|| Nine ||

The Moon and Her Stars
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"And? And?" Yoomi gushed as I paused to take a breath. I was recounting what had happened at the fan signing event. "What did they mean by seeing you around?"

I shook my head. "I have no idea," I said but I was smiling and still very much over the moon about the whole experience. Even if I'd only be unlucky for the rest of the month, I wouldn't have any complaints. Attending Lunar Sages' event was enough to tide me over whatever obstacle might come my way.

Yoon, who was sitting at the sofa across us, clicked his tongue as he the TV. "Now that the event is over, will I finally have a few days of peace without you mentioning LS?"

Yoomi's smile was sickeningly sweet, designed to further annoy her twin brother. "No, no. We’ll talk about them every single day."

"Aish!" Yoon threw the nearest LS pillow at Yoomi, and the latter caught it with her tongue sticking out at her brother.

I was about to add fuel to Yoon's fire when my cellphone beeped, signaling a message.

From: Lu Han

What time are we meeting tomorrow? We have to return Pookie to his owner by lunchtime.

My mood suddenly dampened. I dialed Lu Han's number without thinking as I left the twins in the living room and moved to the kitchen.

"Hello?" Lu Han's voice was unsure on the other line. "Yeona?"

I scoffed. "Who else, dumbdumb?" I opened the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk.

He coughed. "I'm just surprised."

"Why?" I grabbed my favorite glass from the cupboard.

I could imagine Lu Han shrugging as he answered, "Because this is the first time we're talking on the phone."

"And?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at the glass on my hand. "Is that a big deal?" I just realized it was the one I gave Lu Han when he came over last time.

"Well, I don't know." His voice suddenly sounded shy. "It seems like a milestone to me."

It was my turn to cough. "A milestone?" For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to pour the milk on ‘Lu Han's glass’. I placed it back on the cupboard and went to sit beside the counter instead.

"In our relationship," Lu Han answered, and I could hear a smile in his voice. “Friendship,” he clarified, realizing what he was saying. Lu Han cleared his throat. "Is there anything you need? Why'd you call?"

Lu Han was never really smooth when it came to changing the topic. I let him off, as usual. "It's Pookie. He's not even gone yet and I miss him already."

"And you used to hate him before." He chuckled, and then after a beat, added, "Hey, do you wanna see him?"

I sat up straighter. "How?"

"Wait." He hanged up. I stared at the phone in confusion for a few seconds before it rang again, except this time, it was a video call. Curious, I pressed the answer button.

Lu Han's grin came into view. "Boo!"

I nearly dropped my phone in surprise.

He moved the camera away from his face and I could see him sitting at the edge of a bed, his I think. His hair was a bit messy as if he had just woken up from a nap, but what really caught my attention was his shirt: written in plain black letters were Lunar Sages rocks!

I mirrored his grin. "Are you sure you didn't go to the fan signing event?" I teased.

He immediately realized what I meant and covered his shirt with his free hand. "Oh, this," was all he uttered but his expression clearly said, "Oh, ." as if it was such a bad thing to be a fan of Lunar Sages.

"I had my doubts before but this clearly confirms it." I nodded appreciatively. "I don't even have that shirt."

Lu Han shook his head. "No, this is a misunderstanding."

The video shook and Lu Han disappeared from the frame. He must have left his phone on the bed face up because I was now looking at his star-dotted midnight blue ceiling. A bark sounded somewhere, and when Lu Han came back to pick up his phone, he was wearing a different shirt and Pookie was already in his arms.

I squinted at him. I wondered why it was such a big deal to him to be branded as a Lunar Sages fan.

Pookie barked and I switched my attention to him. "Pookie," I cooed at my phone.

The dog moved to Lu Han's face instead of looking at the camera. I couldn't even get annoyed at being ignored again because as I watched Lu Han laugh and fend off Pookie's kisses, I couldn't deny how adorable they looked.

Lu Han brought the camera to Pookie's face. "Say, ‘Hello, Yeona.'"

Pookie just squirmed and jumped off Lu Han's lap and onto his bed. The camera followed the dog's movement as he flopped down on one of Lu Han's pillows. Lu Han's head popped back in the frame, grinning sheepishly.

"I'm afraid Pookie isn't very well-versed in video calls. I might have to train him first," he joked and then bit his lips, seeming to realize that there was no more next time. "Aw, cheer up, Yeona."

I immediately schooled my facial expression, realizing I was pouting.

Lu Han's eyes shone as if he just thought of a brilliant idea. "Why don't we talk about the fan signing event? Didn't you see your precious LS just hours ago?"

For someone who kept claiming that he wasn't exactly a fan of LS, he sure kept talking about them a lot. Only because he wants to make you feel better, silly, my mind graciously reminded me, and I couldn't help smiling at that.

So I launched into another recount of what happened at the fan signing event just like what I did with the twins. To Lu Han's credit, he paid attention and laughed in all the right places. When I finished my story with a question of why the LS members kept saying they would see me around, Lu Han's face suddenly blanked.

"Maybe they say that all the time?" Lu Han offered as he shrugged into the camera.

"Maybe," I echoed, and our conversation hit a dead-end.

I just looked into Lu Han's image on the screen, and he just stared back. For a minute it was all we did, and then Lu Han sudde

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Thank you to all the new subscribers for giving this story a chance! And thank you to the kind readers who stayed with me from beginning up to now ;u; Merry Christmas!


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2492 streak #1
Chapter 15: I like where the story ended up going instead with Yeona deciding to not go through with the initial plan, since it shows how sincere her feelings are for Luhan. ^^ Very adorable and I love their banter as well! x]
Chapter 15: Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot~!

I can't wait to see them trying to awkwardly hint without just blurting it out!
Chapter 15: Awww they're so cute. I love their conversations. Sehun really know how to make luhan jealous of them.
Chapter 15: And if I just lose it from the overwhelming cuteness???? AHHHHHH!! I’m so freaking in love with these characters (but then again, that’s me with all your characters) I loved that ‘my person’ part so much! It was genuinely so adorable I can’t!!!
The amount that I spaz in the comments is a bit of a problem lol!
I’m so excited for the next update ahhhhh!!!
Chapter 14: Skinny love? Kinda not really lol???

They're so cute. I want them as a couple without breaking Luhan's heart to do it.
Chapter 14: HABDJABSHAMBSNA!! Frick, my boy Luhan has got to get it togetherXD I genuinely can’t explain how much I love them! But these misunderstandings are hurting me ahhh! I almost lost it when Sehun suggested making Luhan jealous—I love where his head is! But! That ending part of the chapter hurt! ALSO HIM TALKING ABOUT HER LEANING ON HIM WAS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! I’m looking forward to the next chapter so so much~~ this chapter was great!
2492 streak #7
Chapter 14: LOOOOL, I feel second-hand embarrassment on Luhan's behalf, especially knowing that he accidentally shot himself in the foot by telling Yeona that he doesn't like her romantically. OTL On the plus side, looks like Sehun's going to spice things up and I'm very curious to see what he has up his sleeve. :P
2492 streak #8
Chapter 13: Awww, I don't blame Yeona for fainting when she finally met Lunar Sages, because I honestly would've done the same if I were in her position and meeting my idols all of a sudden. XD