Hold Me Tight

Unisilver Garden

Joy:*smiles watching the fountain*

Suho:*nervous hands her a cup of coffee*Here have some coffee joy

Joy:Oh thank you so much suho *smiles big takes a sip*

Suho:*smiles sits down next to her*

Joy:I know you must be shocked that I am back from abroad but I'm just on vacation wanting to visit my son and all

Suho:Oh yea of course *smiles*

Joy:Look suho I know about you and chanyeol 

Suho:*eyes widen shocked*Joy I am so sorry I wasn't I..

Joy:Woah suho you don't need to apologize to me about that honestly...


Joy:You two are perfect for one another and honestly I am happy for you both especially chanyeol he can be himself and love the one he truly loves *smiles big*

Suho:Even so I am still sorry about it..

Joy:I moved on as well suho I have a boyfriend back abroad his name is jaehyun we've been dating as long as you and yeol maybe shorter though 

Suho:I am happy you're happy as well joy you deserve that happiness you've longed for

Joy:Thanks..there's a reason why I came back though and I was going to ask maybe you can help me out

Suho:Really what is it

Joy:Well I know yijungie is going to be off soon from school for summer vacation and jaehyun planned a vacation in guam over the summer and he wants to know yijungie as well and I want my son to seek approval of my lover as well 

Suho:That sounds like an amazing idea and I am sure yijungie will love jaehyun and mostly know that his umma is happy as well as his appa

Joy:But I am worried if I tell chanyeol he won't let yijung come with me because they've never been apart from one another that long and of course he fight fear of jungie getting more close to jaehyun

Suho:I doubt jungie adores and loves his appa unconditionally 

Joy:He truly does but you know chanyeol he can be so

Suho:Stubborn at times

Joy:You've witnessed it already

Suho:Girl don't even get me started *giggles*


Suho:But I love him for him I wouldn't have it any other way

Joy:So I was wondering maybe you can be there with me to talk with chanyeol about it

Suho:Yea sure of course you and jungie do need bonding time

Joy:And you guys can have some quality time together *nudges him*

Suho:Aish joy..

Joy:Mwoya come on I know you were thinking that and yeol would be as well *laughs*

Suho:True yeol doesn't stop until he gets what he wants *blushes*

Joy:I DID NOT need to know that *pouts*

Suho:*laughs*Sorry my bad 

Joy:I'm pretty sure yijungie knows about you two how did he take it 

Suho:Chanyeol and I were scared at first when were about to tell him but it turned out more better than expected honestly he welcomed me with open arms thats why I am positive to know he'll do the same for jaehyun

Joy:I really hope so *sighs looks down*

Suho:Joy even if you and chanyeol had a rough patch in the friendship relationship I know chanyeol still cares and loves you like his dongsaeng and one of his best friends and yijungie will always have unconditional love for his umma

Joy:I know it's just sometimes I wonder what if things we're different I don't regret having yijung or marrying chanyeol but I just wish i can take back the strain it put on our relationship I know chanyeol doesn't hate me but I wish we both can be how it was before

Suho:And it will you two just need to take baby steps *smiles*

Joy:I guess thank you suho for being there for me even if we don't really know one another so much

Suho:Hey of course you are chanyeols best friend/ yijungies mother I wanna be friends

Joy:I'd like that *smiles big*

Suho:Hug it out girl *laughs hugs her*

Joy:*giggles hugs him back*

Chanyeol:*smiles*There you are beauty

Suho:Oh babe *smiles stands up waving at him*

Joy:*takes a deep breathe turns around*Chanyeol

Chanyeol:*eyes widen drops his files*Joy...



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Chapter 28: awww cute and happy ending ><
Chapter 53: Woahh thank you for this cute preview scene about them. Thy are so happy family... Hahahahha ert chanyeol..
Chapter 52: This was so beautiful :) I hope you continue this story soon
Chapter 52: Iam so satisfied so much till the end of this story. I hope you can continue this story always.
I will support you always. I like this family. The little brat really sweet talk like his father who love suho damn much. Their happiness is such complete :))
Chapter 34: Omo.. Omo.. So this is amazing possible condition for suho. Wah it would be good if they can have own baby..
Jungkook is really stupid for scared by jun conditions. That is amazing gift from god to jun.
I cant wait to see jun pregnant hehehehe
Chapter 9: Eiiii that both rreally cute when being tgt. So far i was so enjoyable read this story. I love it. Omgg
The way they getting close each other is really awesome
Bazingadoodle #7
Chapter 52: Omo so cute
Bazingadoodle #8
Chapter 51: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 50: This story is amazing and this chapter is too cute. Thank you for writing.