Chapter 4


"Momo unnie. . ."
"Chewy, if you've come to sweet talk me, don't try, if you're just gonna talk to me, drop the 'unnie' we all know you feel dumb when you do it." Tzuyu grinned and flopped next to Momo on the sofa in Momo's room. 

"So what's with you and Jihyo?" Momo's face fell and she looked away, back to her calendar. "We have the MV filming later today, Sana told me they got a real nice dress lined up for you."
"Jihyo told me you looked really nice in the teaser photos."
"She said that?!" Momo had her hands gripping Tzuyu's shoulders. Tzuyu laughed. "I win!" Momo could have killed the little. . . 

"So what was this morning all about?"
"It was - it was -"

"Flirting maybe? Just a suggestion mind." Momo opened and closed . She looked at Tzuyu, not trying to hide the pain of keeping her feelings cooped up like this. Tzuyu stopped smiling and looked seriously at Momo. "Look, Momo, there are some things in life you have to go after and some you can just leave. I'm not sorry to say that Jihyo is one of the things you can't leave. I don't know if any one else has noticed, but you two are like slugs and slime. One comes after the other."

"That's not gross at all but ok."
"So what are you gonna do about it?"
"Do about it?"
"Yeah, tell her you have the same feelings, a love letter, kis-"
"Out of the question." Momo blushed crimson. Tzuyu smirked.

"Would she be your first kiss maybe?"

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Remiix #1
Chapter 7: Pretend to kiss lol
16 streak #2
Chapter 7: I'm looking forward to Their reaction
Remiix #3
Chapter 6: It's getting exciting~~~
16 streak #4
Chapter 5: oh Jihyo

And Tzuyu just making me laugh
scarletcrescent #5
Chapter 5: I freaked out when I saw this fic. I just need more Jimo fics in my life. Fighting authornim :)