|| Two ||

The Moon and Her Stars
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Lunar Sages' popularity skyrocketed as fast as the speed of light. Just several months after their debut, they were already breaking all kinds of records.

I was happy for them. I was probably their number one fan. From someone who didn't care about boy bands, I had become someone who religiously watched their every concert (always in the back though because the cheapest ticket was the only one I could afford), bought every album (at the expense of my lunch), and became active in their fanclub (ask me anything about the Lunar Sages, anything, and I could probably answer it in a heartbeat).

My sophomore year passed by in a breeze, with the activities of the Lunar Sages my constant daily vitamin. Especially Oh Sehun, the name of the mysterious boy who had taught me to smile again.

One would think I'd meet them somehow since three of the four boys went to my school, but no. Given how popular they had immediately become, I didn't have the chance to meet them at all. Yup. Not even at school. Not even through an accidental bump. Somehow, I was always occupied with something whenever they graced the school with their presence.

This other immature and self-absorbed boy though was who I kept bumping into. Maybe it was inevitable since we were in the same year, but still, ever since that day I bumped into him in the hallway, our encounters got more frequent and frequent. The school was wide enough for the two of us, but no, we always had to see each other in the most unfriendly situations.

One time, during the school's activity week, some juniors and I were watching a Lunar Sages music video on the school's TV playing in the lobby. We were singing and dancing along to their song when melon bread boy suddenly stopped in front of us and blocked our view of the TV.

"Excuse me?" I had said. "If you hadn't noticed, we're kind of watching here."

He glanced at us with furrowed eyebrows and then turned back to the TV. Then after a beat, he left.

I frowned at his retreating back. "That guy seriously has problems."

One of the junior students in the lobby nodded."True," she said, and then she grinned. "But he's really cute."

I tried to think about it but I couldn't remember how he looked like. It was like my brain just really couldn't care less. Especially when there's Sehun in front of me, I thought as I turned my attention back to the TV. 

If only it happened only once. If only. There was this other time when I had fallen asleep in the library. When I woke up, he was sitting across me and was casually browsing my YES! magazine whose cover was Lunar Sages.

I tried to snatch away the magazine immediately but he held it away from my grasp.

"Hey, that's mine," I said, reaching for it.

"Uh, obviously," he said, finally handing it back. He stared at me as I gingerly put the magazine back in my backpack. "So why do you like them?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Nosy much?"

He frowned. "I was just..." he paused, and then stood up. "You're very unfriendly." Then he left.

Wow. Didn't he realize at all that he was the unfriendly one? I gathered my things and left as well.

But knowing what happened next, I should have settled for the short unfriendly encounters. It was certainly better than what was to come.

When my junior year rolled around, Yoon and Yoomi entered my high school as first years. Yoomi was excited at the thought of possibly bumping unto Lunar Sages. I didn't burst her bubble seeing how giddy she was.

We parted ways when the opening ceremony finally ended.

"Oh? Weren't you at the Lunar Sages' concert last month?" a girl asked me when I stepped inside the classroom.

I smiled at the mention of Lunar Sages. "Yes," I said. "Sorry though. I don't remember seeing you back then."

She stood up from her seat. "It's okay. I'm Jaeni, by the way." She held out her hand.

"And I'm Yeona. Nice to meet you."

We chatted some more since our classroom was still fairly empty. It was when the bell rang and I walked to the vacant corner seat at the back of the room when I finally noticed the melon bread boy looking my way. Who knew how long he had been listening to us but the more important matter was that he was sitting beside the vacant seat in my classroom.

I frowned at him as I approached, never taking my eyes off him. Let him feel my "unfriendliness".

"So you still haven't gotten over them yet?" he said in what I took as an insulting tone.

So he had been eavesdropping.

"What? Are you talking to me?" I said and plopped myself on my chair. "Do I know you?" I said as disinterested as I could. I took out my phone, purposely not throwing him any more glance. I visited one forum who updated everyone about Lunar Sages' schedule. I could feel the melon bread boy's stare. It was unnerving.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I dropped my phone on the table and stared back at him as indifferent as I could, raising my eyebrow, challenging him. I wasn't going to look away first.

