Hold Me Tight

Suho:Dinner is ready *smiles putting the plates on the table*

Yoora:Here suho let me help you *grabs some dishes*

Suho:Oh noona no ne-*gets cut off*

Yoora:It's fine this smells delicious suho *smiles sits down*

Suho:Thank you where are the father and son 

Yoora:They're playing a board game their about to come in *smiles*

Yijung:Appa are you sire you just didn't let me win *pouting holding chanyeols hand*

Chanyeol:And why would I do that 

Yijung:Oh come on appa I know when we play you get serious

Chanyeol:I didn't i guess appa was just out of it today 

Yijung:I guess

Chanyeol:Wash your hands it's time for dinner *smiles*

Suho:Please sit down chanyeol *smiles sits next to yoora*

Yijung:I'M READY TO EAT *screams sits down next to chanyeol*

Chanyeol:This smells really delicious and good to eat *smiles*

Suho:Thank's it's a special family dish I make my brother loves it my take on kimchi fried rice with fried bulgolgi a seasonal veggie salad and some side dishes *smiles*

Yoora:Mmmm I can tell why your brother loves it it's delicious I love it *smiles*

Yijung:Appa can I have more please *smiles*

Chanyeol:You're already finished *shocked*

Yijung:It's so yummy I couldn't stop eating it *smiles big*

Yoora:Suho's cooking is a miracle then I mean jungie eats but he barely finishes a plate or ask for seconds

Yijung:*attacking his second plate*

Suho:Really *smiles*

Chanyeol:But I don't question it it's really good no doubt he loves it 

Suho:*blushes*Thank you 

Yijung:*yawns*Ugh I'm so full and tired

Chanyeol:Not yet bud you need to shower first then change and get tucked into bed

Yijung:Will you read be a bedtime story appa it's been a while since you've done it

Chanyeol:*smiles pats his cheek*Then I guess it's time we bring it back

Yijung:*smiles hugs chanyeol tightly kisses his cheek*Love you appa

Chanyeol:I love you more son *smiles kisses his cheek*

Suho:Come on little monster I'll keep you company while you wait for you appa 

Yijung:Park Yijung on his way *pretends to fly*

Yoora:Well I better head home now 

Chanyeol:Text or call me when you arrive safe drive and take care

Yoora:Nae I will tell appa and umma you're doing well and maybe about suho as well *smirks wiggles her eyebrows*

Chanyeol:Aish noona *looks at her sighs*

Yoora:Mwoya come on he's such a sweetheart how can you not fall for him

Chanyeol:Again I just got divorced

Yoora:And the divorce has to do with suho how..*looks at him*

Chanyeol:*speechless looks away*

Yoora:HA give up I win you know you can never beat me at things like this 

Chanyeol:*rolls his eyes sighs*Noona look even if I do I don't want to give him false hope on me

Yoora:And why your not married is it because you have a son

Chanyeol:*looks down*

Yoora:Your such an idiot seriously your own son adores him and you can tell he cares for yijung even if they just met 3 days ago he's down to earth no one is as pure hearted and sweet as him

Chanyeol:Noona please it's getting late you need to get home

Yoora:Aish always changing up the subject your little twerp

Chanyeol:I love you more noona take care *hugs him*

Yoora:*smiles hugs him tightly whispers in his ear*Don't give up on love because love will never give up on you it may hurt but it's worth the pain once you find that one and you never know he might be the one you've been looking for

Chanyeol:Goodnight noona *half smiles opens her car door for her*

Yoora:*smiles blows a kiss and drives off*

Chanyeol:*sighs leans against the wall walks into his house*

At Yijung's Bedroom

Yijung:Hahah how can you make that face hyung *laughing hard*

Suho:Just like this *makes a silly face*

Yijung:*laughs hugs suho tightly*

Suho:*smiles hugs him rubbing his back*

Chanyeol:*smiles big leans against the wall*Bedtime bud you got class you got your bedtime story ready 

Yijung:Naeee appa *smiles lays down on his bed*

Suho:I'll leave you two together and clean the dishes *smiles walks out*

Chanyeol:*smiles lays next to yijung*

Yijung:*snuggles closer to chanyeol smiles*

Chanyeol:*smiles arms around yijung and starts reading*The little prince


Chanyeol:We can finish the story tomorrow bud alright you're sleepy

Yijung:Naee but can you stay with me longer appa 

Chanyeol:Of course buddy *holds yijung closer*

Yijung:I missed our times like this appa alot

Chanyeol:So did I yijungie I promise you appa will make more time for you now and forever *smiles*

Yijung:Appa I just want you to know that you never fail to make me happy just being with you or seeing you happy and being beside me is all I need to be happy I will always be here appa I'll never leave your side

Chanyeol:And appa will always be here for you even when I can't be with you all the times I'm with you in heart mind and soul no words can express how I felt when I held you in my arms..when you were born you were my golden star I wanted the best for you buddy I dont wanna fail you

Yijung:And you never will appa I love you very very much always will forever nothing will ever change it

Chanyeol:I love you so much more yijungie more than anything in this entire universe will ever express *smiles kisses his forehead*

Yijung:*fast asleep curled into a ball hugging his rabbuit plushie*

Chanyeol:*smiles kisses his forehead once more and walks to the kitchen*

Suho:*fast asleep on their couch hand rested on the floor*

Chanyeol:*smiles looks around sees that suho cleaned everything up sighs*

Suho:*moves a little in his sleep sighs*

Chanyeol:I don't want to wake him up he seems exhausted and it's late it can be dangerous I'll just textsehun to tell kai that his brother slept here so he wont worry about him 

Suho:*shifts in his sleep*

Chanyeol:*smiles  sits on the coffee table looks at suho*

Suho:*sleeping peacefully smiling moves a little*

Chanyeol:*smiles big slowly leans in hand on his cheek caressing it looking at him*


Chanyeol:*gets a blanket from the drawers under the couch puts it over suho smiles*

Suho:Mmm *snores a little*

Chanyeol:*chuckles slowly leans in and kisses his forehead*

Suho:*deep a sleep snores a lil louder*

Chanyeol:*eyes widen shocked at his action and walks to his bedroom lays down on the bed looking at the ceiling*Park Chanyeol are you falling....


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Chapter 28: awww cute and happy ending ><
Chapter 53: Woahh thank you for this cute preview scene about them. Thy are so happy family... Hahahahha ert chanyeol..
Chapter 52: This was so beautiful :) I hope you continue this story soon
Chapter 52: Iam so satisfied so much till the end of this story. I hope you can continue this story always.
I will support you always. I like this family. The little brat really sweet talk like his father who love suho damn much. Their happiness is such complete :))
Chapter 34: Omo.. Omo.. So this is amazing possible condition for suho. Wah it would be good if they can have own baby..
Jungkook is really stupid for scared by jun conditions. That is amazing gift from god to jun.
I cant wait to see jun pregnant hehehehe
Chapter 9: Eiiii that both rreally cute when being tgt. So far i was so enjoyable read this story. I love it. Omgg
The way they getting close each other is really awesome
Bazingadoodle #7
Chapter 52: Omo so cute
Bazingadoodle #8
Chapter 51: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 50: This story is amazing and this chapter is too cute. Thank you for writing.