Chapter 19: Slow Realisations


Beakhyun looked at their hands when Chanyeol gently squeezed it and smiled slightly at the gesture before looking back up at him still smiling, he wasn't sure what to say at that moment. Chanyeol could tell that Baekhyun was at a loss for words and let out a small chuckle as he let go of the others hand.

"Well I'll see you next time then Baek, you should go rest since you had a long day" Chanyeol said since he didn't want Baekhyun to feel uncomfortable or that he was rushing him or anything like that, he honestly did want to stay longer but he also had work tomorrow to so this was enough for today. Baekhyun actually didn't want Chanyeol to go but he wasn't ready or brave enough yet to say it, he just smiled and gave a nod since he knew that Chanyeol was looking out for him which once again made him feel bad.

"Goodbye Chanyeol, I'll see you next time and thank you again for a great day" Baekhyun said as he smiled since it was like the tenth time he said thank you to him and he once again wanted to hit himself for not saying a lot of anything else. Chanyeol laughed before giving a nod since he had noticed how he had just said think you today, he actually found it cute how that was all he was able to say in front of him right now.

"No problem Baek, you should go on in" Chanyeol said giving a wave as he head to his car feeling content on how the day went, it wasn't anything fancy but it was a start in the right direction right? Well that's what he hopped anyway. Baekhyun waved back as he watched Chanyeol walk to his car and drove off, he didn't go inside or close the door until he couldn't see Chanyeols car anymore. Baekhyun sighed before closing the door and went to where the twins where and went to get them ready for bed.

"Papa, Chanyeol oppa will come back again right?" Minyeol asked as he grabbed onto his father's leg, so did Minyoung both looking up at him with their big round eyes. Baekhyun chuckled softly before picking both of them up with a smile, he wasn't really sure but he had kind of got use to Chanyeol coming around and helping him with the twins.

"Of course, he loves you two to much not to come and see you" Baekhyun said smiling at them as he toke them up to the bathroom to bath and get them ready for bed, now that Baekhyun thought about it the twins where the reason that Chanyeol even came here in the first place. Baekhyun had forgotten about that and felt bad because he did, he hoped tharmt Chanyeol wouldn't keep his distance qnd continue to come here.

Chanyeol arrived home and opened the door only for the place to be empty, he let out a sigh since it had only been 2 days but he was use to being around Baekhyun and the twins now. Once he toke his shoes off and put everything down he headed stright upstairs to change into more comfortable close to relax before he would go to sleep wondering what they could do the next weekend, it was only Monday after all so he had a long time to think about it. Baekhyun had gotten to twins ready fir for bed before doing the sane once the twins where sleeping, he lay on his bed just thinking about everything, the first thing he thought was that if he didn't like Chanyeol he wouldn't blush as much as he does.

"Does that mean I do like Chanyeol?" Baekhyun mumbled before groaned as he cover his face finding everything confusing and embarrassing, but he know that if he did like Chanyeol then thus was not the first but it would be the first to be genarly like by someone. Baekhyun sighed and just decided to go to sleep, he was sure that he would find out the answer eventually. Chanyeol had Hone to sleep also thinking about hoe he felt about Baekhyun but unlike Baekhyun he already know that he liked him and wanted to be with him, he was going to take it slow though until Baekhyun figured it out himself.

"I hope he will give me a clear answer one day, wither it's a yes or no I hope he will give me one" Chanyeol mumbled before also getting into bed and going to sleep

Baekhyun woke up the next day like usual and dud tge something once again, but thus time tge twins didn't come down stairs them self which confused Baekhyun, he went up stairs and woke the twins up, Minyeol and Minyoung woke up and reached up to him so he picked them up taking them down stairs where their breakfast was waiting.

Appa, Chanyeol hyung is coming to pick us up again today isn't he?" Minyeol asked which made Baekhyun blinked in surprise but he smiled to him hoping that Chanyeol would show up today like he always did, he honestly felt a little scared that he wouldn't.

"If course, like I said yesterday he loves you to much to not come and pick you up" Baekhyun said softly before he realised something from what he said, Chanyeol loved the twins to much to not come and get them from school, Chanyeol loved him to much to not do something with him and the twins when he could. Baekhyun couldn't help but feel stupid that he now just realised that, he felt bad that all this time Chanyeol was trying to show that his feeling where real and that he would wait for him.

Baekhyun ate breakfast after reassuring the twins that Chanyeol was going to be there, once they finished eating he got the twins ready for school and brushed their hair. Chanyeol had woken up a little late then usually and was getting ready as quickly as he could since he didn't want to be late picking up the twins or Baekhyun.

Baekhyun heard a knock and went to open the door, he's eyes widened slightly when he opened the door because it wasn't tge person he was hoping for, he quickly moved the twins behind him being protective of them in that instance not wanting them near thus man what so ever.

"What are yiu doing here? How did you know where I live?" Baekhyun asked his voice shaking a bit, he had hoped he would never find out where he was living but here he was standing inftont of his door with the smirk that meant he was up to nothing good.







Hi guys sorry it toke so long to get this update done but it was hard since ove been busy but I hope you like it ^^

I'm sure you already know who it is with the way Baekhyun reacted lol the next chapter or chapter's may be heave 

I hope yiu like this chapter and look forward to what Baekhyun and Chanyeol and twins will go through from now on!

Thank you to all of yiu that waited patiently fir tge update and keep reading, I love you all <3

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New chapter added!
Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
747 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute