alone. I will go there.”
“No, Sir. We will. Captain Kang Haneul is our C

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