Chapter 7: Part Of The Past Unrivalled


Baekhyun got into the car trying to calm himself down which was a little hard since he hadn't cried this much in years and he just needed to let it out. Chanyeol did the best he could to comfort him but didn't say anything like 'stop crying' or 'everything's going  to be ok' since he knew it wouldn't help, he knew that all Baekhyun needed was to get everything out of his system.

"Let's go, you need a warm drink" Chanyeol said softly as he helped to put Baekhyuns seat belt on before doing his own, he just wanted to get Baekhyun home where he would be comfortable and he remembered that the twins would be home tomorrow as well. Baekhyun nodded a little at what Chanyeol had said as he sat there quietly just letting everything out through his tears.

"Baekhyun? You can sleep if you need to, I'll wake you when we're there" Chanyeol said as he looked over to him before he looked back at the road as he drove them back to Baekhyuns house and let out a soft sigh not liking to see Baekhyun like this one bit. Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol and couldn't help but to stare at little at him, he had calmed down from crying but he also felt like he was drained of his energy.

"Thank you Chanyeol" Baekhyun said in a eat that showed that he was thankful for everything that he had done up until now for him and the twins, he turned to look out the window seeing everything go past and slowly began to drift of to sleep. Chanyeol could only smile at what Baekhyun had said since he had already entered dream land before he could answer.

Chanyeol kept his eyes on the road but now and then he would look over to Baekhyun to make sure he was alright, he didn't mind one bit though since he had said that he would be there for Baekhyun no matter what and he ment every word to. Not that long after they finally reached Baekhyuns house, he did say that he would wake Baekhyun up bit since he looked comfortable sleeping he decided to get out the car and to carry him bridal style into Baekhyuns house after he had gotten the keys of course.

Baekhyun woke up and looked at the time to see that it was the afternoon of the next day and to see that he was on the sofa with a blanket over him, he was confused of how he got there until he herd Chanyeols voice coming from the kitchen it sound like he was trying to make something, did Chanyeol stay over or did he go back home? Baekhyun had no idea.

"Why can't I'd do this? I've cooked this like ten times before" Chanyeol groaned annoyed as he looked through everything once again to double check. Baekhyun got up after he stretched and headed to the kitchen to see what was happening and blinked slightly when he saw the mess in the kitchen.

"Chanyeol, what are you doing? Baekhyun asked holding his laughter since he didn't want to make Chanyeol more annoyed but he couldn't hide the slight smile as he looked at the mess in the kitchen once again. Chanyeol turned around when he herd Baekhyuns voice and let out a sigh since he wanted to make Baekhyun something before he woke up but that wasn't going to happen now since he was already awake standing in front of him probably that he was funny standing with the mess around him.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to make you something to eat for when you woke up, I'm normally really good at cooking but I guess not today" Chanyeol said a little embarrassed to admit it though it was ture. Baekhyun let out a small chuckle before walking over to Chanyeol to see what he was trying to cook and decided to point out something that wasn't important and smiled at him.

"It's says to use sunflower oil not olive oil" Baekhyun said before looking back at Chanyeol wanting to see his reaction, that wasn't the reason but he just wanted Chanyeol to feel better at least a little. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun having a feeling that he was just saying that to make him feel better in which on some ways it did.

"Why don't we just come together, since you seem to be better at it then I am" Chanyeol said with a smile glad to be next to Baekhyun at that time even though he wanted to know everything he decided to just enjoy the time he had with him before the twins come back. Baekhyun smiled liking the idea of actually cooking with Chanyeol since he hadn't cooked with someone in years.

"Sure, that would be great bit can we go with something more simple? Like stir fry noodles? I feel like eating that right now" Baekhyun admitted honestly as he went to get changed into something more comfortable and washed his hands. Chanyeol smiled at what Baekhyun sergested glad that he wanted to cook simple since he was annoyed that he had failed.

"OK, that sounds good to me" Chanyeol said once Baekhyun had come back, he started to clean up the mess he had made so that they could start cooking. Baekhyun smiled and started to help Chanyeol clean up the kitchen, once that was done he started to get the ingredients out and got the right amount of what he needed before putting the rest away before turning to face Chanyeol with a smile ready to give him a job to do.

"OK Chanyeol, could you chop the vegetables for me? I'm sure you know how to do that right?" Baekhyun with a smile before getting the noodles ready to cook. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and smiled shaking his head slightly but he was also glad since it ment that Baekhyun was opening up to him more, so he didn't mind getting teased by him one bit and just got on chopping the vegetables for him.

