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The Moon and Her Stars
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I loved my grandmother. She was the only person who ever asked how my day went, the only person who ever read me bedtime stories when I was young, and the only person who ever attended my plays. My parents were always too busy, and my twin siblings were too distant from me. Nana was the only one in my family who stayed by my side. 

So when she died, I was devastated.

But then I made a new friend, and she helped me overcome my grandma's loss. I thought that was the end of the sad part of my life. But during the last day of freshman year, even that friend of mine turned out to be leaving me. She was moving to another city because of her parents' work, and there wasn't anything she could do. Feeling betrayed, I ran away to the school rooftop and cried. First, my grandmother. Now, my best friend.

I looked up at the sky for comfort but it didn't give any. It was blue, and it was clear. It was so bright that it seemed to be mocking my misery.

"What else?" I asked the sky as I leaned my arms on the railings. "What else are you going to take away from me?"

I buried my face on my arms and silently cried. For a moment, all that there was was the sound of my sobbing. Of course, the sky wouldn't answer me. But then, softly, like a whisper at first and getting louder by the second, a slow comforting melody hanged in the air.

I kept my face buried in my arms on the railings, but I listened, and the melody gave way to words that brought comfort. 

Once there was a girl who cried and cried, thinking her world had ended. But when she stopped crying, everything became alright again. The girl was confused. And then someone told her that the trick all along was that she had to stop being sad first before she could look at the world with happy eyes once again.

The song stopped. Then a boy, whose voice was as beautiful as the melody, spoke from behind me.

"There's a famous quote my grandfather used to say," the boy said, and I could almost imagine the smile that went with his friendly voice. "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not yet okay, then it's not yet the end. I don't know what you're going through, but I'm sure it's not yet the end. I hope you cheer up, schoolmate."

I finally lifted my head from my arms and looked behind me. Only the sight of the closing rooftop door greeted my eyes. The boy was gone. But something warm and fuzzy had found its way into my heart between the boy's arrival and departure.

The trick all along is to stop being sad ...

"So I can look at the world with happy eyes once again," I finished out loud. I wiped the remaining tear stains on my face.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. But he was right, and I really shouldn't mope around anymore. Rather than cry, I should spend whatever time I can with my best friend before she leaves.

I nodded to myself and directed a reluctant but trying smile at the bright sky above me, challenging it to bring whatever it was on.



Freshmen year passed and I became a sophomore.

Ever since that fateful day in the rooftop, I had developed a new habit. Whenever it was my break time, I would walk around the school, sweeping my eyes at just about anywhere, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy who brought my spirits back up. Though really, I had no idea how I would know it would be him when I didn't see him in the first place. Still, I looked, hoping that when I did see him, I would know.

Usually, my little stroll would end up uneventful. Usually, I would just quietly return to my classroom and read my book (I still haven't made a new friend). Usually.

But on one particular lunchtime in December, my search routine got interrupted.

I was in the junior's building, craning my neck left and right to get a better look at the students in the classrooms, trying to listen to their voices, when a boy, whose only warning is an "Out of the way!", came barreling towards me.

With reflexes as slow as the ticking of a clock hand, I didn't succeed avoiding him. We crashed on the floor.

The boy recovered first and stood up, sending me an irritated look. "I told you to get out of the way."

My eyebrow rose as I helped myself up. "Really?"

"Aish. You've probably-" he looked at his wristwatch, "-caused me to lose the last melon bread in the caf."

The boy was being ridiculous. I shook my head at him, knowing it was a pointless argument. I walked the other way, not the type to fall into senseless bickering.

I quickly forgot the incident because gym class proceeded to out the rest of my afternoon. I hated sports. When I walked towards the bus stop after school ended, all I could think of was my bed calling out to me. I was so tired.

The bus arrived and I was about to get on when another passenger suddenly jumped on at the same time from the other side. We both got squished on the small bus door.

We looked at each other at the same time. And guess what? It was the melon bread boy.

I ignored him and successfully got on the bus first, making my way to the back since I was still six stops away. I put on my headphones and looked outside the window.

Two seconds passed before a presence occupied the seat beside mine. I didn't turn my head, but curiosity got the better of me and I looked. It was still him.

"Before you say anything, there are no other available seats, okay?" Melon bread boy said, his tone defensive. "Otherwise, I wouldn't voluntarily choose this seat beside you."

Right. Because you couldn't have chosen to stand instead if you didn't want to be seated next to me. Except I didn't say it out loud because it would only lead to another pointless argument. Instead, I put on my best nonchalant face and pointed a finger to my headphone, pretending

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Thank you to all the new subscribers for giving this story a chance! And thank you to the kind readers who stayed with me from beginning up to now ;u; Merry Christmas!


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2491 streak #1
Chapter 15: I like where the story ended up going instead with Yeona deciding to not go through with the initial plan, since it shows how sincere her feelings are for Luhan. ^^ Very adorable and I love their banter as well! x]
Chapter 15: Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot~!

I can't wait to see them trying to awkwardly hint without just blurting it out!
Chapter 15: Awww they're so cute. I love their conversations. Sehun really know how to make luhan jealous of them.
Chapter 15: And if I just lose it from the overwhelming cuteness???? AHHHHHH!! I’m so freaking in love with these characters (but then again, that’s me with all your characters) I loved that ‘my person’ part so much! It was genuinely so adorable I can’t!!!
The amount that I spaz in the comments is a bit of a problem lol!
I’m so excited for the next update ahhhhh!!!
Chapter 14: Skinny love? Kinda not really lol???

They're so cute. I want them as a couple without breaking Luhan's heart to do it.
Chapter 14: HABDJABSHAMBSNA!! Frick, my boy Luhan has got to get it togetherXD I genuinely can’t explain how much I love them! But these misunderstandings are hurting me ahhh! I almost lost it when Sehun suggested making Luhan jealous—I love where his head is! But! That ending part of the chapter hurt! ALSO HIM TALKING ABOUT HER LEANING ON HIM WAS SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! I’m looking forward to the next chapter so so much~~ this chapter was great!
2491 streak #7
Chapter 14: LOOOOL, I feel second-hand embarrassment on Luhan's behalf, especially knowing that he accidentally shot himself in the foot by telling Yeona that he doesn't like her romantically. OTL On the plus side, looks like Sehun's going to spice things up and I'm very curious to see what he has up his sleeve. :P
2491 streak #8
Chapter 13: Awww, I don't blame Yeona for fainting when she finally met Lunar Sages, because I honestly would've done the same if I were in her position and meeting my idols all of a sudden. XD