Wolf au

A Pile of Drabbles

Warning[!]: blood bath, mentions of death(?).. idk anymore. Just stop reading if you feel uncomfortable uwu



Red. Everything is slowly becoming red.

Blood. Dark crimson red painting the pure snow.

No... Stop.. Stop!

The sound of angry growls, teeth snapping, claws slashing through skin and body snapping could be heard all throughout the forest. Birds and other small animals that senses danger had long been gone to be far away as much possible from the danger the fighting wolves have been causing. Even other predators had flee the said place, wanting nothing but to be away from danger.

Baekhyun watched in horror as dozens of wolves starts attacking the black wolf all together without pause and mercy. He watched as the wolf faught with all ease and strength at first but it didn't last long. The enemy kept going back, kept attacking. The clearly uneven and unfair fight continued tirelessly. One alpha wolf against dozens of other alpha and betas that worked together to make sure of his fall. The fall of the great black wolf.

No.. No. This isn't fair.. Stop. Stop this, please.

Baekhyun felt helpless. All his life he had always felt helpless but he never felt this useless. Useless and hopeless. He couldn't do anything. He was being held back by two alphas.

To be honest, two alphas were nothing despite him being an omega. He wasn't known as the strongest, feared and outcasted omega for nothing. Strong and feared because he had been a lone wolf despite his wolf nature and he knew how to defend himself aloneㅡno one can bring hom down easily. Outcasted because an omega who acted and lived like an alpha was not acceptable. But despite all this, he felt useless and helpless watching his mate get beat up unfairly.

He knew Chanyeol was strong. Heck he was part of the strongest pack in their country but everything that was happening at the moment was all sorts of wrong. Baekhyun couldn't change because of the burning silver chain around his neck while he was held not by two anymore but four alphas now. He tried to break free. Trying all his might to be able to help Chanyeol.

He knew it was the alpha's fight but he wouldn't just stand there and watch as he slowly lose his energy and strength to fight. The pack they're against with had always fought unfairly and this was a fact but they still found themselves in this situation.

The moment he saw one alpha nearly broke Chanyeol's neck and threw him with so much strength that the moment Chanyeol's body hit a large old tree, it had broken from impact, Baekhyun had enough. He let out a low menacing growl as he whipped his head towards the one holding him down, eyes a dangerous dark shade of navy blue.

The alpha had unintentionally loosened his hold onto him from the initial shock and fear he had felt just from looking directly into the angered omega's eyesㅡhis mind briefly understanding the rumors why this low ranked wolf was feared. Baekhyun took that advantage to pull his arms away from his hold then used his claws to slash through the still terrified alpha before doing the same to the other. Only using his claws and strength to bring them down as he couldn't shift fully in his wolf form because of the silver around his neck that was the sole reason that prevented him to do so.

He saw one wolf charged at him to bite his neck and he used this opportunity to get rid of the silver. He stood still and waited for the wolf to pounce. Once they were on the ground wrestling each other with the omega underneath, he slightly bared his neck as if giving up but to only pull away once the silver chain had accidentally broke from the wolf's teeth as he tried to bite Baekhyun. He then instantly shifted into his wolf form with a growl and bit the wolf above him by the scurf to only break it with his jaw and threw him aside.

Once he was on his four feet, he glared manacingly at their enemies who was half shock and half ready to attack him. He let out a low growl from his throat and his real fight begun.

Chanyeol had noticed the commotion and even his attackers had paused to see the omega fighting with their other pack members as if he could bring them down all. One of the wolf that Chanyeol had fighting with had twisted his body to charge forward at the unsuspecting omega but Chanyeol was having none of it as he grabbed him by his tail and whipped him in the air to throw him at the other wolves who was about to jump him all together.

Both of them fought non stop, the enemies never seeming to lessen despite their slowly fading energy and strength but giving up wasn't in their vocabulary.

Chanyeol had managed to get closer to his mate as he was nearing his limit to continue fighting but the the sole reason of this fight was to keep Baekhyun away from dangerㅡfrom themㅡand he still haven't done that.

"Leave now that you still can," he said over their bond but the only thing he received was a death glare from the gray wolf as he snapped one of their enemy's neck, bones can clearly be heard snapping painfully as the omega let out a low growl.

"Don't be stupid, Chanyeol. You know I'm not leaving you here!" he growled back as he panted through his muzzle. The fight seemed to die down a bit as the enemy's pack seemed to be finally catching up with their limits too but the couple was badly injured already and they knew that their chances of winning was slim from the very beginning. It was just as if they wanted to watch the two. Wanted to see them desperately save each other but also not wanting to leave each other. It was entertaining to say the least for the opposing pack. They all had smug smirks as they rounded the couple dangerously, always ready to attack again.

