Chapter 14 (He Deserved It)

Her Silence is Deafening


Chae sat in her lounge room curled up next to the half asleep Ji Wan waiting for the last of her television show to finish. It was just after eleven when she finally decided to wake her husband up and head to bed.


“Jessica seems nice.” Ji Wan said randomly as he turned the last night off in the kitchen before he and Chae began their quiet ascent of the stairs. Chae had been wondering when Jessica would come up in conversation, she knew that Ji Wan was skeptical of the Jung child but she was glad he wasn’t overly bothered. This may have been because his mind was vacated with thoughts of Jessica’s “not boyfriend” Lee Donghae. Even Chae could tell by looking at him that he was trouble and she always believed in looking at the best of people.


“She is. Yuri is happier with her around.” Ji Wan nodded as he headed to the last room in the hallway. He was pretty determined to get some sleep since he had work the next day. He looked back curiously when Chae had stopped outside Yuri’s closed door. She was probably doing her usual check up on Yuri. His wife would check up on their daughter before going to sleep.


“You coming?” He whispered as he watched Chae observe the door as if it would reveal some secret answer to a question she was asking.


“Give me a sec.” Chae replied. Ji Wan was too tired to bother questioning further and headed to his room. Chae gently placed her hand in the doorknob and quietly opened the door. Neither Yuri or Jessica had emerged from the room since they entered it. Usually it wouldn’t have caught Chae’s attention but she was curious. Were Jessica and her daughter having a best friend's slumber party and talking about boys all night or were they watching movies? She didn’t know but she wanted to know. As Chae slipped her head through the crack in the door she was surprised to be greeted with darkness. Yuri hadn’t slept in full darkness in months. The only light that illuminated the room was the moonlight shining through the window.


Looking over towards the bed she found the two girls under the covers and fast asleep. Yuri’s arm securely protecting Jessica as the blonde snuggled against her daughter’s chest. It was a cute sight.


Chae wasn't sure but from where she was standing she thought Jessica was shirtless. Astonishing Chae found she wasn’t overly concerned. In fact she was happy Yuri had found someone she could trust and confide in. smiling to herself she quietly shut the door and headed to her room for needed rest.


Yuri watched Jessica’s chest rise up and down as the blonde slept soundlessly. Looking upon Jessica, Yuri couldn't see anything else but human perfection. Jessica was perfect in an imperfect way, the brunette cared for her in a way where even Jessica’s flaws was just something else to love. Drawing her eyes away from the snoozing Jessica, Yuri realized it was the early hours of the morning. Still too early that she couldn't get up and occupy herself while she waited for Jessica to awake but not too early for the sun to slowly appear in the far distance. Sighing to herself, Yuri briefly thought of having a shower but she didn’t want to disturb how content the blonde was lying next to her.


As the brunette lay in silence she was dreading the fact that she would have to go to school today. She didn’t know if Hae was going to be there and she didn’t know of he was going to try and talk to her. Yuri just didn’t know what to think of Hae. How could he possibly know after all this time? In fact he did know, surely he would’ve said something a long time ago? Yuri began to think Hae knew more than he was letting on. What worried her was that he had the power to tell Jessica’s dad, really, what was stopping him? Yuri was a little curious as to why he hadn’t already. Which lead to having a bad feeling it was going to end badly.


“I can hear you over-thinking from here.” Yuri jumped at Jessica’s voice. She was of course aware that the blonde was there but it startled Yuri that Jessica was up. Yuri looked down at Jessica, her eyes still shut, it made her think momentarily that she was hearing things but when Jessica moved her head up to kiss the brunette lightly on the lips Yuri had forgotten what she was even thinking about.


“Good morning.” Yuri finally spoke after several seconds of silence.


“What are you doing up so early Yul?” Jessica rubbed her eyes and sat up from Yuri’s chest, the brunette instantly missed the touch.


