Third : Exhibition Day

Through My Lens

The exhibition day finally arrived. Annie worked her off for today and she hoped that her photography will help her to get high marks. She was so nervous. As many students started to filled the gallery, Annie was kinda busy explaining to people about her photography and such that she didn't realized someone is making their way to her. 


"Hi" he greeted. She was shocked but managed to hide her shy face and greeted him back . ''Is that yours? It's cool though".Annie froze for a moment as she didn't expected that to came out from a Chwe Hansol aka her dream guy. "Thank you, I think it gets cooler after you said that" she replied with a genuine smile. Hansol laughed and Annie couldn't get happier to hear that sound. "So beautiful" she mumbled . "What?" Hansol asked and raised his eyebrows "Erm,nothing.Have you looked around the place?" She intentionally switched the subjects so she could keep the conversation going. "Not yet, but I will later. Just checking you out ". OH.GOD. "Why is that" she asked. She can feel the butterflies in her stomach and she's absolutely were having hard times on hiding her emotions in front of Hansol. Hansol noticed the pink tint on her cheeks. "You're pink and adorable " he said, tracing his fingers onto her cheeks, which caused Annie to blushed even more. "No I'm not. Yah, stop seducing me!" she replied, almost shaky but she got it handled. 


"Wow wow what do we have here? Hey Seokmin, I guess our friend here is flirting with the innocent Annie, isn't it? " Seungkwan croaked out and burst into laughter with Seokmin. "You two are always ruining the mood. Just get off me for a second" Hansol replied sarcastically but surely his friends knew he ain't even serious with that. "Okay okay we will wait for you at there" Seokmin pointed at another corner of the gallery before he made his way with Seungkwan, leaving Hansol and Annie together again. Annie just laughed. She knew that those two are always the moodmakers so she didn't took them seriously. "Let me clear one thing. I'm here to ask if you're going to the prom tomorrow night? " Annie suddenly reminded of the prom night which she think she won't attend because she got no partner to go with. "Ahh the prom? I don't think I will join since.. um.. no partner haha" she replied. "Then will you go with me? I don't have partner as well? " Hansol raised his eyebrow ,which earned him a confusing look from Annie. "Liar. Don't tell me you don't have a partner when you have almost all girl's heart" Hansol laughed. "Will you go or not? I don't take no as an answer " Hansol sounded serious. Annie think for awhile when she tried to say something but got cut off by a kiss on her cheek. "I take that as yes" Hansol winked and left her in shocked that she didn't even realize some people are looking.

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