The both of them worked on the cooking while laughing and playing around, if anyone saw them now they would think that they where a married couple cooking together. Once they where finished cooking Baekhyun plated everything up and toke it to the table, which Chanyeol had set already for the both of them, finally they could eat.

"Baekhyun, I know I shouldn't ask this but can you tell me the truth about everything? I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me what happened" Chanyeol didn't want to mess up the mood but he wanted to know why Baekhyun was the way he was. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol after he asked the question and continued to eat wondering if he should tell Chanyeol everything or just want he wanted to know, after some time of thinking he decided to just tell home what he wanted to know and maybe when he got more comfortable and easier for him to talk about he would tell Chanyeol everything else as well.

"I'll tell you only about the guy we met today, it's a little hard for me to talk about everything else that has happened" Baekhyun admitted hoping that Chanyeol would understand like always. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun seeing that he needed time and that was something that he had a lot of to give, he braced himself to what Baekhyun was going to say since he had a feeling it would set off his anger.

"It's fine Baekhyun, just tell me everything you can and I'll wait no matter how long until you ready to talk about the rest" Chanyeol said softly as he ate waiting until Baekhyun was ready to talk about it. Baekhyun felt really grateful towards Chanyeol since he wasn't pushy and would wait for Baekhyun to speak, once Baekhyun had calmed and ate half odd his food he finally looked at Chanyeol and spoke.

"Well it all started when I had gone out to a party with a cousin of mine...


Baekhyun looked at his cousin Taehyung and let out a sigh as he gave into the others begging and decided to just to the party with him. Taehyung smiled brightly when Baekhyun agreed to go with him and pulled into a tight hug.

"Thank you hyung! Your the best" Taehyung said before he went to get ready since the party was in a hours time. Baekhyun smiled finding Taehyung cute like always, even though they where just cousins he thought of Taehyung as his little brother since he was the closest to him and also lived in the same house.

Baekhyun got ready as well and waited for Taehyung to finally come down, once they where both ready Baekhyun drived them to the party he just hoped it was worth it.

"Hyung,  your going to love it and also you might find someone special" Taehyung said as he got out the car once Baekhyun had parked. Baekhyun also got out the car and followed him in hoping that what Taehyung had said was true. Baekhyun had to admit it was a  little more fun then he thought it be even though he was the oldest there and he even met a few of Taehyungs friends. Baekhyun was enjoying himself speak to Taehyung and his group of friends until he felt like someone was watching him.

Taehyung had noticed to but had a bad feeling unlike Baekhyun who didn't pay any attention to it, he saw the way the guy looked at Baekhyun bur before he could say anything the guy was already informed coming over to Baekhyun. Taehyung didn't look away as he watched the way they interacted which only annoyed Taehyung more. Baekhyun didn't pay any attention to it until he felt someone tap his shoulder, he turned around surprised buy how well dressed and good looking he was.

"Hello, are you a family member of Taehyungs? I herd that he was bring his cousin but I didn't think you would be this handsome" Sehun smirked knowing that would make Baekhyun blush and fall for him since it worked on a couple of other people he had dated to. Just like Sehun thought Baekhyun did blush and also thought that the male infront of him liked him.

"Thank you, I'm Baekhyun" Baekhyun said obviously to the stare that Taehyung was giving Sehun, if looks could kill. Taehyung could just stand there and stare the anger clear in his eyes, he know that Sehun was a hard core player and just hoped that Baekhyun would figure it out.

"Whatever a lovely name, I'm Sehun it's a pleasure to meet you Baekhyun" Sehun said as he toke Baekhyuns hand and kissed it gently. Baekhyun and even Taehyung was taken back by the sudden action. Baekhyun was starting to like a guy that he only just met, he know it wasn't good but he couldn't help it.

Taehyung knew that Baekhyun was going to be used by Sehun and was a little annoyed and disappointed that he hadn't noticed it, he wanted to go and drag Baekhyun away bit know he couldn't do that since it would be rude.

Present time

Baekhyun let out a sigh glad that he had gotten the way they had met out of the way, he looked up at Chanyeol wanting to see his reaction to what he had just told him. Chanyeol was in complete shock even though it was the first meeting, if that was the first meeting then how did he treat Baekhyun after that.

"Are you telling me that he manipulation you into liking him?" Chanyeol asked the anger and announce clear in his voice not believing someone would actually do that to someone. Baekhyun know Chanyeol was angry and just nodded at the question not really sure how to answer the question.