“I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about what Hae said.” Yuri knew she shouldn’t worry about such things but she couldn’t help it. Lying there with a Jessica however made it somewhat harder to focus. Yuri’s eyes fell upon Jessica’s smooth skin. Her shoulders bare and her neck practically begging Yuri to kiss it.


“How’d you sleep over all?” Jessica asked as she moved into Yuri’s torso, attempting to comfort the brunette.


“Pretty well actually. For the first time in the long time. I didn’t hear mom come in and check on me-” Yuri paused as she looked down at a rather confused Jessica.


“What?” Jessica looked at Yuri with curious eyes and wondered where the brunette’s thoughts were going.


“My mom usually comes in just before she goes to sleep. To make sure i’m fine…” Yuri sat up from her resting position and leant against the frame of the bed, thinking that her mother may have actually seen the pair together asleep while the blonde was was slightly terrifying.


“How’d you know when she comes in?” Jessica asked as she brought the blankets with her while joining Yuri against the bed frame.


“I’m usually awake but i pretend to be asleep so she doesn’t worry.” Yuri let her arm wrap around the blonde and bring her into a warm embrace as they watched the sun peet further from the hills.


“You seemed to sleep well last night.” Jessica murmured as her hands moved across the skin of Yuri’s arm.


“Thanks to you.” The brunette said laying a kiss upon Jessica’s head affectionately, the blonde smiled at the gesture and rested her head further into Yuri.


“Last night was perfect Yul.” Jessica kissed lightly at the top of Yuri’s collar bone and made a small trail towards her neck. The gesture was purely innocent, though Jessica would’ve loved to have gone further, she was merely displaying a sign of comfort with the brunette. “Thank you for making it special.”


“You deserve it Jess, you don’t have to thank me.” Jessica smiled at Yuri’s sweet words. She wasn’t used to such kindness in her life. Someone always wanted something from her but Yuri didn’t, she was perfect and Jessica considered herself incredibly lucky.


“As much as I don’t want you too, you might want to put a shirt on. Mom will come in and wake us up soon.” Yuri leaned in to kiss Jessica quickly before getting out of bed and handing the blonde her disregarded clothes that lay on the floor from the night before. Jessica smiled softly and let the sheets from her body so she was able to dress herself. Yuri couldn't help but watch as the blonde fluently and effortlessly dress herself. At first Jessica didn’t notice Yuri’s wandering eye but when the blonde finally pulled her shirt over her head she was met with the brunette's gaze. She found herself smiling.


“Come here.” Jessica said providing Yuri her hand and then pulling her hand then pulling the brunette towards her and onto bed. Kissing Yuri passionately Jessica rolled the pair around and straddled the brunette comfortably. Yuri’s hand instinctively moved to Jessica’s waist and was disappointed when she realized the blonde had already put her pants back on. Yuri was too focused on the blonde changing rather than what she was actually changing into. Slowly Jessica began moving in for a kiss when a knock at Yuri’s door interrupted them. Swiftly Jessica lay back on the bed in just enough time before Chae entered the room.


“Morning mom.” Yuri half stuttered while sitting up to lean against the bed frame once again. Chae paused briefly before smiling at her daughter and entering the room. Her eyes moved over to Jessica who still seemed to be asleep. Leaning against the bed. Yuri followed her mom’s gaze down to Jessica. The blonde was lying down and facing the other way. From Yuri’s angle it seemed Jessica was fake sleeping and it made her chuckle.


“Morning sweetheart, you should get up soon.” Chae looked over at Jessica again before smiling at Yuri. She could have sworn Jessica was not wearing a shirt when she looked in on the pair last night but Chae was beginning to think she was imagining things.


“Yeah, um I’ll wake Jess up and we’ll head downstairs in a bit.” Chae nodded and without another word she left Yuri’s room and shut the door behind her. Yuri looked over at Jessica who was still pretending to be asleep and it caused her to smile devilishly. Quickly Yuri rolled over onto the blonde and held her in place with the brunette’s hands on either side of Jessica's head, the blonde looked up at Yuri with a surprised expression but it was soon replaced with her trade mark smile that Yuri had come to love.


