Chapter 12: Surprise


Chanyeol and Baekhyuns mother talked for awhile more as they waited for everyone else to finally wake up, Chanyeol honestly felt glad that he had decided to help out Baekhyun or he wouldn't have met Taehyung or Mrs. Byun. Baekhyuns mother looked at Chanyeol with a soft smile thinking that the two of them meeting wasn't a coincidence at all.

"Hi Chanyeol, how are the twins? I know they only started a few years ago" she asked curiously to change the topic since she heard Baekhyun waking up in the living room. Chanyeol also heard Baekhyun waking up and smiled softly.

"They are well behaved and learn quickly, even though it was just Baekhyun raising them they turned out very well mannered. Minyeol is very proactive and kind to his sister but also has his group of friends, he likes to draw and sing the most. Minyoung is more shy but thats what makes everyone love her because shes cute but also a bit clumsy, she also likes to draw but much prefers to sit down with her small group of friends and read" Chanyeol gushed over both of the twins unable to help himself. Baekhyuns mother smiled softly as she listened to Chanyeol speak already knowing how much he loved the twins which made her ask the next question knowing that Baekhyun could hear everything now.

"So what about Baekhyun? What do you think of him?" She asked seriously even though she was just wanting to see what he would say. Baekhyun had been standing near the door hearing what Chanyeol was saying about the twins with a soft smile but after hearing the question he also wanted to know what Chanyeol thought of him. Chanyeol blinked slightly at the question but answered anyway and say everything that he thought when he first saw Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun is very hard working and kind, though after seeing him he seems to work to hard. When I first saw him he looked so fragile that my instincts kicked In and i just wanted to help him, hes really selfless and it makes me worried about him especially after everything that happened to him i just dint want it to happen again" Chanyeol said honestly letting out a sigh after he finished talking. Baekhyuns mother blinked in surprise, not only did Chanyeol know Baekhyuns personality he know about what happened in the past.

"You know about his past? When did you find out and by who?" She asked curiously not annoyed but just wanted to know. Baekhyun had heard everything and once again his ears and face turned red not realising that Chanyeol had been paying that much attention to him. Chanyeol blinked slightly wondering if he should know about Baekhyuns past or not.

"Yes, Baekhyun told me himself after we accidentally ran into that person after he had dinner" Chanyeol answer honestly while looking at Baekhyuns mother a little worried. She could tell that she worried Chanyeol a bit and smiled in apology since that wasn't what he wanted to do.

"I see, that explains why you are they way you are when it comes to Baekhyun. I'm sure you didn't realise but your body language always shows that your very proactive" she said giving him a teasing smile. Chanyeols face blushed slightly at what she had said since he hadn't even noticed that about himself. Baekhyun listened to the conversation until he heard Taehyung, Minyeol and Minyoung coming down the stairs talking and laughing.

"Hyung, good morning!" Taehyung greeted happily when he saw Baekhyun standing there. Baekhyun smiled brightly at the 3 of them.

"Good morning! Should we go get breakfast?" Baekhyun asked brightly the smile not leaving his face. Chanyeol looked over to the door entrance when he heard the four voices and smiled slightly as he calmed himself down. Baekhyjn walked into the kitchen followed by the other three, when he saw Chanyeol and his mother he smikes at both of them aswell acting like he hadn't heard anything at all.

"Hood morning, Baekhyun" Chanyeol said softly before also greeting Taehyung, Minyeol and Minyoung with bright smiles to keep himself calm. Taehyung could tell that something had change between the two of them, he looked at his aunt who mouthed that she would tell him later.

"So, what are we having for breakfast?" Baekhyun asked to get out the silent atmosphere as he headed to the kitchen, he honestly didn't want to act like he had heard anything. Chanyeol could tell that Baekhyun was a little different then usually, thus eyes widened slightly at the thought he could of hered what he and Baekhyuns mother had talked about.

"How about omalet? We haven't had that in awhile" Baekhyuns mother called out to Beakhyun before turning back to Chanyeol, Taehyung and the twins with a smile on her face waiting to see if they where fine with that choice. Chanyeol smiked when Taehyung, Minyeol and Minyoung all answered the same way raising their hands and saying yes.

"Omalet sounds good to me" Chanyeol also added with a smile as he pulled his phone out to see his mother had texted him to see where he was, he decided to tell her where he was and who he was with since there was no point on hiding it anyway. Taehyung looked at Chanyeol curiously as he texted someone.

"Who did you just text, Hyung?" Taehyung asked more out of curiosity then any other reason, he hoped he wasn't being to curious or rude. Chanyeol looked up after he finished the text before smiling and showing Taehyung what and who he texted.

"My mother wanted to know where I was, I guess she wanted to come and see me or something along those lines" Chanyeol said as he once again put his phone away and wounder what her reaction would be like since she did send the text yesterday. Taehyung read the text and hummed slightly before thinking of something.

"Does that mean she will be coming here? I mean if she sent it to you yesterday and you dudnt reply woukdnt she wsnt to know who those people your talking about are?" Chanyeol froze for a second when he realised what Taehyjng said was ture and he kind of panicked a bit and looked at Baekhyuns mother.