After some moments, while the two had unintentionally let their guard down, they attacked. They had charged for Chanyeol all together intentionally, aiming for his already badly injured side.

Baekhyun saw it coming but he had acted too late. Chanyeol was slammed down on the ground harshly by five wolves, clawing and biting harshly at every skin they could tear. Chanyeol tried to fight but he was already weak and bleeding all over. The only thing he could do was wish for his mate's life to be spared as painful whines and whimpers left his mouth but before everything out in his sight, he blurredly saw his mate's gray fur going for an attack. His heavy eyelids closing seconds after and all he could hear was the sounds of low growls and whimpers from wolves that where unfortunately killed.

Baekhyun saw red. His wolf instinct taking over his whole body as he charged at every wolf in his sight. Chanyeol's bloody face was the only thing in his mind as he got on a killing rampage. He didn't even noticed when their friends had arrived to the scene and started to attack the others too. Yifan and Sehun immediately rounding Chanyeol's seemingly lifeless body on the ground as they prevented more wolf to get nearer their friend. Kyungsoo instantly checking the alpha's state and trying to do any first aid to prevent him from bleeding to death. The others helping Baekhyun in the fight.




It seemed endless. Baekhyun's heart throbbed in pain, much more painful than the open wounds he had all over his body as he glanced towards his mate's unmoving body. Everything was a blur already. He pushed his badly aching body towards Chanyeolㅡtowards his alpha, his mate, his love, his life.

He didn't even minded Yixing that had run beside him and started fretting over his injuries and wounds. He didn't cared about anything else at the moment. He just wanted his alpha, his strength to open his eyes, to be alive, to be safe. He hadn't wished for anything in his whole life until now. He wanted for Chanyeol's life not to be taken away just because of everything that had happened. He wished his death for Chanyeol's life to be spared.

"Please save Chanyeol.. D-Don't let him die.. No.. P-Please s-save him.." he whispered under his breath as he locked gazes with Yixing, their healer. "Heal him first.. S-Save his life, p-please.. That's-" he coughed out blood as his knees staggered but the kind healer and his other friends was already holding him up with worried faces. "I only w-wished for Chanyeol's life.." he breathed out as he felt himself fall and his world blackened, faintly hearing but not really comprehending the calls of his name.

















The slightly cold breeze was refreshing to the skin as two wolves run through the meadow, enjoying and basking under the sun as they played with their hearts light and over flowing of happiness.


The omega was wearing a smile as he hummed a random tune while he watch the sun set as he melted into his alpha's strong and safe embrace.

"You sound so happy," Chanyeol commented with his chin lightly resting on top of the omega's shoulder as he stared at his side profile. He doesn't really mind missing the beautiful setting of the sun because his mate's face had always been the most beautiful sight he'll never get tired of watching.

"Hm?" Baekhyun hummed, eyes never leaving the sight in front of him. "I don't know. I just feel so light, you know. Is that bad?" He turned his head to the side to face the alpha as he said the last sentence.

Chanyeol shooked his head no with a smile as he tightened his gripped around the smaller's waist that had earned him an approving hum as the smaller snuggled closer to him if that was still even possible with their bodies already pressed against each other.

A few moments of comfortable silence had past before the smaller spoke softly while caressing the arms rested around his waist.


"Hm?" Was the response as he felt the taller nuzzle his face on the crook of his neck, shamelessly inhaling his sweet scent.

Baekhyun let a few seconds past before speaking up again. "Thank you for everything, Yeol."

He only received a small hum in response that made him chuckle silently before straightening up his body and shifting a little in the alpha's embrace to be able to see his face. "I mean it, Yeol," he started again as he looked into the taller's eyes, drowning in does ashy gray orbs that he had always loved. "Thank you for looking past through my facades and for still choosing to love me despite all my flaws. I know for a fact that I wasn't and will never be the ideal omega or mate to any wolf out there but here you are. You still stayed beside me and thought me that I, too, deserved to be loved and cared for."

"Ahh," the taller regarded with a nod and a smile, "Well, you were always a handful to begin with but I wouldn't have it any other way." His eyes becoming soft as he remembered all the memories they had createdㅡthe good and the bad. He lifted one hand to caress the omega's cheek. Baekhyun automatically leaned on the touch as he closed his eyes, wanting to savour his mate's warmth.

"Honestly," Chanyeol begun again, voice a lot softer, "I only saw you as a challenge at first." Baekhyun opened his eyes again but didn't said anything, letting the taller finish whatever he was saying. "Someone that had challenged my alpha instinct. Someone I wanted to tame for the sake of pride and falling in love with you wasn't in my plan but along the way I guess I did. Karma got me bad," he finished with a soft laugh.

Baekhyun let out a soft chuckle as he closed his eyes again, now caressing the hand that was cradling his face tenderly. "I didn't know karma would slap me hard on the face too," he said as he scrunched up his nose in mock pretend as he opened his eyes again. Chanyeol playfully tried to bite his adorable nose. "Seriously, though. No one saw it coming."

Chanyeol chuckled softly as he hummed, lightly rubbing their noses together. Baekhyun smiled at the affectionate display of the alpha but his eyes were a little sad. It was time.


"Hm?" Chanyeol hummed without opening his eyes, contentment in his heart, oblivious of the impending end.

It was then when Baekhyun pulled the taller's face down to connect their lips in a soft but passionate kiss. No tongue or any kind of lust involved. Just the simple and sincere kiss in hopes of letting the other know of the deep emotions in his each other's heart. To let the love flow through their veins and make them both high and dizzy from it as they finally parted but only merely centimeters apart, feeling exhilarating from the mere touch of their lips.

"I love you, Chanyeol."

"You know I love you you too, Baek."

Baekhyun smiled as he caressed that taller's hair. "I know but you have to wake up now."

"What?" He was confused. What did he mean by that?

"Wake up now, Yeol. They had worried enough for you."

"Baek, whatㅡ"

Baekhyun smiled and repeated his words but Chanyeol felt wierd. Their surroundings seemed to suddenly got more bright and Baekhyun seemed to slowly fade in front of him. He felt himself fading also. "Baek, what's happening?" He was scared but the light was too much to keep his eyes open that he was forced to close his eyelids shut. The last image he saw was Baekhyun's smiling face as he seemed to slowly fade away from his grasp.










He groaned, feeling his whole body ache. He could move but everything just seemed to hurt. Slowly, he fluttered his eyes open and let his eyesight adjust for a few seconds or minutes, also blinking a few times. Once he could properly focus, he let his head turn to the side as he looked around, mind still a little blank, trying to comprehend what had happened.

"Chanyeol? Oh my god, you're awake!" He heard a voice somewhere in the room and he vaguely remembered that it belong to Luhan before hearing some rustling and fussing around and finally, different voices could be heard with a few small gasp from some people.

"Chanyeol! Finally," someone from his side had said but the tall alpha had closed his eyes again before opening it to see Junmyeon and the others hovering on over him.

"What?" He croaked out, feeling his throat dry as he tried to move around and sit up. Zitao, who was at his other side helped him to settle on a comfortable sitting position. After a while, now that he can all face them properly, he smiled as he mumbled out a soft 'hey' that had the other's breath out in relief.

"We were all worried about you!"

"Damn, we thought you wouldn't wake up- aw!" Sehun exclaimed as he rubbed his abused arm, lightly glaring at Kyungsoo who had hit him.

"We're glad you're finally awake," Yixing said who was standing beside Junmyeon on his right side.

Chanyeol smiled gratefully towards his friends but as he scanned the room, he couldn't find the person he had wanted to see.

Sensing his worry, Yifan took it upon himself to say what they had dreaded to dwell on when the alpha finally woke up from his unconscious state. "Baekhyun," the tall blond started, "He's.." Yifan suddenly felt his throat tighten and he struggled to continue but the look that Chanyeol gave him already told them that he knew.

Closing his eyes, Chanyeol saw the last image he had of Baekhyun. He was smiling up at him with eyes shining with unshed tears.

Now he knew what it all meant.



This didn't ended the way I wanted it to end but oh welp. ㅠwㅠ A 2700 words of puke. ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 1: Life has a way of going on even with our pain 😔
Chapter 8: Im crying omg
Chapter 7: I'm crying, I loved it so much but it's so sad. Well now I need something to cheer me up! (Let's continue reading~)
The description is a fact, though.
xxanonymous_aerixx #5
Chapter 2: Aww :<
Are all the other chapters angst?
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 8: Omg what?!!
zoebyunnie #7
Chapter 8: Short and old was the best for me I loooove kidsau and complicated even tho it was so sad ( I ing hated Chanyeol in regrets I'm mad af)