“You’d better wake up.” Yuri said as she kissed down Jessica’s neck. The blonde’s hands instinctively went into Yuri’s hair and held her tightly.


“I could stay like this forever.” Jessica murmured while pulling Yuri into a deep kiss. For several moments the fight for dominance occurred before Yuri finally gave in and let Jessica control the kiss. Their tongues moving with each other as Yuri let her nads explore Jessica’s body and as badly as she wanted to continue this endeavour she knew her mother would come back upstairs to check on them if they weren’t down for breakfast soon.


“We should get up.” Yuri muttered through the kissing. When Jessica only responded with further kissing Yuri had to force herself to lift herself up from the blonde and then get out of bed. It seemed significantly harder getting out of bed when Jessica was in it. The blonde groaned at Yuri’s leaving and rolled over, covering herself with the sheets.


“Come on. I’ll make you a coffee.”


On the way to school Yuri drove in silence while she listened to Jessica sing along to the stereo, the brunette always found Jessica’s voice soothing and she could listen for hours.


“You’re so cute.” Yuri said as she cruised along the main street of Lakewood. Jessica blushed softly and her hand went to Yuri’s that lay effortlessly on her leg, the brunette had been using one hand to drive the whole time anyway. Intertwining their fingers Yuri brought Jessica’s hands to her lips and kissed it softly.


“What do you want to do about telling people?” Jessica broke the silence when Yuri pulled down the road from the school. Turning off the engine Yuri looked down at their combined hands.


“What do you want?” Yuri wasn’t bothered about her school knowing about their relationship. She did however know that word travelled fast in Lakewood. Jessica seemed to be thinking, her eyes stuck also on their hands.


“I do like holding your hands like this.” Jessica smiled and squeezed Yuri’s hand softly. Moments later there was a knock on Yuri’s window causing both girls to jump and detach their hands. Tiffany was standing on the other side smiling and waving at them, giving them a playful wink before opening Yuri’s door.


“You two are just so adorable!”  Tiff squealed while grabbing Yuri’s hand and pulling her out of the car. Jessica rolled her eyes and go tout. Grabbing both her and Yuri’s bag since the brunette had no time to grab it herself before being pulled into a hug by Tiff.


“Tiff calm down. I think you’re more excited than the two of them combined.” Sunny commented as she walked over to the group, Seohyun close behind.


“I’m sorry! I’m just so happy for you guys.” Tiff squealed again as she finally let go of Yuri. Jessica smiled softly and rolled her eyes again at the redhead. She was very adorable when it came to people and relationships.


Out of nowhere Donghae appeared and joined the group, both Yuri and Jessica became uncomfortable, neither girl could understand his obsession.


“Why are you happy for them?” Hae asked while squeezing himself between Seohyun and Tiffany. There was an awkward silence in which all eyes fell on Jessica and Yuri. Hae’s stare bore into Yuri, daring her to look back but instead her eyes focused on the ground where an ant wondered obliviously to the situation above.


“Nothing Donghae. Please go away, how many times do I have to tell you?” Jessica broke the silence and spoke with confidence. She was becoming rather annoyed of Hae and his fixation with her and Yuri. surely he had something better to do.


“Actually Jess I need to talk to you for one second. Would you mind?” Hae gestured away from the group and waited for Jessica’s response, at first Jessica merely stood there, feeling the stare of everyone there, but she was growing frustrated with Hae and finally nodded.


Jessica gave Yuri her bag and a comforting smile before leaving the group and walking a couple paces away so that Yuri wasn’t far but still out of earshot.


“What do you want this time Hae?” Jessica said while turning on her feet and crossing her arms in unison.


“I just wanted to say congratulations. A girlfriend, huh? Does daddy know? I bet he’d be super impressed, especially with your choice of partner.” Hae watched Jessica’s reaction, he could see fear bubble up inside her, he liked that he was controlling her so well. Jessica could feel a small lump develop in but she hid her struggle and attempted to seem unphased by Hae and his words.


“You don’t know anything Hae.” Any attempt Jessica made of sounding confident was foiled. She was too focused on Yuri in the background, watching the pair the brunette could tell what the topic was about.


“Oh but i do and I don't think your father would be impressed with you even knowing Yuri. Letting alone ing her. You must really want to piss him off.” All four girls that were observing the conflict could hear Donghae. Seohyun, Sunny, and Tiffany looked at each other before looking over at Yuri curiously, wondering why Jessica’s dad would have to do with anything yet again have a problem with Yuri. Yuri however was watching Jessica, she was getting angry and the brunette could tell she wasn’t going to hold it in forever.


“Got nothing to say Jessica? Nothing to say about the fact that your girlfriend is the reason to why your brother is in jail?” Hae had a patronizing tone, he was trying to get underneath Jessica’s skin and Yuri could tell it was working.


“How do you know about Kris?” Jessica stuttered, she was losing all her confidence and Hae could sense it.


“I know more about Kris than you think. Maybe you should check and make sure your girlfriend isn’t a dirty and a liar next time before going against your family.” Donghae’s words pierced both Yuri and Jessica’s skin. The taller boy momentarily looked at Yuri while he spoke before drawing his attention back to Jessica. The blonde was mad and she felt her hand drop her bag. Yuri knew within seconds Jessica was ready to jump at Hae. Quickly reaching her side, Yuri held the blonde’s arm tightly and stopped her from moving any further.


“You’re just jealous Donghae! You’re just jealous Yuri got me and you didn’t!” Jessica was almost screaming at him and a large group of people began gathering around them to watch. Yuri was holding Jessica tightly, though the blonde was putting up a fight she was trying very hard to escape Yuri’s hold and hurt Hae.


“Sica it’s okay. Let it go. He’s not worth it.” Yuri tried to calm the blonde down but it was proving to be difficult. Jessica to say the least was very mad. Seohyun, Tiffany and Sunny joined the pair and stood in front of Donghae defensively.


“Yeah listen to your of a girlfriend.” Hae almost spat the words towards Yuri and everyone began whispering in the crowd. The brunette herself was beginning to feel angry but with her friends in the way she felt secure. Jessica stopped and straightened herself up. She moved towards Hae and stood between her friends. Moving closer to Hae she struck her hand across his cheek. It angered her to the core how he was talking about Yuri. to her he was lucky he only got one slap.


“Jessica Jung!” A voice came through the crows that began separating at the teacher’s presence. Yuri’s biology teacher that she could never remember the name walked towards th egroup. Jessica kicked herself a being caught. She knew she would get in trouble and Donghae would get away with everything like he always did. It was his special talent.


“Come with me to the principal’s office. The rest of you get to class. NOW!”


Jessica picked up her bag and looked at her friends. They all had unimpressed looks on their face and she could tell they were angry at Hae. Yuri looked at Jessica and went to hold her but the teacher called for the blonde a second time. Quickly catching up Jessica was soon out of sight and her friends were left with a smug Donghae.


“Donghae I’m serious. Leave us alone.” Yuri said turning to him. His eyebrow raised and he crossed his arms, showing Yuri little interest.


“Or what? You’ll get me thrown to jail too?” Hae had an accomplished look on his face. The girls were standing by Yuri looking towards her with confusion and curiosity.


“If you knew Kris so well then you’d know he got busted for robbing a bank. It was nothing to do with me. Now leave us alone.” Yuri didn’t give him another second to speak. She turned and grabbed Tiffany’s arm pulling her away from him. Seohyun and Sunny both gave Hae resentful looked and followed,


“What was he going on about Yuri?” Tiff asked as she looked back at Hae who still had a pleased look on his face.


