
A Pile of Drabbles

[❗] There's no chanbaek in here so sowwy for that– well, not really. Lmao. Enjoy a short hyung and dongsaeng moment~

"I wonder what it's like."


The younger beside him hummed in question signifying he was listening despite busying himself with writing his own report that wasn't even due the next week. "What's like what?"


"To love and to be loved back." The brunet muttered, lost in thought as he mindlessly watched other college students go about their buzzling schedules. 


Pausing what he was doing, Sehun looked at Baekhyun with inquiring and questioning eyes, as if what he said was something so puzzling to think about. He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it the last minute as he closed it again. Initially not in a rush to finish his task at hand, he left it be for the meantime as he gently leaned back on his seat, still staring at the other who looked like he was in his own world inside his head. "To love and to be loved back, huh?" He repeated the words as he directed his gaze to where Baekhyun was looking with a tilt of his head. "Yeah, I wonder what it's like.." he muttered under his breath that went unnoticed by his companion. 


"Yeah?" Baekhyun breathed out with a hint of a small laughter in his lilt voice as he straightened up on his seat before breaking his gaze away from their buzzling surroundings and direced it to the younger.  "So, how's your report going?" He asked, changing the subject subconsciously like he didn't said something out of the blue earlier. 


Sehun shrugged lightly, looking back down on his papers that was resting on top of his lap. "Good."


"Great. When is that due anyway?" The brunet leaned a little to peak at the papers, scrunching up his nose at all the numbers and terminologies related to business and the likes. Not that he doesn't understand because, for heaven's sake, Sehun and him has the same major. It was just that even after all this years,  he will always hate math and anything related to it. Such irony, right? He was majoring in marketing and was good at it–great even–but he hates it. Well, that's what happens when your passion was really elsewhere. 


"Uhm," Sehun pursed his lips in a way that made him unintentionally puff his cheeks but his eyes remains stoic as he skim through all the deadlines in his head that he needs to meet. "On the nineteenth, I think."


Baekhyun made a disapproving noise, subconsciously stretching his limbs as he shook his head. "That's not until the next week!"


Sehun only nodded as a matter of factly, face remaining indifferent but inside he was already anticipating the older's predictable outburst. 


"Then why are you doing it already? Come onnnnn, you can easily finish that next week. Not like that's–" and he went on and on in his whining, even puffing his cheeks in an attempt of looking annoyed but in reality he just looked like an adorable puppy trying to look scary, specially in Sehun's eyes.


"I know, hyung but I've got nothing else to do so why not do it now?" He chuckled, smiling contently when the older rested his head on his shoulder. He even adjusted his position in the most unnoticable way for his hyung's comfort. "What about you, got nothing to do till your next class?"


Baekhyun shooked his head, pouting. "No," he muttered shyly under his breath as he fiddled with his slim fingers. "I already finished everything yesterday."


Then a gasp could be heard. The kind that one would inhale air rapidly before pausing. 


"And here you are whining at me about–" he cut himself off, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're really unbelievable sometimes."


Baekhyun bit his lips but a soft giggle still came out as he snuggled up more to his dongsaeng. 

A/N: Too short. I know. Hehez 

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 1: Life has a way of going on even with our pain 😔
Chapter 8: Im crying omg
Chapter 7: I'm crying, I loved it so much but it's so sad. Well now I need something to cheer me up! (Let's continue reading~)
The description is a fact, though.
xxanonymous_aerixx #5
Chapter 2: Aww :<
Are all the other chapters angst?
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 8: Omg what?!!
zoebyunnie #7
Chapter 8: Short and old was the best for me I loooove kidsau and complicated even tho it was so sad ( I ing hated Chanyeol in regrets I'm mad af)