Chapter 24 (Reunited)

Her Silence is Deafening

Enjoy my lovely readers~ :D


-A week later-


“Unnie, will you calm down? She’ll be here soon okay?” Seohyun told Jessica for the fourth time that hour, the blonde had been pacing back and forth non stop for about ten minutes when Tiffany had finally had enough and stood up to calm her.


“Hey, you’ve done amazing here. The house looks lovely and the flowers are very sweet but I think Yuri is just going to be happy to be back here with you.” Tiffany rubbed her shoulders gently and pointed over to the bunch of roses that awaited Yuri for when she returns from the hospital.


“I can’t believe it’s already been a week.” Sunny muttered from the lounge. The girls had been around the house all day preparing for Yuri’s arrival and Jessica was thankful for her friends, she was appreciative of them giving up their Sunday afternoon to help. Within a couple of minutes the doorbell rung and Jessica ran opened the door and her smile faltered when she was met up with Taeyeon’s presence.


“Ouch. I was expecting some kind of hug?” Taeyeon nervously let out a small laugh. “I brought a gift for Yuri by the way. But from your expression I can tell you were expecting her. I can leave if you want.” Jessica shook her head at the idea and pulled Taeyeon for a hug. “No it’s alright I’m happy you’re here more support and definitely calm my nerves. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her you know?”


“Yo Jess who’s at the do-” Tiffany stopped as she looked at the visitor. “Oh Taeyeon, quite a surprise to see you here.” She added. Both blondes released the hug and headed to Tiffany’s direction.


“Yeah, thought to drop by to leave a gift for Yuri and see how Jessica is doing.” Jessica thought back to what Kris said the night they went to see him in prison. Taengoo, what have you not been telling me? She looked at Taeyeon sadly as she talked with the girls.


“I think they’re here.” Seohyun said as she peeped through the blinds of the window. Jessica ran to the door within seconds, “Wait aren’t you forgetting something?” Taeyeon grabbed the roses on the way and handed them to Jessica.


“Ah, right thanks Tae.” Jessica smiled slightly.

“She is actually so cute.” Tiffany whispered to Seohyun and Sunny, the three giggled quietly and watched as Jessica waited by the door. After a few minutes Jessica could hear Chae and Jiwan talking as they made their way to the front door. Moments later it opened and Jiwan was pushing Yuri through a wheelchair. Seohyun, Sunny, Tiffany and Taeyeon saw Jessica’s face light up at Yuri’s presence. It made all three of them except for Taeyeon who smiled, tear up as the brunette reached for the blonde’s hand.

“Hey Yul.” Jessica said, holding the roses in front of her. Yuri was still covered in her bandages and the nasal cannula sat below her nose providing the desperately needed oxygen, but she was still the beautiful amazing girl Jessica had fallen in love with. Her loose clothes hung from her body while the tight white dressings surrounding her cheeks, eye and wrists, at first it was difficult for the blonde to take in but ignoring her thoughts of what lay behind the shielding binds, she moved closer to her girlfriend and smiled.


“Hey Sica.” Yuri felt tears welling in her eyes, the sight of her beautiful girlfriend waiting for her to get home with roses in her hands made her feel amazing. It had been so long since she had really spent the time with Jessica. They were always busy with school and rehabilitation that quality seemed impossible but now with the brunette home they could be together.


“I got you these.” Jessica knelt down in front of Yuri as Jiwan and Chae made their way into the kitchen, motioning for the remaining girls to come with them. Seohyun, Sunny and Taeyeon followed suit as Tiffany pretended to not see the gesture. Taeyeon noticing went after Tiffany.


“Oh come on! I want to see!” Tiffany exclaimed as Taeyeon dragged her away. “Yah let me go! I want to see these two!”


“Not on my watch Tiff. Let the lovebirds have their time!” Tiffany began pulling away but Taeyeon wouldn’t let go that easily so she picked her up having Tiffany wiggle her feet up and down and hitting Taeyeon’s back.


“You’re quite strong for a shorty like you. Yah! Jessi! Tell her to let me go! Taeyeon! Please! Jessiiiiiiieee!” Taeyeon walked to the kitchen quickly as Tiffany got louder causing it to fade away from where Yuri and Jessica were.


“Welcome back Yuri! Nice to see you again!” Taeyeon shouted and closed the kitchen door. Jessica and Yuri laughed momentarily before drawing their attention back to each other.


“Taeyeon sure is something. Remind me to thank her later.” Yuri said.


“Got that right.” Jessica laughed. “I missed you.” Jessica said as she handed Yuri the roses.


“I missed you too.” She said as she brought the flowers to her nose. “These are beautiful.”

“Just like you.” Jessica said as her hand reached for Yuri’s cheek not giving the brunette anytime to react. Their lips connected in a moment of pure serenity in which Yuri’s hands slowly s around Jessica’s neck, holding her as close as she possibly could without hurting herself.

Aw! So cute!!” Tiffany came bursting back into the room and moved over to the pair, Seohyun came along with Yuri’s parents following behind while rolling their eyes in unison. Then came out Sunny holding an ice pack on Taeyeon’s forehead.


“Later I promise.” Yuri whispered before Tiffanny tugged Jessica away and into a gripping hug.


“Since when did you get so cute?” The redhead released Jessica from her hold and moved to give Yuri a significantly softer embrace.


“What are you talking about? I’ve always been adorable. Right Taeg?” Jessica’s tone was playful which made Yuri smile wide at the sight.  Taeyeon chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Yuri, you would know. You snatched the cutest girl from me Yuri. Consider yourself lucky.” Yuri laughed.


“I sure did.”  Yuri smiled at Taeyeon.


“What about me am I cute?” Tiffany chipped in.


“Hell no. After that stunt you pulled at Taeyeon I consider you as violent. Look She’s got an ugly bruise. Look at her!" Seohyun pointed at Taeyeon’s forehead.


“Serves you right! Don't mess with me!” Tiffany glared at Taeyeon.


Seriously Tiff?” Jessica walked towards Taeyeon and massaged her forehead and kissed it. Then leaned in Taeyeon’s ear. “We need to talk later Tae.” Jessica whispered. Taeyeon was puzzled for a moment but quickly hid it.


“There you go. All better.” Jessica looked towards Tiffany and glared at her once again. Taeyeon winked at Tiffany but she roilled her eyes in annoyance. Yuri all could do was laugh at the situation between Tiffany and Taeyeon. She sure pisses Tiff off.  Yuri chuckled to herself


“I’m glad to be home.” The brunette mused as Jessica pushed her into the kitchen behind everyone else.


I’m glad too.”


It had been less than an hour of socializing before Yuri began yawning, with her new medication and lack of energy she found herself become tired rapidly.


“Well I think we should head home.” Taeyeon commented after Yuri’s third yawn.


“I agree we got some studying to do.” Seohyun joined.


“Oh come on Seo.” Tiffany whined as the brunette pulled her from the kitchen bench.

“Yes, come on.” Sunny helped Seohyun with Tiffany and managed to get her in the car after five long minutes of complaining.


“I wish I could put up with that.” Taeyeon commented.


“Ugh. It’s like I’m taking care of a baby but an older version.” Sunny added.


“I heard that!” Tiffany popped her head from the car window back seat.


“Shut up Tiff!” Sunny yelled.


“Well it was nice talking to you all again. Especially you redhead!” Taeyeon shouted. Tiffany managed to flip her finger at Taeyeon before Seohyun had rolled up the window.


“Excuse her rude behaviour Taeyeon unnie!” Seohyun said. Taeyeon chuckled softly.


“It’s fine. See you guys next time.” Taeyeon walked over to where she left her gift for Yuri and handed it to Yuri. “Here I came to bring this to you. Hope you like it. I had Jessica tell me more about you and was able to figure out the right charm for you after we left from the hospital.” Yuri took the small box and looked briefly at it. As she opened the small box she was met with a swimming charm bracelet. Yuri looked up at Taeyeon with a wide smile plastered on her face.


“Thanks Taeyeon it looks beautiful.” She put it on and admired it for a bit.


“Glad you liked it.” Taeyeon looked over at Chae and Jiwan. “Thanks for having us here. I had a great time.” She bowed to them and gave Jessica a hug.

“Take care Tae.” Jessica smiled softly.


“You have some really amazing friends.” Chae said as they waved at the four girls a final goodbye. Yuri and Jessica nodded in agreement as two cars disappeared.


Sure seems like it Jessica thought.


“Alright, I think it’s time you had some rest.” Jiwan grabbed the handles of Yuri’s chair and guided her inside, stopping at the stairs and knelt down to his daughter and grabbed the oxygen tank that had been lying innocently next to her.


“Hold this for me?” He smiled gently before handing her the tank carefully. Jiwan gently let his hands move around Yuri’s legs and back and swiftly lifted her from the chair, making his way upstairs as he carried Yuri up to her room and placing her softly on the bed.

“You want to take it from here?” Ji wan asked when he turned to find Jessica standing in the doorway, she smiled and nodded shyly. Of course she wanted to take over but seeing the way Jiwan was with Yuri melted her heart and she felt bad for interrupting.


“Is that okay?”

“Of course, I would kind of like to spend some time with Chae anyway. It feels like it’s been a very long time since I’ve actually been with her.” Jiwan’s hand went to Jessica’s shoulder in a moment of connection before he left the room, closing the door behind him.


“I’ve missed this bed.” Yuri whispered as she attempted to guide her legs underneath the blanket.


“Here.” Jessica walked over to the struggling brunette and helped assist in the moving of her legs and after a few minutes of maneuvering she felt Yuri’s hands grip around her wrist, pulling her on top.


“I believe we were in the middle of something.” Her voice was seductive but innocent. Jessica would have thought it to be an odd combination if she hadn’t been missing the brunette so much.


“I don’t want to hurt you.” She lifted her body from Yuri’s trying to relieve any pressure she may have been bestowing upon the brunette but she was merely pulled back down again.


“I need to feel you against me, Sica.” Her voice was soft and though her words would have seemed suggestive to others Jessica knew it was definitely pure innocence that Yuri was radiating.


“Yul…” But she was interrupted with Yuri’s lips linking with her own in a fire of sweet desperation. Jessica could feel herself letting go as Yuri’s hands were beginning to trail against her waist and up her back, her hands acting as fast as a stream, washing away all of Jessica’s worries in a mist of tranquility. The sensation felt so nice she could feel her urgency for Yuri rise in the pit of her stomach but before she could continue the brunette broke away when breathing became an issue.


“Sorry. I can’t breathe.” She laughed shyly as her un-bandages eye strayed away from the worried blonde above her.


“It’s okay, take your time.” Jessica slowly lifted her body from Yuri’s in an attempt to open her airways, she knew she was definitely a restriction. Watching Yuri she could sense the brunette was troubled and she could tell she was struggling with adjusting to her lack of movement from her legs, it was difficult to witness but Jessica told herself continuously to remain strong.

After Yuri managed to regain a consistent heart rate she took Jessica’s hand in her own and moved it to her neck the soft touch of the blonde’s hands felt soothing against the cut that Donghae had left. Jessica sensed Yuri’s pleasure of her touch and it made her smile, it was important to her that after everything she felt pleasure.


“I’m sorry.” Yuri murmured into Jessica’s hand after she pulled it to her lips, kissing it gently. The soft skin of Jessica’s hand provided Yuri the illusion of comfort. She was slightly disappointed when her jaw began to hurt from her smiling.


“Don’t be sorry Yul.” Jessica gently ed and pulled the sleeve of Yuri’s loose flannelette shirt down her shoulder and placed small kisses along her exposed skin that wasn’t covered with bandages. Until this point Jessica realized how badly Yuri was injured the more her body was exposed. Yuri observed as Jessica’s lips travelled curiously and carefully across her body and it seemed that all the damage that was upon her body surprised her.


“Sica, I wouldn’t.” Yuri stopped the blonde’s hands from pulling further at her shirt. If she was bothered by a few bandages on her arms Jessica wasn’t going to handle her chest.


“I want to.” By the tone of her girlfriend’s voice Yuri understood that Jessica would be getting her way, one way or the other, so she removed her hand and let her continue. When she had made it to the final button Yuri took in a deep breath and waited for Jessica to reveal her wounded body. Several deep scars held together by stitches sat on Yuri’s chest, what was once smooth skin was now replaced with bruises and cuts of all different degrees. At first Jessica didn’t react, she merely took in each new scars and then the old ones. Yuri’s body displayed each painful memory she had ever had the misfortune of experiencing, several horrible details invaded her body and would remain there forever because of what she had endured. Jessica remained silent as her hands moved the rest of Yuri’s shirt revealing the large bandage that she knew covered her stab wound.


“Does it hurt?” Jessica finally spoke after several silent minutes. Yuri nodded and sighed, causing pain shoot through her.


“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”


“You were very tired not too long ago.” The blonde pointed out.


“I still am but I haven’t been alone with you in a long time and I want to enjoy it.” Yuri let her hands Jessica’s cheek as the blonde’s own hands began gliding across her chest.


“I really have missed you, Yul.” Yuri watched Jessica speak and it was becoming clear that she had never been like this with someone, what was once the strong and dominating Jessica was now the sweet and caring blonde who let her vulnerability display to the ones she loved.

“I know. I missed you too.” Yuri moved up to connect her lips with Jessica and she wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her close.


“You should sleep.” Jessica murmured through the deep kisses.


Mhmm.Yuri mumbled and continued to kiss the blonde, showing no intention of breaking from the embrace. Jessica felt the brunette’s hands slowly move to the hem of her shirt, lifting it slightly to touch the soft surface of her waist. She could feel her hair rise up on end as Yuri’s hands roamed underneath the fabric and towards her chest.


After several minutes of lingering around the padded material of Jessica’s bra Yuri attempted to reach her hands around the blonde’s back in an effort to take the offending item of. Jessica noticed her struggle and moved to help, unclipping the bra she moved the straps of her shoulder and out from underneath her shirt.


“Sorry.” Yuri apologized shyly at her struggle.


“Don’t.” Jessica took Yuri’s hands, guiding them underneath her shirt to her waist. “Please keep going.”


Yuri’s hands caressed the skin of Yuri’s waist as they drew into a kiss. They continued to kiss for a long time but Jessica was too scared to lay her hands upon Yuri, which was beginning to bother her, she wanted to touch her but was afraid she would cause pain. Jessica felt Yuri’s hands move away from her stomach and to her own hands, pulling them towards her body. Connecting the surface of Yuri’s bandaged lower abdomen Jessica tried to pull away only to be held in place by the brunette.


“I need this too Sica.” Yuri guided Jessica’s hands to her chest where the thin fabric of her thin crop top sat, hiding some of the scars she knew were there.


“Okay.” Jessica nodded and began the long task of helping Yuri out of her shirt and crop top and when they were disregarded to the side the brunette sighed in relief. The lack of clothing actually felt relaxing and soothing. Jessica could sense this. Letting her fingers delicately dance across Yuri’s chest Jessica watched as she reacted to each individual movement and even though the brunette’s lips let a small moan escape she resisted the urge to allow her lips moving from anywhere but Yuri’s lips.


She knew that this whole experience was different. It was innocent. It was new for both of them and it was something Jessica was still struggling to understand, she wasn’t sure about what the limits were or when was it considered crossing the line. Her thoughts were ual and she was struggling to control them, especially when Yuri moaned. To keep her thoughts at bay Jessica lifted her shirt above her head and watched as the brunette’s eyes widen, giving her the upper hand just the way she used to like it. With time Jessica had noticed how much she had grown and changed how she was always equal with Yuri, there was no dominance it was just them together. Yuri’s hands shook with nervousness, it felt like it had been months instead of weeks since she had touched Jessica and the pressure was beginning to get to her. She felt there was no way to truly thank the blonde for everything she had gone through, like there was no way she could really show how much she loved her.


As they kissed, Yuri led her hands up and down Jessica’s body causing shivers to run through the blonde’s spine. Jessica felt as if little butterflies were touching the tips of her nerves while filling her stomach with fireworks. It gave her the confidence to continue touching Yuri and with caution she slowly placed her hand on the surface of the brunette’s waist while slowly moving up her body to her stab wound. She felt her thumb move against the oddly harsh fabric of Yuri’s bandage occasionally letting her skin fall from it to her tanned skin instead.


“Thank you.” Yuri whispered gently as her own hands began their path towards Jessica’s s. Though her hands were weak she mastered up the energy to softly trail her own fingers against the blonde’s skin, admiring the feeling it produced. Jessica’s lips couldn’t hold the moan she had been suppressing for so long and Yuri found it oddly comforting to hear.


“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Jessica said as she leant against the already panting brunette, it seems oxygen would be a problem for a long time to come which made Jessica angry, she had forgotten about the damage Yuri had sustained, a punctured lung would be something that wouldn’t heal. It was something that Yuri was stuck with and even now looking at her Jessica couldn’t help but stare at the large surgical scar the brunette from the doctors trying to save her broken lung. It was slightly scary to see something so large on someone who seemed small. Yuri may be a strong person but Jessica felt that with one touch the brunette would crumble into a million pieces. That’s what scared her most.

Breaking Yuri, or losing her.


“Hey what’s wrong?” Jessica hadn’t noticed in her time observing the brunette that tears began falling from her eyes.


“Nothing, nothing I’m sorry.” Jessica quickly wiped away the stray tear and smiled.


“Tell me.” Yuri lifted her hand to Jessica’s cheek, caressing it gently.


“I just can’t lose you Yul. I’m nothing without you.” Jessica took several minutes to answer, she felt if she told the truth it would mean she wasn’t being strong for Yuri and that was almost as if it was failure.


“You won’t lose me, I’m not going anywhere.”


“Look at you. You’re so broken, so damaged and you’re still the stronger one. I wanted to be the stronger one for you Yuri but I can’t. I just can’t.”

“You don’t need to be stronger for me Sicababy. You need to be stronger for yourself.” Yuri pulled Jessica towards her, letting their foreheads rest against each other before a tender kiss. Yuri yawned lightly as Jessica put her shirt back on. After a few minutes of helping the brunette into her own shirt Jessica placed herself next to Yuri and let her lie against her chest.


It was a sign of affection that both Yuri and Jessica needed, within minutes the brunette’s eyes were shut in deep slumber. Jessica chuckled softly before placing a small kiss against her forehead.

“I love you, Yuri.”


What did y'all think is next? ;)

sorry for the lack of yulsic but story gotta progress haha

hope this chap helped? (they'll be more hehe)

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)