Chapter 5



"I see."

"You won't if you carry on like this."

"I'd like to see you try." 

Momo had had enough with the ribbing and questioning. She pinned Tzuyu up against the wall by the shoulders. "Just stop it. Ok? Just stop. If you ever tell Jihyo about this conversation, I will murder you in your sleep. Understood?" Momo's head snapped to look were someone stood at the door way. 


Jihyo looked at the two, scared. What was Momo doing to Tzuyu? And why couldn't she know about the conversation? She ran when Momo saw her. Jihyo was thinking the worst until she calmed down. It was Momo, come on, she was the least violent person until it came to food, then she would murder anyone - except for Jihyo it seemed - and even then she couldn't properly murder them. 

Momo swore under her breath, knowing the scene may have looked wrong from where Jihyo was standing. She ran her fingers through her hair and steeled herself to go talk to Jihyo. Jihyo heard a knock at the door. "Come on in." Momo walked in and Jihyo panicked. She looked back at her phone trying to act cool. "Jihyo I'm sorry to say this, but it wasn't what it looked like -" "So you weren't threatening Tzuyu because you had feelings for her and she didn't reciprocate?" Momo was surprised. "Say that again?" Jihyo looked sad. "Do you have feelings for Tzuyu?" "Ew, no, the little brat the devil in a 17 year olds body." "Oh ok." "So do you have feelings for her?" Momo was dreading it with her whole heart. "Nope. Same reason as you." Momo breathed again, not knowing she had stopped. Jihyo have her a questioning look. "What?" Jihyo shook her head. Looking back at the phone, she acted like Momo wasn't​ there​.

She looked back up after​ a few minutes, "You're still here?" "Who said I was leaving?" She pulled the phone out of Jihyo's hands and put it to the side.

"Don't you think I'm more interesting than your phone?"

"No." Jihyo sulked. Momo out her face nearer to Jihyo's.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Momo had now moved so close that Jihyo could feel her breath on her lips and Momo could feel Jihyo's heart going in overdrive. "Really?"

"No." She croaked.Momo slowly lowered her lips on to Jihyo's, careful enough so Jihyo could push her away if she wished. Their lips met slowly, Jihyo moving her full lips sensually against Momo's, sensing Momo's inexperience. The kiss gradually became more hungry, Momo pulling Jihyo to her by the waist, Jihyo wrapping her fingers in Momo's hair, the two craving the others solace and warmth.



Momo was warm, so warm and she just wanted to curl up in that warmth. . . But what if that warmth disappeared or it left? She'd be devastated. She wouldn't be able to cope with the kids of it if she got too attached. . . What if what she saw in Tzuyu's room was the 'real' image of Momo?

Jihyo pulled away and ran for Tzuyu's room.

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Remiix #1
Chapter 7: Pretend to kiss lol
16 streak #2
Chapter 7: I'm looking forward to Their reaction
Remiix #3
Chapter 6: It's getting exciting~~~
16 streak #4
Chapter 5: oh Jihyo

And Tzuyu just making me laugh
scarletcrescent #5
Chapter 5: I freaked out when I saw this fic. I just need more Jimo fics in my life. Fighting authornim :)