And then it hit me. When he was just staring at me with a curious face, he really was cute. Not in the I-want-to-pinch-his-cheeks kind of cute. But cute in the I-can-stare-at-his-face-for-a-day kind of cute. Then he blinked and snapped at me to stop staring and his momentary angelic face returned to being a devil in my eyes.

As if he didn't start it!

My phone beeped, thankfully cutting off my eye contact with him. It was from one of the most active members of Lunar Sages' fanclub.

From: xxxxxxxx

On the last Friday of the month, Lunar Sages will have a fan signing event on Starling Function Hall. It's going to be difficult securing a ticket since only 200 tickets will be sold. I've attached the link for the three sites that will be selling the tickets on Wednesday 11:59am. I hope to see you guys there.

"A fan signing event?" the melon bread boy suddenly said beside me.

I was about to glare at him, thinking he was reading my text, only to see him focused on his own phone.

I frowned, just as our first teacher came inside the room and greeted the class.

Probably sensing my stare, he turned to me and snapped. "What?"

I shook my head and turned back to the teacher. No way. He couldn't be a fan given how he had expressed his distaste towards my taste in boy bands. Surely not, I thought as I discarded the idea out of my mind.


Monday and Tuesday quickly went by. I had enough saved allowance for a fan signing ticket so the only challenge was buying the ticket on time. I entered the classroom on Wednesday morning, feeling good about my chances. All throughout the lessons, my eyes stayed glued to the wall clock above the whiteboard and my hand remained gripping my phone under my desk, all the while ignoring the pointed stares my weird seatmate was giving me.

I couldn't understand why melon bread boy (whose name was Lu Han, I found out after the first roll call) continued sitting next to me when he was making it obvious that he couldn't stand my every move. He always had a quip at whatever I did in the last two days that we had been seatmates.

But that wasn't important at the moment, I told myself. The wall clock's minute hand landed at 11, and for the first time in that morning, my eyes switched to our math teacher in front.

Wasn't he done talking yet? It was 11:55 already. I really couldn't care less about tangents and cosines.

My eyes flew back to the wall clock as the time ticked dangerously closer and closer to 11:59am. I gripped my phone tighter, getting ready for the moment the teacher would say dismiss.

"You looked really stressed out," my nosy seatmate said from beside me.

I didn't spare him a glance as I stared daggers at the teacher's head, willing him to end the class already.

A minute before the bell rang, when it was exactly 11:59am, our math teacher finally said, "Dismiss!"

I quickly raised my pho

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2481 streak #1
Chapter 15: I like where the story ended up going instead with Yeona deciding to not go through with the initial plan, since it shows how sincere her feelings are for Luhan. ^^ Very adorable and I love their banter as well! x]
Chapter 15: Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot~!

I can't wait to see them trying to awkwardly hint without just blurting it out!
Chapter 15: Awww they're so cute. I love their conversations. Sehun really know how to make luhan jealous of them.
Chapter 15: And if I just lose it from the overwhelming cuteness???? AHHHHHH!! I’m so freaking in love with these characters (but then again, that’s me with all your characters) I loved that ‘my person’ part so much! It was genuinely so adorable I can’t!!!
The amount that I spaz in the comments is a bit of a problem lol!
I’m so excited for the next update ahhhhh!!!
Chapter 14: Skinny love? Kinda not really lol???

They're so cute. I want them as a couple without breaking Luhan's heart to do it.
Chapter 14: HABDJABSHAMBSNA!! Frick, my boy Luhan has got to get it togetherXD I genuinely can’t explain how much I love them! But these misunderstandings are hurting me ahhh! I almost lost it when Sehun suggested making Luhan jealous—I love where his head is! But! That ending part of the chapter hurt! ALSO HIM TALKING ABOUT HER LEANING ON HIM WAS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! I’m looking forward to the next chapter so so much~~ this chapter was great!
2481 streak #7
Chapter 14: LOOOOL, I feel second-hand embarrassment on Luhan's behalf, especially knowing that he accidentally shot himself in the foot by telling Yeona that he doesn't like her romantically. OTL On the plus side, looks like Sehun's going to spice things up and I'm very curious to see what he has up his sleeve. :P
2481 streak #8
Chapter 13: Awww, I don't blame Yeona for fainting when she finally met Lunar Sages, because I honestly would've done the same if I were in her position and meeting my idols all of a sudden. XD