"Me being nieve and easily fooled back then I didn't know what was going on until it was to late" Baekhyun admitted lowering his head not liking to admit it but he was weak back then. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun feeling bad that he had your go through something like that, he waited for Baekhyun to calm down since he wanted to know what happened next.

After a while Baekhyun toke a deep breath to calm himself so that he could continue, though it was hard to talk about he know that he had to get it out of his system sooner or later.

"After the first meeting we started to date and went out for a whole year...


Baekhyun let out a sigh as he looked at Taehyung after he told him that Sehun was a player, baekhyun shock his head slightly not wanting to believe it one bit. Taehyung was losing his patients and got up.

"Are you blind hyung? It obvious he is using you even a small child xoukd see that!" Taehyung shoted before leaving Baekhyuns room slamming the door behind him.

"Wait Taehyung!" Baekhyun called after him but he had already left, he let out a sigh as he left the hose to go and meet Sehun feeling down after what happened with Taehyung. Sehun spotted Baekhyun looking down and sighed knowing that he would have to comfort him, he walked over and back hugged him resting his chin on Baekhyuns shoulder.

"Baek what's wrong? You seem a little down" Sehun cooded at him gently with a living smile when Baekhyun turned his head to look at him, he know the effect he had over Baekhyun so he had to be careful not to break it. Baekhyun couldn't help but smile at Sehun and get list in his eyes again.

"I'm fine, I just had an argument with Taehyung and it doesn't look like he's going to talk to me for a while" Baekhyun admitted before pouting slightly. Sehun knew all to well why Taehyung was like that but he just kept it to himself and pulled Baekhyun closer.

"Don't worry, I'm sure once he has calmed down he will go back to the person he was before" Sehun said in a comforting way but he know that wasn't true. Baekhyun nodded slightly being the nieve young man he was he believed it.

"Baek I have something I've been wanting to ask you" Sehun said as he pulled away from the back hug and turned Baekhyun around, he got down on one knee and showed Baekhyun the ring. Baekhyun was completely surprised by the sudden propsol.

"Byun Baekhyun, will you be mind?" Sehun asked, he didn't want to do this bit he had to get married to someone in six month or he wouldn't get his house or take over his father's business. Baekhyun being once again obviously to what was going on inside of Sehuns head agreed without a second thought.

"Of course I will Sehun" Baekhyun said happily letting Sehun put the ring on his ring finger not believing this was happening to him. Sehun smiled not because of Baekhyun agreeing but because he would get what he wanted from his father, he got up and kissed Baekhyun happy glad that everything went to plan.

Baekhyun and Sehun went back to Baekhyuns house and he was japonica to see Taehyung was there also, they sat down with all of them, baekhyun was to nervous but he had to tell them so after he toke a breath he spoke as he showed his ring finger.

"We're getting married!" Baekhyun said brightly, he smiled when his perents congratulated them. Sehun smiled at the perents before looking at Taehyung who didn't look happy and smirked. Taehyung was annoyed and banger his hands on the table before walking away not wanting to see that man beside Baekhyun.

"Taetae? What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked since he had gotten scared at Taehyungs sudden outburst of anger. Taehyung stopped walking before turning around to face Baekhyun, the anger was replaced with disappointment since he had told him that Sehun was a later before he left.

"Hyung, I'll be here after you realise what he is" Taehyung said before waking away heading to his room not wanting to see Baekhyun get hurt. Baekhyun was scared what did he mean he would be here after? Sehun held in his laughter and went to back hug Baekhyun to make him feel better, but on the inside he was happy since Taehyung wouldn't be there to get in the way.

It was the day of the wedding and it had been six months since he had seen Taehyung or even spoke to him and it felt like he was missing something, he didn't like. Sehun had decided to have a small wedding in which only family was invited, it was short and sweet but he had the money to do that after all.

"OK Baekhyun, you ready for the honeymoon?" Sehun asked with a smirk that showed he wanted more the just relaxing, he wanted Baekhyun. Baekhyun knew what Sehun was hinting at and nodded slightly to answer not trusting his voice at that moment.

Present time

Baekhyun stopped trying not to cry as he y bought of everything since he missed Taehyung who he hasn't seen in nearly 7 years now, it hurt to think about it. Chanyeol could tell that mentioning his cousin was hard for him but he was also starting to like him since he actually cared for Baekhyun.

