Love Is A Sin

A Pile of Drabbles

Was it a crime to fall in love? They only wanted to be together. Was that too much to ask?

How does love become a sin?

People say one can never teach a heart to fall in love. It was believed that real love comes at an unexpected time and place. You'll fall for the person you'll most likely least expected to.

They also say that once you find that kind of love, never let go of it because it only comes once in a lifetime. It is unique and priceless than any gem or diamonds or golds in the world.

The question is how do you know that it's love? That the love is true and pure and genuine. Some says that it cannot be explained because it's one of the extra ordinary. The rare of the rarest of them all. No one can truly explain it to words. Some people say that you'll just know yourself when it comes to you. That you'll discover it once the right person and time comes because someone is destined for you.

There are also those people, a really few of them, that believes that not everyone gets to really meet and be with the person that was truly meant for them. Some too impatient that they immediately tie themselves to the person they thought that was destined to them when in fact it is not. Some managed to work it out but some couldn't; this is where divorce comes in. Some people stay single waiting for the right person but we are humans. Our time is limited. We can't wait for too long.

So if we meet the one and know for sure that that person is the one, what should we do? Of course, the first thing there is to do is to never let go of that person, right? Hold onto them tightly because they're irreplaceable. Our greatest love. Our soulmate. Our other half. The one who completes us. It's so heart warming to see this kind of love. The purest and most genuine love can be the most rarest in this world full of pretentious and judgemental people.

So how does it become a sin?

Where does it goes wrong?




"This is why I'm afraid," the brunet sobbed. Heart breaking into pieces for the future he fears the most. "I wasn't afraid to fall, Yeol. I was never afraid of love. I was afraid that we wouldn't be together," he stared into the taller's eyes despite only seeing blurred image behind those thick tears cascading non-stop down from his eyes to his reddened cheeks. "But my biggest fear is for you to get hurt because of me-"


"It was my fault. I should have stopped. I should have stopped myself," Baekhyun's gaze fall down on the ground as he slowly started to berate himself as if he wasn't beaten inside enough. "None of this could have happened if it wasn't for me.. You don't deserve to go through this, Chanyeol.. It's all my fault.. I should have avoided you.. and I did.. I tried.. but it wasn't enough! I should have stayed away!" He exploded, now punching his heaving chest continuesly. It was a pitiful sight if any stranger would be able to see him. He looked liked he had been carrying the whole world behind his back all this time.. and he was. He had been carrying all the burdens. "I'm stupid! I'm so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Every word was equal with a hard punch on the chest.

Physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional pain and turmoil the older was experiencing but it didn't mean that Chanyeol would let his lover hurt himself and slowly self destruct in front of him. "Baekhyun, stop. Baek, please. Stop hurting yourself," he tried to coax the smaller, prying his hand away from himself to stop doing anymore damage. "It's not your fault, Baekhyun," Chanyeol said softly, hoping his voice would calm the older. "It wasn't our fault, Baek. It never was."

Baekhyun stopped moving but the cries only grew louder as he was suddenly burried in the strong sturdy chest he had always loved to call his home while strong arms were wrapped around his fragile body that always made him feel safe.

"We only loved each other," Chanyeol's voice broke as he closed his eyes, chin resting on the smaller's soft tuft of brown hair. "The only thing we did was to love each other and things wasn't supposed to be this way."

"Why does it feel so right and so wrong at the same time, Yeol?"

Chanyeol smiled sadly at that, arms tightening around the brunet as he started to sway them both slowly from left to right. Moments like this was what he loves the most. It was just him and Baekhyun in his arms as if no one could ever take them away from each other's embrace. Oh how he wished time would just stop and let them stay like that forever but it'll never happen because time stops for no one.

"I don't know, Baekhyun. I don't know," Chanyeol softly said after a few moments of silence. It was so quiet but was enough for the other to hear as he only burried himself more in the arms of his lover.










"Our love wasn't wrong, Baek. It never was and it never will."

Baekhyun stared at the eyes of the man he held dearly in his heart. The man he was never able to see for the past twelve years yet here they are, finally standing in front of each other. There was only a feet apart in between them but it still felt like they were millions and billions apart from each other.

Time and old age can clearly be seen with their faces now. The years they were apart took a heavy toll on them and it was apparent on their slowly aging face.

But the spark in their eyes as they looked into each other's souls and universes never died down because their hearts would forever be bound to collide with each other no matter how you turn and flip the world.

"Society was the one who put a label on our kind of love. Said it's wrong when it wasn't. Said it was a sin when no one really knows how to explain why is it," the taller one continued.

Baekhyun was smiling, no tears were present. He had wasted a lot of that back then. He was done crying.

"I know, Yeol. Maybe this lifetime is just not meant for us. Our love was right but the time, place and circumstances wasn't."

Chanyeol was smiling too. Past pain forgotten at the moment as a new small spark of hope crept into his veins.

"Next time. In another lifetime, Baek. I'd love you still."

"Well, you better," the smaller chuckled.

Chanyeol chuckled.

Their hearts finally felt light after so long.

"Daddy!" A voice of a five year old boy interrupted their conversation. Baekhyun broke into a big grin as he turned to face his son.

"Chanhyun! Baby, what are you doing here?" The brunet asked as he carried his son into his arms.

"Mommy was busy with Baekhee so I went to find you," Chanhyun said with a pout that resembled his father so much.

Baekhyun chuckled at that and ruffled his son's hair before facing the younger but taller man again. "Chanhyun, this is Uncle Chanyeol, a dear friend of mine since we were in college," he introduced them both to each other. Chanhyun only smiled shyly at the tall man with a bow of his head as a sign of respect.

"He looks so much like you," Chanyeol said while staring at the kid with eyes full of adoration.

"Oh. You should see my daughter. She's like a split image of me," Baekhyun said with a proud grin that only made the taller chuckle softly before they were interrupted by someone again.

"Chanyeol? Park Chanyeol? Is that you?"

"Taeyon. It's nice to see you again," he smilled genuinely with a small bow of his head.

"Whoa. I never thought I'll be able to see you again," Taeyon said with a big smile of her own, arms automatically wrapping around her husband'sㅡBaekhyun's arm. "Heard you were all over the world. Quite literally at that."

Chanyeol chuckled with a nod and their conversation continued as they all tried to catch up with each other's lives. This time, no remorse or anger or pain or regret was present. Just the genuine want of wanting to see how each other had been since all those years.

Wounds heal but there would definitely be a scar that'll be left behind without anyone wanting but it's up to the person on how they would see it. As something positive or negative in their life.

Chanyeol had chased his dream to be a journalist and a novelist. He travelled all over the world wanting to see a small glimpsed of every corner of the bigger picture. Wanting to know and learn lots of things from strangers to well-known personalities. He wanted to know and see different kinds of love and write a book about it because he believed that every love story whether it was little and simple or extravagant, spontaneous and unpredictable, all deserve recognition and deserve to be told because maybe, just maybe, the world could be a better place if they knew of this stories he had heard, experienced and wrote.

Baekhyun learned to forgive himself. He learned to respect and give importance to himself. He learned all this while going through the inner conflict within him. He had realized to finally allow himself of happiness because happiness never really comes from other people. If you don't allow yourself to feel happy then you won't, no matter what the people around you do because you need to see for yourself that happiness can only come if you allow it in your life. He also had learned to move forward and not get left behind in the past anymore. The past is important but we shouldn't really hold onto it, just having a glimpsed of the past from time to time would be enough. He needed to learn to let go to be able to allow happiness to come in and that was exactly what he did. Despite all the things that happened, he still went through what his parents and family wanted and expected him to doㅡ like marying Taeyonㅡhe had learned to find happiness in the littlest things in his life. Just like meeting Chanyeol again unexpectedly at a gathering he least expected him to see.




"Bye, Taeyon. It was nice talking to you again," Chanyeol bid his farewell.

Taeyon nodded with a smile as she carried their son before leaving first to give the two a few moments to bid theirs. She perfectly knew what this unexpected meeting meant for the two past lovers.

Both men stood in front of each other with a small relaxed and surprisingly content smile gracing their lips.



"Until next time."

"Till next time, Yeol."


In another lifetime, maybe, they could finally have a love and time that is right. A love that would be much stronger. A time that would flow just right with them. Most importantly, a society that could have a better view and judgement of what love is for two lovers wanting to just be with each other's life.

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 1: Life has a way of going on even with our pain 😔
Chapter 8: Im crying omg
Chapter 7: I'm crying, I loved it so much but it's so sad. Well now I need something to cheer me up! (Let's continue reading~)
The description is a fact, though.
xxanonymous_aerixx #5
Chapter 2: Aww :<
Are all the other chapters angst?
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 8: Omg what?!!
zoebyunnie #7
Chapter 8: Short and old was the best for me I loooove kidsau and complicated even tho it was so sad ( I ing hated Chanyeol in regrets I'm mad af)