"Would that be alright if she did turn up?" Chanyeol asked her a little scared since he didnt want to impose on them with his mother. Baekhyuns mother chuckled and shick her head slightly at how worried he sounded, she didn't know what Chanyeols mother was like but she know that Baekhyun wouldn't  mind and neither would she.

"If she dies does indeed show up then she is very welcome, we have no problem inviting your mother to join us" chanyeol smiled and felt like a whole lot of weight was lifted from his shoulders, he was glad that he met such a kind family. Chanyeol didn't really believe in fate or destiny but after meeting Baekhyun and his family that started to change.

"Thank you, your all so kind I'm really grateful" Chanyeol said unable to hide the big smile that was plasted on his face at that very moment. Baekhyun who was busy in the kitchen didn't really hear what was going on at the table and just started to make the omalet for each of them. Chanyeol thought to himself fir a while before looking back at Baekhyuns mother.

"I think I'll go and see how Baekhyun is doing" he said with a smile before getting up and walked to the kitchen to see Baekhyun. Taehyung and the others watched Chanyeol go before he looked at his aunt again.

"So what happened while we where asleep?" Taehying asked since those to had left the room and the twins had decided to ho and play in the living room. She looked over to Taehyung and decided that this time was better then any.

"Well, it seems that Chanyeol may have some kind of feelings for Baekhyun but he said he had to make sure which is understandable, he doesn't want to rush anything incase it isn't what he thinks it is" Taehying nodded slightly as he listened to her speak and couldn't help the slight smile that showed on his face at the thought. Chanyeol had been standing kn the kitchen just watching Baekhyun for a while before finally letting himself be noticed.

"Hey Baek, his everything going?" Chanyeol asked as he walked over to where Baekhyun was cooking the oumlets. Baekhyun looked up and turned to see Chanyeol walking towards him and smiled at him before going back to cooking.

"Its going pretty well, though it's hard to cook six oumlets to be honest" baekhyun said with a chuckle not sure why he had decided to do this alone and didnt ask anyone to come and help. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun before smiling softly and moved over where Baekhyun had mixer and the eggs.

"I could make the batter if you want? Tgen theres one less thing for you to worry about, do you have another pan? Cooking two at a time will take less time to" chanyeol offered with a smile waiting for the others answer since he didn't want to seem like he was taking over. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and relaxed a little again glad that Chanyeol was there in the moment he nedded someone once again.

"Thank you Chanyeol, that would be a great help honestly!" Baekhyun said unable to his his thankfulness at that moment in time, he had already finished two oumlets and toke them out giving them to Taehyung and his mother. Taehyung and Baekhyuns mother smiked in thanks before watching him going back to the kitchen before they began to eat.

"He seemed more relaxed right?" Taehyung said with a grin before chuckling when his aunt gave a knowing smirk. Baekhyun walked back in already seeing that Chanyeol was doing the twins oumlets and smiked softly, he walked over to him again foing the batter for his and Chanyeols.

"Thank you, Chanyeol..." baekhyun said knowing he didn't have to say what he was thankful for since he was sure that Chanyeol know already. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun before smiling softly.

"Its nothing, I told you before didn't I? I'll be here whenever you need me" Chanyeol said softly, after a while he remembered what he had come in here to say in the first place but decided that could wait until after they where done. Baekhyun take the twins oumlets out once they where ready and called them to table. Chanyeol waited for Baekhyun to come back into the kitchen before talking.

"Um Baekhyun...I'm not sure if she will but just incase my mother maybe coming here a little later" Chanyeol said feeling a little worried to see Baekhyuns reaction, but to jus surprise Baekhyun just smiled to him.

"Really? Tgen maybe all of hs could head somewhere together later" Baekhyun said akrwsfy exsited just thinking about it but didn't get his hopes up since it was a maybe. Chanyeol was surprised once again by how carefree Baekhyun was at times like these.

"Yes, maybe we could and even if my mother doesn't show up it doesn't mean we can't still do that right?" Chanyeol said with a smile, the thought of them hanging out together as one high family made him feel happy and exsited. Baekhyun smiled brightly and nodded since what Chanyeol said was true.

"Well let's ho and eat first before anything" baekhujn said taking his now ready oumlet and when to sit at the table with the others. Chanyeol couldn't hide the grin as he followed after Baekhyun to the table to eat with everyone else aswell. 

They had all finished eating their breakfast, Baekhyun toke the twins to the bathroom first to get them ready for the day feeling happy and fresh even though he hadn't had his shower yet. Chanyeol went to the kitchen and started to was and put away the dishes. Taehyjbg and Baekhyuns mother went to watch some tv while they waited.

Baekhyun came down after a while with the twins dressed and hair brushed. Taehyung grinned when he saw the twins and kept them busy so Baekhyun could get ready. Baekhyun smiled and headed back to the bathroom to get ready. Chanyeol and everyone else justed slightly when there was a knock on the door, he quickly walked to the door only to be surprised when he saw his mother standing there.

"Hello, Chanyeol"



Since I haven't really had anything to do I got this chapter up quicker tgen usually ♡

hope you like it, it will get more intense as the story goes on, there will be drama coming soon so be prepared for that ♡

thank you again for everyone that is reading this story and sorry for any spelling or other mistakes that there may be ^^"

until the next chapter, love you all! ♡

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Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
747 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute