Hold Me Tight

At The Park Residence

Rosalie:So you live with your fiance sweetheart

Suho:Ahh nae umma he and his son asked me to move in with them 

Rosalie:That's sweet how about you're little brother 

Suho:Jongin lives with his boyfriend sehunnie it's just 10 minutes away from our place 

Rosalie:So their always coming over

Suho:Nae and we all even work in the same company

Rosalie:Really even jongdae

Chanyeol:*chuckles*Yea me/junmyeon jongin/sehun jongdae/baekhyun

Rosalie:Ahh so chen has a lover as well

Suho:Nae byun baekhyun it's chanyeols best friend

Rosalie:Well you three couples form a full circle then best friends engaged to best friends dating best friends


Rosalie:Boy that's a tongue twister *takes a deep breathe*

Chanyeol:*laughs*So are you ready to meet my son Mrs K-

Rosalie:Chanyeol how many times do I have to say call me umma and your son will be calling me grandmother

Chanyeol:Sorry I just need to get the hang of it *chuckles rubs his neck*

Rosalie:So what are we waiting for I want to see my nephew *smiles walks over to the front*

Chanyeol:So when do you plan on telling your ummayour pregnant

Suho:After she meets yijung baby steps babe

Chanyeol:*chuckles kisses his forehead arm around his shoulder*

Yijung:Umma Appa *smiles running to the froyer*

Chanyeol:Hey bud there is someone we'd like you to meet *smiles big*

Yijung:Really *smiles*

Suho:Yijungie this is my umma..you're little sister and your grandmother

Yijung:Hello halemoni *smiles hugs her tightly*

Rosalie:Hello sweetheart it's so good to meet you

Yijung:You too I always wanted to meet my su-ma's umma and appa

Rosalie:When I come over next time you'll meet grandpa and we'll bring lots of presents

Chanyeol:Umma no need

Rosalie:No I insist but I don't know if my ears decieved me but did I hear you say yijung's little sister

Suho:*sighs takes a deep breathe*Umma..we're pregnant

Rosalie:*gasp covers *I..I'm going to be a grandmother again

Suho:Nae to a lovely baby girl *rubs his stomach*

Rosalie:No wonder you've been wearing big shirts *tears in her eyes*

Suho:Umma don't cry if you cry I will too *pouts*

Rosalie:I'm sorry it's just I am so happy you met a man like chanyeol to love you for who you are inside and out it had me worried that my precious angel wouldn't find someone to love him because of his differences in men 

Chanyeol:Well I see nothing wrong with it I'd like to think our little angel in his stomach growing is our little miracle *kissing suhos temple*

Rosalie:I can not wait to tell your appa he's going to flip his head off

Yijung:WOW I didn't know that was possible can I see that granny *smiles*

Suho:*laughs*Yijungie baby it's not really going to happen what she means is he's going to get really excited over the top happy that he'll be a grandfather

Yijung:Oh then I flipped my head off to being a big brother to my baby sister *hugging suhos stomach*

Chanyeol:*chuckles ruffles his hair*You'll be an amazing big brother to her

Suho:She's lucky to have a oppa like you yijungie *smiles*

Yijung:Really *eyes brighten*

Suho:Of course *smiles kisses his cheek*

Chanyeol:Why don't you clean up your toys and wash up for dinner 

Yijung:Nae appa *smiles runs off*

Suho:Umma please stay for dinner

Rosalie:I would love to stay sweetie but you're father is home alone

Chanyeol:I can ask our driver to pick him up and bring him here

Rosalie:Really you would do that

Suho:Nae we can have a family dinner I'll call kai sehun chen and baek over 

Rosalie:I would like that *smiles*

Chanyeol:Then it's settled to having a family dinner

Rosalie:It is *smiles giggles*

Suho:Come on umma I need some help in the kitchen you got the magic hands I only have half *giggles walks off with her to their kitchen*

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Chapter 28: awww cute and happy ending ><
Chapter 53: Woahh thank you for this cute preview scene about them. Thy are so happy family... Hahahahha ert chanyeol..
Chapter 52: This was so beautiful :) I hope you continue this story soon
Chapter 52: Iam so satisfied so much till the end of this story. I hope you can continue this story always.
I will support you always. I like this family. The little brat really sweet talk like his father who love suho damn much. Their happiness is such complete :))
Chapter 34: Omo.. Omo.. So this is amazing possible condition for suho. Wah it would be good if they can have own baby..
Jungkook is really stupid for scared by jun conditions. That is amazing gift from god to jun.
I cant wait to see jun pregnant hehehehe
Chapter 9: Eiiii that both rreally cute when being tgt. So far i was so enjoyable read this story. I love it. Omgg
The way they getting close each other is really awesome
Bazingadoodle #7
Chapter 52: Omo so cute
Bazingadoodle #8
Chapter 51: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 50: This story is amazing and this chapter is too cute. Thank you for writing.