“I have no idea.” Yuri lied and headed inside the school building and went looking for the principal office. The brunette insisted the others to head to their classes and she would see them at lunch. As Yuri made her way down the halls she could hear footsteps behind her. At first she figured it was just someone late for class, but when the footsteps grew closer she moved her hand instinctively to her jacket pocket. In this morning’s haste of getting ready for school Yuri had forgotten to pack it and instantly regretted it. Turning around Yuri was expecting Hae to be standing behind her but instead was met with the much taller Minho. Though Yuri wasn’t a fan of Minho she felt herself instantly relax, she felt he wasn’t a threat.


“Hello Yuri. I’ll walk you to class, since we do have English together.” Minho’s offer was slightly odd but she shook her head and looked down the hall where the principal’s office wasn’t far off.


“That’s okay Minho I have to go the principal’s. I’ll be in class shortly.” Yuri couldn’t really understand why they were being so polite to each other. In fact she couldn’t stand Minho but he was significantly better than Donghae.


“I’ll walk you there then.” Minho began heading down the hallway and then paused waiting for Yuri to follow, the brunette was slightly curious to Minho’s change in behaviour towards her. Decided it was only a short walk Yuri followed MInho and moved slightly down the hallway. Suddenly Minho’s hand was on Yuri’s arm and was pulling her into the janitor’s closet. His hand against silencing any chance of the brunette calling for help.


“Shut up.” Minho whispered as he held Yuri’s wrists tightly. Her heart rate was escalating and she could feel the panic race through her bones. She couldn’t go through this pain. “I’m not going to hurt you. That’s not my job. Just be quiet and do what I say.” Minho hel something to Yuri’s throat. She didn’t want to push her luck and decided to give him what he wanted. The brunette nodded softly and felt a tear fall from her eye, she was terrified.




Jessica walked to lunch in a terrible mood. Though she was lucky and was let off with a warning due to having a clean record at school, but still felt frustrated. She shouldn’t have let Hae get under her skin but he infuriated her greatly but Jessica knew she would feel better as soon as saw Yuri.


“Hey did you get in much trouble?” Tiffany asked as Jessica sat down with a well needed coffee.


“I got a warning. Apparently Hae has caused trouble before so I don’t get punishment as such but if it happens again I will.” Jessica pulled her phone out of her bag hoping for a message from Yuri but to her surprise there wasn’t. Seohyun, sunny and Tiff looked at Jessica awkwardly.


“What?” Jessica asked curiously.


“That slap was slightly horrifying.” Seohyun mumbled through sipping her coffee. Sunny looked away and Tiffany took a loud bite from a carrot stick.


“It wasn’t that bad.” Jessica said while blushing.


“It sounded like a whip cracking.” Seohyun continued, both Sunny and Tiffany laughed.


“Very funny. Beside he deserved it. Freaking jerk. By the way, have you guys seen Yul?” Jessica looked around the court yard in hopes Yuri would appear any moment but the brunette was nowhere to be seen.


“No. Not since she went to the principal’s office to find you.” Tiffany said through a bite of another carrot stick. Jessica raised her eyebrows at Tiffany’s statement but also at her lack of manners.


“What? It’s not like I spit on you.” Tiffany said. “Anyways, why do you ask?”


“I didn’t see her at the principal’s office.” Jessica looked down at her phone again deciding she would call Yuri. The phone went straight to voicemail and Jessica began to worry. If Yuri had decided to go home she would have let Jessica know what she’s up to.

“Relax Jess. I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.” Sunny moved closer to Jessica and placed a comforting hand on the blonde’s shoulder. Jessica looked at her phone screen with a picture of her and Yuri. It made her miss the brunette more. The girls moved into conversation but Jessica didn’t follow. Her thoughts were on a certain tanned girl.



Hey readers! Just a heads up, its just the beginnig, things will get more intense. Also I forgot to let y'all know that yes there's profanity. Once again "heads up" ;)

Y'all are awesome!

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)