"You really love you cousin don't you?" Chanyeol asked softly wondering where he was if he still hadn't seen him yet, he also woundered if Taehyung even know that Baekhyun had left Sehun. Baekhyun nodded at the question and smiled slightly since he really did love Taehyung like like a brother but there was nothing he could do since he didn't know where he was now.

"Yes, I do but when I left Sehun he wasn't living with with my perents anymore and it scared me since I didn't even get to say sorry to him" Baekhyun admitted even though he knew that Taehyung had his own life now he still missed him a lot. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and gently toke his hand into his own to comfort him and gave it a little squeeze as he waited for Baekhyun to calm down and continue.


After the noneymoon they headed back to Korea, baekhyun then started to realise that something was going on, he found out that Sehun was given a huge house and was taking over his father's company. Sehun was happy that he finally got what he wanted and didn't even hide it from Baekhyun.

"Baek, let's go to the house!" Sehun said excited not even caring that Baekhyun was carrying their children. Baekhyun couldn't say no so he just followed not showing how tired he was and patented to be as excited as he was.

It had been six months since then and Baekhyun was six mouths gone but the difference was that Sehun didn't hide the fact that he wasn't serious about Baekhyun at all, he would even flirt with other females and makes for fun. Sehun had everything he wanted and he was loving every minute of it that he even forgot that he was married and had twins on the way.

"Sehun, what the hell are you doing!?" Baekhyun nearly shouted when he saw Sehun making out with another guy, he wasn't upset but angry that he hadn't listened to Taehyung after all. Sehun looked at Baekhyun before getting up and walking over to him pushing Baekhyun gard against the wall.

"Baekhyun, go away I don't love you and never have, your just someone I needed to get where I am today!" He shouted back hitting the wall beside Baekhyuns head making him jump out of his skin. Baekhyun held his stomach gently as he calmed down scared he was going to harm the twins.

This went on for who knows how long until Baekhyun had enough and wanted to call it off for himself and the twins. Sehun looked at Baekhyun annoyed and angry after the argument they had.

"Baekhyun, just do what you want I don't even care and never have!" Sehun shouted as he pushed Baekhyun against the door, before he did something he would regret he punched the door and left. Baekhyun stood their with wide eyes scared of Sehun at that moment.

After that Baekhyun packed his bags and left and even got the divorce papers before going back home, he cried to his mother and father telling them everything, he wanted to see Taehyung the most to apologise to him.

"My poor baby, baekhyun Taehyung moved out 4 months ago to live alone and to work on his life" Baekhyun was shocked at the news that he needed up crying more, he didn't know where he went but one thing he did know was that he wasn't able to apologise for everything.

Present time

"And then I also brought the twins Ypres on my own with the help of my perents and sister, I had sltostary earning my own money since Sehun wasn't going to give me anything, it's his fault thar I'm like this. The only good thing that came out of that relationship was the twins" Baekhyun finished and slowly toke ah deep breath to calm himself down after telling Chanyeol about his ex-husband. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun finally understanding when he was the way he was, Chanyeol once again gently squeezed Baekhyuns hand to show that he was their if he was need.

"Thank you for telling me Baekhyun, I'll be patient for you to tell me the rest, I know that it is hard to talk about" Chanyeol said before going back to eating the last bit of food after he let go of Baekhyuns hand. Baekhyun smiled glad that he had told Chanyeol since he didn't mush him for more information.

"Thank you Chanyeol, I'm glad I decided to tell you" Baekhyun said before he also began to eat the rest of his food.

Chanyeol had just finished eating when he herd the door bell, he walked to the door curiously and opened it to see a bottle he had never seen before once again becoming protective over Baekhyun again and blocked the entrance to the house.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Chanyeol asked looking at the other makeup and down, he noticed that the male was doing the same to him.

"Is Baekhyun here?" The make asked in and deep voice but Chanyeol didn't say anything which got him and nothingness annoyed glare from the male. Baekhyun had just walked into the hall way before he froze non the spot when he saw who was standing in front of Chanyeol and wanted to cry.


I left this chapter on a cliff hanger lol xD

Sorry I thought it would be better like that to make you want to read more.

Anyway you hot to know a bit shout his past but there's more, who knows when you will find out about what else happened to him in his past.

Thank you to everyone that us reading and I hope tour like this chapter even though it's super long ^^"

please tell me what you think of the story since I've put a lot of work into it whenever I've had the time and also subscribe and comment ^^

Until next time o/

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New chapter added!
Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
747 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute