Chapter 17 1/2 (Rival)

Her Silence is Deafening

Jessica felt the icy morning breeze hit her already cold skin as she got out of her car at the lookout on the outskirts of Lakewood. It was still so early that the morning mist glided over the small town and made it almost impossible to see. Jessica wrapped her hands around herself and shut her car door. At first she momentarily thought of waiting inside the warm vehicle but decided against it. The blonde wanted to be aware of her surroundings and she would be able to hear everything from where she was. After ten minutes of waiting Jessica felt like it had been hours, pulling out her phone she began to think Donghae was messing with her, but as she entered the last number to her lock pin a message appeared.


Nothing is ever as it seems Jessica. However I’m glad no one followed you. Now head down the old path.


Jessica looked around. There was no sign of anyone but without a second though she headed for the old path that lead to an old section of the lookout that was closed years ago due to structure problems. She was going to find Yuri, no matter what it would take.




Yuri felt the fresh sting of water hit her face causing her to cough and splutter her way out of slumber. Her hands were still tied up but the brunette found it pointless. She was in too much pain to be escaping. The blood that had been dripping from her arms and stomach had dried and began cracking from the cold.


“Good morning Kwon. Sleep well?” Donghae said as he held the camera in his hands, the red light was flashing and it was pointing on her.


“I don’t remember.” Yuri’s tone was sarcastic but her words were broken, even with several hours of sleep it was obvious the brunette was becoming exhausted and weak.


“Don’t be like that. Now I have a little surprise for you today.” Yuri’s eyes had been opening and closing repeatedly from fatigue but when Donghae spoke of surprises she lifted her eyebrows curiously.


“I thought that would catch your attention. You see Kwon, since you won’t say what I want and you’re a lot stronger than I thought, I decided to get someone who would help you. Shall we draw our attention to the door?” Donghae moved away from Yuri and headed to the closed door, placing his hand on the handle the camera and Yuri’s eyes followed each movement. The brunette’s heart increased in anticipation as she waited for Donghae to open the door. Yuri heard the small click of the door being open. Her vision was blurry and she was struggling to really focus on anything that wasn’t directly in front of her.


“Come through.” Donghae commanded to the person on the other side. Yuri forced herself to focus on the door as a shadow slowly appeared.


“Yuri-ah!” A familiar voice cheered. Yuri’s spirits lifted at the sound of Jessica Jung’s voice. Jessica stood in the doorway, when she realized Hae had actually brought her to Yuri’s location, the only thing she could think of was running to the brunette’s side. Within seconds Yuri could feel Jessica’s cold hands on her cheeks, at first there was a sharp pain from the contact but it was soon a comforting touch.


“Sica?” At first Yuri was sure she was dreaming. “Is this what heaven is like?” When the brunette thought harder on the fact she was sure she had died from the amount of blood she had lost.


“No sweetie.” Jessica chuckled and cried at the same time at Yuri’s sweet remark. The brunette was in obvious pain, the cuts and bruises on her body were significantly worse in person. “This is real.”


*Scoffs* “What a sweet display of affection. Wouldn’t you agree Lakewood community?” Donghae had been standing in the background with the camera on the pair. Jessica and Yuri turned their heads waiting for something more from the boy. He stood in front of them with camera smiling triumphantly.


“Your quarrel is with me. Let Yuri go.” Jessica stood and directed her words towards Donghae. She just wanted Yuri to be safe. Donghae looked down at Jessica and moved the camera onto the small desk, leaving it recording on Yuri. However the brunette was almost unconscious from exhaustion again. Jessica followed Donghae’s eyes and moved back down to hold the brunette’s cheeks.


“Yul you stay awake, okay?” Yuri could only faint a small nod, knowing she won’t be able to hold on forever. Her eyes had a mind of their own and they were closing every second they could.


“You two wait right here.” Donghae said with a sarcastic tone as he left the room and closed the door behind him.


“S-sica….what…. a-are you…. doing h-here?...” Yuri breathed and swallowed through every few words, it was a struggle to even open , let alone form a sentence.


“I couldn’t stand it Yuri. I couldn’t wait anymore.” Jessica knelt in front of Yuri. The brunette’s cheek and eyebrow was that severely bruised and cut that it had almost closed over her whole eye. Jessica felt tears well in her eyes as she took in Yuri’s injuries. Her shirt was torn and a deep new wound sat on her stomach, the blood had stopped but it was lingering in the gash and Jessica was sire it would cause an infection if it didn’t get cleaned soon. The blonde’s attention was then brought to Yuri’s arms, two deep and very long abrasions sat on both arms. Jessica looked upon the cuts closely and it would seem that someone had tried to stop the bleeding at one point. Obviously Donghae didn’t want Yuri to die.


“Y-you’ve….got to….get out...of ..h-here Sica…” Yuri’s struggled whisper came out as Jessica continued to observe the new injuries on her.


“I’m not leaving you.” Jessica’s words were strong and Yuri knew she was not going to win over her. Jessica had her mind set and that was how it was staying, not that Hae would let Jessica leave anyways. “You’re freezing Yul..” Jessica began to whisper too but wasn’t sure why, she was sure He had eyes and ears on them. Taking off her jacket Jessica placed it over Yuri’s cold chest and after a few short moments the brunette’s small shivering subsided.


“We’re going to get out of here Yul.” Jessica was making a promise she was hoping she could keep it. The blonde had no idea where she was but when she had made it to the old lookout path Hae met up with her and covered her eyes so she had no idea where she was going. However Jessica knew it couldn’t have been far from the lookout Hae guided her whole they walked.


“Do….you know where...we are?” Yuri’s arms struggled in her hold, she instinctively wanted to touch Jessica but she had forgotten she was tied. The blonde’s eyes moved to Yuri’s hands and went to undo the rope.


“You don’t know?” Jessica was mildly surprised. She figured that Yuri would’ve known because Minho must’ve driven her here.


“No... Minho knocked me out... when I got in the car...I have no clue.” Jessica spent several minutes attempting to untie the knot, when she finally managed to free Yuri her arms limply fell to her sides. As time passed Yuri mustered all her strength to lift her hands to Jessica’s cheeks, holding them tenderly.


“I missed you…” Yuri croaked. Jessica moved into Yuri’s hold and placed her hand over the brunette’s, her hands were still icy cold which reminded Jessica where they both were.


“I missed you too.” Jessica whispered before looking over to the camera that sat on the table innocently. But Jessica knew that everyone was watching and Hae was sitting in that room behind his laptop screen smiling to himself.

Asswhole she thought.

Slowly Jessica stood and walked over to the camera, Yuri watched the blonde curiously.


“What’re you doing?” Yuri asked.


“I’m finishing this.” Jessica picked up the camera wut it still facing her and looked straight through the lens. “Goodbye.” Jessica turned the camera and threw it against the wall hard. Hearing a loud crash, the camera fell to the ground in pieces and Jessica turned to Yuri kneeling in front of her again.


“You’re not a show for anyone anymore.” Jessica’s hand went to Yuri’s cheek holding it kindly. The blonde slowly moved into Yuri, as she parted her lips to kiss her gently. Suddenly her hair was grabbed and pulled back.


“That was a very nice camera Jessica, it was a present from my parents.” Donghae yelled as he pushed Jessica to the ground and held her arms above her head.


“Well don’t you think they’ll be ashamed of the way it’s been used?” Jessica spat back. Hae may have been stronger than her but at least he was away from Yuri now.


“I wouldn’t be so confident, you have no one to rescue you this time.” Both Donghae and Jessica looked over to Yuri, the brunette was still awake but barely.


“Leave…. her.. a...lone... Hae.” Yuri murmured softly, her voice was broken and tired.


“Or what Kwon?” Hae reached for his gun and pressed it against Jessica’s the blonde instinctively shut her eyes as fear spread through her. Yuri’s eyes widened at the scene


“Don’t!” Yuri managed to yell, the adrenaline rushed through her as she watched Hae unclip the safety on his gun.





















Heyyyyyyyyy y'allllllllllll been over two months!!! We know we know. Been long! Been busy!!! But hey! Here's an update! Hope y'all like it!  Drop down some comments! Think Jessica is fine?

Anticipate the next update.....real soon. ;)


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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)